1,069 research outputs found

    An Interpretive Analysis of the Non-Voting Behavior of Registered Voters in the 01/01/1958 General Election, Hays, Kansas

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    An attempt has been made in this study to determine the relationship which exists between non-voting and the personal characteristics of sex, age, and occupation. An attempt was also made to discover some of the reasons why eligible voters do not vote. / The study was conducted in Hays, Kansas, immediately following the general election in the fall of 01/01/1958. The group that was studied was composed of 1,087 registered voters who failed to vote in the 01/01/1958 general election. / The research was conducted in two separate phases. First: a tabulation was made of the personal characteristics of the registered non-voters from the official registration lists in the city clerk’s office in Hays. From these tabulations correlations were drawn between non-voting and the age, sex, and occupation of the non-voters. Second: from this group of non-voters a 12.5 percent sample was obtained through the use of a questionnaire with which to determine the possible reasons for non-voting. / The results of the study showed that women were poorer voters than men. Of the total group, there were more young people than old. Of particular interest was the definite correlation between non-voting and occupation. Businessmen were the best voters while those persons classified as laborers were the poorest voters. The majority of women who were non-voters were housewives. / The study also revealed that apathy was probably the greatest one single factor influencing non-voting. Many of the non-voters failed to vote simply because they did not care. Of some significance was the fact that many people had not established sufficient residence

    Special Legislation in West Virginia

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    Compulsive buying disorder: a review and a Case Vignette

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    OBJETIVO: O transtorno do comprar compulsivo foi descrito pela primeira vez como uma síndrome psiquiátrica no começo do século XX. Sua classificação permanece incerta e os investigadores têm debatido uma correlação potencial com transtornos do humor, transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo e transtornos do impulso. O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar uma revisão de transtorno do comprar compulsivo e um relato de caso. MÉTODO: Duas bases de dados foram investigadas (Medline e PsycINFO) em busca de artigos publicados nos últimos 40 anos. Os unitermos selecionados foram "oniomania" e "compras compulsivas". Outros artigos relevantes também foram identificados por meio das listas de referências. RESULTADOS: O transtorno do comprar compulsivo é uma condição crônica e prevalente encontrada ao redor do mundo, que divide características comuns com transtornos do controle do impulso. Em amostras clínicas, mulheres perfazem mais de 80% dos sujeitos. Sua etiologia é desconhecida, mas mecanismos neurobiológicos e genéticos têm sido propostos. O transtorno apresenta altas taxas de comorbidade com transtornos do humor, abuso de substâncias, transtornos alimentares e transtornos do controle do impulso. CONCLUSÃO: As recomendações terapêuticas derivadas da literatura e da experiência clínica sugerem que compradores compulsivos podem se beneficiar de intervenções psicossociais. Modelos de intervenção cognitivo-comportamental de grupo parecem promissores. Ensaios farmacológicos relatam resultados conflitantes. A identificação e o tratamento das comorbidades psiquiátricas são também um aspecto chave do tratamento. Para determinar a validade do transtorno do comprar compulsivo, os futuros trabalhos devem enfocar os achados psicopatológicos e neurobiológicos específicos à síndrome.OBJECTIVE: Compulsive buying disorder was first described as a psychiatric syndrome in the early twentieth century. Its classification remains elusive, and investigators have debated its potential relationship to mood, substance use, obsessive-compulsive, and impulse control disorders. The objective of this study is to present a review of compulsive buying disorder and present a case vignette. METHOD: Two databases were reviewed (Medline and PsycINFO) in search for articles published in the last 40 years. Selected terms included oniomania, compulsive buying, and compulsive shopping. Other relevant articles were also identified through reference lists. RESULTS: Compulsive buying disorder is a prevalent and chronic condition that is found worldwide, sharing commonalities with impulse control disorders. In clinical samples, women make up more than 80% of subjects. Its etiology is unknown, but neurobiologic and genetic mechanisms have been proposed. The disorder is highly comorbid with mood, substance use, eating and impulse control disorders. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment recommendations derived from the literature and clinical experience suggest that problem shoppers can benefit from psychosocial interventions. Cognitive-behavioral group models appear promising. Medication trials have reported mixed results. The identification and treatment of psychiatric comorbidity is also a key aspect of treatment. In order to determine the validity of compulsive buying disorder, future work should focus on psychopathology and neurobiological findings unique to the syndrome

    Fever and leukocytosis: Physical manifestations of bipolar affective disorder?

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    1. 1. Fever and leukocytosis are occasionally observed in patients with psychiatric disorders. A thorough medical evaluation does not always reveal the origin of these abnormalities.2. 2. We report the case histories of three patients with bipolar affective disorder and an abnormal DST who had fever and leukocytosis during the acute phase of their illness. No organic etiology could be found.3. 3. All three patients responded to ECT with resolution of the depression, the fever, and the leukocytosis, and normalization of the DST.4. 4. We propose that fever and leukocytosis may be rare physical manifestations of bipolar affective disorder, particularly in patients with abnormal DST.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/27598/1/0000642.pd

    Late-Binding Scholarship in the Age of AI

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    Scholarly processes play a pivotal role in discovering, challenging, improving, advancing, synthesizing, codifying, and disseminating knowledge. Since the 17th Century, both the quality and quantity of knowledge that scholarship has produced has increased tremendously, granting academic research a pivotal role in ensuring material and social progress. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is poised to enable a new leap in the creation of scholarly content. New forms of engagement with AI systems, such as collaborations with large language models like GPT-3, offer affordances that will change the nature of both the scholarly process and the artifacts it produces

