448 research outputs found

    Trapping in the random conductance model

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    We consider random walks on Zd\Z^d among nearest-neighbor random conductances which are i.i.d., positive, bounded uniformly from above but whose support extends all the way to zero. Our focus is on the detailed properties of the paths of the random walk conditioned to return back to the starting point at time 2n2n. We show that in the situations when the heat kernel exhibits subdiffusive decay --- which is known to occur in dimensions d4d\ge4 --- the walk gets trapped for a time of order nn in a small spatial region. This shows that the strategy used earlier to infer subdiffusive lower bounds on the heat kernel in specific examples is in fact dominant. In addition, we settle a conjecture concerning the worst possible subdiffusive decay in four dimensions.Comment: 21 pages, version to appear in J. Statist. Phy

    Mean-field driven first-order phase transitions in systems with long-range interactions

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    We consider a class of spin systems on Zd\Z^d with vector valued spins (\bS_x) that interact via the pair-potentials J_{x,y} \bS_x\cdot\bS_y. The interactions are generally spread-out in the sense that the Jx,yJ_{x,y}'s exhibit either exponential or power-law fall-off. Under the technical condition of reflection positivity and for sufficiently spread out interactions, we prove that the model exhibits a first-order phase transition whenever the associated mean-field theory signals such a transition. As a consequence, e.g., in dimensions d3d\ge3, we can finally provide examples of the 3-state Potts model with spread-out, exponentially decaying interactions, which undergoes a first-order phase transition as the temperature varies. Similar transitions are established in dimensions d=1,2d=1,2 for power-law decaying interactions and in high dimensions for next-nearest neighbor couplings. In addition, we also investigate the limit of infinitely spread-out interactions. Specifically, we show that once the mean-field theory is in a unique ``state,'' then in any sequence of translation-invariant Gibbs states various observables converge to their mean-field values and the states themselves converge to a product measure.Comment: 57 pages; uses a (modified) jstatphys class fil

    Optimal designs for rational function regression

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    We consider optimal non-sequential designs for a large class of (linear and nonlinear) regression models involving polynomials and rational functions with heteroscedastic noise also given by a polynomial or rational weight function. The proposed method treats D-, E-, A-, and Φp\Phi_p-optimal designs in a unified manner, and generates a polynomial whose zeros are the support points of the optimal approximate design, generalizing a number of previously known results of the same flavor. The method is based on a mathematical optimization model that can incorporate various criteria of optimality and can be solved efficiently by well established numerical optimization methods. In contrast to previous optimization-based methods proposed for similar design problems, it also has theoretical guarantee of its algorithmic efficiency; in fact, the running times of all numerical examples considered in the paper are negligible. The stability of the method is demonstrated in an example involving high degree polynomials. After discussing linear models, applications for finding locally optimal designs for nonlinear regression models involving rational functions are presented, then extensions to robust regression designs, and trigonometric regression are shown. As a corollary, an upper bound on the size of the support set of the minimally-supported optimal designs is also found. The method is of considerable practical importance, with the potential for instance to impact design software development. Further study of the optimality conditions of the main optimization model might also yield new theoretical insights.Comment: 25 pages. Previous version updated with more details in the theory and additional example

    Superconductivity and charge carrier localization in ultrathin La1.85Sr0.15CuO4/La2CuO4\mathbf{{La_{1.85}Sr_{0.15}CuO_4}/{La_2CuO_4}} bilayers

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    La1.85Sr0.15CuO4\mathrm{La_{1.85}Sr_{0.15}CuO_4}/La2CuO4\mathrm{La_2CuO_4} (LSCO15/LCO) bilayers with a precisely controlled thickness of N unit cells (UCs) of the former and M UCs of the latter ([LSCO15\_N/LCO\_M]) were grown on (001)-oriented {\slao} (SLAO) substrates with pulsed laser deposition (PLD). X-ray diffraction and reciprocal space map (RSM) studies confirmed the epitaxial growth of the bilayers and showed that a [LSCO15\_2/LCO\_2] bilayer is fully strained, whereas a [LSCO15\_2/LCO\_7] bilayer is already partially relaxed. The \textit{in situ} monitoring of the growth with reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) revealed that the gas environment during deposition has a surprisingly strong effect on the growth mode and thus on the amount of disorder in the first UC of LSCO15 (or the first two monolayers of LSCO15 containing one CuO2\mathrm{CuO_2} plane each). For samples grown in pure N2O\mathrm{N_2O} gas (growth type-B), the first LSCO15 UC next to the SLAO substrate is strongly disordered. This disorder is strongly reduced if the growth is performed in a mixture of N2O\mathrm{N_2O} and O2\mathrm{O_2} gas (growth type-A). Electric transport measurements confirmed that the first UC of LSCO15 next to the SLAO substrate is highly resistive and shows no sign of superconductivity for growth type-B, whereas it is superconducting for growth type-A. Furthermore, we found, rather surprisingly, that the conductivity of the LSCO15 UC next to the LCO capping layer strongly depends on the thickness of the latter. A LCO capping layer with 7~UCs leads to a strong localization of the charge carriers in the adjacent LSCO15 UC and suppresses superconductivity. The magneto-transport data suggest a similarity with the case of weakly hole doped LSCO single crystals that are in a so-called {"{cluster-spin-glass state}"

