1,006 research outputs found

    Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Hyperfine Structure

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    Contains a report on a research project

    Magnet Laboratory Research

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    Contains reports on three research projects

    Digestibility of resistant starch type 3 is affected by crystal type, molecular weight and molecular weight distribution

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    Resistant starch type 3 (RS-3) holds great potential as a prebiotic by supporting gut microbiota following intestinal digestion. However the factors influencing the digestibility of RS-3 are largely unknown. This research aims to reveal how crystal type and molecular weight (distribution) of RS-3 influence its resistance. Narrow and polydisperse α-glucans of degree of polymerization (DP) 14–76, either obtained by enzymatic synthesis or debranching amylopectins from different sources, were crystallized in 12 different A- or B-type crystals and in vitro digested. Crystal type had the largest influence on resistance to digestion (A >>> B), followed by molecular weight (Mw) (high DP >> low DP) and Mw distribution (narrow disperse > polydisperse). B-type crystals escaping digestion changed in Mw and Mw distribution compared to that in the original B-type crystals, whereas A-type crystals were unchanged. This indicates that pancreatic α-amylase binds and acts differently to A- or B-type RS-3 crystals.</p

    Injection into Supersonic Boundary Layers

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    A method for injection of gas into the boundary layer on a slender body in supersonic flow while minimizing perturbation to the mean flow is examined. Injection of gas is equivalent to a sudden increase in the displacement thickness of the boundary layer, which produces an oblique shock that propagates into the inviscid region of the flow. It is found that modification of the geometry of the body can compensate for the increased displacement thickness created by injection and minimize the production of oblique waves. However, the resulting near-wall injection layer is observed to be unstable and a turbulent boundary layer develops downstream of the injection region. The instability of the flow is examined experimentally using high-speed schlieren visualization and numerically using linear stability analysis of velocity profiles from a compressible Navier–Stokes computation. At the present postshock Mach number of about 3.8, both first- and second-mode instabilities are active, though computations predict that the first mode is primarily responsible for transition downstream of the injector

    Coherent Ro-vibrational Revivals in a Thermal Molecular Ensemble

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    We report an experimental and theoretical study of the evolution of vibrational coherence in a thermal ensemble of nitrogen molecules. Rotational dephasing and rephasing of the vibrational coherence is detected by coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering. The existence of ro-vibrational coupling and the discrete energy spectrum of the rotational bath lead to a whole new class of full and fractional ro-vibrational revivals. Following the rich ro-vibrational dynamics on a nanosecond time scale with sub-picosecond time resolution enables us to determine the second-order ro-vibrational constant gammaegamma_e and assess new possibilities of controlling decoherence.Comment: submitted at Physical Review

    Type of intrinsic resistant starch type 3 determines in vitro fermentation by pooled adult faecal inoculum

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    Resistant starch (RS) results in relatively high health-beneficial butyrate levels upon fermentation by gut microbiota. We studied how physico-chemical characteristics of RS-3 influenced butyrate production during fermentation. Six highly resistant RS-3 substrates (intrinsic RS-3, 80-95 % RS) differing in chain length (DPn 16-76), Mw distribution (PI) and crystal type (A/B) were fermented in vitro by pooled adult faecal inoculum. All intrinsic RS-3 substrates were fermented to relatively high butyrate levels (acetate/butyrate ≤ 2.5), and especially fermentation of A-type RS-3 prepared from polydisperse α-1,4 glucans resulted in the highest relative butyrate amount produced (acetate/butyrate: 1). Analysis of the microbiota composition after fermentation revealed that intrinsic RS-3 stimulated primarily Lachnospiraceae, Bifidobacterium and Ruminococcus, but the relative abundances of these taxa differed slightly depending on the RS-3 physico-chemical characteristics. Especially intrinsic RS-3 of narrow disperse Mw distribution stimulated relatively more Ruminococcus. Selected RS fractions (polydisperse Mw distribution) obtained after pre-digestion were fermented to acetate and butyrate (ratio ≤ 1.8) and stimulated Lachnospiraceae and Bifidobacterium. This study indicates that especially the α-1,4 glucan Mw distribution dependent microstructure of RS-3 influences butyrate production and microbiota composition during RS-3 fermentation.</p

