5,119 research outputs found

    P.-P. Prud'hon

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    Is current irrigation sustainable in the United States? An integrated assessment of climate change impact on water resources and irrigated crop yields.

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    While climate change impacts on crop yields has been extensively studied, estimating the impact of water shortages on irrigated crop yields is challenging because the water resources management system is complex. To investigate this issue, we integrate a crop yield reduction module and a water resources model into the MIT Integrated Global System Modeling framework, an integrated assessment model linking a global economic model to an Earth system model. We assess the effects of climate and socioeconomic changes on water availability for irrigation in the U.S. as well as subsequent impacts on crop yields by 2050, while accounting for climate change projection uncertainty. We find that climate and socioeconomic changes will increase water shortages and strongly reduce irrigated yields for specific crops (i.e., cotton and forage), or in specific regions (i.e., the Southwest) where irrigation is not sustainable. Crop modeling studies that do not represent changes in irrigation availability can thus be misleading. Yet, since the most water-stressed basins represent a relatively small share of U.S. irrigated areas, the overall reduction in U.S. crop yields is small. The response of crop yields to climate change and water stress also suggests that some level of adaptation will be feasible, like relocating croplands to regions with sustainable irrigation or switching to less irrigation intensive crops. Finally, additional simulations show that greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation can alleviate the effect of water stress on irrigated crop yields, enough to offset the reduced CO2 fertilization effect compared to an unconstrained GHG emission scenario

    Écriture et livre en Chine

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    CARON, Jacques, Angoisse et communication chez S. Kierkegaard

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    Lecture et typologie textuelle: la traduction des formes brèves

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    This article focuses on the translation of short forms. It starts from the idea that any translator is a double translator, since he must be able to render both the natural language and the artistic language of the text (s)he has to translate. Once this premise is acquired, typology – understood as the form through which the text manifests itself – comes into play. The author focuses on a genre typically associated with Romanticism, the fragment; its translation does not require the application of a method, but the concrete exercise of an art: the fragment imposes and, as it were, directs its own translation. A similar link between typology and way of translating can be found in all short forms. In order to prove it, the text analyses various short forms, ranging from a minimum to a maximum of authorial presence: from the total absence of the author (as in proverbs) we come to the exclusive presence, to the solitude, of the author (as in aphorisms, when they are written without thinking about a future publication)

    Ironie et dialectique dans les Fragments de F. Schlegel

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    De tous les penseurs du cercle romantique d'Iéna, Friedrich Schlegel est celui qui, en langue française, fut le plus négligé. Novalis, Schleiermacher, Wackenroder ont déjà fait l'objet d'études nombreuses et de traductions largement diffusées. Le travail de Louis-Charles Le Blanc vise essentiellement deux choses: donner, d'une part, au public généralement cultivé une traduction inédite et acceptable au point de vue philologique des Fragments de Friedrich Schlegel, ouvrage fondamental pour le développement du courant romantique européen; et accompagner, d'autre part, cette traduction d'un apparat critique qui puisse servir d'introduction à la pensée de l'écrivain allemand. Outre l'aspect plus strictement philologique, l'ouvrage présente le rôle dialectique joué par l'ironie dans la pensée de Friedrich Schlegel, c'est-à-dire en quoi l'ironie romantique détermine de la part du sujet une appropriation du monde, appropriation qui témoigne d'une compréhension intime (pathos) qui n'est pas de l'ordre de l'explication encyclopédique (logos). L'ironie schlégélienne, qui s'inspire de la théorie fichtéenne de la liberté, forme une esthétique de l'ironie qui, en dénonçant la séparation qui existe entre l'idéal et le réel, et en insistant sur cette séparation, forme le premier moment du nihilisme européen

    Fixed Asset Accounting Software Evaluation: A Structured Methodology For The Mid-Market Firm

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    Packaged software evaluation represents a major decision for business.  It involves a number of quantitative as well as qualitative attributes in choosing among system alternatives.  This paper illustrates an evaluation methodology for accounting software selection, specifically a fixed asset system.  The methodology incorporates three stages:  1) software screening; 2) detail package evaluation; and, 3) confirmation and design (also known as a test drive).  Initially, developing a short list through screening of accounting software determines whether an appropriate package exists and narrows the field of available fixed asset products for detailed consideration.  The second stage determines which of the remaining fixed asset systems (the finalists) best meets the needs of the organization, from both functional and technical perspectives. The final stage, or phase, compares user requirements with the features of the selected fixed asset software by determining how these requirements will be satisfied by specific applications built using the fixed asset software.  The methodology also controls for the possibility that no fixed asset software product is suitable and that such a system must be constructed on a custom basis. No other reported evaluation and selection approach offers this device.  A case example demonstrating the applicability of the suggested methodology is given for a mid-sized hospital organization representing the largest market segment for accounting software

    La Z.A.C. des Béalières à Meylan

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    Laïcité et humanisme

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    Secularism, Humanism, Québec, toleranc