4,295 research outputs found

    The MOSS camera on H-1NF

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    We have configured the modulated optical solid-state spectrometer, a recently developed high-resolution instrument for plasma Dopplerspectroscopy, as an imaging spectroscopiccamera. The camera features a wide field of view (∼10°), large aperture (40 mm), and high spectral resolution ν/Δν greater than 10 000. The camera installation on the H-1NF Heliac is described, together with the steps in the design process, including field widening. Calibration and characterization of the instrument function is discussed and the instrument performance is illustrated with some sample results of spatially resolved ion temperature measurements in H-1NF

    The aerodynamic design of an advanced rotor airfoil

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    An advanced rotor airfoil, designed utilizing supercritical airfoil technology and advanced design and analysis methodology is described. The airfoil was designed subject to stringent aerodynamic design criteria for improving the performance over the entire rotor operating regime. The design criteria are discussed. The design was accomplished using a physical plane, viscous, transonic inverse design procedure, and a constrained function minimization technique for optimizing the airfoil leading edge shape. The aerodynamic performance objectives of the airfoil are discussed

    Compound particle swarm optimization in dynamic environments

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    Copyright @ Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008.Adaptation to dynamic optimization problems is currently receiving a growing interest as one of the most important applications of evolutionary algorithms. In this paper, a compound particle swarm optimization (CPSO) is proposed as a new variant of particle swarm optimization to enhance its performance in dynamic environments. Within CPSO, compound particles are constructed as a novel type of particles in the search space and their motions are integrated into the swarm. A special reflection scheme is introduced in order to explore the search space more comprehensively. Furthermore, some information preserving and anti-convergence strategies are also developed to improve the performance of CPSO in a new environment. An experimental study shows the efficiency of CPSO in dynamic environments.This work was supported by the Key Program of the National Natural Science Foundation (NNSF) of China under Grant No. 70431003 and Grant No. 70671020, the Science Fund for Creative Research Group of NNSF of China under Grant No. 60521003, the National Science and Technology Support Plan of China under Grant No. 2006BAH02A09 and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of UK under Grant No. EP/E060722/1

    Ideal MHD theory of low-frequency Alfven waves in the H-1 Heliac

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    A part analytical, part numerical ideal MHD analysis of low-frequency Alfven wave physics in the H-1 stellarator is given. The three-dimensional, compressible ideal spectrum for H-1 is presented and it is found that despite the low beta (approx. 10^-4) of H-1 plasmas, significant Alfven-acoustic interactions occur at low frequencies. Several quasi-discrete modes are found with the three-dimensional linearised ideal MHD eigenmode solver CAS3D, including beta-induced Alfven eigenmode (BAE)- type modes in beta-induced gaps. The strongly shaped, low-aspect ratio magnetic geometry of H-1 causes CAS3D convergence difficulties requiring the inclusion of many Fourier harmonics for the parallel component of the fluid displacement eigenvector even for shear wave motions. The highest beta-induced gap reproduces large parts of the observed configurational frequency dependencies in the presence of hollow temperature profiles

    Elemental Abundance Ratios in Stars of the Outer Galactic Disk. II. Field Red Giants

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    We summarize a selection process to identify red giants in the direction of the southern warp of the Galactic disk, employing VI_C photometry and multi-object spectroscopy. We also present results from follow-up high-resolution, high-S/N echelle spectroscopy of three field red giants, finding [Fe/H] values of about -0.5. The field stars, with Galactocentric distances estimated at 10 to 15 kpc, support the conclusion of Yong, Carney, & de Almeida (2005) that the Galactic metallicity gradient disappears beyond R_GC values of 10 to 12 kpc for the older stars and clusters of the outer disk. The field and cluster stars at such large distances show very similar abundance patterns, and, in particular, all show enhancements of the "alpha" elements O, Mg, Si, Ca, and Ti and the r-process element Eu. These results suggest that Type II supernovae have been significant contributors to star formation in the outer disk relative to Type Ia supernovae within the past few Gyrs. We also compare our results with those available for much younger objects. The limited results for the H II regions and B stars in the outer disk also suggest that the radial metallicity gradient in the outer disk is shallow or absent. The much more extensive results for Cepheids confirm these trends, and that the change in slope of the metallicity gradient may occur at a larger Galactocentric distance than for the older stars and clusters. However, the younger stars also show rising alpha element enhancements with increasing R_GC, at least beyond 12 kpc. These trends are consistent with the idea of a progressive growth in the size of the Galactic disk with time, and episodic enrichment by Type II supernovae as part of the disk's growth. [Abridged]Comment: Accepted for publication in A

