1,010 research outputs found

    A Study To Determine Optimum Plot Size For Progeny Testing Red Pine

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    Research Note, November 1969

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    This is issue 8: A Cost Analysis of the 1967 Hand-Planting Projects in the Northern Rocky Mountain Regionhttps://scholarworks.umt.edu/montana_forestry_notes/1007/thumbnail.jp

    Hybridization of Western and Subalpine Larch

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    Paper published as Bulletin 37 in the UM Bulletin Forestry Series.https://scholarworks.umt.edu/umforestrybulletin/1021/thumbnail.jp

    Old Pear Tree (Washington\u27s Head Quarters)

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    [Verse 1]Where Washington\u27s head quarters were,Still blooms an old Pear Tree, Preserv\u27d as if by pious caseA monument to be,A monument A monument A monument to be.From this good Tree the Hero ate,A midst the toils of war and hate,Resolv\u27d Resolv\u27d Resolv\u27d Resolv\u27d Resolv\u27d on liberty. [Verse 2]O never let this good old tree, Be suffer\u27d to decay, For want of care, on soil so free,Where freedom bears the sway,Where freedom, Where freedomWhere freedom bears the sway.From this good tree the Hero ate,A midst the toils of war, and hate,Resolv\u27d Resolv\u27d Resolv\u27dResolv\u27d Resolv\u27d on liberty. [Verse 3]Thou good old tree, still bloom, and bear,Thro\u27 years, and age to come, Where Washington\u27s head quarters wereWhere beat the rolling drum,Where beat the roll Where beat the tollWhere beat the rolling drumsFrom this good tree the Hero ate,A midst the toils of war, and hate,Resolv\u27d Resolv\u27d Resolv\u27dResolv\u27d Resolv\u27d on liberty

    Research Note, March 1968

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    This is issue 7: Natural Distribution of Western Larch and Subalpine Larchhttps://scholarworks.umt.edu/montana_forestry_notes/1006/thumbnail.jp

    The Magnetic Electron Ion Spectrometer (MagEIS) Instruments Aboard the Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) Spacecraft

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    This paper describes the Magnetic Electron Ion Spectrometer (MagEIS) instruments aboard the RBSP spacecraft from an instrumentation and engineering point of view. There are four magnetic spectrometers aboard each of the two spacecraft, one low-energy unit (20–240 keV), two medium-energy units (80–1200 keV), and a high-energy unit (800–4800 keV). The high unit also contains a proton telescope (55 keV–20 MeV). The magnetic spectrometers focus electrons within a selected energy pass band upon a focal plane of several silicon detectors where pulse-height analysis is used to determine if the energy of the incident electron is appropriate for the electron momentum selected by the magnet. Thus each event is a two-parameter analysis, an approach leading to a greatly reduced background. The physics of these instruments are described in detail followed by the engineering implementation. The data outputs are described, and examples of the calibration results and early flight data presented

    New statistical method identifies cytokines that distinguish stool microbiomes.

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    Regressing an outcome or dependent variable onto a set of input or independent variables allows the analyst to measure associations between the two so that changes in the outcome can be described by and predicted by changes in the inputs. While there are many ways of doing this in classical statistics, where the dependent variable has certain properties (e.g., a scalar, survival time, count), little progress on regression where the dependent variable are microbiome taxa counts has been made that do not impose extremely strict conditions on the data. In this paper, we propose and apply a new regression model combining the Dirichlet-multinomial distribution with recursive partitioning providing a fully non-parametric regression model. This model, called DM-RPart, is applied to cytokine data and microbiome taxa count data and is applicable to any microbiome taxa count/metadata, is automatically fit, and intuitively interpretable. This is a model which can be applied to any microbiome or other compositional data and software (R package HMP) available through the R CRAN website

    Investigation of Heavy Metals in a Large Mortality Event in Caribou of Northern Alaska

