90 research outputs found

    Non-Destructive Evaluation of Iowa Pavements Phase 2: Development of a Fully Automated Software System for Rapid Analysis/Processing of the Falling Weight Deflectometer Data

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    The Office of Special Investigations at Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) collects FWD data on regular basis to evaluate pavement structural conditions. The primary objective of this study was to develop a fully-automated software system for rapid processing of the FWD data along with a user manual. The software system automatically reads the FWD raw data collected by the JILS-20 type FWD machine that Iowa DOT owns, processes and analyzes the collected data with the rapid prediction algorithms developed during the phase I study. This system smoothly integrates the FWD data analysis algorithms and the computer program being used to collect the pavement deflection data. This system can be used to assess pavement condition, estimate remaining pavement life, and eventually help assess pavement rehabilitation strategies by the Iowa DOT pavement management team. This report describes the developed software in detail and can also be used as a user-manual for conducting simulation studies and detailed analyses

    Candidate Gene Screen in the Red Flour Beetle Tribolium Reveals Six3 as Ancient Regulator of Anterior Median Head and Central Complex Development

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    Several highly conserved genes play a role in anterior neural plate patterning of vertebrates and in head and brain patterning of insects. However, head involution in Drosophila has impeded a systematic identification of genes required for insect head formation. Therefore, we use the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum in order to comprehensively test the function of orthologs of vertebrate neural plate patterning genes for a function in insect head development. RNAi analysis reveals that most of these genes are indeed required for insect head capsule patterning, and we also identified several genes that had not been implicated in this process before. Furthermore, we show that Tc-six3/optix acts upstream of Tc-wingless, Tc-orthodenticle1, and Tc-eyeless to control anterior median development. Finally, we demonstrate that Tc-six3/optix is the first gene known to be required for the embryonic formation of the central complex, a midline-spanning brain part connected to the neuroendocrine pars intercerebralis. These functions are very likely conserved among bilaterians since vertebrate six3 is required for neuroendocrine and median brain development with certain mutations leading to holoprosencephaly

    STOPPFall (Screening Tool of Older Persons Prescriptions in older adults with high fall risk): a Delphi study by the EuGMS Task and Finish Group on Fall-Risk-Increasing Drugs.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked DownloadBackground: Healthcare professionals are often reluctant to deprescribe fall-risk-increasing drugs (FRIDs). Lack of knowledge and skills form a significant barrier and furthermore, there is no consensus on which medications are considered as FRIDs despite several systematic reviews. To support clinicians in the management of FRIDs and to facilitate the deprescribing process, STOPPFall (Screening Tool of Older Persons Prescriptions in older adults with high fall risk) and a deprescribing tool were developed by a European expert group. Methods: STOPPFall was created by two facilitators based on evidence from recent meta-analyses and national fall prevention guidelines in Europe. Twenty-four panellists chose their level of agreement on a Likert scale with the items in the STOPPFall in three Delphi panel rounds. A threshold of 70% was selected for consensus a priori. The panellists were asked whether some agents are more fall-risk-increasing than others within the same pharmacological class. In an additional questionnaire, panellists were asked in which cases deprescribing of FRIDs should be considered and how it should be performed. Results: The panellists agreed on 14 medication classes to be included in the STOPPFall. They were mostly psychotropic medications. The panellists indicated 18 differences between pharmacological subclasses with regard to fall-risk-increasing properties. Practical deprescribing guidance was developed for STOPPFall medication classes. Conclusion: STOPPFall was created using an expert Delphi consensus process and combined with a practical deprescribing tool designed to optimise medication review. The effectiveness of these tools in falls prevention should be further evaluated in intervention studies. Keywords: accidental falls; adverse effects; aged; deprescribing; fall-risk-increasing drugs; older people.Amsterdam Public Health Aging and Later Life Innovation Price and Clementine Brigitta Maria Dalderup fund Amsterdam University fun

    Répartition écologique et dynamique des populations d ’Apodemus sylvaticus et Clethrionomys glareolus en pinède à Rambouillet

