657 research outputs found

    Rocking Wrigley: The Chicago Cubs\u27 Off-Field Struggle to Compete for Ticket Sales with its Rooftop Neighbors

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    Wrigley Field, home of the Chicago Cubs, is one of the most unique and beloved baseball stadiums in the country. In recent years, however, the owners of several rooftop viewing platforms near the stadium provided the Cubs with unwanted off-field competition for ticket revenues. This Note discusses the intersection of sports, property rights, and copyright law in the context of recent dilemmas and litigation by professional sports organizations and teams. Although this Note briefly touches on the Lanham Act, the Author\u27s focus remains on copyright law and the FCC\u27s support for proprietary rights in sports

    Mengembangkan Kemandirian Belajar, Kepercayaan Diri, dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematika

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    Banyak faktor dapat mempengaruhi prestasi belajar mahasiswa seperti variabel kemandirian belajar dan kepercayaan diri. Tujuan penelitian ini: (1) untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan pengaruh pembelajaran saintifik terhadap pengembangan kemandirian belajar, dan kepercayaan diri mahasiswa, (2) menjelaskan pengaruh kemandirian belajar dan kepercayaan diri terhadap kemampuan memecahkan masalah matematika, (3) menjelaskan manakah di antara variabel kemandirian belajar dan kepercayaan diri yang dominan pengaruhnya terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika. Penelitian dilakukan kepada 25 mahasiswa calon pendidik matematika. Metode yang digunakan yakni penelitian kombinasi (mixed methods) yang menghasilkan data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Data diperoleh melalui angket dan tesyang dianalisis dengan uji gain (g) dan N­gain, dilanjutkan uji efektivitas. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa: (1) model pembelajaran saintifik efektif terhadap peningkatan kemandirian belajar, dan kepercayaan diri, (2) variabel kemandirian dan kepercayaan diri secara bersama­sama berpengaruh positif dan signifikan meningkatkan kemampuan memecahkan masalah dengan kontribusi 68,7 persen, (3) secara parsial kontribusi kemandirian belajar 26,1 persen sedangkan kepercayaan diri 33,2 persen untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika

    From attitude to intent to action: Predictors of psychological help-seeking behavior among clinically distressed adults

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    Although many people suffer from mental health concerns, a large proportion of these people do not seek psychological help (Alonso et al., 2009; Clement et al., 2015; Kessler et al., 2003; Thornicroft, 2007; Vogel, Wester & Larson, 2006). Research indicates that public and self-stigma, attitudes toward counseling, and intentions to seek counseling are all important factors in the help-seeking process (Bayer & Peay, 1997; Cooper et al., 2003; Corrigan, 2004; Komiya et al., 2000; Link et al., 2014; Mojtabai, Olfson, & Mechanic, 2002; Sirey et al., 2001; Vogel et al., 2005; Vogel, Wade, & Haake, 2006; Vogel, Wade, & Hackler, 2007). However, one glaring omission exists in the vast majority of this research: very few studies measure actual help-seeking behavior. In addition, most of this research has been conducted with college students, most of whom did not have a current mental health concern. In the present study, I explored psychological help-seeking behavior in a clinically distressed sample of adults. In particular, I explored whether public stigma of help-seeking, self-stigma of help-seeking, and attitudes towards receiving professional psychological help predicted intentions to seek help in a sample of clinically distressed adults. Additionally, I examined these relationships with actual help-seeking behavior. For this study a total of N =125 clinically distressed adults completed two surveys two weeks apart. Results of the hierarchical regression predicting attitudes suggested that self-stigma predicted attitudes above and beyond the other variables entered into the model. Results of the hierarchical regression predicting hypothetical intentions revealed that encouragement and pressure to seek help by friends and family and attitudes toward counseling are more predictive than self-stigma when all variables were entered into the model. Results of a third hierarchical regression predicting actual intentions revealed similar patterns; self-stigma was related to actual intentions but not in the final model, in which ethnicity, social encouragement, and attitudes predicted actual intentions above and beyond the other variables entered into the model. Results of a logistic regression predicting actual behavior (i.e., scheduling or attending an appointment with a mental health professional) suggest that minority ethnicity, greater public stigma, and greater hypothetical intentions predicts actual help-seeking behavior. Results are discussed based on previous research, Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), and Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA). Limitations, implications, and future recommendations are discussed

    Depression, Relationship Quality, and Couples’ Demand/Withdraw and Demand/Submit Sequential Interactions