    Modification of a PE/PPE substrate pair reroutes an Esx substrate pair from the mycobacterial ESX-1 type VII secretion system to the ESX-5 system

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    Bacterial type VII secretion systems secrete a wide range of extracellular proteins that play important roles in bacterial viability and in interactions of pathogenic mycobacteria with their hosts. Mycobacterial type VII secretion systems consist of five subtypes, ESX-1-5, and have four substrate classes, namely, Esx, PE, PPE, and Esp proteins. At least some of these substrates are secreted as heterodimers. Each ESX system mediates the secretion of a specific set of Esx, PE, and PPE proteins, raising the question of how these substrates are recognized in a system-specific fashion. For the PE/PPE heterodimers, it has been shown that they interact with their cognate EspG chaperone and that this chaperone determines the designated secretion pathway. However, both structural and pulldown analyses have suggested that EspG cannot interact with the Esx proteins. Therefore, the determining factor for system specificity of the Esx proteins remains unknown. Here, we investigated the secretion specificity of the ESX-1 substrate pair EsxB_1/EsxA_1 in Mycobacterium marinum Although this substrate pair was hardly secreted when homologously expressed, it was secreted when co-expressed together with the PE35/PPE68_1 pair, indicating that this pair could stimulate secretion of the EsxB_1/EsxA_1 pair. Surprisingly, co-expression of EsxB_1/EsxA_1 with a modified PE35/PPE68_1 version that carried the EspG5 chaperone-binding domain, previously shown to redirect this substrate pair to the ESX-5 system, also resulted in redirection and co-secretion of the Esx pair via ESX-5. Our results suggest a secretion model in which PE35/PPE68_1 determines the system-specific secretion of EsxB_1/EsxA_1

    Из истории гидроархеологических исследований на озере Иссык-Куль

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    Статья посвящена истории археологических исследований на озере Иссык-Куль. На основе архивных данных реконструируются первые попытки изучения дна озера русскими путешественниками и учеными в середине ХIХ века; описывается проект Г.А.Колпаковского по доставке на озеро водолазного оборудования (1871); оцениваются результаты работ экспедиций Д.Ф.Винника и современное состояние дел по изучению подводных памятников озера.Стаття присвячена історії археологічних досліджень на озері Іссик-куль. На основі архівних даних реконструюються перші спроби вивчення дна озера російськими мандрівниками і ученими в середині ХIХ століття; описується проект Г.А.Колпаковського з доставки на озеро водолазного обладнання (1871); оцінюються результати робіт експедицій Д.Ф.Вінника і сучасний стан справ по вивченню підводних пам'ятників озера.The article is devoted to the history of archaeological researches at lake Issik Kul. On the basis of the archived documents the first attempts to investigate the lake bottom by Russian travelers and scientists in the middle of ХIХ age are reconstructed; the G.A.Kolpakovskiy’s project concerning the delivery of diving equipment (1871) to the lake is described; the work results of D.F.Vinnik’s expeditions and modern researches of archaeological artefacts of the lake are assessed

    Enhancing strong-field induced molecular vibration with femtosecond pulse shaping

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    This work investigates the utility of femtosecond pulse shaping in increasing the efficiency of Raman excitation of molecules in the strong-field interaction regime. We study experimentally and theoretically the effect of pulse shaping on the strength of non-resonant coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering in iodine vapor at laser intensities exceeding 101310^{13} W/cm2^2. We show that unlike the perturbative case, shaping strong non-resonant laser pulses can increase the signal strength beyond that observed with the transform-limited excitation. Both adiabatic and non-adiabatic schemes of excitation are explored, and the differences of their potential in increasing the excitation efficiency are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, experimental and theoretical stud

    On the characterisation of a Bragg spectrometer with X-rays from an ECR source

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    Narrow X-ray lines from helium-like argon emitted from a dedicated ECR source have been used to determine the response function of a Bragg crystal spectrometer equipped with large area spherically bent silicon (111) or quartz (101ˉ\bar{1}) crystals. The measured spectra are compared with simulated ones created by a ray-tracing code based on the expected theoretical crystal's rocking curve and the geometry of the experimental set-up.Comment: Version acceptee (NIM