391 research outputs found

    Lipid droplet detection by the cavity perturbation method

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    There are currently no point-of-care diagnosis strategies available to indicate the presence of neoplasmic growth. This research aims to develop a novel diagnostic strategy based on detecting TAG accumulation in cells. This element of the research is a preliminary experiment to prove the concept of detecting TAG lipid droplets in YEPD media. It was found that a change in mono-unsaturated concentration can be detected by the frequency shift in a resonant cavity. The dielectric constant of TAG vegetable oils was calculated at 2.34-2.39. It was also found that concentrations of lipid droplet can be differentiated up to 5% (v/v)

    Recent Decisions

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    Comments on recent decisions by Alfred Kaelin, Donald A. Garrity, Terrence Hogan, G. R. Blakey, Gordon C. Ho, and Paul H. Titus

    Legal Framework of Public Intervention in Industrial Disputes

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    This survey was prepared by G. R. Blakey, A.B., LL.B., and Matthew T. Hogan, A.B., LL.B., both of the class of 1960, and John J. Coffey, Thomas A. McNish and Edward O\u27Toole of THE LAWYER\u27S Senior Staff

    Detrital zircon geochronology of pre-Tertiary strata in the Tibetan-Himalayan orogen

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    Detrital zircon data have recently become available from many different portions of the Tibetan-Himalayan orogen. This study uses 13,441 new or existing U-Pb ages of zircon crystals from strata in the Lesser Himalayan, Greater Himalayan, and Tethyan sequences in the Himalaya, the Lhasa, Qiangtang, and Nan Shan-Qilian Shan-Altun Shan terranes in Tibet, and platformal strata of the Tarim craton to constrain changes in provenance through time. These constraints provide information about the paleogeographic and tectonic evolution of the Tibet-Himalaya region during Neoproterozoic to Mesozoic time. First-order conclusions are as follows: (1) Most ages from these crustal fragments are <1.4 Ga, which suggests formation in accretionary orogens involving little pre-mid-Proterozoic cratonal material; (2) all fragments south of the Jinsa suture evolved along the northern margin of India as part of a circum-Gondwana convergent margin system; (3) these Gondwana-margin assemblages were blanketed by glaciogenic sediment during Carboniferous-Permian time; (4) terranes north of the Jinsa suture formed along the southern margin of the Tarim-North China craton; (5) the northern (Tarim-North China) terranes and Gondwana-margin assemblages may have been juxtaposed during mid-Paleozoic time, followed by rifting that formed the Paleo-Tethys and Meso-Tethys ocean basins; (6) the abundance of Permian-Triassic arc-derived detritus in the Lhasa and Qiangtang terranes is interpreted to record their northward migration across the Paleo- and Meso-Tethys ocean basins; and (7) the arrival of India juxtaposed the Tethyan assemblage on its northern margin against the Lhasa terrane, and is the latest in a long history of collisional tectonism. Copyright 2011 by the American Geophysical Union

    Countering the Australian 'ndrangheta: The criminalisation of mafia behaviour in Australia between national and comparative criminal law

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    Mafia-type criminal groups belonging to, or originated from, the Calabrian ‘ndrangheta from Southern Italy, have been object of recent academic research and media attention in Australia. The Australian ‘ndrangheta, as qualified form of organised crime, poses new challenges for law enforcement in the country. This paper briefly looks at the strategies to fight organised crime in Australia, with specific focus on anti-association laws. By using a comparative approach, the paper will look at the criminalisation of mafias as qualified forms of organised crime in other two jurisdictions, Italy and the USA, to advocate for an effective mafia criminalisation in Australia. In conclusion, this paper will argue that, in order to also fight mafia phenomena, criminal law in Australia should focus on behaviours of organised crime groups rather than only on the criminalisation of proscribed associations and their illegal activities

    Great art for everyone? Engagement and participation policy in the arts

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    New Labour began its administration with a commitment to bring democracy to culture. However, a decade later the Arts Council England (ACE)'s mission statement of "Great art for everyone" suggested a continued emphasis on access to mainstream culture rather than on cultural democracy. The argument in this paper is that Labour's vision has resulted in little change to the basis upon which arts institutions receive regular funding, or the social composition of those who participate in the arts in Britain today - who remain predominantly white and middle class. Public consultation through The arts debate provides evidence that the arts are still perceived as elitist, and policy too insular and self-reflective. The report clearly identified the public's desire for not only greater transparency in decisionmaking processes but also involvement in the decisions themselves, in order to democratise the arts. This paper draws on research investigating the extent to which participatory decisionmaking schemes affect cultural democracy and the subsequent impact on artistic policy and practice. In addition to documentary analysis, this study involved interviews with policymakers, practitioners and the public, focusing on two projects using participatory decision-making in England. © 2011 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC