42 research outputs found

    A novel approach for measuring residential socioeconomic factors associated with cardiovascular and metabolic health

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    Individual-level characteristics, including socioeconomic status, have been associated with poor metabolic and cardiovascular health; however, residential area-level characteristics may also independently contribute to health status. In the current study, we used hierarchical clustering to aggregate 444 US Census block groups in Durham, Orange, and Wake Counties, NC, USA into six homogeneous clusters of similar characteristics based on 12 demographic factors. We assigned 2254 cardiac catheterization patients to these clusters based on residence at first catheterization. After controlling for individual age, sex, smoking status, and race, there were elevated odds of patients being obese (odds ratio (OR) = 1.92, 95% confidence intervals (CI) = 1.39, 2.67), and having diabetes (OR = 2.19, 95% CI = 1.57, 3.04), congestive heart failure (OR = 1.99, 95% CI = 1.39, 2.83), and hypertension (OR = 2.05, 95% CI = 1.38, 3.11) in a cluster that was urban, impoverished, and unemployed, compared with a cluster that was urban with a low percentage of people that were impoverished or unemployed. Our findings demonstrate the feasibility of applying hierarchical clustering to an assessment of area-level characteristics and that living in impoverished, urban residential clusters may have an adverse impact on health

    Bile acids targeted metabolomics and medication classification data in the ADNI1 and ADNIGO/2 cohorts

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia. The mechanism of disease development and progression is not well understood, but increasing evidence suggests multifactorial etiology, with a number of genetic, environmental, and aging-related factors. There is a growing body of evidence that metabolic defects may contribute to this complex disease. To interrogate the relationship between system level metabolites and disease susceptibility and progression, the AD Metabolomics Consortium (ADMC) in partnership with AD Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) is creating a comprehensive biochemical database for patients in the ADNI1 cohort. We used the Biocrates Bile Acids platform to evaluate the association of metabolic levels with disease risk and progression. We detail the quantitative metabolomics data generated on the baseline samples from ADNI1 and ADNIGO/2 (370 cognitively normal, 887 mild cognitive impairment, and 305 AD). Similar to our previous reports on ADNI1, we present the tools for data quality control and initial analysis. This data descriptor represents the third in a series of comprehensive metabolomics datasets from the ADMC on the ADNI

    Serum metabolites associated with brain amyloid beta deposition, cognition and dementia progression

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    Metabolomics in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative cohort provides a powerful tool for mapping biochemical changes in Alzheimer's disease, and a unique opportunity to learn about the association between circulating blood metabolites and brain amyloid-β deposition in Alzheimer's disease. We examined 140 serum metabolites and their associations with brain amyloid-β deposition, cognition and conversion from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer's disease in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Processed [18F] Florbetapir PET images were used to perform a voxel-wise statistical analysis of the effect of metabolite levels on amyloid-β accumulation across the whole brain. We performed a multivariable regression analysis using age, sex, body mass index, apolipoprotein E ξ4 status and study phase as covariates. We identified nine metabolites as significantly associated with amyloid-β deposition after multiple comparison correction. Higher levels of one acylcarnitine (C3; propionylcarnitine) and one biogenic amine (kynurenine) were associated with decreased amyloid-β accumulation and higher memory scores. However, higher levels of seven phosphatidylcholines (lysoPC a C18:2, PC aa C42:0, PC ae C42:3, PC ae C44:3, PC ae C44:4, PC ae C44:5 and PC ae C44:6) were associated with increased brain amyloid-β deposition. In addition, higher levels of PC ae C44:4 were significantly associated with lower memory and executive function scores and conversion from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer's disease dementia. Our findings suggest that dysregulation of peripheral phosphatidylcholine metabolism is associated with earlier pathological changes noted in Alzheimer's disease as measured by brain amyloid-β deposition as well as later clinical features including changes in memory and executive functioning. Perturbations in phosphatidylcholine metabolism may point to issues with membrane restructuring leading to the accumulation of amyloid-β in the brain. Additional studies are needed to explore whether these metabolites play a causal role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease or if they are biomarkers for systemic changes during preclinical phases of the disease

    Altered bile acid profile in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease: Relationship to neuroimaging and CSF biomarkers

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    Introduction: Bile acids (BAs) are the end products of cholesterol metabolism produced by human and gut microbiome co-metabolism. Recent evidence suggests gut microbiota influence pathological features of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) including neuroinflammation and amyloid-b deposition. Method: Serum levels of 20 primary and secondary BA metabolites from the AD Neuroimaging Initiative (n 5 1562) were measured using targeted metabolomic profiling. We assessed the association of BAs with the “A/T/N” (amyloid, tau, and neurodegeneration) biomarkers for AD: cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers, atrophy (magnetic resonance imaging), and brain glucose metabolism ([18F]FDG PET). Results: Of 23 BAs and relevant calculated ratios after quality control procedures, three BA signatures were associated with CSF Ab1-42 (“A”) and three with CSF p-tau181 (“T”) (corrected P ,.05). Furthermore, three, twelve, and fourteen BA signatures were associated with CSF t-tau, glucose metabolism, and atrophy (“N”), respectively (corrected P , .05). Discussion: This is the first study to show serum-based BA metabolites are associated with “A/T/N” AD biomarkers, providing further support for a role of BA pathways in AD pathophysiology. Prospective clinical observations and validation in model systems are needed to assess causality and specific mechanisms underlying this association

    Altered bile acid profile associates with cognitive impairment in Alzheimer's disease—An emerging role for gut microbiome

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    Introduction Increasing evidence suggests a role for the gut microbiome in central nervous system disorders and a specific role for the gut‐brain axis in neurodegeneration. Bile acids (BAs), products of cholesterol metabolism and clearance, are produced in the liver and are further metabolized by gut bacteria. They have major regulatory and signaling functions and seem dysregulated in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Methods Serum levels of 15 primary and secondary BAs and their conjugated forms were measured in 1464 subjects including 370 cognitively normal older adults, 284 with early mild cognitive impairment, 505 with late mild cognitive impairment, and 305 AD cases enrolled in the AD Neuroimaging Initiative. We assessed associations of BA profiles including selected ratios with diagnosis, cognition, and AD‐related genetic variants, adjusting for confounders and multiple testing. Results In AD compared to cognitively normal older adults, we observed significantly lower serum concentrations of a primary BA (cholic acid [CA]) and increased levels of the bacterially produced, secondary BA, deoxycholic acid, and its glycine and taurine conjugated forms. An increased ratio of deoxycholic acid:CA, which reflects 7α‐dehydroxylation of CA by gut bacteria, strongly associated with cognitive decline, a finding replicated in serum and brain samples in the Rush Religious Orders and Memory and Aging Project. Several genetic variants in immune response–related genes implicated in AD showed associations with BA profiles. Discussion We report for the first time an association between altered BA profile, genetic variants implicated in AD, and cognitive changes in disease using a large multicenter study. These findings warrant further investigation of gut dysbiosis and possible role of gut‐liver‐brain axis in the pathogenesis of AD

    Exome Analysis of Two Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy Families: Mutations Identified and Challenges Encountered

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    <div><p>The molecular diagnosis of muscle disorders is challenging: genetic heterogeneity (>100 causal genes for skeletal and cardiac muscle disease) precludes exhaustive clinical testing, prioritizing sequencing of specific genes is difficult due to the similarity of clinical presentation, and the number of variants returned through exome sequencing can make the identification of the disease-causing variant difficult. We have filtered variants found through exome sequencing by prioritizing variants in genes known to be involved in muscle disease while examining the quality and depth of coverage of those genes. We ascertained two families with autosomal dominant limb-girdle muscular dystrophy of unknown etiology. To identify the causal mutations in these families, we performed exome sequencing on five affected individuals using the Agilent SureSelect Human All Exon 50 Mb kit and the Illumina HiSeq 2000 (2×100 bp). We identified causative mutations in <em>desmin</em> (IVS3+3A>G) and filamin C (p.W2710X), and augmented the phenotype data for individuals with muscular dystrophy due to these mutations. We also discuss challenges encountered due to depth of coverage variability at specific sites and the annotation of a functionally proven splice site variant as an intronic variant.</p> </div

    Known muscle disease genes in which ≥30% of CCDS+splice bases have <10X coverage and/or QUAL scores of <50 in at least one case.

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    *<p>Failed bases are defined as any base with <10 reads at that position and/or a GATK QUAL score of <50.</p>#<p>CCDS+splice bases = total number of bases in the gene region (consensus coding plus 10 bp on each side for splice sites).</p

    Filtering of variants identified through exome sequencing of individuals in LGMD2692.

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    <p>Variant filtration was performed for all variants (SNVs and indels) identified in known muscle disease genes (A) and in all genes (B). The total number of variants identified in either of the cases (i) was restricted to variants that were not on the X or Y chromosomes and were not identified in any of the control individuals (ii). This list was further reduced to variants at ≤1% frequency in the HapMap and 1000 Genomes Caucasian databases (iii), then to likely functional variants or variants within 10 bases of a splice site (iv), and finally to variants that are shared in both cases (v).</p

    Filtering of variants identified through exome sequencing of individuals in LGMD2359.

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    <p>Variant filtration was performed for all variants (SNVs and indels) identified in known muscle disease genes (A) and in all genes (B). The total number of variants identified in any of the three cases (i) was restricted to variants that were not on the X or Y chromosomes and were not identified in any of the control individuals (ii). This list was further reduced to variants at ≤1% frequency in the HapMap and 1000 Genomes Caucasian databases (iii), then to likely functional variants or variants within 10 bp of splice site (iv), and finally to variants that are shared in all 3 cases (v).</p

    LGMD2359 pedigree and results of Sanger sequencing for <i>DES</i> IVS3+3A>G.

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    <p>The pedigree shows the affection statuses, individual identifiers, and genotypes at <i>DES</i> IVS3+3. The genotypes obtained through Sanger sequencing of individuals with available high quality DNA are shown. The arrow indicates the proband. <b>*</b> indicates that DNA was sent for exome sequencing. Individuals with ? were of uncertain affection status.</p