32 research outputs found

    Perinatal Cerebellar Injury in Human and Animal Models

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    Cerebellar injury is increasingly recognized through advanced neonatal brain imaging as a complication of premature birth. Survivors of preterm birth demonstrate a constellation of long-term neurodevelopmental deficits, many of which are potentially referable to cerebellar injury, including impaired motor functions such as fine motor incoordination, impaired motor sequencing and also cognitive, behavioral dysfunction among older patients. This paper reviews the morphogenesis and histogenesis of the human and rodent developing cerebellum, and its more frequent injuries in preterm. Most cerebellar lesions are cerebellar hemorrhage and infarction usually leading to cerebellar abnormalities and/or atrophy, but the exact pathogenesis of lesions of the cerebellum is unknown. The different mechanisms involved have been investigated with animal models and are primarily hypoxia, ischemia, infection, and inflammation Exposure to drugs and undernutrition can also induce cerebellar abnormalities. Different models are detailed to analyze these various disturbances of cerebellar development around birth

    Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 ribonucleoprotein delivery for efficient, rapid and marker-free gene editing in Trypanosoma and Leishmania

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    Kinetoplastids are unicellular eukaryotic flagellated parasites found in a wide range of hosts within the animal and plant kingdoms. They are known to be responsible in humans for African sleeping sickness ( Trypanosoma brucei ), Chagas disease ( Trypanosoma cruzi ), and various forms of leishmaniasis ( Leishmania spp.), as well as several animal diseases with important economic impact (African trypanosomes, including T. congolense ). Understanding the biology of these parasites necessarily implies the ability to manipulate their genomes. In this study, we demonstrate that transfection of a ribonucleoprotein complex, composed of recombinant Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 ( Sp Cas9) and an in vitro -synthesized guide RNA, results in rapid and efficient genetic modifications of trypanosomatids, in marker-free conditions. This approach was successfully developed to inactivate, delete and mutate candidate genes in various stages of the life cycle of T. brucei and T. congolense , and Leishmania promastigotes. The functionality of Sp Cas9 in these parasites now provides, to the research community working on these parasites, a rapid and efficient method of genome editing, without requiring plasmid construction and selection by antibiotics. Importantly, this approach is adaptable to any wild-type parasite, including field isolates

    Dirt, disgust, and disease: Is hygiene in our genes

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    for some reason, many cultures tend to see as repellent and, despite their constant presence i

    Spatial and temporal postural analysis in children born prematurely

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    The aim of this study was to compare postural stability in a group of preterm-born children aged 4-6 years old and in a group of age-matched full-term control children by exploring both spatial and temporal analysis of the Center of Pressure (CoP). Twenty-nine children born prematurely (mean age: 5.38±0.17) and twenty-nine age-matched full-term control children participated in this study. Postural control was tested on both a stable and an unstable platform (from Framiral®) in three different visual conditions: eyes open fixating a target, eyes closed, and with vision perturbed by optokinetic stimulation. We observed a significant increase of both surface area and mean velocity of the CoP in pre-term children compared to full-term control children, particularly in an unstable postural condition. The spectral power indices increased significantly in pre-term children with respect to full-term control children, while the cancelling time was not different between the two groups of children tested. We suggested that poor postural stability observed in preterm children could be due to immaturity of the cortical processes (the occipital parietal prefrontal cortex) involved in motor control. Preterm children could have an inappropriate compensation of sensory inputs when they are tested in difficult postural and/or visual conditions

    Male commuters in north and south England: risk factors for the presence of faecal bacteria on hands.

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    BACKGROUND: A previous study found that the prevalence of contamination with bacteria of faecal-origin on the hands of men differed across UK cities, with a general trend of increased contamination in northern cities. The aim of this study was to (1) confirm the north-south trend (2) identify causes for the trend. METHODS: Hand swabs from commuters (n = 308) at train stations in 4 cities were tested for the presence of faecal bacteria. RESULTS: The prevalence of hand contamination with faecal bacteria was again higher in cities in the north compared to the south (5% in London, 4% in Birmingham, 10% in Liverpool and 19% in Newcastle). Contamination risk decreased with age and better personal hygiene (self-reported). Soil contact and shaking hands increased contamination with faecal bacteria. However, in multivariable analysis, none of these factors fully explained the variation in contamination across cities. CONCLUSION: The study confirmed the north-south differences in faecal contamination of hands without finding a clear cause for the trend. Faecal contamination of hands was associated with personal hygiene indicators suggesting that microbiological testing may contribute to evaluating hygiene promotion campaigns

    Clinical test and MRI results in preterm children.

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    <p>Brunet Lezine’s test results: developmental quotient (DQ) for postural capability, oculomotor coordination, language and social capabilities; the global quotient is also reported. The bold values are abnormal. Writing hand left (L) or right (R) tested the day of experiment. ND test not done. Magnetic resonance imaging MRI: normal (0); abnormal (1).</p><p>Clinical test and MRI results in preterm children.</p

    Postural parameters for the different conditions.

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    <p>Mean of Surface of the CoP (A), of length of CoP in the medio-lateral axis (B), and of mean speed of CoP (C) for the five different conditions (OKN+SVV: 40°/s left and 40°/s right, respectively, No OKN+SVV, DARK+FIX and DARK+EC) for the two groups of children tested. Verticals bars indicate the standard error. Asterisks indicate that the value is significantly different at the post-hoc test (p < 0.05).</p