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    Dans une forêt de Pin sylvestre, à Rambouillet, on a étudié les populations de Clethrionomys glareolus et Apodemus syluaticus dans des parcelles dont les Pins étaient âgés respectivement de 3, 6, 10, 12, 30, 40 et 100 ans. Dans chaque parcelle on a placé deux lignes de 51 pièges non appâtés, espacés de 3 111 les uns des autres, pendant 48 heures avec deux relevés de captures. De décembre 1965 à janvier 1967 il a été effectué dans les mêmes conditions autorisant les comparaisons, huit séries de piégeages. Il a en outre été posé 1125 pièges pendant cinq jours dans un carré de 150 m de côté, en janvier 1967, dans le milieu 10 ans. On a pris comme critère d’âge de C. glareolus, la longueur de la racine postérieure (R. P.) de la première molaire inférieure (M 1) (les individus de 4 mois ont une R. P. de M 1 de plus de 0,15 mm ; ensuite on a pris une croissance moyenne mensuelle de 0,15 mm). Pour A. syluaticus on a proposé huit stades d’usure des molaires supérieures, stades pour lesquels il existe une bonne corrélation avec les poids des cristallins. On a pris comme points de repère l’âge de 3 mois pour les individus ayant des cristallins pesant plus de 15 mg et 5 mois pour ceux pesant plus de 19,2 mg. La physionomie des différents milieux est décrite ; cette description est résumée par l’évolution de la composition des chutes annuelles des constituants de la litière. On distingue trois stades suivant l’âge des Pins : 0-15 ans (flore du sol en majorité), 15-35 ans (branches), 35-55 ans (aiguilles). On a effectué dix-huit relevés phytosociologiques groupés en un tableau (tableau I). Il montre l’évolution d’une association de landes ( Calluneto-ericetum cinereae) et de l’association des vieilles plantations de Pins vers le climax de la chênaie (Quercetum robori sessiliflorae). La figure 10 donne les pluies mensuelles, la figure 11 les températures minimums par pentades, la figure 12 les pluies par pentades en 1965-1966 et en 1966-1967. On peut énumérer les résultats suivants concernant la répartition écologique : 1. C. glareolus, limité aux plantations de 6 à 30 ans, a une « valence écologique » plus étroite qu’A. syluaticus rencontré partout. 2. C. glareolus est plus abondant dans les milieux où la litière est constituée surtout de branches, aiguilles et cônes (15-30 ans), A. syluaticus là où la litière est riche en flore du sol (0-15 ans), et secondairement là où elle est constituée d’aiguilles. 3. Le pourcentage relatif de C. glareolus augmente dans les relevés qui sont les plus représentatifs du Quercetum, celui d’A. syluaticus dans ceux qui sont les plus caractéristiques du Calluneto-ericetum et de l’association des vieilles plantations de Pins. 4. Le Mulot gris semble lié, dans le milieu âgé de 10 ans, au faciès végétal à Callune. Mais son mode de déplacement fait qu’on le trouve en milieu ouvert (captures en limites des zones de Fou gère ou des buissons de Callune). C. glareolus a été trouvé dans les faciès à Fougère, ou dans les milieux plus fermés (dans les buissons de Callune, les amas de Fougère et surtout les branches mortes enchevêtrées tombées au sol). Quelques indications sont données sur Sorex araneus. Croci- dura leucodon, Microtus agrestis et Micromys minutus. En ce qui concerne la structure et la dynamique de population on a obtenu les résultats suivants : 1. En 1965 il y eut chez C. glareolus un arrêt de la reproduction au début d’octobre et une reprise en décembre. En décembre 1966 et en janvier 1967 cette reprise n’a pas eu lieu. Les individus nés avant avril 1966 ont atteint la maturité dans l’année, ceux nés après juin sont restés immatures. 2. Dans les parcelles de 12 et 100 ans la reproduction chez A. syluaticus s’est arrêtée un mois en novembre 1965, alors qu’elle a continué dans les plantations de 3 et 10 ans. 3. A la fois pour C. glareolus et A. syluaticus la reprise d’activité sexuelle a suivi une période de pluies régulières et en diminution constante dans le mois précédent, et la non-reprise une période de pluie irrégulières et en augmentation. 4. L’analyse des dynamiques de population de Mulots conduit aux hypothèses suivantes : — dans les parcelles de 12 et 100 ans la mortalité et Immigration à la fin du printemps et en été n’ont été compensées par aucune natalité ; en octobre il y eu une immigration. Dans les plantations de 3 et 10 ans il y a une disparition d’individus en septembre et octobre due, sans doute, à l’action de I’ émigration plutôt qu’à une mortalité plus élevée qu’ailleurs. Cette émigration a pu se faire au profit des parcelles de 12 et 100 ans, compte tenu de leur voisinage avec celles de 10 et 3 ans, et des possibilités de déplacement du Mulot. 5. Les pinèdes de 3 et 10 ans seraient les milieux les plus favorables à la multiplication des Mulots, sans doute du fait des conditions de nourriture et d’un sol libre d’obstacles.From 1965 to 1967 the ecological preferences, structures and dynamics of bank vole and woodmice populations have been stu died around Rambouillet near Paris, in Scots pine forests of various ages : 3, 6, 10, 12, 30, 40 and 100 years old. Parallel to the growth of trees, there is a marked change in the ground vege tation and litter composition which consequently influences the nature and density of small rodent populations. Whereas woodmice have been found in all forest types stu died, bank voles live mostly in young pine stands, 6 to 30 years old. The bank vole is always found in the more dense vegetation and on substrate where twigs, needles and cones abound. In 10 year old pine stands, the Woodmouse appear to prefer Calluna heaths and the Bank vole the Pteris aquilina patches. In the study area, Bank voles generally breed from April to September, but reproduction was also observed in December 1965. Woodmice on the contrary reproduce throughout the year, at least in young pine plantations (3 to 10 years old). A discussion follows on the possibility of seasonal movements of woodmice between different habitats

