198 research outputs found

    Le rôle de l'école dans l'utilisation responsable des TICE par les élèves. De l'analyse des perceptions des élèves jusqu'à l'enseignement d'une attitude éthique et responsable : quels enjeux ? Quelle démarche ?

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    La société étant à l'ère du numérique, quel rôle l'école a-t-elle à jouer pour éduquer les élèves aux médias ? Ce mémoire présente les différents risques et bouleversements induits par les TIC, et indique ce que l'école peut mettre en place pour que les enfants ne subissent pas les médias mais soient au contraire des utilisateurs avertis. Il explicite particulièrement une séquence mise en œuvre en classe de CM1/CM2 sur ce que l'on peut publier sur internet, les risques que cela comporte, afin que les élèves engagent une réflexion sur l'utilisation d'internet et prennent du recul. Puisque cette éducation se doit de se faire sur le long terme, ce mémoire indique également plusieurs autres pistes pédagogiques

    Chromosome breakage after G2 checkpoint release

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    DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair and checkpoint control represent distinct mechanisms to reduce chromosomal instability. Ataxia telangiectasia (A-T) cells have checkpoint arrest and DSB repair defects. We examine the efficiency and interplay of ATM's G2 checkpoint and repair functions. Artemis cells manifest a repair defect identical and epistatic to A-T but show proficient checkpoint responses. Only a few G2 cells enter mitosis within 4 h after irradiation with 1 Gy but manifest multiple chromosome breaks. Most checkpoint-proficient cells arrest at the G2/M checkpoint, with the length of arrest being dependent on the repair capacity. Strikingly, cells released from checkpoint arrest display one to two chromosome breaks. This represents a major contribution to chromosome breakage. The presence of chromosome breaks in cells released from checkpoint arrest suggests that release occurs before the completion of DSB repair. Strikingly, we show that checkpoint release occurs at a point when approximately three to four premature chromosome condensation breaks and approximately 20 gammaH2AX foci remain

    Hydronephrosis caused by kidney malrotation.

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    Hydronephrosis associated with kidney malrotation can be a surgical challenge. We present the case of a 3.5 y.o.-boy presenting with left pyelo-ureteric obstruction caused by kidney hyperrotation (270°) resulting in recurring urinary tract infection. After complete radiological work-up, we opted for a primary laparoscopic ureterocalicostomy, which allowed for complete resolution of the pelvic dilatation. Kidney malrotation can present with a wide variation in anatomic features. Radiological work-up is the cornerstone of surgical strategy planning. Laparoscopic ureterocalicostomy is a useful primary option in unusual anatomical situations

    Culture, nature, nationalisme et internationalisme

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    Les faux dilemmes L'humanisme occidental a consacré l'opposition entre culture et nature, une opposition qui n'a guère de sens pour les peuples autochtones du monde. Plus récemment, les polémiques suscitées par la destruction des forêts tropicales se sont souvent basées sur de semblables dichotomies, autant du côté des conservationnistes que de celui des destructeurs de la forêt. Pour ces derniers, la reconnaissance des droits ancestraux des Indiens d'Amazonie et la préservation de la forêt «..

    ATM and Artemis promote homologous recombination of radiation-induced DNA double-strand breaks in G2

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    Homologous recombination (HR) and non‐homologous end joining (NHEJ) represent distinct pathways for repairing DNA double‐strand breaks (DSBs). Previous work implicated Artemis and ATM in an NHEJ‐dependent process, which repairs a defined subset of radiation‐induced DSBs in G1‐phase. Here, we show that in G2, as in G1, NHEJ represents the major DSB‐repair pathway whereas HR is only essential for repair of ∼15% of X‐ or γ‐ray‐induced DSBs. In addition to requiring the known HR proteins, Brca2, Rad51 and Rad54, repair of radiation‐induced DSBs by HR in G2 also involves Artemis and ATM suggesting that they promote NHEJ during G1 but HR during G2. The dependency for ATM for repair is relieved by depleting KAP‐1, providing evidence that HR in G2 repairs heterochromatin‐associated DSBs. Although not core HR proteins, ATM and Artemis are required for efficient formation of single‐stranded DNA and Rad51 foci at radiation‐induced DSBs in G2 with Artemis function requiring its endonuclease activity. We suggest that Artemis endonuclease removes lesions or secondary structures, which inhibit end resection and preclude the completion of HR or NHEJ

