10 research outputs found

    COVID-19 in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Strengthening the public health surveillance using a web-based system to inform public health response, March 2020 - March 2022

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    In response to the significant public health threat caused by coronavirus disease (COVID-19), real-time surveillance, containment, and mitigation measures were implemented in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH). Our objective was to describe the surveillance methodology, response measures, and epidemiology of COVID-19 cases in FBiH from March 2020 to March 2022. The surveillance system implemented across FBiH enabled health authorities and the population to monitor the development of the epidemiological situation, the daily number of reported cases, as well as basic epidemiological characteristics and geographic distribution of cases. As of 31 March 2022, 249,495 cases of COVID-19, and a total of 8,845 deaths were recorded in FBiH. Upkeeping of real-time surveillance, maintaining non-pharmaceutical interventions, and speeding up the vaccination roll-out were paramount for controlling COVID-19 in FBiH

    Retrospective Analysis of Six Years of Acute Flaccid Paralysis Surveillance and Polio Vaccine Coverage Reported by Italy, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Albania, North Macedonia, Malta, and Greece

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    Here we analyzed six years of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) surveillance, from 2015 to 2020, of 10 countries linked to the WHO Regional Reference Laboratory, at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Italy. The analysis also comprises the polio vaccine coverage available (2015–2019) and enterovirus (EV) identification and typing data. Centralized Information System for Infectious Diseases and Laboratory Data Management System databases were used to obtain data on AFP indicators and laboratory performance and countries’ vaccine coverage from 2015 to 2019. EV isolation, identification, and typing were performed by each country according to WHO protocols. Overall, a general AFP underreporting was observed. Non-Polio Enterovirus (NPEV) typing showed a high heterogeneity: over the years, several genotypes of coxsackievirus and echovirus have been identified. The polio vaccine coverage, for the data available, differs among countries. This evaluation allows for the collection, for the first time, of data from the countries of the Balkan area regarding AFP surveillance and polio vaccine coverage. The need, for some countries, to enhance the surveillance systems and to promote the polio vaccine uptake, in order to maintain the polio-free status, is evident

    Design of a Timber-Frame Hall : Undergraduate Thesis

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    Tema završnog rada je dimenzioniranje drvene hale na području Osijeka. Potrebno je dimenzionirati glavni nosač, sekundarni nosač, vjetrovne spregove te izraditi radioničke nacrte glavnog nosača te detalje spojeva.The topic of the thesis is a structural analysis of a timber-frame hall Osijek area. The main tasks are designing the main structure, secondary structure, wind bracings and prepare drawings of the main structure and joint details

    Pravni lijekovi u upravnom sporu

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    Steel Structure Project ˝Zeleni inkubator˝ : Master's Thesis

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    Prema arhitektonskim podlogama i urbanističkim planovima izrađen je projekt čelične konstrukcije ˝Zeleni inkubator˝ - termalno-lječilišni kompleks. Arhitektonskim podlogama zadane su uzdužna, poprečna i tlocrtna dispozicija kao i profili konstruktivnih elemenata. Na temelju zadanih podataka napravljen je numerički model na kojem je izvršeno dimenzioniranje svih konstruktivnih elemenata. Također je izvršen je i proračun spojeva i izrađeni su svi građevinski nacrti. Svi proračuni izvedeni su prema EC normama.Steel structure project ˝Zeleni inkubator˝ - thermal spa complex - was made according to architectural project and urbanism solutions for the area. The architectural project contained ground, longitudinal and transversal plans as well as the type of cross sections for structural elements. On the basis of given data, numerical model has been made on which the calculations for the dimensions of the elements were conducted. Also, the project contains steel joints designs as well as all the construction drawings. All calculations were conducted under the Eurocode norms

    Steel Structure Project ˝Zeleni inkubator˝ : Master's Thesis

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    Prema arhitektonskim podlogama i urbanističkim planovima izrađen je projekt čelične konstrukcije ˝Zeleni inkubator˝ - termalno-lječilišni kompleks. Arhitektonskim podlogama zadane su uzdužna, poprečna i tlocrtna dispozicija kao i profili konstruktivnih elemenata. Na temelju zadanih podataka napravljen je numerički model na kojem je izvršeno dimenzioniranje svih konstruktivnih elemenata. Također je izvršen je i proračun spojeva i izrađeni su svi građevinski nacrti. Svi proračuni izvedeni su prema EC normama.Steel structure project ˝Zeleni inkubator˝ - thermal spa complex - was made according to architectural project and urbanism solutions for the area. The architectural project contained ground, longitudinal and transversal plans as well as the type of cross sections for structural elements. On the basis of given data, numerical model has been made on which the calculations for the dimensions of the elements were conducted. Also, the project contains steel joints designs as well as all the construction drawings. All calculations were conducted under the Eurocode norms

    Uloga Ureda za zakonodavstva Vlade Republike Hrvatske u izradi pravnih propisa

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    Design of a Timber-Frame Hall : Undergraduate Thesis

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    Tema završnog rada je dimenzioniranje drvene hale na području Osijeka. Potrebno je dimenzionirati glavni nosač, sekundarni nosač, vjetrovne spregove te izraditi radioničke nacrte glavnog nosača te detalje spojeva.The topic of the thesis is a structural analysis of a timber-frame hall Osijek area. The main tasks are designing the main structure, secondary structure, wind bracings and prepare drawings of the main structure and joint details

    Steel Structure Project ˝Zeleni inkubator˝ : Master's Thesis

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    Prema arhitektonskim podlogama i urbanističkim planovima izrađen je projekt čelične konstrukcije ˝Zeleni inkubator˝ - termalno-lječilišni kompleks. Arhitektonskim podlogama zadane su uzdužna, poprečna i tlocrtna dispozicija kao i profili konstruktivnih elemenata. Na temelju zadanih podataka napravljen je numerički model na kojem je izvršeno dimenzioniranje svih konstruktivnih elemenata. Također je izvršen je i proračun spojeva i izrađeni su svi građevinski nacrti. Svi proračuni izvedeni su prema EC normama.Steel structure project ˝Zeleni inkubator˝ - thermal spa complex - was made according to architectural project and urbanism solutions for the area. The architectural project contained ground, longitudinal and transversal plans as well as the type of cross sections for structural elements. On the basis of given data, numerical model has been made on which the calculations for the dimensions of the elements were conducted. Also, the project contains steel joints designs as well as all the construction drawings. All calculations were conducted under the Eurocode norms

    Uloga Ureda za zakonodavstva Vlade Republike Hrvatske u izradi pravnih propisa

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