332 research outputs found

    Novel TiO2 Photocatalyst Using Nonaqueous Solvent- Controlled Sol-Gel Route

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    Synthesis of metal oxide nanoparticles with tailored properties is of great interest because of their potential in environmental, sensor, biomedical and energy applications. Specifically, TiO2 gets special attention because of its high stability, biocompatibility, tunable band gap and surface properties. Aqueous sol-gel routes for the synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles are well established but suffer from little control over morphology and reproducibility. Nonaqueous solvent controlled sol-gel routes are good alternative to aqueous routes for the synthesis of highly crystalline TiO2 nanoparticles with high purity and controlled doping of large size metallic ions. Present chapter describes the successful doping of large sized Zr and Na metal ions at Ti site and their influence on photo catalytic activity of TiO2. The higher photo catalytic activity (even better than commercially available Degussa P25) of metal doped TiO2 nanopowder is attributed to large surface area and reduced electron-hole recombination rate


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    Communication is the most important aspect of existence. Be it living or the in animate objects, nothing is complete without communication. Communication is a part of our conscious and sub conscious mind. Telepathy is nothing but the communication of the subconscious mind.  Spiritually speaking it is often said thatthe consciousness is awake in humans;it is dreaming in animals and in plants andIt is sleeping in stones. Communication in inanimate objects is the communication without the use of spoken language. Non-verbal communication includes gestures, facial expressions, and body positions (known collectively as “body languageâ€), unspoken understandings and presuppositions and cultural and environmental conditions that may affect any encounter between people

    Subclass of bi-univalent function associated to Chebyshev polynomial

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    The Chebyshev polynomials are utilized in this study to define the subclass of the bi-univalent function. Also, Chebyshev polynomial bounds and Fekete-Szego inequalities for functions defined in the classes are established.Comment: 7 Page

    Narrow Band Interference Elimination based on Compressed Sensing in UWB Energy Detector

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    Wireless communication applications with large signal bandwidth are developed tremendously in recent times. Due to large bandwidth the wide band communication causes huge power consumption and signal deterioration after addition of narrow band interference (NBI). The ultra wide band (UWB) energy detector, which is highly robust against NBI signal is presented. Compressed sensing is implemented to reduce the power consumption at the analog to digital converter with approximated message passing reconstruction. In addition to this, digital notch is employed to eliminate the NBI affected measurements from compressed version of the received signal before applying it to the energy detector. To analyze the efficiency of the detector, the energy detection and bit error probability of the detector in the absence of NBI and after mitigating NBI is compared. The simulation results are the evidence of effectiveness of the presented energy detector.


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    Basic principles of Ayurveda mainly concern with Sharira Kriya, gives knowledge about Dhosh, Dhatu, and Mala etc. According to Ayurvda Prakruti is a factor which originates in a person right from the time of conception and it determines the physical and mental attributes of man. Prakriti, the build and constitution of the human body is a sum total of morphological, physiological and psychological traits of human beings. Prakriti of a man has genetic and acquired aspect; the genetic aspect depends upon Shukra and Shonita, while acquired constitution develops in relation to environmental factors like climate, season, time factor, age, race and individuals (Pratyatmniyta). According to Ayurveda, Prakruti analysis is an important concept, which describes the constituency of a person healthy or diseased. The Prakruti analysis is based on Shareerika and Manasika Gunas. Today, the BMR is used as a measure of an individual's metabolism, which changes with age, weight, height, and a variety of medical conditions. A person's exercise habits may affect their BMR. A daily routine of cardiovascular exercise can improve health and fitness and increase BMR. Exercise and fitness has become an obsession in popular culture hence number of studies were done. The concept of Prakruti plays major role in this regard, hence with an academic interest to know the possible relation of Prakruti, BMR and Cardio-vascular exercise so this topic was undertaken


