6 research outputs found


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    Development dynamics of choreographic amateur as a phenomenon of creative activity in the structure of non-formal art education is investigated in the article. The main stages of becoming a choreographic amateur in Ukraine in the context of socio-political and cultural-artistic determinants are characterized. It has been found that during the XX century choreographic activity as a component of non-formal art education had passed a difficult and contradictory path from the experiments of dance studios and the search for “Soviet dance” to the creation of groups, ensembles, creative associations, and later the appearance of amateur dancers of various genres of choreographic performances. Choreographic performance was actively implemented in the permanent and temporary forms of organization that brought together different social groups. The study analyzes the content of choreographic training in the activities of dance groups in different cultural and educational locations at different stages of historical development. The actual perspective of the development of theoretical studies in the field of choreographic education is the understanding of pedagogical resources of amateur choreography, the analysis of its strategies, meaningful content in various forms of organization.

    Resource-Based Learning of Students in The System of Cross-Cultural Training of Future Specialists in Fitness and Recreation

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    The article considers the problem of introduction of resource-based learning of students in the practice of the educational process of higher education institutions that provide training under the educational program «Fitness and Recreation». The aim of the study is to clarify the place of RBL of students in the system of cross-cultural training of fitness and recreation professionals. The study involved 233 students of higher education institutions of Ukraine. Research methods: theoretical, empirical and methods of mathematical data processing. The essence and place of resource-based learning of students in the system of cross-cultural training of future specialists in fitness and recreation were determined, a subsystem «Resource-based learning of future professionals in fitness and recreation» was developed, which consists of three interrelated components: target, implementation and performance; mechanisms of information search for acquisition of cross-cultural knowledge in the field of fitness industry are considered

    Child Amateur Dance in the Development of Amateur Performances in Ukraine

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    У статті досліджено розвиток дитячого хореографічного аматорства в системі художньої самодіяльності в Україні в історико-педагогічному контексті. Визначено головні тенденції, форми організації, завдання, змістовий компонент загальної хореографічної підготовки дітей та підлітків в умовах дозвіллєвої діяльності. Проаналізовано творчу діяльність найбільш відомих дитячих самодіяльних хореографічних колективів в Україні в умовах сьогодення (особливості організації навчально-виховного процесу, формування репертуару).The article examines the development of children’s choreographic amateur activity in the system of amateur performances development in Ukraine in the historical and pedagogical context. The essences and relationships of key terms such as: «amateur performance», «amateurism», «choreographic amateurism», and «child choreographic amateur dance» are analyzed. The place and role of choreography in extracurricular work with children of different ages are identified. It is proved that children’s amateur dance in Ukraine constitutes its important component of choreographic culture and education, which was determined by shared cultural-artistic and socio-political factors, functioning in various organizational forms. The basic stages of child choreographic performances formation in the context of educational and cultural processes in Ukraine in the XX century are analyzed. The key trends, shapes of organization, objectives, content component of the overall choreographic trainings of children and adolescents in leisure activities are identified. The features of choreographic training content formation in child amateur dance groups at different stages of historical development are characterized. In particular, based on the study of theoretical papers and teaching materials of well-known choreographers, teachers, methodologists of choreographic genre the teaching and methodological materials of child and adolescent amateur dance creativity are studied. The creative activity of most famous children’s amateur dance groups in Ukraine in a present time (especially the educational process, the formation of the repertoire, performance activity) is analyzed. The peculiarities of activities of the known educational complexes of esthetical type, which provide choreographic preparation of children, are researched. Over the studied period, the most popular genre of children’s choreography was amateur folk choreography. One of the leading directions of the creative work of children’s amateur dance companies, working in this genre and still is determined by the preservation and development of traditions of national folk-stage choreographic art. There have been generalized the positive experience in the field of child amateur choreographic trainings in Ukraine at different historical stages

    Stages of Professionalization of Ballroom Dance Choreography in Historical-Cultural Dynamics

