284 research outputs found

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    Offene Latarjet-Patte-Operation nach Walch : Tipps, Tricks und Komplikationsvermeidung

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    Walch hat die Latarjet-Patte-Operation in offener Technik unter Anwendung eines Subskapularis-Splits in den 1980er-Jahren modifiziert, standardisiert und ĂŒber Jahrzehnte mit großem Erfolg bei ĂŒber 3500 Patienten angewandt. In Langzeitnachuntersuchungen wurden Rezidivraten von 1–5 % bei hoher Patientenzufriedenheit im Subjective Shoulder Value (SSV > 90 %) dokumentiert [1, 2]. Diese Ergebnisse konnten in ZĂŒrich durch Gerber reproduziert werden [3]. Die Methode hat in mehreren Langzeitstudien den Beweis des Erreichens dauerhafter StabilitĂ€t (LangzeitstabilitĂ€t nach mehr als 6 bis 10 Jahren) bei Risikopatienten erbracht [2, 3], besonders fĂŒr Wettkampfsportler [4,5,6], junge Patienten [7, 8] und Patienten mit glenoidalem Knochenverlust [1, 9]. Bei korrekter Operationstechnik entsteht kein klinisch relevanter Beweglichkeitsverlust, und es besteht kein Zusammenhang mit der Entstehung oder Progression einer InstabilitĂ€tsarthrose [10]. In einer randomisierten kontrollierten Studie (RCT) zeigte sich eine signifikant niedrigere Reluxationsrate fĂŒr die Latarjet-Stabilisierung bei jungen MĂ€nnern unter 25 Jahren im Vergleich zur arthroskopischen Bankart-Operation [8]

    Chronische posttraumatische SchulterinstabilitÀt

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    Chronic posttraumatic shoulder instability is characterized by trauma-associated, recurrent dislocations. Surgical treatment is indicated in most cases but it remains controversial how risk factors should be weighted to decide between arthroscopic Bankart repair (ABR), Latarjet or alternative procedures. Known risk factors for recurrence are patient age, hyperlaxity, sports profile and bone loss. Surgical techniques are discussed in detail. The ABR leads to high patient satisfaction and return to sports; however, in association with risk factors, recurrent dislocations are seen even several years later. Latarjet or bone block procedures lead to high patient satisfaction, sustainable stability as a revision procedure, but can also be primarily indicated for chronic instability depending on risk factors. Early complications are more frequent but of a minor nature in most cases. All techniques are known for a serious learning curve. If performed well, they do not seem to increase the risk of arthritis, which is most affected by the number of lifetime dislocations and higher energy trauma

    Rethinking the social impacts of the arts

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    The paper presents a critical discussion of the current debate over the social impacts of the arts in the UK. It argues that the accepted understanding of the terms of the debate is rooted in a number of assumptions and beliefs that are rarely questioned. The paper goes on to present the interim findings of a three‐year research project, which aims to rethink the social impact of the arts, with a view to determining how these impacts might be better understood. The desirability of a historical approach is articulated, and a classification of the claims made within the Western intellectual tradition for what the arts “do” to people is presented and discussed

    Characterization of Antibodies against Receptor Activity-Modifying Protein 1 (RAMP1): A Cautionary Tale

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    Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) is a key component of migraine pathophysiology, yielding effective migraine therapeutics. CGRP receptors contain a core accessory protein subunit: receptor activity-modifying protein 1 (RAMP1). Understanding of RAMP1 expression is incomplete, partly due to the challenges in identifying specific and validated antibody tools. We profiled antibodies for immunodetection of RAMP1 using Western blotting, immunocytochemistry and immunohistochemistry, including using RAMP1 knockout mouse tissue. Most antibodies could detect RAMP1 in Western blotting and immunocytochemistry using transfected cells. Two antibodies (844, ab256575) could detect a RAMP1-like band in Western blots of rodent brain but not RAMP1 knockout mice. However, cross-reactivity with other proteins was evident for all antibodies. This cross-reactivity prevented clear conclusions about RAMP1 anatomical localization, as each antibody detected a distinct pattern of immunoreactivity in rodent brain. We cannot confidently attribute immunoreactivity produced by RAMP1 antibodies (including 844) to the presence of RAMP1 protein in immunohistochemical applications in brain tissue. RAMP1 expression in brain and other tissues therefore needs to be revisited using RAMP1 antibodies that have been comprehensively validated using multiple strategies to establish multiple lines of convincing evidence. As RAMP1 is important for other GPCR/ligand pairings, our results have broader significance beyond the CGRP field

    Large-scale production of cellulose-binding domains : adsorption studies using CBD-FITC conjugates

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    A method for the gram-scale production of cellulose-binding domains (CBD) through the proteolytic digestion of a commercial nzymatic preparation (Celluclast) was developed. The CBD obtained, isolated from Trichoderma reesei cellobiohydrolase I, is highly pure and heavily glycosylated. The purified peptide has a molecular weight of 8.43 kDa, comprising the binding module, a part of the linker, and about 30% glycosidic moiety. Its properties may thus be different from recombinant ones expressed in bacteria. CBDfluorescein isothiocyanate conjugates were used to study the CBD-cellulose interaction. The presence of fluorescent peptides adsorbed on crystalline and amorphous cellulose fibers suggests that amorphous regions have a higher concentration of binding sites. The adsorption is reversible, but desorption is a very slow process.Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia (FCT
