27 research outputs found

    The principles of the green economy in the context of agglomeration: Evidence from Big Ekaterinburg

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    The authors consider an urban agglomeration as a more integral informal economic subject uniting economic interests of its municipalities and expressing interests of the territory which can become a driver of the "green economy" strategy. High level of social and economic development of an agglomeration kernel, and high capabilities related to minimization of environmental risks and multiplying natural capital of the small cities allows synchronization of economic growth, optimal use of natural resources and decreasing decoupling effect. Using Big Ekaterinburg as an example of urban agglomerations the authors have shown that strategic planning documents on the municipal level require cardinal revision in the context of complex development of the territory, "green" economy principles implementation and harmonization of relations among the economy, society, and environment. © 2018 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.The authors would like to express their deepest gratitude to the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) for the support of the research within the project No. 17-22-07001 "The complex algorithm of culture-based regeneration of minor industrial cities in the context of agglomeration processes in Russia and Europe"

    The principles of the green economy in the context of agglomeration: Evidence from Big Ekaterinburg

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    The authors consider an urban agglomeration as a more integral informal economic subject uniting economic interests of its municipalities and expressing interests of the territory which can become a driver of the "green economy" strategy. High level of social and economic development of an agglomeration kernel, and high capabilities related to minimization of environmental risks and multiplying natural capital of the small cities allows synchronization of economic growth, optimal use of natural resources and decreasing decoupling effect. Using Big Ekaterinburg as an example of urban agglomerations the authors have shown that strategic planning documents on the municipal level require cardinal revision in the context of complex development of the territory, "green" economy principles implementation and harmonization of relations among the economy, society, and environment. © 2018 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.The authors would like to express their deepest gratitude to the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) for the support of the research within the project No. 17-22-07001 "The complex algorithm of culture-based regeneration of minor industrial cities in the context of agglomeration processes in Russia and Europe"

    Removal of intrabed multiples via source‐signature invariant inversion

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    Intrabed Multiple Removal: Theory and Practice

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    Introduction The problem of removal of intrabed multiples is a rather sophisticated problem of nonlinear inversion (see e.g. (Weglein, 1999)): intrabed reverberations indicate clearly that a resulting wavefield reflected by a few interfaces is far from to be a simple sum of wavefields generated by individual reflectors. Strategies of demultiplying data from essentially 3Denvironment are based upon the Inverse Scattering- strategy (e.g. (Weglein and Matson, 1998), (Berkhout, 1999)), but relevant algorithms are still under development and they are expected to be of very high computational costs. On the other hand, classical approaches to suppression of multiples in a locally 1D-environment exploit a wellseen self-repetition of records (Webster and Levin, 1978), (Robinson and Treitel, 1980), (Robinson and Osman, 1996) and they are realized in a form of fast Wiener's filtering, but a default of these approaches is that registered wavefields can be well-represented by single reflection

    MSvE: a novel approach to statistical estimation of primaries superimposed on incoherent multiples

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    Introduction The problem of attenuation of multiples is of permanent interest for theoreticians as well as for practical geophysicists (e.g. [1]). Classical approaches to suppression of multiples exploit a well-seen self-repetition of wave-forms, resulting in a rather high correlation of primaries and respective multiples (coherent-, or waveform preserved-, reverberations). In a routine processing of marine data it gives a good result, when the multiples are associated mainly with the water-layer reverberations in a locally 1D-environment, with a fairly simple layering of a sea-bed. Multiple Suppression via Envelopes (let us call it MSvE), exposed here, aims to deal with elimination of multiples which are incoherent, albeit well-seen, with primaries. Losses of coherency can be of different physical grounds, while the relevant statistical aspects are general for the transition: wave/transfer phenomena. The coherency losses can b

    Sharp Deconvolution in Elimination of Multiples

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    Introduction To remove effects of unwanted signatures such as a long seismic wavelet or multiples by deconvolving them from the seismic trace, classical methods of deconvolution (Robinson and Treitel, 1980), (Webster and Levin, 1978) are implemented very successfully: spiking and predictive deconvolution respectively. Herewith we would like to show that development of mathematical aspects of solving ill-posed problems enables to contribute into the practice of seismic data processing. Traditional multiple suppression is based on predictive deconvolution realized with the Wiener filter elaborated for stationary time series. We try to take into account that a. records of a pulse are highly non-stationary, b. information about reflections is contained not only in record cross-correlations but in autocorrelations as well: it is the starting point of the classical predictive deconvolution that the well-seen self-repetiti

    3D nonlinear inversion by Entropy of Image Contrast optimization

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    An inversion algorithm for seismic reflection data is presented. It recovers both the lowfrequency features of the medium (the background) and its discontinuities. The algorithm chooses the background model in such a way that the remaining residuals correspond to model discontinuities superposed on the background. The optimization involves an entropy measure of the image contrast and an efficient optimization algorithm. The method takes into account the large amount of data that have to be processed in 3D inversion and sparseness of input data. It is also robust with respect to the noise in the data. 1 Introduction. Probably it is a propagation of sound waves in a medium that is the best-known nonlinear process in geophysics. Parameters of the process are distributed in a 3-dimensional physical space and have an excellent physical interpretation, e.g. density, slowness, impedance, Lam'e parameters. To extract these parameters from observed data means to solve 3D nonlinear inverse prob..

    Removal of intrabed multiples via Source-Signature Invariant Inversion

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    Introduction The problem of removal of multiples is tied to the rather sophisticated problem of nonlinear inversion: Strategies of demultiplying data from essentially 3D-environment are based upon the Inverse Scattering- strategy (e.g. (Weglein and Matson, 1998), (Berkhout, 1999)) but relevant algorithms are still under development, besides it is expectable they could be computationally expensive. Classical approaches to suppression of multiples in a locally 1D-environment exploit a well-seen self-repetition of records (Robinson and Treitel, 1980). In practice it concerns mainly the multiples generated by the strongest reflector, i.e. surface-related ones. In the most of applications it gives fairly good results, but it is not so good, when, for example, a sea-bed contains a long sequence of rather strong reflectors or a deep sea-floor is formed by a thin-layer slab with basalt beneath: the latter yields intrabed reverberations embedded into water-layer ones.