1,386 research outputs found

    Statistical Methods for Assessing Individual Oocyte Viability Through Gene Expression Profiles

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    In vivo derived oocytes are held as the gold standard for viability, other known origination methods are sub-par by comparison. Due to the low-viability of oocytes originating from these alternate methods, research was conducted to determine and quantify the validity of these alternate origination methods. However, the larger question of viability is on the individual oocyte level. We propose and compare methods of measurement based on gene expression profiles (GEPs) in order to assess oocyte viability, independent of oocyte origin. The first is based on a previously published wRMSD quantification of GEP differences. We also consider three novel methods: a distance comparison method, a tolerance interval method, and a classification-tree decision method; each utilizes a variable selection technique that focuses on the most differentially expressed genes. In our project, we obtain GEPs of individual swine oocytes and a general GEP distribution for in vivo oocytes. This distribution was the comparison standard for all oocytes, to gain a classification of viability. Each method is a valid method for driving viability decisions of the individual oocytes

    Ground State Energy of the One-Dimensional Discrete Random Schr\"{o}dinger Operator with Bernoulli Potential

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    In this paper, we show the that the ground state energy of the one dimensional Discrete Random Schroedinger Operator with Bernoulli Potential is controlled asymptotically as the system size N goes to infinity by the random variable \ell_N, the length the longest consecutive sequence of sites on the lattice with potential equal to zero. Specifically, we will show that for almost every realization of the potential the ground state energy behaves asymptotically as π2ℓN+1)2\frac{\pi^2}{\ell_N+1)^2} in the sense that the ratio of the quantities goes to one

    Mental Health Stigma - Impact and Interventions

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    Research shows that negative stereotyping leads to social stigmatization of those with mental illness resulting in self-stigmatization, lower self-esteem, diminished self-efficacy, and limited access to social support and mental health services for those with mental illness. Few studies have been conducted to identify who is most predisposed to be supportive of those with mental illness and who may be willing to advocate for greater access to services. The purpose of this study is to clarify who is most open to support and advocate for those with mental illness. Responses from a sample of 48 volunteer college students to a researcher-developed survey of attitudes towards mental illness were analyzed to determine which demographic factors were related to more accepting attitudes of those with mental illness. Results yielded significant main effects for gender F (1, 47) = 5.49, p \u3c .05, and for those who have a relative with a mental illness, F (1, 47) = 17.82, p \u3c .01. Results suggest that females and relatives of those with mental illness are more accepting and could be targeted to help reduce mental health stigma by advocating for, and serving as allies to, those with mental illnesses

    Updating the Kentucky Contract Time Determination System

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    The Federal Highway Administration requires State Transportation Agencies to have a formal method to estimate contract time for highway construction projects. To meet this requirement many states use an integrated scheduling system to estimate project durations based on assumed productivity rates and generic job logic. The current work investigated the accuracy of two of these systems found that both systems accuracy in predicting the duration of Kentucky Transportation Cabinet projects was greater than +200%. In response to this poor accuracy, a parametric project duration estimating tool was developed based on a multivariate regression analysis of bid item quantities and engineering and construction estimate. Five regression models were develop to estimate contract time for large projects (great than 1,000,000)basedonkeybiditemquantities;limitedaccess(+221,000,000) based on key bid item quantities; limited access (+22% median error), open access (+35% median error), new route (+55% median error), bridge rehabilitation (+77% median error), and bridge replacement(+17% median error). It was not possible to develop a parametric estimating tool for predicting the duration of small projects (less than 1,000,000) as it appears that the duration of small projects is determined by factors outside of bid item quantities

    Theoretical Foundations of Remote Sensing for Glacier Assessment and Mapping

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    The international scientific community is actively engaged in assessing ice sheet and alpine glacier fluctuations at a variety of scales. The availability of stereoscopic, multitemporal, and multispectral satellite imagery from the optical wavelength regions of the electromagnetic spectrum has greatly increased our ability to assess glaciological conditions and map the cryosphere. There are, however, important issues and limitations associated with accurate satellite information extraction and mapping, as well as new opportunities for assessment and mapping that are all rooted in understanding the fundamentals of the radiation transfer cascade. We address the primary radiation transfer components, relate them to glacier dynamics and mapping, and summarize the analytical approaches that permit transformation of spectral variation into thematic and quantitative parameters. We also discuss the integration of satellite-derived information into numerical modeling approaches to facilitate understandings of glacier dynamics and causal mechanisms
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