    An Innovative Interactive Modeling Tool to Analyze Scenario-Based Physician Workforce Supply and Demand

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    Effective physician workforce management requires that the various organizations comprising the House of Medicine be able to assess their current and future workforce supply. This information has direct relevance to funding of graduate medical education. We describe a dynamic modeling tool that examines how individual factors and practice variables can be used to measure and forecast the supply and demand for existing and new physician services. The system we describe, while built to analyze the pathologist workforce, is sufficiently broad and robust for use in any medical specialty. Our design provides a computer-based software model populated with data from surveys and best estimates by specialty experts about current and new activities in the scope of practice. The model describes the steps needed and data required for analysis of supply and demand. Our modeling tool allows educators and policy makers, in addition to physician specialty organizations, to assess how various factors may affect demand (and supply) of current and emerging services. Examples of factors evaluated include types of professional services (3 categories with 16 subcategories), service locations, elements related to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, new technologies, aging population, and changing roles in capitated, value-based, and team-based systems of care. The model also helps identify where physicians in a given specialty will likely need to assume new roles, develop new expertise, and become more efficient in practice to accommodate new value-based payment model

    Compulsive buying disorder: a review and a Case Vignette Compras compulsivas: uma revisão e um relato de caso

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    A b s t r a c t Objective: Compulsive buying disorder was first described as a psychiatric syndrome in the early twentieth century. Its classification remains elusive, and investigators have debated its potential relationship to mood, substance use, obsessive-compulsive, and impulse control disorders. The objective of this study is to present a review of compulsive buying disorder and present a case vignette. Method: Two databases were reviewed (Medline and PsycINFO) in search for articles published in the last 40 years. Selected terms included oniomania, compulsive buying, and compulsive shopping. Other relevant articles were also identified through reference lists. Results: Compulsive buying disorder is a prevalent and chronic condition that is found worldwide, sharing commonalities with impulse control disorders. In clinical samples, women make up more than 80% of subjects. Its etiology is unknown, but neurobiologic and genetic mechanisms have been proposed. The disorder is highly comorbid with mood, substance use, eating and impulse control disorders. Conclusions: Treatment recommendations derived from the literature and clinical experience suggest that problem shoppers can benefit from psychosocial interventions. Cognitive-behavioral group models appear promising. Medication trials have reported mixed results. The identification and treatment of psychiatric comorbidity is also a key aspect of treatment. In order to determine the validity of compulsive buying disorder, future work should focus on psychopathology and neurobiological findings unique to the syndrome. Descriptors: Oniomania; Compulsive buying; Personality; Treatment; Impulse control disorders Resumo Objetivo: O transtorno do comprar compulsivo foi descrito pela primeira vez como uma síndrome psiquiátrica no começo do século XX. Sua classificação permanece incerta e os investigadores têm debatido uma correlação potencial com transtornos do humor, transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo e transtornos do impulso. O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar uma revisão de transtorno do comprar compulsivo e um relato de caso. Método: Duas bases de dados foram investigadas (Medline e PsycINFO) em busca de artigos publicados nos últimos 40 anos. Os unitermos selecionados foram "oniomania" e "compras compulsivas". Outros artigos relevantes também foram identificados por meio das listas de referências. Resultados: O transtorno do comprar compulsivo é uma condição crônica e prevalente encontrada ao redor do mundo, que divide características comuns com transtornos do controle do impulso. Em amostras clínicas, mulheres perfazem mais de 80% dos sujeitos. Sua etiologia é desconhecida, mas mecanismos neurobiológicos e genéticos têm sido propostos. O transtorno apresenta altas taxas de comorbidade com transtornos do humor, abuso de substâncias, transtornos alimentares e transtornos do controle do impulso. Conclusão: As recomendações terapêuticas derivadas da literatura e da experiência clínica sugerem que compradores compulsivos podem se beneficiar de intervenções psicossociais. Modelos de intervenção cognitivo-comportamental de grupo parecem promissores. Ensaios farmacológicos relatam resultados conflitantes. A identificação e o tratamento das comorbidades psiquiátricas são também um aspecto chave do tratamento. Para determinar a validade do transtorno do comprar compulsivo, os futuros trabalhos devem enfocar os achados psicopatológicos e neurobiológicos específicos à síndrome

    Should Psychotherapy be taught to Psychiatric Residents? A Debate.

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    Much of this discussion was inspired by a debate held at the 1984 APA Annual Meeting, entitled Does Psychodynamic Theory Have Little Relevance to Contemporary Psychiatric Care? We saw the need for a debate, resident generated, that would address a corollary issue in residency training. Our program will include an introduction, a debate involving statements for the affirmative, that is, that psychotherapy should be taught to psychiatric residents, and two statements for the negative, that psychotherapy should not be taught to psychiatric residents. Concluding remarks will follow. If our title is provocative , if what we have to say inspires you to participate in this critical discussion, either by way of pleasing, stimulating, or offending you, then we have served our purpose well

    Cognitive Information Processing

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    Contains reports on three research projects.National Science Foundation (Grant GP-2495)National Institutes of Health (Grant MH-04737-04)National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Grant NsG-496