41 research outputs found

    Pre-Meal Effect of Whey Proteins on Metabolic Parameters in Subjects with and without Type 2 Diabetes:A Randomized, Crossover Trial

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    Diabetic dyslipidemia with elevated postprandial triglyceride (TG) responses is characteristic in type 2 diabetes (T2D). Diet and meal timing can modify postprandial lipemia (PPL). The impact of a pre-meal of whey proteins (WP) on lipid metabolism is unidentified. We determined whether a WP pre-meal prior to a fat-rich meal influences TG and apolipoprotein B-48 (ApoB-48) responses differentially in patients with and without T2D. Two matched groups of 12 subjects with and without T2D accomplished an acute, randomized, cross-over trial. A pre-meal of WP (20 g) or water (control) was consumed 15 min before a fat-rich meal (supplemented with 20 g WP in case of water pre-meal). Postprandial responses were examined during a 360-min period. A WP pre-meal significantly increased postprandial concentrations of insulin (P < 0.0001), glucagon (P < 0.0001) and glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (GIP) (P < 0.0001) in subjects with and without T2D. We detected no effects of the WP pre-meal on TG, ApoB-48, or non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) responses to the fat-rich meal in either group. Paracetamol absorption i.e. gastric emptying was delayed by the WP pre-meal (P = 0.039). In conclusion, the WP pre-meal induced similar hormone and lipid responses in subjects with and without T2D. Thus, the WP pre-meal enhanced insulin, glucagon and GIP responses but did not influence lipid or glucose responses. In addition, we demonstrated that a WP pre-meal reduced gastric emptying in both groups

    MadMagi:En spørgeskemaundersøgelse

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    Epidemiology of traumatic spinal cord injury in Galicia, Spain: trends over a 20-year period

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    [Abstract] Study design: Observational study with prospective and retrospective monitoring. Objective: To describe the epidemiological and demographic characteristics of traumatic spinal cord injury (TSCI), and to analyze its epidemiological changes. Setting: Unidad de Lesionados Medulares, Complejo Hospitalario Universitario A Coruña, in Galicia (Spain). Methods: The study included patients with TSCI who had been hospitalized between January 1995 and December 2014. Relevant data were extracted from the admissions registry and electronic health record. Results: A total of 1195 patients with TSCI were admitted over the specified period of time; 76.4% male and 23.6% female. Mean patient age at injury was 50.20 years. Causes of injury were falls (54.2%), traffic accidents (37%), sports/leisure-related accidents (3.5%) and other traumatic causes (5.3%). Mean patient age increased significantly over time (from 46.40 to 56.54 years), and the number of cases of TSCI related to traffic accidents decreased (from 44.5% to 23.7%), whereas those linked to falls increased (from 46.9% to 65.6%). The most commonly affected neurological level was the cervical level (54.9%), increasing in the case of levels C1–C4 over time, and the most frequent ASIA (American Spinal Injury Association) grade was A (44.3%). The crude annual incidence rate was 2.17/100 000 inhabitants, decreasing significantly over time at an annual percentage rate change of −1.4%. Conclusions: The incidence rate of TSCI tends to decline progressively. Mean patient age has increased over time and cervical levels C1–C4 are currently the most commonly affected ones. These epidemiological changes will eventually result in adjustments in the standard model of care for TSCI

    Methods for regional scale farming systems modelling and uncertainty assessment - cases of production, N-losses and greenhouse gas emissions

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    In the EU Joint-Programming-Initiative: Modelling European Agriculturewith Climate Change for Food Security (MACSUR, LiveM: http://www.macsur.eu/index.php/livestock-modelling) we develop a research frameworkfor the modelling and sustainability assessment of livestock and grasslandbased farming systems at farm and regional scales.Based on results from related research and model development in Denmark,methodologies used for regional scaling, the description of data requirementsand sources, and methods to predict the effect and effectiveness of climate-and environment related policy measures are developed. In this study we present results from farm modelling in a study areaaround Viborg, Western Denmark using the http://www.Farm-N.dk/ model (Env.Pol. 159 3183-3192), including thedistribution of N-surpluses into different types of losses, and a comparisonwith empirical studies of farm nitrogen balances in the Danish study and fiveadditional European landscapes (Biogeosciences 9, 5303–5321). Based on this,methods and development needs for the mapping and uncertainty assessment ofnutrient losses and greenhouse gas emissions are discussed, referring to the presentdevelopment of the Farm-AC model and ongoing scenario studies in e.g. the www.dNmark.org project. In these scenarios, regional-scale policy measures areimplemented via the responses of a range of stakeholders, such as farmers,public interest groups, regulators and politicians. When modelling the outcomeof the policy measures implementation, it is often assumed that stakeholdersrespond as economically rational entities. However, social and cultural factorsare also known to play a role and modelling methods that permit these factorsto be taken into account will also be discussed

    Nye finansielle forventninger – konsekvenser for bosætning og erhverv i landdistrikterne

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    Dansk landbrug og de danske landdistrikter har historisk set været tæt knyttet sammen. Nok så vigtigt har udviklingen for begge områder været tæt forbundet med den finansielle sektor, der gennem långivning har sikret mulighederne for byggeri, investering, ejerskab og generationsskifter. I international sammenligning har danske kreditforeninger således spillet en unik rolle i udvikling af både bolig- og landbrugsområdet. I de senere årtier er der imidlertid sket en række forandringer af relationen mellem landbrugserhvervet og landdistrikterne på den ene side og det finansielle system på den anden side, der grundlæggende har ændret betingelserne for økonomisk aktivitet. I denne artikel dykker vi nærmere ned i disse forandringer og forsøger at belyse konsekvenserne

    Udfordringer i den neo-endogene selvfølgelighed i kommuners strategiske planlægning for landsbyer

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    Megen landdistriktsforskning og -politik er baseret på en forventning om en neo-endogen selvfølgelighed, som handler om, at en stor del af ansvaret for landsbyudviklingen lægges over på landsbyaktørerne selv. Denne artikel undersøger mønstre i lokalsamfunds sociale kapital, der kan vise, hvordan lokalsamfundene står rustet til at agere udviklingsaktør. Artiklen analyserer kvantitative data fra en landsdækkende spørgeskemaundersøgelse hos borgerforeninger, lokalråd og lignende lokalsamfundsforeninger. I alt har 1.468 foreninger modtaget spørgeskemaet, og besvarelsesprocenten er 58. Kommunerne har for nylig fået et mere fastlagt ”landsbyansvar” i takt med at kommuneplanlægningen siden 2019 har skullet understøtte en udvikling af levedygtige landsbyer, fremme en differentieret og målrettet udvikling af landsbyer samt angive overordnede målsætninger og virkemidler for udviklingen af landsbyer. Artiklen diskuterer, i lyset af den strategiske planlægning for levedygtige landsbyer, udfordringerne ved den neo-endogene selvfølgeligheds ”læggen ansvar” over på lokalsamfundene