48 research outputs found

    Evaluation of in-vitro antioxidant potential and in-vivo hepatoprotective activity of root extract of Quercus oblongata D. DON

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    Objective: The main potential target is attempt to investigated evaluation of in-vitro antioxidant potential and in-vivo hepatoprotective activity of root extract of Quercus oblongata D. DON belonging to family fagaceae. Material & Methods: The root of plant was extracted by different solvents like n-hexane (NHEQO), Chloroform (CEQO), Ethyl acetate (EAQO) Hydroethanolic (HEEQO) and Ethanol (EEQO). The antioxidant activity (AA) was determined by the possible four complementary test assay methods namely total phenolic content, total flavonoids content, Inhibition of  2,2 diphenyl -1 picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radicals and ABTS (2-2’- azinobis) radical scavenging activity or quenching activity, in the hepatoprotective experimental  animal albino wistar rats (120-180gm) were divided into 6 group, each group content 5, Group I: Received distilled water (5ml/kg. p.o) once daily, and served as normal control. Group II: Received paracetamol suspension (640 mg/kg suspended in 1% methyl cellulose; orally as toxin control. Group III: Received standard drug Silymarin (25 mg/kg. p.o.) + paracetamol suspension (640 mg/kg suspended in 1% methyl cellulose; orally once daily Group IV, V, VI administered HEECB at different doses300, 400, 500 mg/kg orally + paracetamol suspension (640 mg/kg suspended in 1% methyl cellulose; for 21 days. And collect blood from experimental animals by retrorbital puncture for estimation of biochemical parameters and other parameter also evaluate like physical histological changes in livers of rats. Results: Experimental finding reveal that Paracetamol produce significant change in physical (increase liver weight) biochemical (increase alkaline phosphate, serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase, serum glutamic pyuruvic transaminase, total protein, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin and decrease the level of total protein and albumin) histological (damage to hepatocyte) and in liver parameters. Pretreatment with extract significantly minimization of physical, biochemical, histological and functional change induced by Paracetamol in liver. Conclusion: Experimental data and analysis of different parameter declare that hydroethanolic extract of Quercus oblongata could be a useful hepatoprotective agents and antioxidant potential. Keywords: Clematis buchananiana, paracetamol, hepatoprotective, alkaline phosphate, serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase, serum glutamic pyuruvic transaminase

    The cause–effect relation of tuberculosis on incidence of diabetes mellitus

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the oldest human diseases and is one of the major causes of mortality and morbidity across the Globe. Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), the causal agent of TB is one of the most successful pathogens known to mankind. Malnutrition, smoking, co-infection with other pathogens like human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), or conditions like diabetes further aggravate the tuberculosis pathogenesis. The association between type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) and tuberculosis is well known and the immune-metabolic changes during diabetes are known to cause increased susceptibility to tuberculosis. Many epidemiological studies suggest the occurrence of hyperglycemia during active TB leading to impaired glucose tolerance and insulin resistance. However, the mechanisms underlying these effects is not well understood. In this review, we have described possible causal factors like inflammation, host metabolic changes triggered by tuberculosis that could contribute to the development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. We have also discussed therapeutic management of type 2 diabetes during TB, which may help in designing future strategies to cope with TB-DM cases

    Skin Prick Test in Naso-Bronchial Allergies: A Cross Sectional Study

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    Allergy is defined as an overreaction of the immune system in response to the ingestion of certain foreign chemicals. The disease has been found to be more prevalent in males with predilection towards young adults who are less than 40 years of age. Indoor, outdoor or occupational agents are the most common classification for aero-allergens.  “Skin Prick Test (SPT)” is the most definite and reliable methodology for diagnosing various allergic diseases which are mediated by IgE, in a patient with Naso-Bronchial allergies. Material and Methods: Cross sectional study was conducted on 120 patients with Naso-Bronchial allergy. Detailed clinical history, examination was done and SPT was performed using 25 allergens.” Results: It was observed that insects were the most common allergen followed by mites, pollens and food respectively. Animal dander was the least common allergen. Amongst insects, Cockroach was the most common. Conclusion: On the basis of this study, we conclude that skin prick test is one of the most reliable, easily accessible and diagnostic test to detect IgE mediated allergic reactions.

