2,378 research outputs found

    Contralateral manual compensation for velocity-dependent force perturbations

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    It is not yet clear how the temporal structure of a voluntary action is coded allowing coordinated bimanual responses. This study focuses on the adaptation to and compensation for a force profile presented to one stationary arm which is proportional to the velocity of the other moving arm. We hypothesised that subjects would exhibit predictive coordinative responses which would co-vary with the state of the moving arm. Our null hypothesis is that they develop a time-dependent template of forces appropriate to compensate for the imposed perturbation. Subjects were trained to make 500 ms duration reaching movements with their dominant right arm to a visual target. A force generated with a robotic arm that was proportional to the velocity of the moving arm and perpendicular to movement direction acted on their stationary left hand, either at the same time as the movement or delayed by 250 or 500 ms. Subjects rapidly learnt to minimise the final end-point error. In the delay conditions, the left hand moved in advance of the onset of the perturbing force. In test conditions with faster or slower movement of the right hand, the predictive actions of the left hand co-varied with movement speed. Compensation for movement-related forces appeared to be predictive but not based on an accurate force profile that was equal and opposite to the imposed perturbatio

    Relation among concentrations of incorporated Mn atoms, ionized Mn acceptors, and holes in p-(Ga,Mn)As epilayers

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    The amount of ionized Mn acceptors in various p-type Mn-doped GaAs epilayers has been evaluated by electrochemical capacitance-voltage measurements, and has been compared systematically with concentrations of incorporated Mn atoms and holes for wide range of Mn concentration (10^17 ~ 10^21 cm^-3). Quantitative assessment of anomalous Hall effect at room temperature is also carried out for the first time.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, tabl

    Stochastic Dynamics of Magnetosomes in Cytoskeleton

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    Rotations of microscopic magnetic particles, magnetosomes, embedded into the cytoskeleton and subjected to the influence of an ac magnetic field and thermal noise are considered. Magnetosome dynamics is shown to comply with the conditions of the stochastic resonance under not-too-tight constraints on the character of the particle's fastening. The excursion of regular rotations attains the value of order of radian that facilitates explaining the biological effects of low-frequency weak magnetic fields and geomagnetic fluctuations. Such 1-rad rotations are effectively controlled by slow magnetic field variations of the order of 200 nT.Comment: LaTeX2e, 7 pages with 3 figure

    Magnetic irreversibility and Verwey transition in nano-crystalline bacterial magnetite

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    The magnetic properties of biologically-produced magnetite nanocrystals biomineralized by four different magnetotactic bacteria were compared to those of synthetic magnetite nanocrystals and large, high quality single crystals. The magnetic feature at the Verwey temperature, TVT_{V}, was clearly seen in all nanocrystals, although its sharpness depended on the shape of individual nanoparticles and whether or not the particles were arranged in magnetosome chains. The transition was broader in the individual superparamagnetic nanoparticles for which TB<TVT_{B}<T_{V}, where TBT_{B} is the superparamagnetic blocking temperature. For the nanocrystals organized in chains, the effective blocking temperature TB>TVT_{B}>T_{V} and the Verwey transition is sharply defined. No correlation between the particle size and TVT_{V} was found. Furthermore, measurements of M(H,T,time)M(H,T,time) suggest that magnetosome chains behave as long magnetic dipoles where the local magnetic field is directed along the chain and this result confirms that time-logarithmic magnetic relaxation is due to the collective (dipolar) nature of the barrier for magnetic moment reorientation

    Identifying earthworms (Oligochaeta, Megadrili) of the Southern Kuril Islands using DNA barcodes

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    Identificación de las lombrices (Oligochaeta, Megadrili) del sur de las Islas Kuriles utilizando códigos de barras de ADN Las Islas Kuriles forman un archipiélago volcánico situado entre Hokkaido y Kamchatka. En este estudio analizamos las lombrices de tres de las Islas Kuriles meridionales: Kunashir, Shikotan y Yuri, utilizando el análisis morfológico y los códigos de barras de ADN. Nuestros resultados ponen de relieve el potencial de los códigos de barras de ADN para estudiar las lombrices: si bien en estudios anteriores solo se habían registrado seis especies y subespecies de lombriz en las Islas Kuriles meridionales, nosotros detectamos 15 grupos genéticos. Seis de ellos son especies cosmopolitas europeas; seis, especies asiáticas; y tres, sin determinar. A pesar de que no se encontraron lombrices europeas en Yuri, que está deshabitada desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial, estas especies dominaron en las islas Kunashir y Shikotan, que son más grandes y están habitadas, lo que sugiere que se trata de especies invasoras recientes. De las seis especies asiáticas, cinco tenían secuencias cox1 idénticas o muy emparentadas con las secuencias publicadas encontradas en el continente o en las islas del Japón y, por tanto, se trata de invasoras recientes.The Kuril Islands are a volcanic archipelago located between Hokkaido and Kamchatka. In this study we investigated earthworm fauna of three of the Southern Kuril Islands, Kunashir, Shikotan, and Yuri, using both morphological analysis and DNA barcoding. Our results highlight the potential of DNA barcoding for studying earthworm fauna: while previous studies reported only six earthworm species and subspecies on the Southern Kurils, we detected 15 genetic clusters. Six of them correspond to European cosmopolites; six, to Asian species, and three, to unidentified species. While no European earthworms were found on Yuri that is uninhabited since WWII, they dominated on larger and inhabited Kunashir and Shikotan, suggesting that they are recent invaders. Of the six Asian species, five had cox1 sequences identical or very closely related to published sequences from the mainland or the Japanese islands and thus are recent invaders.Identificación de las lombrices (Oligochaeta, Megadrili) del sur de las Islas Kuriles utilizando códigos de barras de ADN Las Islas Kuriles forman un archipiélago volcánico situado entre Hokkaido y Kamchatka. En este estudio analizamos las lombrices de tres de las Islas Kuriles meridionales: Kunashir, Shikotan y Yuri, utilizando el análisis morfológico y los códigos de barras de ADN. Nuestros resultados ponen de relieve el potencial de los códigos de barras de ADN para estudiar las lombrices: si bien en estudios anteriores solo se habían registrado seis especies y subespecies de lombriz en las Islas Kuriles meridionales, nosotros detectamos 15 grupos genéticos. Seis de ellos son especies cosmopolitas europeas; seis, especies asiáticas; y tres, sin determinar. A pesar de que no se encontraron lombrices europeas en Yuri, que está deshabitada desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial, estas especies dominaron en las islas Kunashir y Shikotan, que son más grandes y están habitadas, lo que sugiere que se trata de especies invasoras recientes. De las seis especies asiáticas, cinco tenían secuencias cox1 idénticas o muy emparentadas con las secuencias publicadas encontradas en el continente o en las islas del Japón y, por tanto, se trata de invasoras recientes

