420 research outputs found

    Human Excretion of Bisphenol A: Blood, Urine, and Sweat (BUS) Study

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    Background. Bisphenol A (BPA) is an ubiquitous chemical contaminant that has recently been associated with adverse effects on human health. There is incomplete understanding of BPA toxicokinetics, and there are no established interventions to eliminate this compound from the human body. Using 20 study participants, this study was designed to assess the relative concentration of BPA in three body fluids—blood, urine, and sweat—and to determine whether induced sweating may be a therapeutic intervention with potential to facilitate elimination of this compound. Methods. Blood, urine, and sweat were collected from 20 individuals (10 healthy participants and 10 participants with assorted health problems) and analyzed for various environmental toxicants including BPA. Results. BPA was found to differing degrees in each of blood, urine, and sweat. In 16 of 20 participants, BPA was identified in sweat, even in some individuals with no BPA detected in their serum or urine samples. Conclusions. Biomonitoring of BPA through blood and/or urine testing may underestimate the total body burden of this potential toxicant. Sweat analysis should be considered as an additional method for monitoring bioaccumulation of BPA in humans. Induced sweating appears to be a potential method for elimination of BPA

    Human vocal attractiveness as signaled by body size projection

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    Voice, as a secondary sexual characteristic, is known to affect the perceived attractiveness of human individuals. But the underlying mechanism of vocal attractiveness has remained unclear. Here, we presented human listeners with acoustically altered natural sentences and fully synthetic sentences with systematically manipulated pitch, formants and voice quality based on a principle of body size projection reported for animal calls and emotional human vocal expressions. The results show that male listeners preferred a female voice that signals a small body size, with relatively high pitch, wide formant dispersion and breathy voice, while female listeners preferred a male voice that signals a large body size with low pitch and narrow formant dispersion. Interestingly, however, male vocal attractiveness was also enhanced by breathiness, which presumably softened the aggressiveness associated with a large body size. These results, together with the additional finding that the same vocal dimensions also affect emotion judgment, indicate that humans still employ a vocal interaction strategy used in animal calls despite the development of complex language

    Articulatory Synthesis for Data Augmentation in Phoneme Recognition

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    While numerous studies on automatic speech recognition have been published in recent years describing data augmentation strategies based on time or frequency domain signal processing, few works exist on the artificial extensions of training data sets using purely synthetic speech data. In this work, the German KIEL corpus was augmented with synthetic data generated with the state-of-the-art articulatory synthesizer VOCALTRACTLAB. It is shown that the additional synthetic data can lead to a significantly better performance in single-phoneme recognition in certain cases, while at the same time, the performance can also decrease in other cases, depending on the degree of acoustic naturalness of the synthetic phonemes. As a result, this work can potentially guide future studies to improve the quality of articulatory synthesis via the link between synthetic speech production and automatic speech recognition

    Modelling microprosodic effects can lead to an audible improvement in articulatory synthesis

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    When pitch is explicitly modelled for parametric speech synthesis, microprosodic variations of the fundamental frequency f0 are usually disregarded by current intonation models. While there are numerous studies dealing with the nature and the origin of microprosody, little research has been done on its audibility and its effect on the naturalness of synthetic speech. In this work, the influence of obstruent-related microprosodic variations on the perceived naturalness of articulatory speech synthesis was studied. A small corpus of 20 German words and sentences was re-synthesized using the state-of-the-art articulatory synthesizer VocalTractLab. The pitch contours of the real utterances were extracted and fitted with the Target-Approximation-Model. After the real microprosodic variations were removed from the obtained pitch contours, synthetic variations were applied based on a microprosody model. Subsequently, multiple stimuli with different microprosody amplitudes were synthesized and evaluated in a listening experiment. The results indicate that microprosodic variations are barely audible, but can lead to a greater perceived naturalness of the synthesized speech in certain cases

    Prevention of Glaucoma-Induced Retinal Ganglion Cell Loss Using Alpha7 nAChR Agonists