    Trend Analysis of Streamflow and Rainfall in the Kosi River Basin of Mid-Himalaya of Kumaon Region, Uttarakhand

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    Due to climate change phenomenon and substantial decrease in water resources, analyzing the streamflow trend is of significant importance. In the present study, investigation was carried out to find rainfall and streamflow trends in the Kosi river watershed at different timescales from 1986 to 2016. Kosi river is one of the principal rivers in the Kumaon region. The different methods employed for trend detection of streamflow and rainfall were the Mann–Kendall (MK) test and the Sen’s slope (SS) estimator. Results showed a statistically significant decreasing trend in pre-monsoonal and annual rainfall with a Sen’s slope of -2.27 and -1.49 mm/year, respectively. The decreasing trends in pre-monsoon, post-monsoon, and winter streamflow were found during 1986–2016, which were not statistically significant. The results of the study help in understanding the variation and availability of rainfall and streamflow in different seasons of the year and motivate to adopt effective water management and agricultural practices for rainfed hills

    Climatic Variation and Its Impacts on Yield and Water Requirement of Crops in Indian Central Himalaya

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    Climate is most important factor affecting agriculture, and issues related to climate and its implications have attracted attention of policy makers globally. The farm sector, particularly marginal ecosystems in mountains are vulnerable because of unpredictable variation and severe sink limitations. Efforts to impart resilience to farm and its allied sector are an urgent need. The climatic parameters play very important role to determine type of crops, cattle rearing and the life style adopted by the people. Moreover, weather has a significant impact on crop growth and development. Weather plays a vital role and affects the production and productivity of the crops. According to an estimate, weather contributes 67% variation in productivity and rest of the factors (soil, nutrient and management practices etc.) accounts for 33%. Therefore, there is a need of in-depth analysis of each meteorological parameters and identification of their trend over the years in order to identify and adapt suitable agriculture practices, better adaptable crops, varieties and their duration, time of field preparation, sowing time and irrigation as per the climatic conditions of the region. This will lead farming community to plan strategies of agriculture operation to obtain optimum yield. The climatic data from the meteorological observatory of ICAR-VPKAS, Hawalbagh located at mid hill condition (1250 m amsl) were analyzed for different periods (annual, seasonal, monthly, weekly). It was revealed that rainfall is decreasing over the years but significant (P < 0.05) decrease was recorded at mid hills. The maximum temperature is increasing significantly (P < 0.05) during post-monsoon and winter season however decreasing in monsoon season whereas minimum temperature is decreasing round the year. These changes in rainfall and temperatures are affecting production and productivity of the crops, as hills are largely rainfed. In terms of crop water demand, there is no need to apply irrigation during the rainy season except the transplanted rice. However, during the winter season as there is more than 60% of water deficit to irrigate the crops. The proper understanding of climate is necessary to bring sustainability in hill agriculture by adjusting crop sowing window and other operations as per suitability of the climate

    Chemical composition of rainwater in Panipat, an industrial city in Haryana

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    443-449Chemical composition of rainwater at Panipat, an industrial city in India, during the south-west monsoon seasons 2003-2005 has been studied. The collected samples have been analyzed for major anions, cations and pH along with conductivity. The volume weighted pH of rainwater varied from 5.02 to 6.86 with a mean value of 5.51, which is slightly acidic. About 37% of rain samples were observed to be acidic due to high SO₂ emissions from industries. The trend of average ionic concentration in precipitation (μeq/l) showed SO₄²⁻> Ca²⁺> NH₄⁺> Cl⁻> NO₃⁻> Na⁺> Mg²+> F⁻> K⁺ >HCO₃⁻. The percentage contribution to the total ionic concentration is found to be 51% to cations and 49% to anions. Sulphate, calcium and ammonium shared maximum contribution. Major part of sulphate ion in rainwater at Panipat was of anthropogenic origin, i.e. by the oxidation of sulphur dioxide emitted from burning of fossil fuels from thermal power plant, oil refinery, fertilizer plant, etc. The major source of nitrate was biomass burning, automobile and soil. Ammonium in precipitation was due to bacterial action on nitrogen compounds in the soil, urine and from industrial sources. The ratio of sea salt (Na+ and Cl⁻) was equal to the seawater, suggesting that it was mostly influenced by marine air