    Long-Term Performance of Vacuum Arc Thrusters

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    Bilgi keşfi ve veri madenciliği

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    Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır.ÖZET Anahtar Kelimeler : Bilgisayar, Veritabanı, Veri Madenciliği, Bilgi Keşfi, Veri Ambarı, Karar Destek Sistemleri Günümüzün hızla değişen ve gelişen teknolojik ortamında verinin ve veriye yönelik işlemlerin önemi de günden güne artmaktadır. Geçmişte amacı veriyi işlemek ve organizasyonların günlük işlemlerinde kullanmak olan sistemlerin yapısı, veriyi toplamak, değerlendirmek ve bunlara yönelik kararlar almak olarak kullanılan sistemlere dönüşmüştür. Operasyonel Sistemler organizasyonların günlük işlemlerini yürütmek için kullanılan sistemlerdir. Bu sistemlerde veri veritabanında gerçek zamanlı olarak işlenir. Karar Destek Sistemleri ise organizasyonların tarihsel verilerini çözümleyip geleceğe yönelik çıkarımlar yapmak için kullanılan sistemlerdir. Bu sistemlerde yer alan bilgiler çeşitli incelemelerden ve araştırmalardan geçirilerek yöneticilerin ileride organizasyonun kârını ya da verimliliğini arttırması, gelecekte izlenecek politikalarının belirlenmesi ve benzeri yönetimsel kararların alınmasını kolaylaştırırlar. Veri Ambarı organizasyonların Operasyonel Sistemlerden gelen verilerinin, konsolide edilmiş, zaman uyumlu, gerekli olanlarını ayıklayanmış bir şekilde geleceğe yönelik planlama ve değerlendirme için bulunduğu bir veri deposudur. Veri Ambarı Karar Destek Sistemlerinin veritabanı olarak gösterilebilir. Çeşitli sistemlerden gelen veriler ortak bir yapıya dönüştürülerek ve zamana uyumlu olarak Veri Ambarına yerleştirilirler. Doğal olarak Veri Ambarlarının boyutları Operasyonel Sistemlerin boyutlarından çok daha fazladır. Bu çalışmanın ana konusu olan Veri Madenciliği Veri Ambarı üzerinde uygulanan analiz ve çıkarım işlemlerinden bir tanesi olarak görülebilir. Genel olarak Veri Madenciliği belirli algoritmalar ve teknikler yardımıyla veri kümelerindeki (Veritabanı, Veri Ambarı v.b) örüntüleri ortaya çıkarmaya yarayan uygulamalardır. Veri Madenciliği aynı zamanda bilgi keşfi süreci adımlarının en önemli aşamalarından biridir. Bu tez çalışmasında Veri Madenciliği veritabanı ve bilgi keşfi bakış açısı ile incelenmiş, Veri Ambarı ve Veritabanlarında Bilgi Keşfi araştırma alanları ile ilişkisi ve Veri Madenciliğinin kullanım yerleri, işlemleri ve teknikleri açıkça ortaya konmuştur. Son olarak da incelenen kavramları ve teknikleri pekiştirmesi açısından Microsoft Analysis Services araçları kullanarak bir sınıflandırma probleminin çözümü geçeklenmiştir. ıxKNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY and DATA MINING SUMMARY Keywords : Computer, Database, Data Mining, Knowledge Discovery, Data Warehouse, Decision Support Systems Today, importance of information and information technologies are increasing rapidly. In Past, The systems that used data to prosess daily transactions in organizations has replaced decision support systems that analysis data to predict their future needs. Operational Systems is systems that process daily transactions in organizations. This systems process data online in databases. Decision Support System is systems that analysis historical data to make decisions for future needs. Informations of this systems provides decisions for incrasing productivity of organizations and to make decisions future organiszations policy. Data Warehouse is data store that holds consolidated data from Operational Systems to analysis for handling requirements. Data Warehouse can be called Decision Support System's database. Data Warehouse holds data that flows from other systems historically. Data Warehouse has huge volume according to Operational Systems. Data Mining that main concepts of this research is applications to find out prediction and relations in datasets. In general, Data Mining used to specific algoritms and techniques to find out patterns in huge dataset and it also is most important step in knowledge discovery process. In this study, Data Mining was researched activities and relations other disciplines from Data Warehousing and KDD perspective. Finally, Data Mining applications for a classification problem was developed by using Microsoft Analysis Services tools and techniques