428 research outputs found

    Phase-dependent which-way information

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    We introduce a new observable for reading out a which-way detector in a Young-type interferometer whose eigenstates either contain full which-way information or none at all. We calculate the which-way knowledge K that can be retrieved from this observable and find that K depends on the phase difference \delta that the interfering object accumulates on its way from either slit to the detector. In particular, it turns out that K(\delta) has an upper bound of 1, almost independent of the visibility V of the interference pattern generated by the interfering object on a screen, which is in marked contrast to the well-known inequality K^2 + V^2 <= 1 (cf. B.-G. Englert, Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 2154 (1996)).Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Experimental determination of the degree of quantum polarisation of continuous variable states

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    We demonstrate excitation-manifold resolved polarisation characterisation of continuous-variable (CV) quantum states. In contrast to traditional characterisation of polarisation that is based on the Stokes parameters, we experimentally determine the Stokes vector of each excitation manifold separately. Only for states with a given photon number does the methods coincide. For states with an indeterminate photon number, for example Gaussian states, the employed method gives a richer and more accurate description. We apply the method both in theory and in experiment to some common states to demonstrate its advantages.Comment: 5 page

    Certainty relations between local and nonlocal observables

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    We demonstrate that for an arbitrary number of identical particles, each defined on a Hilbert-space of arbitrary dimension, there exists a whole ladder of relations of complementarity between local, and every conceivable kind of joint (or nonlocal) measurements. E.g., the more accurate we can know (by a measurement) some joint property of three qubits (projecting the state onto a tripartite entangled state), the less accurate some other property, local to the three qubits, become. We also show that the corresponding complementarity relations are particularly tight for particles defined on prime dimensional Hilbert spaces.Comment: 4 pages, no figure

    Assessing the Polarization of a Quantum Field from Stokes Fluctuation

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    We propose an operational degree of polarization in terms of the variance of the projected Stokes vector minimized over all the directions of the Poincar\'e sphere. We examine the properties of this degree and show that some problems associated with the standard definition are avoided. The new degree of polarization is experimentally determined using two examples: a bright squeezed state and a quadrature squeezed vacuum.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Comments welcome

    Improved estimation of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) by comparison of eGFRcystatin C and eGFRcreatinine

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    Objective. GFR-prediction equations based upon cystatin C and creatinine have better diagnostic performance in estimating GFR than equations based upon only one of the two markers. The present work concerns in what way a comparison between separate estimations of GFR based upon cystatin C (eGFR(cystatin C)) or creatinine (eGFR(creatinine)) can be used to evaluate the diagnostic performance of a combined cystatin C-and creatinine-based estimation of GFR. Methods. The difference between eGFR(cystatin C) and eGFR(creatinine) was compared with measured GFR (iohexol clearance) and a combined cystatin C- and creatinine-based estimation of GFR in a Swedish-Caucasian cohort of 857 adult patients. Results. A difference between eGFR(cystatin C) and eGFR(creatinine) of >= 40% indicated a markedly reduced diagnostic performance of the combined cystatin C- and creatinine-based estimation of GFR. Conclusion. Comparison of the agreement between eGFR(cystatin C) and eGFR(creatinine) can be used to evaluate the diagnostic performance of combined cystatin C-and creatinine-based estimations of GFR. If 'threshold values' for discordance are exceeded, it must be considered whether the clinical context requires the use of an invasive gold standard method to measure GFR. In some clinical contexts either creatinine or cystatin C are known to be invalidated as markers of GFR and in these situations the use of only the cystatin C-or the creatinine-based GFR estimate should be considered when the 'threshold values' are exceeded

    Decomposition of D-modules over a hyperplane arrangement in the plane

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    We consider the D-module defined as the push-forward of a rank one linear system on the complement of a central plane hyperplane arrangement, and calculate its decomposition series, using algebraic calculations in the Weyl algebra.Comment: 13 page

    Quantum phases of a qutrit

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    We consider various approaches to treat the phases of a qutrit. Although it is possible to represent qutrits in a convenient geometrical manner by resorting to a generalization of the Poincare sphere, we argue that the appropriate way of dealing with this problem is through phase operators associated with the algebra su(3). The rather unusual properties of these phases are caused by the small dimension of the system and are explored in detail. We also examine the positive operator-valued measures that can describe the qutrit phase properties.Comment: 6 page

    Efficiency of two-phase methods with focus on a planned population-based case-control study on air pollution and stroke

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We plan to conduct a case-control study to investigate whether exposure to nitrogen dioxide (NO<sub>2</sub>) increases the risk of stroke. In case-control studies, selective participation can lead to bias and loss of efficiency. A two-phase design can reduce bias and improve efficiency by combining information on the non-participating subjects with information from the participating subjects. In our planned study, we will have access to individual disease status and data on NO<sub>2 </sub>exposure on group (area) level for a large population sample of Scania, southern Sweden. A smaller sub-sample will be selected to the second phase for individual-level assessment on exposure and covariables. In this paper, we simulate a case-control study based on our planned study. We develop a two-phase method for this study and compare the performance of our method with the performance of other two-phase methods.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A two-phase case-control study was simulated with a varying number of first- and second-phase subjects. Estimation methods: <it>Method 1</it>: Effect estimation with second-phase data only. <it>Method 2</it>: Effect estimation by adjusting the first-phase estimate with the difference between the adjusted and unadjusted second-phase estimate. The first-phase estimate is based on individual disease status and residential address for all study subjects that are linked to register data on NO<sub>2</sub>-exposure for each geographical area. <it>Method 3</it>: Effect estimation by using the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm without taking area-level register data on exposure into account. <it>Method 4</it>: Effect estimation by using the EM algorithm and incorporating group-level register data on NO<sub>2</sub>-exposure.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The simulated scenarios were such that, unbiased or marginally biased (< 7%) odds ratio (OR) estimates were obtained with all methods. The efficiencies of method 4, are generally higher than those of methods 1 and 2. The standard errors in method 4 decreased further when the case/control ratio is above one in the second phase. For all methods, the standard errors do not become substantially reduced when the number of first-phase controls is increased.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In the setting described here, method 4 had the best performance in order to improve efficiency, while adjusting for varying participation rates across areas.</p

    Quantitative wave-particle duality and non-erasing quantum erasure

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    The notion of wave-particle duality may be quantified by the inequality V^2+K^2 <=1, relating interference fringe visibility V and path knowledge K. With a single-photon interferometer in which polarization is used to label the paths, we have investigated the relation for various situations, including pure, mixed, and partially-mixed input states. A quantum eraser scheme has been realized that recovers interference fringes even when no which-way information is available to erase.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.