233 research outputs found

    Effekter av olika sätt att producera livsmedel – en inventering av jämförelser mellan ekologisk och konventionell produktion

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    Ekologisk produktion har totalt sett en mer positiv, eller mindre negativ, inverkan på miljön. Det pekar fyra omfattande inventeringar, avseende 18 europeiska länder (inklusive Sverige), som jämför ekologisk och konventionell produktion på. Att en ökad omfattning av den ekologiska produktionen utan tvivel skulle minska de negativa miljöeffekterna och resursanvändningen i jordbruket är den slutsats som dras i alla de fyra inventeringarna. Bilden som ges av genomförda studier är dock i några avseenden inte entydig. Detta gäller till exempel kväveläckage, samt fosfor- och kaliumförsörjning. Inom en del områden, framför allt livsmedelskvalitet, djurhälsa och klimatförändringar, krävs också mer forskning för att kunna göra en tillförlitlig jämförelse. För vissa faktorer är dessutom skillnaderna små. En allmän iakttagelse vad gäller effektivitet är att den ekologiska produktionen utnyttjar mer mark medan den konventionella produktionen utnyttjar mer energi och andra externa insatser. Jordbruksproduktion är en mycket komplex verksamhet som är beroende av lika komplexa ekosystem. Förändringar som görs i ett sådant system medför ofelbart ett antal oavsedda effekter vid sidan om de avsedda

    Jämförelser mellan metoder för fastvolymbestämning av stockar

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    In 2008 a new method for automatic measurement of solid volume under bark (m3sub) of sawlogs was introduced in southern Sweden. In this method the diameters at 10 cm intervals are used, thus producing a section-wise volume (m3sub-sw). The scanners used are programmed to leave out bumps and indents when diameters are calculated. The objective of the study was to compare this method with two other methods used on the Swedish wood market; a) volume based on top and butt end diameters (m3sub-tb) and b) volume based on top end diameters and conversion factors to solid volume (m3sub-cf). The conversion factors are arranged as a matrix based on diameter and length of the logs. Volume m3sub-tb is the most widely used method for measuring m3sub in Sweden. M3sub-cf is partly used for payment but more widely for planning purposes, for example when the logs are priced as a cylinder volume based on top end diameter. The study was performed on spruce (Picea abies). The three different volume estimates as well as the diameters obtained from the log scanners were evaluated on 435 manually measured control logs from five different mills. For an additional 180 000 automatically measured logs from four of the sawmills the m3sub-sw and m3sub-cf volume estimates were compared. The results showed only minor differences between the methods. The volume m3sub-sw was, for the 180 000 logs, 0.6 % greater than the volume m3sub-cf. The analysis of the matrix for conversion factors showed that, if the matrix was to be revised, this should be done as slightly increased factors for small diameter logs and for big diameter logs. However, it was concluded that it would mean less implications for the wood market if the section-wise volume could be reduced to make this volume equal to m3sub-tb and m3sub-cf. This to achieve that all three methods, given a sufficient number of representative logs, would give the same volum

    Evidence for Presence and Functional Effects of Kv1.1 Channels in β-Cells: General Survey and Results from mceph/mceph Mice

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    BACKGROUND:Voltage-dependent K(+) channels (Kv) mediate repolarisation of β-cell action potentials, and thereby abrogate insulin secretion. The role of the Kv1.1 K(+) channel in this process is however unclear. We tested for presence of Kv1.1 in different species and tested for a functional role of Kv1.1 by assessing pancreatic islet function in BALB/cByJ (wild-type) and megencephaly (mceph/mceph) mice, the latter having a deletion in the Kv1.1 gene. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:Kv1.1 expression was detected in islets from wild-type mice, SD rats and humans, and expression of truncated Kv1.1 was detected in mceph/mceph islets. Full-length Kv1.1 protein was present in islets from wild-type mice, but, as expected, not in those from mceph/mceph mice. Kv1.1 expression was localized to the β-cell population and also to α- and δ-cells, with evidence of over-expression of truncated Kv1.1 in mceph/mceph islets. Blood glucose, insulin content, and islet morphology were normal in mceph/mceph mice, but glucose-induced insulin release from batch-incubated islets was (moderately) higher than that from wild-type islets. Reciprocal blocking of Kv1.1 by dendrotoxin-K increased insulin secretion from wild-type but not mceph/mceph islets. Glucose-induced action potential duration, as well as firing frequency, was increased in mceph/mceph mouse β-cells. This duration effect on action potential in β-cells from mceph/mceph mice was mimicked by dendrotoxin-K in β-cells from wild-type mice. Observations concerning the effects of both the mceph mutation, and of dendrotoxin-K, on glucose-induced insulin release were confirmed in pancreatic islets from Kv1.1 null mice. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE:Kv1.1 channels are expressed in the β-cells of several species, and these channels can influence glucose-stimulated insulin release

    Is the Roux Limb a Determinant for Meal Size After Gastric Bypass Surgery?

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    The Roux-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP) is an effective weight-reducing procedure but the involved mechanisms of action are obscure. The Roux limb is the intestinal segment that following surgery is the primary recipient for food intake. The aims of the study were to explore the mechanosensory and biomechanical properties of the Roux limb and to make correlations with preferred meal size. Ten patients participated and were examined preoperatively, 6 weeks and 1 year after RYGBP. Each subject ingested unrestricted amounts of a standardized meal and the weight of the meal was recorded. On another study day, the Roux limb was subjected to gradual distension by the use of an intraluminal balloon. Luminal volume–pressure relationships and thresholds for induction of sensations were monitored. At 6 weeks and 1 year post surgery, the subjects had reduced their meal sizes by 62% and 41% (medians), respectively, compared to preoperative values. The thresholds for eliciting distension-induced sensations were strongly and negatively correlated to the preferred meal size. Intraluminal pressure during Roux limb distension, both at low and high balloon volumes, correlated negatively to the size of the meal that the patients had chosen to eat. The results suggest that the Roux limb is an important determinant for regulating food intake after Roux-Y bypass bariatric surgery

    Inequalities of quality of life in unemployed young adults: A population-based questionnaire study

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    BACKGROUND: It is well known that unemployment is a great problem both to the exposed individual and to the whole society. Unemployment is reported as more common among young people compared to the general level of unemployment. Inequity in health status and life-satisfaction is related to unemployment. The purpose of this population-based study was to describe QOL among unemployed young people compared to those who are not unemployed, and to analyse variables related to QOL for the respective groups. METHODS: The sample consisted of 264 young unemployed individuals and 528 working or studying individuals as a reference group. They all received a questionnaire about civil status, educational level, immigration, employment status, self-reported health, self-esteem, social support, social network, spare time, dwelling, economy and personal characteristics. The response rate was 72%. The significance of differences between proportions was tested by Fisher's exact test or by χ(2 )test. Multivariate analysis was carried out by means of a logistic regression model. RESULTS: Our results balance the predominant picture of youth unemployment as a principally negative experience. Although the unemployed reported lower levels of QOL than the reference group, a majority of unemployed young adults reported good QOL, and 24% even experienced higher QOL after being unemployed. Positive QOL related not only to good health, but also to high self-esteem, satisfaction with spare time and broad latitude for decision-making. CONCLUSION: Even if QOL is good among a majority of unemployed young adults, inequalities in QOL were demonstrated. To create more equity in health, individuals who report reduced subjective health, especially anxiety need extra attention and support. Efforts should aim at empowering unemployed young adults by identifying their concerns and resources, and by creating individual programmes in relation not only to education and work, but also to personal development
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