    The turbulent boundary layer on a porous plate: An experimental study of the heat transfer behavior with adverse pressure gradients

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    An experimental investigation of the heat transfer behavior of the near equilibrium transpired turbulent boundary layer with adverse pressure gradient has been carried out. Stanton numbers were measured by an energy balance on electrically heated plates that form the bottom wall of the wind tunnel. Two adverse pressure gradients were studied. Two types of transpiration boundary conditions were investigated. The concept of an equilibrium thermal boundary layer was introduced. It was found that Stanton number as a function of enthalpy thickness Reynolds number is essentially unaffected by adverse pressure gradient with no transpiration. Shear stress, heat flux, and turbulent Prandtl number profiles were computed from mean temperature and velocity profiles. It was concluded that the turbulent Prandtl number is greater than unity in near the wall and decreases continuously to approximately 0.5 at the free stream

    Abundances and Kinematics of Field Halo and Disk Stars I: Observational Data and Abundance Analysis

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    We describe observations and abundance analysis of a high-resolution, high-S/N survey of 168 stars, most of which are metal-poor dwarfs. We follow a self-consistent LTE analysis technique to determine the stellar parameters and abundances, and estimate the effects of random and systematic uncertainties on the resulting abundances. Element-to-iron ratios are derived for key alpha, odd, Fe-peak, r- and s-process elements. Effects of Non-LTE on the analysis of Fe I lines are shown to be very small on the average. Spectroscopically determined surface gravities are derived that are generally close to those obtained from Hipparcos parallaxes.Comment: 41 pages, 7 Postscript figures. Accepted for publication in the A

    Effect of gaseous and solid simulated jet plumes on an 040A space shuttle launch configuration at m=1.6 to 2.2

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    The effect of plume-induced flow separation and aspiration effects due to operation of both orbiter and the solid rocket motors on a 0.019-scale model of the launch configuration of the Space Shuttle Vehicle is determined. Longitudinal and lateral-directional stability data were obtained at Mach numbers of 1.6, 2.0, and 2.2 with and without the engines operating. The plumes exiting from the engines were simulated by a cold-gas jet supplied by an auxiliary 200-atm air supply system and solid-body plume simulators. The aerodynamic effects produced by these two simulation procedures are compared. The parameters most significantly affected by the jet plumes are pitching moment, elevon control effectiveness, axial force, and orbiter wing loads. The solid rocket motor (SRM) plumes have the largest effect on the aerodynamic characteristics. The effect of the orbiter plumes in combination with the SRM plumes is also significant. Variations in the nozzle design parameters and configuration changes can reduce the jet plume-induced aerodynamic effects

    Combining amenity with experience: exploring the hidden capital of a winescape experience

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    © The Author(s) 2016. Industry and government bodies have recommended augmentation of traditional production and marketing techniques as ways of increasing an industry’s profitability. This article values the amenity of the wine industry, a sensory experience that provides an array of opportunities both culturally to the tourist and economically to many regions across the world. Using the wine industry in the Central West region of New South Wales, Australia, we use input–output analysis to assess the economic impacts of this industry and the amenity hidden within. The industry not only provides jobs and commerce supporting local prosperity but also supplies a mixed production and consumption amenity from an agricultural product that meets the tourist’s leisure desire – an amenity that transcends from its origin in the vineyard to its destination at the table
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