25 research outputs found

    Targeted Inactivation of the IL-4 Receptor α Chain I4R Motif Promotes Allergic Airway Inflammation

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    The insulin/interleukin-4 (IL-4) receptor (I4R) motif mediates the association of insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-2 with the interleukin-4 (IL-4)Rα chain and transduces mitogenic signals in response to IL-4. Its physiological functions were analyzed in mice with a germline point mutation that changed the motif's effector tyrosine residue into phenylalanine (Y500F). The Y500F mutation abrogated IRS-2 phosphorylation and impaired IL-4–induced CD4+ T lymphocyte proliferation but left unperturbed Stat6 activation, up-regulation of IL-4-responsive gene products, and Th cell differentiation under Th2 polarizing conditions. However, in vivo the Y500F mutation was associated with increased allergen-induced IgE production, airway responsiveness, tissue eosinophilia, and mucus production. These results define an important role for the I4R motif in regulating allergic inflammation

    3D-Printed PLA-Bioglass Scaffolds with Controllable Calcium Release and MSC Adhesion for Bone Tissue Engineering

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    Large bone defects are commonly treated by replacement with auto- and allografts, which have substantial drawbacks including limited supply, donor site morbidity, and possible tissue rejection. This study aimed to improve bone defect treatment using a custom-made filament for tissue engineering scaffolds. The filament consists of biodegradable polylactide acid (PLA) and a varying amount (up to 20%) of osteoconductive S53P4 bioglass. By employing an innovative, additive manufacturing technique, scaffolds with optimized physico-mechanical and biological properties were produced. The scaffolds feature adjustable macro- and microporosity (200–2000 µm) with adaptable mechanical properties (83–135 MPa). Additionally, controllable calcium release kinetics (0–0.25 nMol/µL after 24 h), tunable mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) adhesion potential (after 24 h by a factor of 14), and proliferation (after 168 h by a factor of 18) were attained. Microgrooves resulting from the 3D-printing process on the surface act as a nucleus for cell aggregation, thus being a potential cell niche for spheroid formation or possible cell guidance. The scaffold design with its adjustable biomechanics and the bioglass with its antimicrobial properties are of particular importance for the preclinical translation of the results. This study comprehensibly demonstrates the potential of a 3D-printed bioglass composite scaffold for the treatment of critical-sized bone defects

    3D-Printing of Hierarchically Designed and Osteoconductive Bone Tissue Engineering Scaffolds

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    In Bone Tissue Engineering (BTE), autologous bone-regenerative cells are combined with a scaffold for large bone defect treatment (LBDT). Microporous, polylactic acid (PLA) scaffolds showed good healing results in small animals. However, transfer to large animal models is not easily achieved simply by upscaling the design. Increasing diffusion distances have a negative impact on cell survival and nutrition supply, leading to cell death and ultimately implant failure. Here, a novel scaffold architecture was designed to meet all requirements for an advanced bone substitute. Biofunctional, porous subunits in a load-bearing, compression-resistant frame structure characterize this approach. An open, macro- and microporous internal architecture (100 µm–2 mm pores) optimizes conditions for oxygen and nutrient supply to the implant’s inner areas by diffusion. A prototype was 3D-printed applying Fused Filament Fabrication using PLA. After incubation with Saos-2 (Sarcoma osteogenic) cells for 14 days, cell morphology, cell distribution, cell survival (fluorescence microscopy and LDH-based cytotoxicity assay), metabolic activity (MTT test), and osteogenic gene expression were determined. The adherent cells showed colonization properties, proliferation potential, and osteogenic differentiation. The innovative design, with its porous structure, is a promising matrix for cell settlement and proliferation. The modular design allows easy upscaling and offers a solution for LBDT

    Control of Cortical Axon Elongation by a GABA-Driven Ca<sup style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline-style: none; font-weight: inherit; font-style: inherit; font-size: 0.85em; font-family: inherit; line-height: 0; text-align: inherit; vertical-align: super;">2+/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase Cascade</sup>

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    Ca(2+) signaling plays important roles during both axonal and dendritic growth. Yet, whether and how Ca(2+) rises may trigger and contribute to the development of long range cortical connections remains largely unknown. Here we demonstrate that two separate limbs of CaMK kinase (CaMKK) - CaMKI cascades, CaMKK-CaMKIα and CaMKK-CaMKIγ, critically coordinate axonal and dendritic morphogenesis of cortical neurons, respectively. The axon-specific morphological phenotype required a diffuse cytoplasmic localization and a strikingly α-isoform-specific kinase activity of CaMKI. Unexpectedly, treatment with muscimol, a GABA(A) receptor agonist, selectively stimulated elongation of axons but not of dendrites, and the CaMKK-CaMKIα cascade critically mediated this axonogenic effect. Consistent with these findings, during early brain development, in vivo knockdown of CaMKIα significantly impaired the terminal axonal extension, and thereby perturbed the refinement of the interhemispheric callosal projections into the contralateral cortices. Our findings thus indicate a novel role for the GABA-driven CaMKK-CaMKIα cascade as a mechanism critical for accurate cortical axon pathfinding, an essential process which may contribute to fine-tuning the formation of interhemispheric connectivity during the perinatal development of the central nervous system

    3D-Printed PLA-Bioglass Scaffolds with Controllable Calcium Release and MSC Adhesion for Bone Tissue Engineering

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    Large bone defects are commonly treated by replacement with auto- and allografts, which have substantial drawbacks including limited supply, donor site morbidity, and possible tissue rejection. This study aimed to improve bone defect treatment using a custom-made filament for tissue engineering scaffolds. The filament consists of biodegradable polylactide acid (PLA) and a varying amount (up to 20) of osteoconductive S53P4 bioglass. By employing an innovative, additive manufacturing technique, scaffolds with optimized physico-mechanical and biological properties were produced. The scaffolds feature adjustable macro- and microporosity (200&ndash;2000 &micro;m) with adaptable mechanical properties (83&ndash;135 MPa). Additionally, controllable calcium release kinetics (0&ndash;0.25 nMol/&micro;L after 24 h), tunable mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) adhesion potential (after 24 h by a factor of 14), and proliferation (after 168 h by a factor of 18) were attained. Microgrooves resulting from the 3D-printing process on the surface act as a nucleus for cell aggregation, thus being a potential cell niche for spheroid formation or possible cell guidance. The scaffold design with its adjustable biomechanics and the bioglass with its antimicrobial properties are of particular importance for the preclinical translation of the results. This study comprehensibly demonstrates the potential of a 3D-printed bioglass composite scaffold for the treatment of critical-sized bone defects

    Structure of molecular tweezer complexes in the solid state: NMR experiments, X-ray investigations, and quantum chemical calculations

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    The structure of supramolecular complexes formed by a naphthalene-spaced tweezer molecule as host and 1,4-dicyanobenzene (DCNB), 1,2,4,5-tetracyanobenzene (TCNB), and 7,7,8,8-tetracyano-p-quinodimethane (TCNQ) as aromatic, electron-deficient guests is investigated by solid-state NMR and X-ray diffraction measurements. Quantum chemical calculations using linear scaling methods are applied to predict and to assign the H-1 NMR chemical shifts of the complexes. By combining experiment and theory, insights into intra- and intermolecular effects influencing the proton chemical shifts of the host-guest system are provided in the solid state