    The homology of odontodes in gnathostomes: insights from Dlx gene expression in the dogfish, Scyliorhinus canicula

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Teeth and tooth-like structures, together named odontodes, are repeated organs thought to share a common evolutionary origin. These structures can be found in gnathostomes at different locations along the body: oral teeth in the jaws, teeth and denticles in the oral-pharyngeal cavity, and dermal denticles on elasmobranch skin. We, and other colleagues, had previously shown that teeth in any location were serially homologous because: i) pharyngeal and oral teeth develop through a common developmental module; and ii) the expression patterns of the <it>Dlx </it>genes during odontogenesis were highly divergent between species but almost identical between oral and pharyngeal dentitions within the same species. Here we examine <it>Dlx </it>gene expression in oral teeth and dermal denticles in order to test the hypothesis of serial homology between these odontodes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We present a detailed comparison of the first developing teeth and dermal denticles (caudal primary scales) of the dogfish (<it>Scyliorhinus canicula</it>) and show that both odontodes develop through identical stages that correspond to the common stages of oral and pharyngeal odontogenesis. We identified six <it>Dlx </it>paralogs in the dogfish and found that three showed strong transcription in teeth and dermal denticles (<it>Dlx3</it>, <it>Dlx4 </it>and <it>Dlx5</it>) whereas a weak expression was detected for <it>Dlx1 </it>in dermal denticles and teeth, and for <it>Dlx2 </it>in dermal denticles. Very few differences in <it>Dlx </it>expression patterns could be detected between tooth and dermal denticle development, except for the absence of <it>Dlx2 </it>expression in teeth.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Taken together, our histological and expression data strongly suggest that teeth and dermal denticles develop from the same developmental module and under the control of the same set of <it>Dlx </it>genes. Teeth and dermal denticles should therefore be considered as serial homologs developing through the initiation of a common gene regulatory network (GRN) at several body locations. This mechanism of heterotopy supports the 'inside and out' model that has been recently proposed for odontode evolution.</p

    Quel soutien infirmier permet de favoriser la dynamique familiale auprès des proches aidants d'adultes atteints de schizophrénie ?: travail de Bachelor

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    La schizophrénie est une maladie qui n'affecte pas uniquement la personne mais aussi son entourage. Par sa symptomatologie, l'impact provoqué sur la vie sociale et sur la dynamique familiale n'est pas sans conséquences. Le processus de désinstitutionnalisation implique le rôle de la famille dans la prise en soins et le maintien à domicile du patient. Cependant, ce nouveau rôle de proche-aidant peut impacter leur santé physique, psychique et sur leur qualité de vie allant jusqu'au fardeau

    Caroli disease, bilateral diffuse cystic renal dysplasia, situs inversus, postaxial polydactyly, and preauricular fistulas: a ciliopathy caused by a homozygous NPHP3 mutation

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    We report the rare association of Caroli disease (intrahepatic bile duct ectasia associated with congenital hepatic fibrosis), bilateral cystic renal dysplasia, situs inversus, postaxial polydactyly, and preauricular fistulas in a female child. She presented with end-stage renal disease at the age of 1month, followed by a rapidly progressing hepatic fibrosis and dilatation of the intrahepatic bile ducts, leading to secondary biliary cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Combined liver-kidney transplantation was performed at the age of 4years, with excellent outcome. DNA analysis showed a NPHP3 (coding nephrocystin-3) homozygote mutation, confirming that this malformation complex is a ciliopathy. Conclusion: This rare association required an exceptional therapeutic approach: combined simultaneous orthotopic liver and kidney transplantation in a situs inversus recipient. The long-term follow-up was excellent with a very good evolution of the renal and hepatic grafts and normalization of growth and weight. This malformation complex has an autosomal recessive inheritance with a 25% recurrence risk in each pregnanc