24 research outputs found

    Gas Kinetic Schemes for Solving the Magnetohydrodynamic Equations with Pressure Anisotropy

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    In many astrophysical plasmas, the Coulomb collision is insufficient to maintain an isotropic temperature, and the system is driven to the anisotropic regime. In this case, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) models with anisotropic pressure are needed to describe such a plasma system. To solve the anisotropic MHD equation numerically, we develop a robust Gas-Kinetic flux scheme for non-linear MHD flows. Using anisotropic velocity distribution functions, the numerical flux functions are derived for updating the macroscopic plasma variables. The schemes is suitable for finite-volume solvers which utilize a conservative form of the mass, momentum and total energy equations, and can be easily applied to multi-fluid problems and extended to more generalized double polytropic plasma systems. Test results show that the numerical scheme is very robust and performs well for both linear wave and non-linear MHD problems

    Variation of the Jovian Magnetopause Under Constant Solar Wind Conditions: Significance of Magnetodisc Dynamics

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    It is generally believed that variations in the upstream solar wind (SW) and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) conditions are the main cause of changes of Jupiter's magnetopause (JM) location. However, most previous pressure balance models for the JM are axisymmetric and do not consider internal drivers, for example, the dynamics of the magnetodisc. We use three-dimensional global magnetosphere simulations to investigate the variation of the JM under constant SW/IMF conditions. These simulations show that even without variations in the upstream driving conditions, the JM can exhibit dynamic variations, suggesting a range as large as 50 Jupiter radii in the subsolar location. Our study shows that the interchange structures in the Jovian magnetodisc will introduce significant radial dynamic pressure, which can drive significant variation in the JM location. The results provide important new context for interpreting the JM location and dynamics, with key implications for other internally mass-loaded and/or rapidly rotating systems

    Oxygen Ion Escape at Venus Associated With Three-Dimensional Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability

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    How oxygens escape from Venus has long been a fundamental but controversial topic in the planetary research. Among various key mechanisms, the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (KHI) has been suggested to play an important role in the oxygen ion escape from Venus. Limited by either scarce in-situ observations or simplified theoretical estimations, the mystery of oxygen ion escape process associated with KHI is still unsettled. Here we present the first three-dimensional configuration of KHI at Venus with a global multifluid magnetohydrodynamics model, showing a significantly fine structure and evolution of the KHI. KHI mainly occurred at the low latitude boundary layer if defining the interplanetary magnetic field-perpendicular plane as the equatorial plane, resulting in escaping oxygen ions through mixing with the solar wind at the Venusian boundary layer, with an escape rate around 4 × 1024 s−1. The results provide new insights into the basic physical process of atmospheric loss at other unmagnetized planet

    Toward a next generation particle precipitation model: Mesoscale prediction through machine learning (a case study and framework for progress)

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    We advance the modeling capability of electron particle precipitation from the magnetosphere to the ionosphere through a new database and use of machine learning (ML) tools to gain utility from those data. We have compiled, curated, analyzed, and made available a new and more capable database of particle precipitation data that includes 51 satellite years of Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) observations temporally aligned with solar wind and geomagnetic activity data. The new total electron energy flux particle precipitation nowcast model, a neural network called PrecipNet, takes advantage of increased expressive power afforded by ML approaches to appropriately utilize diverse information from the solar wind and geomagnetic activity and, importantly, their time histories. With a more capable representation of the organizing parameters and the target electron energy flux observations, PrecipNet achieves a \u3e50% reduction in errors from a current state-of-the-art model oval variation, assessment, tracking, intensity, and online nowcasting (OVATION Prime), better captures the dynamic changes of the auroral flux, and provides evidence that it can capably reconstruct mesoscale phenomena. We create and apply a new framework for space weather model evaluation that culminates previous guidance from across the solar-terrestrial research community. The research approach and results are representative of the “new frontier” of space weather research at the intersection of traditional and data science-driven discovery and provides a foundation for future efforts

