511 research outputs found

    Minimizing Communication in Linear Algebra

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    In 1981 Hong and Kung proved a lower bound on the amount of communication needed to perform dense, matrix-multiplication using the conventional O(n3)O(n^3) algorithm, where the input matrices were too large to fit in the small, fast memory. In 2004 Irony, Toledo and Tiskin gave a new proof of this result and extended it to the parallel case. In both cases the lower bound may be expressed as Ω\Omega(#arithmetic operations / M\sqrt{M}), where M is the size of the fast memory (or local memory in the parallel case). Here we generalize these results to a much wider variety of algorithms, including LU factorization, Cholesky factorization, LDLTLDL^T factorization, QR factorization, algorithms for eigenvalues and singular values, i.e., essentially all direct methods of linear algebra. The proof works for dense or sparse matrices, and for sequential or parallel algorithms. In addition to lower bounds on the amount of data moved (bandwidth) we get lower bounds on the number of messages required to move it (latency). We illustrate how to extend our lower bound technique to compositions of linear algebra operations (like computing powers of a matrix), to decide whether it is enough to call a sequence of simpler optimal algorithms (like matrix multiplication) to minimize communication, or if we can do better. We give examples of both. We also show how to extend our lower bounds to certain graph theoretic problems. We point out recently designed algorithms for dense LU, Cholesky, QR, eigenvalue and the SVD problems that attain these lower bounds; implementations of LU and QR show large speedups over conventional linear algebra algorithms in standard libraries like LAPACK and ScaLAPACK. Many open problems remain.Comment: 27 pages, 2 table

    Guidance, Flight Mechanics and Trajectory Optimization. Volume 15 - Application of Optimization Techniques

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    Pontryagin maximum principle, calculus of variations, and dynamic programming optimization techniques applied to trajectory and guidance problem

    Guidance, flight mechanics and trajectory optimization. Volume 6 - The N-body problem and special perturbation techniques

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    Analytical formulations and numerical integration methods for many body problem and special perturbative technique

    Element orbitals for Kohn-Sham density functional theory

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    We present a method to discretize the Kohn-Sham Hamiltonian matrix in the pseudopotential framework by a small set of basis functions automatically contracted from a uniform basis set such as planewaves. Each basis function is localized around an element, which is a small part of the global domain containing multiple atoms. We demonstrate that the resulting basis set achieves meV accuracy for 3D densely packed systems with a small number of basis functions per atom. The procedure is applicable to insulating and metallic systems

    Chebyshev polynomial filtered subspace iteration in the Discontinuous Galerkin method for large-scale electronic structure calculations

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    The Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) electronic structure method employs an adaptive local basis (ALB) set to solve the Kohn-Sham equations of density functional theory (DFT) in a discontinuous Galerkin framework. The adaptive local basis is generated on-the-fly to capture the local material physics, and can systematically attain chemical accuracy with only a few tens of degrees of freedom per atom. A central issue for large-scale calculations, however, is the computation of the electron density (and subsequently, ground state properties) from the discretized Hamiltonian in an efficient and scalable manner. We show in this work how Chebyshev polynomial filtered subspace iteration (CheFSI) can be used to address this issue and push the envelope in large-scale materials simulations in a discontinuous Galerkin framework. We describe how the subspace filtering steps can be performed in an efficient and scalable manner using a two-dimensional parallelization scheme, thanks to the orthogonality of the DG basis set and block-sparse structure of the DG Hamiltonian matrix. The on-the-fly nature of the ALBs requires additional care in carrying out the subspace iterations. We demonstrate the parallel scalability of the DG-CheFSI approach in calculations of large-scale two-dimensional graphene sheets and bulk three-dimensional lithium-ion electrolyte systems. Employing 55,296 computational cores, the time per self-consistent field iteration for a sample of the bulk 3D electrolyte containing 8,586 atoms is 90 seconds, and the time for a graphene sheet containing 11,520 atoms is 75 seconds.Comment: Submitted to The Journal of Chemical Physic

    Phase I Clinical Trials in Acute Myeloid Leukemia: 23-Year Experience From Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program of the National Cancer Institute