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    Basti Chikitsakarma is one of supreme therapy for the elimination of vitiated Vatadosha and has entity to entice all Doshas. In the present clinical practice with the reference of Acharya Sushruta, the scientific application of Utkleshana, Doshaharaand Samshana Vasti has an approach towards Datugatadoshaharana in all aspects of diseases. Among them one of the most crippling, disabling and debilitating disorder is Amavata. So looking to the etiopathogenesis of Amavata, it shows a Bahudoshayuktavyadhi mainly involvement Vata, Kaphadoshas and a part of Pitta predominantly. Its Udbhavasthana in Ama Pakwashaya, Sancharasthana in Rasavaha and annavahasrotas, Adhistana and Vyktasthana are Kaphasthana like AmashayaSandhi etc. As it is a Kastasadhyaswabhava, it needs a complete inclusive treatment. In that view the application of Utkleshanabasti, followed by Doshaharabasti and finally Samshamanabasti is selected.A total of 30 patients presenting with symptomatology of Amavata were simple randomly selected for study. The study design, schedule, duration and follow-up of the treatment have clearly explained. Subjective and objective criterias were statistically analyzed before and after treatment by applied standard statistical method. All subjective and objective parameters showed highly substantial significant result of 73.33% and 80.28 mean grade result found among 22 patients out of 30 Amavata patients and a high significant fair result of 26.66% and 71.96 mean grade result found among 08 patients out of 30 Amavata patients. The overall assessment mean result was 76.12 in both subjective and objective parameters were observed

    Finite Difference Schemes for Variable Order Time-Fractional First Initial Boundary Value Problems

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    The aim of the study is to obtain the numerical solution of first initial boundary value problem (IBVP) for semi-linear variable order fractional diffusion equation by using different finite difference schemes. We developed the three finite difference schemes namely explicit difference scheme, implicit difference scheme and Crank-Nicolson difference scheme, respectively for variable order type semi-linear diffusion equation. For this scheme the stability as well as convergence are studied via Fourier method. At the end, solution of some numerical examples are discussed and represented graphically using Matlab


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    Objective: To develop and validate stability indicating HPTLC method for determination of Dolasetron mesylate.Methods: The chromatographic separation was performed on aluminium plates precoated with silica gel 60 F254 using Methanol: Choloroform: Ethyl acetate (7:2:1 v/v/v) as mobile phase followed by densitometric scanning at 280 nm.Results: The chromatographic condition gave a compact spot for Dolasetron mesylate at Rf value of 0.65±0.03. Stress testing was performed in accordance with international conference on harmonization (ICH) Q1A R2 guidelines. Method was validated as per ICH Q2 R1 guidelines. The calibration curve was found to be linear in the concentration range of 100-800 ng/band for Dolasetron mesylate. The limit of detection and quantification was found to2.24 ng/band and 6.79 ng/band, respectively.Conclusion: A new sensitive, simple, and stability indicating high performance thin layer chromatographic (HPTLC) method has been developed and validated for determination of Dolastron mesylate. The proposed method can be used for routine determination of Dolasetron mesylate stability.Â

    Computer Graphic and Photographic Image Classification using Local Image Descriptors

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    With the tremendous development of computer graphic rendering technology, photorealistic computer graphic images are difficult to differentiate from photo graphic images. In this article, a method is proposed based on discrete wavelet transform based binary statistical image features to distinguish computer graphic from photo graphic images using the support vector machine classifier. Textural descriptors extracted using binary statistical image features are different for computer graphic and photo graphic which are based on learning of natural image statistic filters. Input RGB image is first converted into grayscale and decomposed into sub-bands using Haar discrete wavelet transform and then binary statistical image features are extracted. Fuzzy entropy based feature subset selection is employed to choose relevant features. Experimental results using Columbia database show that the method achieves good detection accuracy

    Review on “Typicality-Based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation using Sub Clustering for Online Shopping”

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    Collaborative filtering is a convenient mechanism used in recommender system, which is used to find the similar items in a group. The same favour items can be identified by using the collaborative filtering based on items and the users. However there are some drawbacks in premature filtering techniques which lead to less accuracy, data sparsity and prediction errors. In this work take advantage of proposal of object typicality from cognitive psychology moreover suggests a typicality-based collaborative filtering recommendation method named as Tyco. A distinguishing characteristic of typicality-based collaborative filtering is that it finds neighbours of users on the basis of user typicality degrees in user groups. Selection of neighbours regarding users by means of measuring users’ similarity on the basis of their typicality degrees is a separate feature, which distinguishes this approach from earlier collaborative filtering methods. It exceeds many CF recommendation methods on recommendation accuracy on any type of datasets. In proposed method main approach is to Sub Clusters the all items into several item groups by applying such as nearest neighboring algorithm. This helps users to search items more easily and to increase the accuracy and quality of the recommendation
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