    Study of Io's sodium jets with the TRAPPIST telescopes

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    Io is the most volcanically active body in the Solar System. This volcanic activity results in the ejection of material into Io's atmosphere, which may then escape from the atmosphere to form various structures in the jovian magnetosphere, including the plasma torus and clouds of neutral particles. The physical processes involved in the escape of particles - for example, how the volcanoes of Io provide material to the plasma torus - are not yet fully understood. In particular, it is not clear to what extent the sodium jet, one of the sodium neutral clouds related to Io, is a proxy of processes that populate the various reservoirs of plasma in Jupiter's magnetosphere. Here, we report on observations carried out over 17 nights in 2014-2015, 30 nights in 2021, and 23 nights in 2022-2023 with the TRAPPIST telescopes, in which particular attention was paid to the sodium jet and the quantification of their physical properties (length, brightness). It was found that these properties can vary greatly from one jet to another and independently of the position of Io in its orbit. No clear link was found between the presence of jets and global brightening of the plasma torus and extended sodium nebula, indicating that jets do not contribute straightforwardly to their population. This work also demonstrates the advantage of regular and long-term monitoring to understanding the variability of the sodium jet and presents a large corpus of jet detections against which work in related fields may compare.Comment: Alexander de Becker and Linus Head contributed equally to this work and share first authorshi

    On the Relation Between Soft Electron Precipitations in the Cusp Region and Solar Wind Coupling Functions

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    © 2018. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. In this study, the correlations between the fluxes of precipitating soft electrons in the cusp region and solar wind coupling functions are investigated utilizing the Lyon-Fedder-Mobarry global magnetosphere model simulations. We conduct two simulation runs during periods from 20 March 2008 to 16 April 2008 and from 15 to 24 December 2014, which are referred as "Equinox Case" and "Solstice Case," respectively. The simulation results of Equinox Case show that the plasma number density in the high-latitude cusp region scales well with the solar wind number density (n cusp /n sw =0.78), which agrees well with the statistical results from the Polar spacecraft measurements. For the Solstice Case, the plasma number density of high-latitude cusp in both hemispheres increases approximately linearly with upstream solar wind number density with prominent hemispheric asymmetry. Due to the dipole tilt effect, the average number density ratio n cusp /n sw in the Southern (summer) Hemisphere is nearly 3 times that in the Northern (winter) Hemisphere. In addition to the solar wind number density, 20 solar wind coupling functions are tested for the linear correlation with the fluxes of precipitating cusp soft electrons. The statistical results indicate that the solar wind dynamic pressure p exhibits the highest linear correlation with the cusp electron fluxes for both equinox and solstice conditions, with correlation coefficients greater than 0.75. The linear regression relations for equinox and solstice cases may provide an empirical calculation for the fluxes of cusp soft electron precipitation based on the upstream solar wind driving conditions.Link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    How Jupiter's Unusual Magnetospheric Topology Structures Its Aurora

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    Jupiter's bright persistent polar aurora and Earth's dark polar region indicate that the planets' magnetospheric topologies are very different. High-resolution global simulations show that the reconnection rate at the interface between the interplanetary and jovian magnetic fields is too slow to generate a magnetically open, Earth-like polar cap on the timescale of planetary rotation, resulting in only a small crescent-shaped region of magnetic flux interconnected with the interplanetary magnetic field. Most of the jovian polar cap is threaded by helical magnetic flux that closes within the planetary interior, extends into the outer magnetosphere and piles-up near its dawnside flank where fast differential plasma rotation pulls the field lines sunward. This unusual magnetic topology provides new insights into Jupiter's distinctive auroral morphology

    Data of "The dynamic response of Jovian magnetotail reconnection to enhanced solar wind ram pressurel"

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    [1] JupiterMHD_256x256x128_equ_ST300-390.zip, GAMERA data in the equatorial plane from 300-390 simulation time; [2] JupiterMHD_256x256x128_ST300.zip, GAMERA global data at 300 simulation tim