6,366 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of Solar Subsurfaces by Local Helioseismology

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    Local helioseismology has opened new frontiers in our quest for understanding of the internal dynamics and dynamo on the Sun. Local helioseismology reconstructs subsurface structures and flows by extracting coherent signals of acoustic waves traveling through the interior and carrying information about subsurface perturbations and flows, from stochastic oscillations observed on the surface. The initial analysis of the subsurface flow maps reconstructed from the 5 years of SDO/HMI data by time-distance helioseismology reveals the great potential for studying and understanding of the dynamics of the quiet Sun and active regions, and the evolution with the solar cycle. In particular, our results show that the emergence and evolution of active regions are accompanied by multi-scale flow patterns, and that the meridional flows display the North-South asymmetry closely correlating with the magnetic activity. The latitudinal variations of the meridional circulation speed, which are probably related to the large-scale converging flows, are mostly confined in shallow subsurface layers. Therefore, these variations do not necessarily affect the magnetic flux transport. The North-South asymmetry is also pronounced in the variations of the differential rotation ("torsional oscillations"). The calculations of a proxy of the subsurface kinetic helicity density show that the helicity does not vary during the solar cycle, and that supergranulation is a likely source of the near-surface helicity.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, in "Cartography of the Sun and the Stars", Editors: Rozelot, Jean-Pierre, Neiner, Corali

    Radio pulses from cosmic ray air showers - Boosted Coulomb and Cherenkov fields

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    High-energy cosmic rays passing through the Earth's atmosphere produce extensive showers whose charges emit radio frequency pulses. Despite the low density of the Earth's atmosphere, this emission should be affected by the air refractive index because the bulk of the shower particles move roughly at the speed of radio waves, so that the retarded altitude of emission, the relativistic boost and the emission pattern are modified. We consider in this paper the contribution of the boosted Coulomb and the Cherenkov fields and calculate analytically the spectrum using a very simplified model in order to highlight the main properties. We find that typically the lower half of the shower charge energy distribution produces a boosted Coulomb field, of amplitude comparable to the levels measured and to those calculated previously for synchrotron emission. Higher energy particles produce instead a Cherenkov-like field, whose amplitude may be smaller because both the negative charge excess and the separation between charges of opposite signs are small at these energies.Comment: 10 figures - Accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Biases in the polarization position angles in the NVSS point source catalogue

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    We have examined the statistics of the polarization position angles determined for point sources in the NRAO-VLA sky survey (NVSS) and find that there is a statistically significant bias toward angles which are multiples of 45 degrees. The formal probability that the polarization angles are drawn from a uniform distribution is exponentially small. When the sample of those NVSS sources with polarizations detected with a signal to noise \geq3 is split either around the median polarized flux density or the median fractional polarization, the effect appears to be stronger for the more highly polarized sources. Regions containing strong sources and regions at low galactic latitudes are not responsible for the non-uniform distribution of position angles. We identify CLEAN bias as the probable cause of the dominant effect, coupled with small multiplicative and additive offsets on each of the Stokes parameters. Our findings have implications for the extraction of science, such as information concerning galactic magnetic fields, from large scale polarization surveys

    Impact of droop and scarf on the aerodynamic performance of compact aero-engine nacelles

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    Future turbofan engines will operate with larger engine bypass-ratios and lower specific thrust than current in-service architectures to reduce the specific fuel consumption. This will be achieved by increasing the fan diameter which will incur in an increment in nacelle size and a concomitant larger nacelle drag, weight and interaction effects with the airframe. Therefore, it is required to design compact nacelles which will not counteract the benefits obtained from the new engine cycles. Nacelle design is based on a set of aero-lines that in combination with droop and scarf result in a 3D design. Traditionally, this process was performed by the design of axisymmetric aero-lines. Nevertheless, there is an emerging need to carry out the design process for full 3D configurations to have a better understanding of the effect of droop and scarf angles on the nacelle drag characteristics. This paper presents a numerical method for the multi-objective optimisation of drooped and scarfed non-axisymmetric nacelle aero-engines. It uses intuitive Class Shape Tranformations (iCSTs) for the aero-engine geometry definition, multi-point aerodynamic simulation, a near-field nacelle drag extraction method and the NSGA-II genetic algorithm. The process has been employed to perform independent multi-objective optimisations of compact architectures at selected droop and scarf angle combinations. The multi-objective optimisation framework was successfully demonstrated for the new nacelle design challenge and the overall system was shown to enable the identification of the effects of droop and scarf on compact aero-engines. The proposed tool complements a set of technologies for the design, analysis and optimisation of future civil turbofans aiming at reduction of specific fuel consumption