    Quantum spin systems at positive temperature

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    We develop a novel approach to phase transitions in quantum spin models based on a relation to their classical counterparts. Explicitly, we show that whenever chessboard estimates can be used to prove a phase transition in the classical model, the corresponding quantum model will have a similar phase transition, provided the inverse temperature β\beta and the magnitude of the quantum spins \CalS satisfy \beta\ll\sqrt\CalS. From the quantum system we require that it is reflection positive and that it has a meaningful classical limit; the core technical estimate may be described as an extension of the Berezin-Lieb inequalities down to the level of matrix elements. The general theory is applied to prove phase transitions in various quantum spin systems with \CalS\gg1. The most notable examples are the quantum orbital-compass model on Z2\Z^2 and the quantum 120-degree model on Z3\Z^3 which are shown to exhibit symmetry breaking at low-temperatures despite the infinite degeneracy of their (classical) ground state.Comment: 47 pages, version to appear in CMP (style files included

    Pulsed laser deposition growth of heteroepitaxial YBa2Cu3O7/La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 superlattices on NdGaO3 and Sr0.7La0.3Al0.65Ta0.35O3 substrates

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    Heteroepitaxial superlattices of [YBa2Cu3O7(n)/ La0.67Ca0.33MnO3(m)]x, where n and m are the number of YBCO and LCMO monolayers and x the number of bilayer repetitions, have been grown with pulsed laser deposition on NdGaO3 (110) and Sr0.7La0.3Al0.65Ta0.35O3 (LSAT) (001). These substrates are well lattice matched with YBCO and LCMO and, unlike the commonly used SrTiO3, they do not give rise to complex and uncontrolled strain effects due to structural transitions at low temperature. The growth dynamics and the structure have been studied in-situ with reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) and ex-situ with scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM), x-ray diffraction, and neutron reflectometry. The individual layers are found to be flat and continuous over long lateral distances with sharp and coherent interfaces and with a well-defined thickness of the individual layer. The only visible defects are antiphase boundaries in the YBCO layers that originate from perovskite unit cell height steps at the interfaces with the LCMO layers. We also find that the first YBCO monolayer at the interface with LCMO has an unusual growth dynamics and is lacking the CuO chain layer while the subsequent YBCO layers have the regular Y-123 structure. Accordingly, the CuO2 bilayers at both the LCMO/YBCO and the YBCO/LCMO interfaces are lacking one of their neighboring CuO chain layers and thus half of their hole doping reservoir. Nevertheless, from electric transport measurements on asuperlattice with n=2 we obtain evidence that the interfacial CuO2 bilayers remain conducting and even exhibit the onset of a superconducting transition at very low temperature. Finally, we show from dc magnetization and neutron reflectometry measurements that the LCMO layers are strongly ferromagnetic

    A new quantum fluid at high magnetic fields in the marginal charge-density-wave system α\alpha-(BEDT-TTF)2M_2MHg(SCN)4_4 (where M=M=~K and Rb)

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    Single crystals of the organic charge-transfer salts α\alpha-(BEDT-TTF)2M_2MHg(SCN)4_4 have been studied using Hall-potential measurements (M=M=K) and magnetization experiments (MM = K, Rb). The data show that two types of screening currents occur within the high-field, low-temperature CDWx_x phases of these salts in response to time-dependent magnetic fields. The first, which gives rise to the induced Hall potential, is a free current (jfree{\bf j}_{\rm free}), present at the surface of the sample. The time constant for the decay of these currents is much longer than that expected from the sample resistivity. The second component of the current appears to be magnetic (jmag{\bf j}_{\rm mag}), in that it is a microscopic, quasi-orbital effect; it is evenly distributed within the bulk of the sample upon saturation. To explain these data, we propose a simple model invoking a new type of quantum fluid comprising a CDW coexisting with a two-dimensional Fermi-surface pocket which describes the two types of current. The model and data are able to account for the body of previous experimental data which had generated apparently contradictory interpretations in terms of the quantum Hall effect or superconductivity.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure