59 research outputs found

    Monsignor Luigi Biraghi e i falsi di Cernusco

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    We present here some reflections on an inscription from Cernusco sul Naviglio (Milan) discovered by Monsignor Luigi Biraghi in 1849 and published by Mommsen among the falsae in CIL V 664*. This paper stems from the discovery of some private and unpublished letters by Biraghi that we consulted at the Archive of the Quadronno Institute of the Sisters of St. Marcellina in Milan. This correspondence informs us of Biraghi\u2019s personal and professional relationships with other mid-19th century classical scholars. The analysis of these documents will shed some light on the harsh judgment that Mommsen (along with others) expressed on Biraghi regarding some inscriptions that he had discovered in the Ager Mediolanensis

    Prevalence, Outcome, and Prevention of Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection in Neonates Born to Women with Preconception Immunity (CHILd Study)

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    Background: Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is the leading infectious cause of congenital disabilities. We designed a prospective study to investigate the rate, outcome, and risk factors of congenital CMV (cCMV) infection in neonates born to immune women, and the potential need and effectiveness of hygiene recommendations in this population. Methods: The study was composed of 2 sequential parts: an epidemiology (part 1) and a prevention (part 2) study. Performance of part 2 depended upon a cCMV rate >0.4%. Women enrolled in part 1 did not receive hygiene recommendations. Newborns were screened by HCMV DNA testing in saliva and cCMV was confirmed by urine testing. Results: Saliva swabs were positive for HCMV DNA in 45/9661 newborns and cCMV was confirmed in 18 cases. The rate of cCMV was. 19% (95% confidence interval [CI]:. 11-.29%), and 3 out of 18 infants with cCMV had symptoms of CMV at birth. Age, nationality, occupation, and contact with children were similar between mothers of infected and noninfected newborns. Twin pregnancy (odds ratio [OR]: 7.2; 95% CI: 1.7-32.2; P =. 037) and maternal medical conditions (OR: 3.9; 95% CI: 1.5-10.1; P =. 003) appeared associated with cCMV. Given the rate of cCMV was lower than expected, the prevention part of the study was cancelled. Conclusions: Newborns from women with preconception immunity have a low rate of cCMV, which appears to be mostly due to reactivation of the latent virus. Therefore, serological screening in childbearing age would be pivotal to identify HCMV-seropositive women, whose newborns have a low risk of cCMV. Clinical trials registration: www.clinicaltrials.gov (NCT03973359)

    Analisi della qualit\ue0 dei siti web riguardanti la promozione della salute

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    The continuous expansion of the use of Internet has determined an increase in the number of web sites, including those related to health promotion. Even if this new tool provides a faster way to find the desired information, the high number of different sites can confuse the user especially when they present inconsistent data. For this reason, according to the principles contained in the Minerva Manual, we have built a template to evaluate the quality of health care related web sites, and we have verified its validity applying it to ten different sites. The results of this analysis show that the attention to the requirements varies according to the target users, the site focus and the sponsoring agency. Finally we have proposed an ideal web site, choosing, for each requirement in the evaluation grid, the approach that we considered best among the ones adopted by the ten examined sites

    Consuming post-truth in the time of technoculture

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    In this study we explain how post-truths are consumed in the context of social media. Our investigation will map how the speed of formation of consumer assemblages shape the social construction of truth-related statements and narratives. To achieve this aim, we conduct a netnography that explores dog breeding, dog healthcare and nutrition social conversations on Facebook groups. In these groups, multiple beliefs and truths are constantly generated and contested by consumers in a series of back-and-forth call-and-reply narratives and counter-narratives. Our study contributes to a collective, discursive, and interactional understanding of consumer information, misinformation, and truth negotiation

    Io rido perché ho paura. Architettura sarda tra ruralità e modernità. Ediz. illustrata

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    Il libro "IO RIDO PERCHÉ HO PAURA. Vico Mossa. Architettura sarda tra ruralità e modernità", finanziato dalla Fondazione di Sardegna e patrocinato dal Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali, è il primo volume monografico dedicato al lavoro dell'architetto sardo Vico Mossa. Con oltre 100 tra tavole di progetto, disegni, modelli, fotografie, lettere, articoli, libri ecc., per la maggior parte inediti, realizzati tra il 1935 ed il 1990, offre l’opportunità, attraverso le opere dell’autore, di comprendere il ruolo che la Sardegna ha svolto nel panorama dell’architettura italiana di quegli anni. Se, come scrive E. N. Rogers “La modernità è l’istanza più evoluta della tradizione”, rileggere oggi l’opera di Vico Mossa, diventa qui vitale testimonianza di come il principio dell’economia di mezzi, da sempre legato alla conoscenza dei luoghi, sia ancora capace di nutrire il presente divenendo strumento per progettare il futur

    Branding beyond product: the strange case of anti-surveillance camouflage

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    Tobacco marketers have long promoted smoking as desirable. In this netnographic study, we adopt the lenses of a contemporary form of consumer resistance termed “anti-surveillance camouflage” to uncover how tobacco companies have evolved social media branding practices to target consumers to circumvent restrictive laws, bans, and surveillance

    In vitro testing of fungicidal activity of biocides against Aspergillus fumigatus

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    The activity of biocides against Aspergillus fumigatus is unknown. In the European guidelines to evaluate the fungicidal activity of a biocide (EN 1275, 1997) the critical step concerning the preparation of conidia suspension is cumbersome and time consuming. The aims of the study were to evaluate a simplified procedure to prepare conidia suspensions to test a biocide in comparison with the recommended one and to investigate the in vitro activity of seven biocides by the suspension-neutralisation method against A.fumigatus clinical isolates. The proposed simplified procedure proved reproducible, gave the same results and was quicker than that described in the European guidelines. Benzalkonium chloride (0.25%), glutaraldehyde (1.6%), polyvinylpyrrolidone iodine (1% available I), polyesther glycol iodine (0.18% available I) showed cidal activity in 64 5 min contact time, chlorine (0.14% available Cl) and chlorhexidine (0.06%) after 15 min and 30-60 min, respectively. On the contrary chloramine T (0.01%) did not show any activity. In addition, a simplified and reproducible procedure may be adopted for testing the fungicidal activity of new compounds or combined formulations. In conclusion the mostly used products have been shown to display cidal activity against A.fumigatus and a simplified procedure may be adopted for testing the fungicidal activity of new compound

    Thermal analysis and archaeological chronology: the ancient mortars of the site of Baradello (Como, Italy)

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    Mortar is an artificial material, commonly used since ancient times and widely conserved, in many cases in good conditions, to the present day. In this study, mortars from different structures of the mediaeval site of Baradello (Como, Italy) were analyzed, in order to characterize the materials and to help archaeologists to define a building chronology, only partially hypothesized, so far. Firstly, thin sections were prepared and observed by optical microscopy, then samples were analyzed by TG\u2013DSC, XRD, FTIR and SEM\u2013EDX. TG\u2013DSC proved to be the most useful technique for the purpose, because the treatment of its data pointed out differences between the architectural structures, suggesting a possible building chronology of the site