794 research outputs found

    Influence of viscosity and the adiabatic index on planetary migration

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    The strength and direction of migration of low mass embedded planets depends on the disk's thermodynamic state, where the internal dissipation is balanced by radiative transport, and the migration can be directed outwards, a process which extends the lifetime of growing embryos. Very important parameters determining the structure of disks, and hence the direction of migration, are the viscosity and the adiabatic index. In this paper we investigate the influence of different viscosity prescriptions (alpha-type and constant) and adiabatic indices on disk structures and how this affects the migration rate of planets embedded in such disks. We perform 3D numerical simulations of accretion disks with embedded planets. We use the explicit/implicit hydrodynamical code NIRVANA that includes full tensor viscosity and radiation transport in the flux-limited diffusion approximation, as well as a proper equation of state for molecular hydrogen. The migration of embedded 20Earthmass planets is studied. Low-viscosity disks have cooler temperatures and the migration rates of embedded planets tend toward the isothermal limit. In these disks, planets migrate inwards even in the fully radiative case. The effect of outward migration can only be sustained if the viscosity in the disk is large. Overall, the differences between the treatments for the equation of state seem to play a more important role in disks with higher viscosity. A change in the adiabatic index and in the viscosity changes the zero-torque radius that separates inward from outward migration. For larger viscosities, temperatures in the disk become higher and the zero-torque radius moves to larger radii, allowing outward migration of a 20 Earth-mass planet to persist over an extended radial range. In combination with large disk masses, this may allow for an extended period of the outward migration of growing protoplanetary cores

    Migration of Earth-size planets in 3D radiative discs

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    In this paper, we address the migration of small mass planets in 3D radiative disks. Indeed, migration of small planets is known to be too fast inwards in locally isothermal conditions. However, thermal effects could reverse its direction, potentially saving planets in the inner, optically thick parts of the protoplanetary disc. This effect has been seen for masses larger than 5 Earth masses, but the minimum mass for this to happen has never been probed numerically, although it is of crucial importance for planet formation scenarios. We have extended the hydro-dynamical code FARGO to 3D, with thermal diffusion. With this code, we perform simulations of embedded planets down to 2 Earth masses. For a set of discs parameters for which outward migration has been shown in the range of [5,35][5, 35] Earth masses, we find that the transition to inward migration occurs for masses in the range [3,5][3, 5] Earth masses. The transition appears to be due to an unexpected phenomenon: the formation of an asymmetric cold and dense finger of gas driven by circulation and libration streamlines. We recover this phenomenon in 2D simulations where we control the cooling effects of the gas through a simple modeling of the energy equation.Comment: 17 pages, 20 figures, accepted. MNRAS, 201

    The great dichotomy of the Solar System: small terrestrial embryos and massive giant planet cores

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    The basic structure of the solar system is set by the presence of low-mass terrestrial planets in its inner part and giant planets in its outer part. This is the result of the formation of a system of multiple embryos with approximately the mass of Mars in the inner disk and of a few multi-Earth-mass cores in the outer disk, within the lifetime of the gaseous component of the protoplanetary disk. What was the origin of this dichotomy in the mass distribution of embryos/cores? We show in this paper that the classic processes of runaway and oligarchic growth from a disk of planetesimals cannot explain this dichotomy, even if the original surface density of solids increased at the snowline. Instead, the accretion of drifting pebbles by embryos and cores can explain the dichotomy, provided that some assumptions hold true. We propose that the mass-flow of pebbles is two-times lower and the characteristic size of the pebbles is approximately ten times smaller within the snowline than beyond the snowline (respectively at heliocentric distance r<ricer<r_{ice} and r>ricer>r_{ice}, where ricer_{ice} is the snowline heliocentric distance), due to ice sublimation and the splitting of icy pebbles into a collection of chondrule-size silicate grains. In this case, objects of original sub-lunar mass would grow at drastically different rates in the two regions of the disk. Within the snowline these bodies would reach approximately the mass of Mars while beyond the snowline they would grow to 20\sim 20 Earth masses. The results may change quantitatively with changes to the assumed parameters, but the establishment of a clear dichotomy in the mass distribution of protoplanets appears robust, provided that there is enough turbulence in the disk to prevent the sedimentation of the silicate grains into a very thin layer.Comment: In press in Icaru