    Bounding biomass in the Fisher equation

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    The FKPP equation with a variable growth rate and advection by an incompressible velocity field is considered as a model for plankton dispersed by ocean currents. If the average growth rate is negative then the model has a survival-extinction transition; the location of this transition in the parameter space is constrained using variational arguments and delimited by simulations. The statistical steady state reached when the system is in the survival region of parameter space is characterized by integral constraints and upper and lower bounds on the biomass and productivity that follow from variational arguments and direct inequalities. In the limit of zero-decorrelation time the velocity field is shown to act as Fickian diffusion with an eddy diffusivity much larger than the molecular diffusivity and this allows a one-dimensional model to predict the biomass, productivity and extinction transitions. All results are illustrated with a simple growth and stirring model.Comment: 32 Pages, 13 Figure

    Evidence for variable selective pressures at MC1R

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    It is widely assumed that genes that influence variation in skin and hair pigmentation are under selection. To date,the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) is the only gene identified that explains substantial phenotypic variance inhuman pigmentation. Here we investigate MC1R polymorphism in several populations, for evidence of selection.We conclude that MC1R is under strong functional constraint in Africa, where any diversion from eumelanin production (black pigmentation) appears to be evolutionarily deleterious. Although many of the MC1R amino acid variants observed in non-African populations do affect MC1R function and contribute to high levels of MC1R diversity in Europeans, we found no evidence, in either the magnitude or the patterns of diversity, for its enhancement by selection; rather, our analyses show that levels of MC1R polymorphism simply reflect neutral expectations underrelaxation of strong functional constraint outside Africa

    How universal is the fractional-quantum-Hall edge Luttinger liquid?

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    This article reports on our microscopic investigations of the edge of the fractional quantum Hall state at filling factor ν=1/3\nu=1/3. We show that the interaction dependence of the wave function is well described in an approximation that includes mixing with higher composite-fermion Landau levels in the lowest order. We then proceed to calculate the equal time edge Green function, which provides evidence that the Luttinger exponent characterizing the decay of the Green function at long distances is interaction dependent. The relevance of this result to tunneling experiments is discussed.Comment: 5 page

    UVA-induced carbon-centered radicals in lightly pigmented cells detected using ESR spectroscopy

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    Ultraviolet-A and melanin are implicated in melanoma, but whether melanin in vivo screens or acts as a UVA photosensitiser is debated. Here, we investigate the effect of UVA-irradiation on non-pigmented, lightly and darkly pigmented melanocytes and melanoma cells using electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. Using the spin trap 5,5 Dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide (DMPO), carbon adducts were detected in all cells. However, higher levels of carbon adducts were detected in lightly pigmented cells than in non-pigmented or darkly pigmented cells. Nevertheless, when melanin levels were artificially increased in lightly pigmented cells by incubation with L-Tyrosine, the levels of carbon adducts decreased significantly. Carbon adducts were also detected in UVA-irradiated melanin-free cell nuclei, DNA-melanin systems, and the nucleoside 2’-deoxyguanosine combined with melanin, whereas they were only weakly detected in irradiated synthetic melanin and not at all in irradiated 2’-deoxyguanosine. The similarity of these carbon adducts suggests they may be derived from nucleic acid– guanine – radicals. These observations suggest that melanin is not consistently a UVA screen against free-radical formation in pigmented cells, but may also act as a photosensitizer for the formation of nucleic acid radicals in addition to superoxide. The findings are important for our understanding of the mechanism of damage caused by the UVA component of sunlight in non-melanoma and melanoma cells, and hence the causes of skin cancer

    On certain relationships between cosmological observables in the Einstein-Cartan gravity

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    We show that in the Einstein-Cartan gravity it is possible to obtain a relation between Hubble's expansion and the global rotation (vorticity) of the Universe. Gravitational coupling can be reduced to dimensionless quantity of order unity, fixing the scalar mass density and the resulting negative cosmological constant at spacelike infinity. Current estimates of the expansion and rotation (see also astro-ph/9703082) of the Universe favour the massive spinning particles as candidate particles for cold and hot dark matter. Nodland and Ralston vorticity (Phys. Rev. Lett. 78 (1997) 3043) overestimates the value favoured by the Einstein-Cartan gravity for three orders of magnitude.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX styl

    A new constant-pressure molecular dynamics method for finite system

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    In this letter, by writing the volume as a function of coordinates of atoms, we present a new constant-pressure molecular dynamics method with parameters free. This method is specially appropriate for the finite system in which the periodic boundary condition does not exist. Simulations on the carbon nanotube and the Ni nanoparticle clearly demonstrate the validity of the method. By using this method, one can easily obtain the equation of states for the finite system under the external pressure.Comment: RevTex, 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let