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    Therapy for acute myeloid leukemia (AML) has largely remained unchanged, and outcomes are unsatisfactory. We sought to analyze outcomes of AML patients enrolled in phase I studies to determine whether overall response rates (ORR) and mortality rates have changed over time

    Impacts of Climate Change on the Ascension Island Marine Protected Area and Its Ecosystem Services

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    This is the first projection of marine circulation and biogeochemistry for the Ascension Island Marine Protected Area (AIMPA). Marine Protected Areas are a key management tool used to safeguard biodiversity, but their efficacy is increasingly threatened by climate change. To assess an MPA's vulnerability to climate change and predict biological responses, we must first project how the local marine environment will change. We present the projections of an ensemble from the Sixth Coupled Model Intercomparision Project. Relative to the recent past (2000–2010), the multi‐model means of the mid‐century (2040–2050) project that the AIMPA will become warmer (+0.9 to +1.2°C), more saline (+0.01 to +0.10), with a shallower mixed layer depth (− 1.3 to − 0.8 m), a weaker Atlantic Equatorial Undercurrent (AEU) (− 1.5 to − 0.4 Sv), more acidic (− 0.10 to − 0.07), with lower surface nutrient concentrations (− 0.023 to − 0.0141 mmol N m− 3 and − 0.013 to − 0.009 mmol P m− 3), less chlorophyll (− 6 to − 3 µg m− 3 ) and less primary production (− 0.31 to − 0.20 mol m− 2 yr− 1 ). These changes are often more extreme in the scenarios with higher greenhouse gases emissions and more significant climate change. Using the multi‐model mean for two scenarios in the years 2090–2100, we assessed how five key ecosystem servicesin both the shallow subtidal and the pelagic zone were likely to be impacted by climate change. Both low and high emission scenarios project significant changes to the AIMPA, and it is likely that the provision of several ecosystem services will be negatively impacted. Ascension Island is a small remote volcanic island in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean. The seas around Ascension Island have been protected from commercial fishing since 2019. We used the marine component of computer simulations of the Earth's climate to try to understand the future of the Ascension Island Marine Protected Area (AIMPA). Over the next century, the AIMPA region will become warmer, more saline, more acidic, less productive, and with lower nutrient and chlorophyll concentrations in the surface waters. The most important current of the region, the Atlantic Equatorial Current, is also projected to weaken in all scenarios. These changes are likely to negatively impact the ability of the AIMPA to provide ecosystem services such as healthy ecosystems, fish stocks, the removal of carbon dioxide from the air, and attract tourism. This work is important because it is the first projection of the climate around the AIMPA since it was created, and it has allowed local policymakers to understand how the changing climate is likely to affect their environment and ecosystem service

    Lessons Learned from Implementing Service-Oriented Clinical Decision Support at Four Sites: A Qualitative Study

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    Objective To identify challenges, lessons learned and best practices for service-oriented clinical decision support, based on the results of the Clinical Decision Support Consortium, a multi-site study which developed, implemented and evaluated clinical decision support services in a diverse range of electronic health records. Methods Ethnographic investigation using the rapid assessment process, a procedure for agile qualitative data collection and analysis, including clinical observation, system demonstrations and analysis and 91 interviews. Results We identified challenges and lessons learned in eight dimensions: (1) hardware and software computing infrastructure, (2) clinical content, (3) human-computer interface, (4) people, (5) workflow and communication, (6) internal organizational policies, procedures, environment and culture, (7) external rules, regulations, and pressures and (8) system measurement and monitoring. Key challenges included performance issues (particularly related to data retrieval), differences in terminologies used across sites, workflow variability and the need for a legal framework. Discussion Based on the challenges and lessons learned, we identified eight best practices for developers and implementers of service-oriented clinical decision support: (1) optimize performance, or make asynchronous calls, (2) be liberal in what you accept (particularly for terminology), (3) foster clinical transparency, (4) develop a legal framework, (5) support a flexible front-end, (6) dedicate human resources, (7) support peer-to-peer communication, (8) improve standards. Conclusion The Clinical Decision Support Consortium successfully developed a clinical decision support service and implemented it in four different electronic health records and four diverse clinical sites; however, the process was arduous. The lessons identified by the Consortium may be useful for other developers and implementers of clinical decision support services