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    In this study, the neuroprotective effect of various nicotinic alpha7 acetylcholine receptor agonists in an in-vivo model of glaucoma using adult Long Evans rats was analyzed. Glaucoma-like conditions were induced in the eyes of Long Evans rats after injection of hypertonic saline into episcleral veins to create scar tissue and increase the animal’s intraocular pressure. This procedure produced significant loss of retinal ganglion cells within one month and was associated with an increase of intraocular pressure. Using this model system, various alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (a7 nAChR) agonists were applied at different doses as eye drops to the right eye of adult Long Evans rats while the left eye was left as an internal control. The a7 nAChR agonists used in this study prevented loss of RGCs in a dose dependent manner after the procedure to induce glaucoma-like conditions. PHA-543613 and PNU- 282987 provided the largest degree of RGC survival after inducing glaucomalike conditions, followed by nicotine, SEN 12333, tropisetron, 3-Bromocytisine and DMAB. To provide evidence that neuroprotection of RGCs was mediated through activation of a7 nAChR, in some studies different concentrations of the a7 nAChR antagonist, MLA, was intravitreally injected into experimentally treated eyes before initiation of eye drops and the procedure to induce glaucoma-like conditions. In the presence of MLA, RGC neuroprotection was blocked. Results from these studies suggest that selective a7 nAChR agonists may be used in future therapeutic treatments for glaucoma or other CNS diseases associated with a7 nAChRs

    Model-based exploration of linking between vowel articulatory space and acoustic space

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    While the acoustic vowel space has been extensively studied in previous research, little is known about the high-dimensional articulatory space of vowels. The articulatory imaging techniques are limited to tracking only a few key articulators, leaving the rest of the articulators unmonitored. In the present study, we attempted to develop a detailed articulatory space obtained by training a 3D articulatory synthesizer to learn eleven British English vowels. An analysis-by-synthesis strategy was used to acoustically optimize vocal tract parameters that represent twenty articulatory dimensions. The results show that tongue height and retraction, larynx location and lip roundness are the most perceptually distinctive articulatory dimensions. Yet, even for these dimensions, there is a fair amount of articulatory overlap between vowels, unlike the fine-grained acoustic space. This method opens up the possibility of using modelling to investigate the link between speech production and perception

    Evoc-Learn - High quality simulation of early vocal learning

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    Evoc-Learn is a system for simulating early vocal learning of spoken language in ways that can overcome some of the major bottlenecks in vocal learning. The system consists of VocalTractLab, a geometrical three-dimensional vocal tract model for simulating aeroacoustics and articulatory dynamics, a coarticulation model for controlling the temporal dynamics of articulation, and a sensory feedback system for guiding the learning process. We will demonstrate each component of Evoc-Learn and show how they work together to simulate the learning of highly intelligible speech

    Influence of the substrate-induced strain and irradiation disorder on the Peierls transition in TTF-TCNQ microdomains

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    The influence of the combined effects of substrate-induced strain, finite size and electron irradiation-induced defects have been studied on individual micron-sized domains of the organic charge transfer compound tetrathiafulvalene-tetracyanoquinodimethane (TTF-TCNQ) by temperature-dependent conductivity and current-voltage measurements. The individual domains have been isolated by focused ion beam etching and electrically contacted by focused ion and electron beam induced deposition of metallic contacts. The temperature-dependent conductivity follows a variable range hopping behavior which shows a crossover of the exponent as the Peierls transition is approached. The low temperature behavior is analyzed within the segmented rod model of Fogler, Teber and Shklowskii, as originally developed for a charge-ordered quasi one-dimensional electron crystal. The results are compared with data obtained on as-grown and electron irradiated epitaxial TTF-TCNQ thin films of the two-domain type

    Performance of Layer-by-Layer-Modified Multibore® Ultrafiltration Capillary Membranes for Salt Retention and Removal of Antibiotic Resistance Genes

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    Polyether sulfone Multibore® ultrafiltration membranes were modified using polyelectrolyte multilayers via the layer-by-layer (LbL) technique in order to increase their rejection capabilities towards salts and antibiotic resistance genes. The modified capillary membranes were characterized to exhibit a molecular weight cut-off (at 90% rejection) of 384 Da. The zeta-potential at pH 7 was −40 mV. Laboratory tests using single-fiber modified membrane modules were performed to evaluate the removal of antibiotic resistance genes; the LbL-coated membranes were able to completely retain DNA fragments from 90 to 1500 nt in length. Furthermore, the pure water permeability and the retention of single inorganic salts, MgSO4_{4}, CaCl2_{2} and NaCl, were measured using a mini-plant testing unit. The modified membranes had a retention of 80% toward MgSO4_{4} and CaCl2_{2} salts, and 23% in case of NaCl. The modified membranes were also found to be stable against mechanical backwashing (up to 80 LMH) and chemical regeneration (in acidic conditions and basic/oxidizing conditions)