2,682 research outputs found

    Quantum transport in chains with noisy off-diagonal couplings

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    We present a model for conductivity and energy diffusion in a linear chain described by a quadratic Hamiltonian with Gaussian noise. We show that when the correlation matrix is diagonal, the noise-averaged Liouville-von Neumann equation governing the time-evolution of the system reduces to the Lindblad equation with Hermitian Lindblad operators. We show that the noise-averaged density matrix for the system expectation values of the energy density and the number density satisfy discrete versions of the heat and diffusion equations. Transport coefficients are given in terms of model Hamiltonian parameters. We discuss conditions on the Hamiltonian under which the noise-averaged expectation value of the total energy remains constant. For chains placed between two heat reservoirs, the gradient of the energy density along the chain is linear.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in J. Chem. Phy

    Flow establishment in a generic scramjet combustor

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    The establishment of a quasi-steady flow in a generic scramjet combustor was studied for the case of a time varying inflow to the combustor. Such transient flow is characteristic of the reflected shock tunnel and expansion tube test facilities. Several numerical simulations of hypervelocity flow through a straight duct combustor with either a side wall step fuel injector or a centrally located strut injector are presented. Comparisons were made between impulsively started but otherwise constant flow conditions (typical of the expansion tube or tailored operations of the reflected shock tunnel) and the relaxing flow produced by the 'undertailored' operations of the reflected shock tunnel. Generally the inviscid flow features, such as the shock pattern and pressure distribution, were unaffected by the time varying inlet conditions and approached steady state in approx. the times indicated by experimental correlations. However, viscous features, such as heat transfer and skin friction, were altered by the relaxing inlet flow conditions

    What makes slow samples slow in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model

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    Using results of a Monte Carlo simulation of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model, we try to characterize the slow disorder samples, namely we analyze visually the correlation between the relaxation time for a given disorder sample JJ with several observables of the system for the same disorder sample. For temperatures below TcT_c but not too low, fast samples (small relaxation times) are clearly correlated with a small value of the largest eigenvalue of the coupling matrix, a large value of the site averaged local field probability distribution at the origin, or a small value of the squared overlap .Withinourlimiteddata,thecorrelationremainsasthesystemsizeincreasesbutbecomeslessclearasthetemperatureisdecreased(thecorrelationwith. Within our limited data, the correlation remains as the system size increases but becomes less clear as the temperature is decreased (the correlation with is more robust) . There is a strong correlation between the values of the relaxation time for two distinct values of the temperature, but this correlation decreases as the system size is increased. This may indicate the onset of temperature chaos

    Reconciling Semiclassical and Bohmian Mechanics: I. Stationary states

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    The semiclassical method is characterized by finite forces and smooth, well-behaved trajectories, but also by multivalued representational functions that are ill-behaved at turning points. In contrast, quantum trajectory methods--based on Bohmian mechanics (quantum hydrodynamics)--are characterized by infinite forces and erratic trajectories near nodes, but also well-behaved, single-valued representational functions. In this paper, we unify these two approaches into a single method that captures the best features of both, and in addition, satisfies the correspondence principle. Stationary eigenstates in one degree of freedom are the primary focus, but more general applications are also anticipated.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Development of Muon Drift-Tube Detectors for High-Luminosity Upgrades of the Large Hadron Collider

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    The muon detectors of the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have to cope with unprecedentedly high neutron and gamma ray background rates. In the forward regions of the muon spectrometer of the ATLAS detector, for instance, counting rates of 1.7 kHz/square cm are reached at the LHC design luminosity. For high-luminosity upgrades of the LHC, up to 10 times higher background rates are expected which require replacement of the muon chambers in the critical detector regions. Tests at the CERN Gamma Irradiation Facility showed that drift-tube detectors with 15 mm diameter aluminum tubes operated with Ar:CO2 (93:7) gas at 3 bar and a maximum drift time of about 200 ns provide efficient and high-resolution muon tracking up to the highest expected rates. For 15 mm tube diameter, space charge effects deteriorating the spatial resolution at high rates are strongly suppressed. The sense wires have to be positioned in the chamber with an accuracy of better than 50 ?micons in order to achieve the desired spatial resolution of a chamber of 50 ?microns up to the highest rates. We report about the design, construction and test of prototype detectors which fulfill these requirements

    Critical mass and the dependency of research quality on group size

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    Academic research groups are treated as complex systems and their cooperative behaviour is analysed from a mathematical and statistical viewpoint. Contrary to the naive expectation that the quality of a research group is simply given by the mean calibre of its individual scientists, we show that intra-group interactions play a dominant role. Our model manifests phenomena akin to phase transitions which are brought about by these interactions, and which facilitate the quantification of the notion of critical mass for research groups. We present these critical masses for many academic areas. A consequence of our analysis is that overall research performance of a given discipline is improved by supporting medium-sized groups over large ones, while small groups must strive to achieve critical mass.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures consisting of 16 panels. Presentation and reference list improved for version
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