    Surface waves in protoplanetary disks induced by outbursts: Concentric rings in scattered light

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    Context: Vertically hydrostatic protoplanetary disk models are based on the assumption that the main heating source, stellar irradiation, does not vary much with time. However, it is known that accreting young stars are variable sources of radiation. This is particularly evident for outbursting sources such as EX Lupi and FU Orionis stars. Aim: We investigate how such outbursts affect the vertical structure of the outer regions of the protoplanetary disk, in particular their appearance in scattered light at optical and near-infrared wavelengths. Methods: We employ the 3D FARGOCA radiation-hydrodynamics code, in polar coordinates, to compute the time-dependent behavior of the axisymmetric disk structure. The outbursting inner disk region is not included explicitly. Instead, its luminosity is added to the stellar luminosity and is thus included in the irradiation of the outer disk regions. For time snapshots of interest we insert the density structure into the RADMC-3D radiative transfer code and compute the appearance of the disk at optical/near-infrared wavelengths. Results: We find that, depending on the amplitude of the outbursts, the vertical structure of the disk can become highly dynamic, featuring circular surface waves of considerable amplitude. These "hills" and "valleys" on the disk's surface show up in the scattered light images as bright and dark concentric rings. Initially these rings are small and act as standing waves, but they subsequently lead to outward propagating waves, like the waves produced by a stone thrown into a pond. These waves continue long after the actual outburst has died out. Conclusions: We propose that some of the multi-ringed structures seen in optical/infrared images of several protoplanetary disks may have their origin in outbursts that occurred decades or centuries ago.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    Universal and non-universal behavior in Dirac spectra

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    We have computed ensembles of complete spectra of the staggered Dirac operator using four-dimensional SU(2) gauge fields, both in the quenched approximation and with dynamical fermions. To identify universal features in the Dirac spectrum, we compare the lattice data with predictions from chiral random matrix theory for the distribution of the low-lying eigenvalues. Good agreement is found up to some limiting energy, the so-called Thouless energy, above which random matrix theory no longer applies. We determine the dependence of the Thouless energy on the simulation parameters using the scalar susceptibility and the number variance.Comment: LATTICE98(confine), 9 pages, 11 figure

    Meridional circulation of gas into gaps opened by giant planets in three-dimensional low-viscosity disks

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    We examine the gas circulation near a gap opened by a giant planet in a protoplanetary disk. We show with high resolution 3D simulations that the gas flows into the gap at high altitude over the mid-plane, at a rate dependent on viscosity. We explain this observation with a simple conceptual model. From this model we derive an estimate of the amount of gas flowing into a gap opened by a planet with Hill radius comparable to the scale-height of a layered disk (i. e. a disk with viscous upper layer and inviscid midplane). Our estimate agrees with modern MRI simulations(Gressel et al., 2013). We conclude that gap opening in a layered disk can not slow down significantly the runaway gas accretion of Saturn to Jupiter-mass planets.Comment: in press as a Note in Icaru

    Spectrum of the SU(3) Dirac operator on the lattice: Transition from random matrix theory to chiral perturbation theory

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    We calculate complete spectra of the Kogut-Susskind Dirac operator on the lattice in quenched SU(3) gauge theory for various values of coupling constant and lattice size. From these spectra we compute the connected and disconnected scalar susceptibilities and find agreement with chiral random matrix theory up to a certain energy scale, the Thouless energy. The dependence of this scale on the lattice volume is analyzed. In the case of the connected susceptibility this dependence is anomalous, and we explain the reason for this. We present a model of chiral perturbation theory that is capable of describing the data beyond the Thouless energy and that has a common range of applicability with chiral random matrix theory.Comment: 8 pages, RevTeX, 15 .eps figure

    Random Matrix Theory and Chiral Logarithms

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    Recently, the contributions of chiral logarithms predicted by quenched chiral perturbation theory have been extracted from lattice calculations of hadron masses. We argue that a detailed comparison of random matrix theory and lattice calculations allows for a precise determination of such corrections. We estimate the relative size of the m*log(m), m, and m^2 corrections to the chiral condensate for quenched SU(2).Comment: LaTeX (elsart.cls), 9 pages, 6 .eps figures, added reference, altered discussion of Eq.(9