    Microaerobic Conditions Are Required for Magnetite Formation Within \u3ci\u3eAquaspirillum magnetotacticum\u3c/i\u3e

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    The amount of magnetite (Fe3O4) within magnetosomes of the microaerophilic bacterium Aquaspirillum magnetotacticum varies with oxygen and nitrogen supply. The development of optical methods for directly measuring cell magnetism in culture samples has enabled us to quantitate bacterial Fe3O4 yields. We measured final cell yields, average cell magnetic moments, and magnetosome yields of growing cells. Cultures were grown with NO3-, NH4+, or both, in sealed, unshaken vials with initial headspace Po2 values ranging from 0 (trace) to 21 kPa. More than 50% of cells had detectable magnetosomes only when grown in the range of 0.5-5.0 kPa O2. Optimum cell magnetism (and Fe3O4 formation) occurred under microaerobic conditions (initial headspace Po2 of 0.5-1 kPa) regardless of the N source. At optimal conditions for Fe3O4 formation, denitrifying cultures produced more of this mineral than those growing with O2 as the sole terminal electron acceptor. This suggests that competition for O2 exists between processes involving respiratory electron disposal and Fe3O4 formation. Oxygen may also be required for Fe3O4 formation by other species of magnetotactic bacteria. Bacterial Fe3O4 appears to persist in sediments after death and lysis of cells. The presence of bacterial Fe3O4 in the fossil and paleomagnetic records may be of use as a retrospective indicator of sedimentation that has occurred in microaerobic waters

    Social perspective taking is associated with self-reported prosocial behavior and regional cortical thickness across adolescence

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    Basic perspective taking and mentalising abilities develop in childhood, but recent studies indicate that the use of social perspective taking to guide decisions and actions has a prolonged development that continues throughout adolescence. Here, we aimed to replicate this research and investigate the hypotheses that individual differences in social perspective taking in adolescence are associated with real-life prosocial and antisocial behavior and differences in brain structure. We employed an experimental approach and a large cross-sectional sample (n=293) of participants aged 7-26 years old to assess age-related improvement in social perspective taking usage during performance of a version of the Director task. In subsamples, we then tested how individual differences in social perspective taking were related to self-reported prosocial behavior and peer relationship problems on the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) (n=184) and to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measures of regional cortical thickness and surface area (n=226). The pattern of results in the Director task replicated previous findings by demonstrating continued improvement in use of social perspective taking across adolescence. The study also showed that better social perspective taking usage is associated with more self-reported prosocial behavior, as well as to thinner cerebral cortex in regions in the left hemisphere encompassing parts of the caudal middle frontal and precentral gyri and lateral parietal regions. These associations were observed independently of age, and might partly reflect individual developmental variability. The relevance of cortical development was additionally supported by indirect effects of age on social perspective taking usage via cortical thickness

    Regularization of the Coulomb scattering problem

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    Exact solutions of the Schr\"odinger equation for the Coulomb potential are used in the scope of both stationary and time-dependent scattering theories in order to find the parameters which define regularization of the Rutherford cross-section when the scattering angle tends to zero but the distance r from the center remains fixed. Angular distribution of the particles scattered in the Coulomb field is investigated on the rather large but finite distance r from the center. It is shown that the standard asymptotic representation of the wave functions is not available in the case when small scattering angles are considered. Unitary property of the scattering matrix is analyzed and the "optical" theorem for this case is discussed. The total and transport cross-sections for scattering of the particle by the Coulomb center proved to be finite values and are calculated in the analytical form. It is shown that the considered effects can be essential for the observed characteristics of the transport processes in semiconductors which are defined by the electron and hole scattering in the fields of the charged impurity centers.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure
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