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    We measured element concentrations (As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe) and body condition (gross and histologic endpoints) of animals from a caribou (Rangifer tarandus) mortality event that occurred in Alaska, in the area of Point Hope and Cape Thompson (including the Chariot site), in 1995. These were compared to results from hunter-killed caribou from reference sites (Barrow and Teshekpuk Lake, Alaska) and from the area of a mine (Red Dog Mine) to determine whether heavy metals had played a role in the mortality event or whether any elements were at concentrations of concern for human consumers. Starvation and malnutrition were major factors leading to death or severe weakness, as very little or no fat (very low body condition scores) and serous atrophy of fat (observed as watery contents of the marrow cavity, with no apparent fat, and histologically) were more prevalent in caribou associated with the mortality event than in hunter-killed animals from reference sites. Accumulation of hepatic (liver) hemosiderin in Kupffer cells (macrophages) was noted as an indicator of cachexia. Concentrations of lead in feces and liver, copper in the rumen contents, and arsenic in muscle were higher in caribou harvested near Red Dog Mine, as might be expected in that mineral-rich area, but were not at levels of concern for toxicoses. Kidney concentrations of cadmium, which increased significantly with increasing age, present a potential concern for human consumers, and this is an expected finding. We concluded that caribou had starved and that heavy metals had played no role in the mortality event. Further investigation of regional mineral differences is required to understand the sources and transport mechanisms that explain these findings and to properly address mining activity. Mortality events on the north slope of Alaska are common and likely involve starvation as described here, but in most cases they are not investigated, even though recent industrial activities have heightened concern among some local residents and wildlife managers.On a mesuré la concentration en éléments (As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe) et l'état corporel (points limites bruts et histologiques) de caribous (Rangifer tarandus) prélevés lors d'un épisode de mortalité qui s'est produit en 1995 en Alaska, dans la région de Point Hope et de Cape Thompson (y compris le site Chariot). On a comparé ces résultats à ceux de caribous tués par des chasseurs à des emplacements témoins (Barrow et Teshekpuk Lake, en Alaska) et à proximité d'une mine (Red Dog Mine) pour trouver si les métaux lourds avaient joué un rôle dans l'épisode de mortalité ou si la concentration d'un ou plusieurs éléments pouvait constituer un risque pour la consommation humaine. La famine et la malnutrition étaient des facteurs majeurs ayant causé la mort ou une extrême faiblesse, vu que la présence minime ou l'absence de graisse (très basses notes d'état corporel) et une atrophie séreuse de la graisse (observée sous forme de contenu aqueux de la cavité médullaire, sans graisse visible, et à la suite de l'examen histologique) étaient plus courantes chez le caribou associé à l'épisode de mortalité que chez les animaux des emplacements témoins tués par les chasseurs. On a noté dans le foie une accumulation d'hémosidérine hépatique des cellules de Kupffer (cellules macrophages) témoignant d'une cachexie. La concentration de plomb dans les matières fécales et le foie, de cuivre dans le rumen et d'arsenic dans le tissu musculaire était plus élevée chez le caribou provenant de Red Dog Mine, comme on pouvait s'y attendre dans cette zone riche en minéraux, mais cette concentration n'atteignait pas un niveau pouvant provoquer des toxicoses. La concentration de cadmium dans le rein, qui augmentait de façon significative avec l'âge, pourrait constituer un risque pour la consommation humaine, ce qui n'est pas surprenant. On a conclu que les caribous étaient morts de faim et que les métaux lourds n'avaient joué aucun rôle dans l'épisode de mortalité. Il faudrait effectuer des recherches plus poussées sur les différences régionales en minéraux afin de comprendre les mécanismes d'origine et de transport qui expliquent ces résultats et d'aborder comme il le faut les activités minières. Les épisodes de mortalité sont courants sur le versant Nord de l'Alaska et sont probablement liés à la famine, comme le décrit cet article, mais dans la plupart des cas ils ne font pas l'objet d'une enquête, même si l'activité industrielle récente est un sujet qui préoccupe de plus en plus certains résidents et gestionnaires locaux de la faune

    Evaluation of 16S rRNA gene sequencing for species and strain-level microbiome analysis.

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    The 16S rRNA gene has been a mainstay of sequence-based bacterial analysis for decades. However, high-throughput sequencing of the full gene has only recently become a realistic prospect. Here, we use in silico and sequence-based experiments to critically re-evaluate the potential of the 16S gene to provide taxonomic resolution at species and strain level. We demonstrate that targeting of 16S variable regions with short-read sequencing platforms cannot achieve the taxonomic resolution afforded by sequencing the entire (~1500 bp) gene. We further demonstrate that full-length sequencing platforms are sufficiently accurate to resolve subtle nucleotide substitutions (but not insertions/deletions) that exist between intragenomic copies of the 16S gene. In consequence, we argue that modern analysis approaches must necessarily account for intragenomic variation between 16S gene copies. In particular, we demonstrate that appropriate treatment of full-length 16S intragenomic copy variants has the potential to provide taxonomic resolution of bacterial communities at species and strain level
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