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    This study investigated the associations among depression, relationship quality, and demand/withdraw and demand/submit behavior in couples’ conflict interactions. Two 10-min conflict interactions were coded for each couple (N = 97) using Structural Analysis of Social Behavior (SASB; Benjamin, 1979a, 1987, 2000a). Depression was assessed categorically (via the presence of depressive disorders) and dimensionally (via symptom reports). Results revealed that relationship quality was negatively associated with demanding behavior, as well as receiving submissive or withdrawing behavior from one’s partner. Relationship quality was positively associated with withdrawal. Demanding behavior was positively associated with women’s depression symptoms but negatively associated with men’s depression symptoms. Sequential analysis revealed couples’ behavior was highly stable across time. Initiation of demand/withdraw and demand/submit sequences were negatively associated with partners’ relationship adjustment. Female demand/male withdraw was positively associated with men’s depression diagnosis. Results underscore the importance of sequential analysis when investigating associations among depression, relationship quality, and couples’ interpersonal behavior

    P.T.S. s.r.o. marketing strategy layout

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    Los efectos jurídicos del incumplimiento de la ordenanza N°151 - 2009 de anuncios y avisos publicitarios por la Municipalidad de Puente Piedra

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    El tema desarrollado en la presente tesis pretende ayudar a que se cumpla con la Ordenanza 151-2009 de Anuncios y Avisos Publicitarios de la Municipalidad de Puente Piedra, en donde se están emitiendo autorización con fecha de vigencia, y lo cual la ordenanza específica que se adecua a la Ordenanza 1094 de lima donde menciona que son indefinidos, es así como causa efectos jurídicos y vulnera los principios de Legalidad y Debido Procedimiento. Para ello, ha sido necesario trabajar con herramientas metodológicas y técnicas de investigación confiables, que ayuden a describir y estudiar los supuestos de esta investigación. Asimismo se ha tomado en cuenta aportes doctrinarios del tema, legislaciones comparadas y entrevistas a expertos en la materia para la discusión e interpretación de resultados, así como para las conclusiones y recomendaciones de esta tesis. Finalmente cabe mencionar que la presente investigación tiene como finalidad contri buir con la municipalidad de Puente Piedra porque se les hará reconocer lo estipulado en la Ordenanza municipal y que entren en reflexión a lo que están incumpliendo y sobre todo haciendo cobros indebidos anualmente, que pueden ser fiscalizados por lndecopi y por consecuente ser multados. Así como también con los administrados para que ya no se les cobre indebidamente, no se les haga regresar anualmente por una renovación que no existe en el Tupa y hagan respetar los principios vulnerados tanto el Principio de Legalidad como el de Debido Procedimiento

    The Womyn Behind the Counselor: A Panel Discussion of Transitions to a Predominantly White Institution

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    The purpose of this interactive panel is to educatestaff, faculty, and students on the experiences counseling doctoral students have when transitioning from a racially/ethnically diverse institution or neighborhood to a predominantly White institution (PWI). We hope that our audience may gain a better understanding of how our transition experiences affect our relations with racial/ethnic minority students and our multicultural training experiences on campus. The panel will consist of five doctoral students representing Latina/o, Asian American, East Asian, biracial, and White cultural backgrounds. They will share their unique experiences with identifying with the majority (e.g., predominantly Latina/o or Asian) versus minority racial/ethnic groups, helping racial/ethnic minority students navigate feelings of marginalization at a PWI, and seeking out opportunities to engage with racial/ethnic communities on campus. The moderator will facilitate the panel with prepared questions, but time will also be allotted for questions from the audience. The panelists and moderator will share about a new free and confidential drop-in consultation program that students can use to gain a counselor\u27s perspective and/or learning aboutcounseling

    Gestión del despacho fiscal y los trámites de las investigaciones en las fiscalías penales de Limanoroeste, 2021

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    El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre la GDF y las tramitaciones de las investigaciones de las fiscalías penales de Limanoroeste, 2021. Fue básica, diseño no experimental y enfoque cuantitativo, como muestra fueron 55 colaboradores, técnica la encuesta que fue validado por juicio de expertos, se usó el Alpha de Cronbach donde se obtuvo la confiabilidad alta. Se empleó la prueba de normalidad Kolmogorov-Smirnoff donde se obtuvo una significancia menor a 0,05 para ambas variables, es por ello que se empleó el coeficiente Rho de Spearman para obtener la hipótesis, utilizando el programa Jamovi. Como resultado se obtuvo el coeficiente 0,738** y una significancia de 0,00 siendo menor a 0,005 determinando que existe una correlación positiva alta entre las dos variables. Concluye en al evidenciar que existe una relación positiva entre ambas variables, eso significa que cuando se lleve una adecuada gestión del despacho fiscal, mejorará las tramitaciones de las investigaciones