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    У статті досліджено основні етапи динаміки професіоналізації бальної хореографії в контексті культуроґенезу танцювального мистецтва. Уточнено сутність категорій «бальний танець», «історичний бальний танець», проаналізовано їх змістовий взаємозв’язок. На основі аналізу першоджерел бальної танцювальної культури визначено історико-культурні та мистецькі детермінанти, естетико-теоретичні засади становлення й розвитку популярних у соціумі форм бальної хореографії як феномену професійної діяльності та напряму хореографічної освіти. Визначено їх функційність у соціумі та у формуванні теоретичних засад педагогіки хореографії.The article explores the main stages of professionalization dynamics of ballroom dance choreography in the context of the cultural genesis of dance art. The essence of the categories “ballroom dance”, “historical ballroom dance” is clarified, their relationship is analyzed. Based on the use of historical-genetic, retrospective, chronological and pedagogical analysis the methods, historicalcultural and artistic determinants, aesthetic-theoretical foundations of the formation and development of popular in the society forms of ballroom dance choreography, as a phenomenon of professional activity, are determined. The features of development of the areas of ballroom dance choreography common in society in various historical formations are studied, their functionality is determined. It is indicated that during the Renaissance formation of the theoretical foundations of choreographic pedagogy took place in the conditions of a court ballroom dance culture. In the era of Enlightenment, the processes of self-determination of the genre of ballroom dance choreography intensified, and training in this area was formed into an integral direction of choreographic education. Throughout the XX century, development of ballroom dance was intensified in sports-ballroom dance forms, as part of sports competitions. At the beginning of the XXI century, there is a branching of styles, directions of stage ballroom dance choreography, integration of its genre features and lexical characteristics. An actual perspective for the development of theoretical research in the field of ballroom dance choreography is understanding of its pedagogical resources, analysis of strategies and the content of choreographic training in various forms of organization

    Priorities of Professional-Practical Training of the Choreographer In Conditions of Institutions of Higher Education

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    У статті досліджено змістовий компонент професійно-практичної підготовки майбутніх хореографів у структурі закладів вищої хореографічної освіти. Схарактеризовано комплекс професійних компетентностей і особистісних якостей хореографа, необхідних для успішної самореалізації в різних формах організації хореографічної освіти; окреслено шляхи формування виконавської, балетмейстерської та педагогічної майстерності у студентів хореографічних спеціалізацій.The content component of professional-practical training of the future choreographers in the structure of higher education institutions is revealed in the article. The complex of professional competences and personal qualities of the choreographer, which are necessary for successful self-realization in various forms of organization of choreographic education, is characterized; the ways of forming performing, choreographic and pedagogical mastery of students of choreographic specializations are outlined. It is pointed out that relevance of comprehending the priorities of professional-practical training of choreographers in the structure of higher education institutions is due to the systematic increase in the requirements for the professional competence of graduates of choreographic specialties at various educational levels, dictated by modernization of the forms, methods, technologies and introduction of innovations in the development of choreographic education. The modern trends in formation of the content of professional-practical training of the choreographer in conditions of the higher school are analyzed. It is determined that this process is realized in various forms of training, it is provided while studying the disciplines of the normative and optional cycles, is directed at mastering by students of a complex of professional skills (performing, pedagogical, choreographic). The multidimensionality of the presented competences of the future choreographers illustrates a rather wide range of their functionality – readiness for various types of professional activity (organizational, creative, choreographic, and pedagogical). Perspective directions of further research on a certain problematic is the analysis of a complex of educational technologies, approaches, content, forms, methods of professional training of choreographers in conditions of a higher school, necessary for successful realization in the profession


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    The present study is mainly focused on the design and development of an information system for preserving the results of testing to verify the residual knowledge of students of the resource for training specialists in information and communication technologies. The purpose of the study is to provide a scientific justification for the problem of developing professional training of specialists in information and communication technologies in the process of using an information system to save test results to verify students’ residual knowledge and to verify the effectiveness of its implementation in universities. According to the results of the experiment, it can be argued that the introduction of an information system to preserve the results of testing to test students’ residual knowledge in the educational process contributes to the professional training of specialists in information and communication technologies at the universities of Ukraine. The application of development and utilization of contemporary information technologies concentrated on implementing the pedagogical and psychological aims of teaching and education is fundamentally new mediated by modern technical and technological innovations