    Prevalence of aeroallergens in patients of bronchial asthma and/or allergic rhinitis in India based on skin prick test reactivity

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    Background: Exposures to various aeroallergens play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of bronchial asthma (BA) and allergic rhinitis (AR). On the basis of climate change, the prevalence of aeroallergens may vary in different regions. AIMS: The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of the sensitivity to aeroallergens among patients with BA and/or AR based on skin prick test (SPT) reactivity in India. Settings And Design: This study was conducted at National Centre of Respiratory Allergy, Asthma and Immunology and Department of Respiratory Allergy and Applied Immunology, (Department of Respiratory Medicine), Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007 (India). Subjects And Methods: A total of 4835 patients were screened from the Outpatient Department of institute during the period of August 2008 to July 2016. Out of 4835 patients, 4263 patients were performed SPT consisting of 2361 (55.38%) males and 1902 (44.62%) females, with a mean age of 30.06 years were included in the study. Diagnosis of BA and AR was made according to the GINA and ARIA guidelines, respectively. SPT was done with 58 different types of aeroallergens, which included grass pollens, weed pollens, tree pollens, dust, fungi, insects, kapok cotton, wool, and silk antigens. Statistical Analysis Used: Data analysis was done using Excel 2007. Results: Significant skin positive reaction (2 + and above) against aeroallergens were found in 1993 (46.77%) participants including 422 (9.9%) BA patients, 570 (13.37%) AR patients, and 1001 (23.48%) of both BA/AR. The younger adults aged 20–29 years were the foremost commonly affected group with 626 (14.68%) significant skin-positive patients. Among individual allergens, most common aeroallergen was mosquito (30.89%) and least common was Ehretia (0.37%). Conclusions: In different states of India, the mosquito was found the most common sensitizing allergen in BA and/or AR patients. Sensitization was the most common in the younger age group (20–29 years) patients

    Chemical Characteristics of Water Soluble Components of Fine Particulate Matter, PM 2.5 , at Delhi, India

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    Abstract Aerosol samples in the size range up to 2.5µm were collected from January to December, 2005 at New Delhi, India, as a pilot experiment and analysed for organic (Oxalate and Formate) and inorganic (Sulfate, Ammonium, Nitrate, Potassium, Chloride, Sodium, Calcium and Magnesium) chemical components. Initial results show that the annual mean PM 2.5 concentration was 98.7µg/m 3 , which varied between 38 to 285µg/m 3 . The water soluble inorganic fraction constituted only 9% of PM 2.5 with SO 4 2-, NH 4 + and NO 3 -being the dominant ions followed by potassium. Annual cycle shows higher concentration of PM 2.5 during winter season (October to January) and the lowest during monsoon. It is attributed to the enhanced production of aerosols and prevailing meteorological conditions. The PM 2.5 /PM 10 ratio (0.86) coupled with the Hy SPLIT air-mass back trajectories indicated that PM 2.5 was dominated by fine particles, when the winds passed through the eastern azimuth, where many industries and major thermal power plants are located

    Recombinant dengue virus type 2 envelope/Hepatitis B surface Antigen hybrid protein expressed in Pichia pastoris can function as a bivalent immunogen

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    A truncated version of the dengue virus type 2 envelope protein (Den2E) encoding the first 395 amino acid (aa) residues and Den2E fused in-frame with the full-length 226-aa Hepatitis B surface Antigen (Den2E-HBsAg) protein were expressed in the methylotrophic yeast, Pichia pastoris. Both the recombinant proteins showed evidence of the capacity to form high molecular weight aggregates. Electron microscopic analysis of the purified proteins showed that while Den2E displayed an amorphous morphology, Den2E-HBsAg existed as well-structured Virus-like Particles (VLPs). Using immuno-gold electron microscopy, these VLPs were demonstrated to contain both components of the Den2E-HBsAg hybrid protein. Seroanalysis showed that the hybrid VLPs could function in vivo as bivalent immunogens, which could elicit immune responses directed against both components of the hybrid protein, as evidenced by ELISA, immunoprecipitation and immunofluorescence data