71 research outputs found


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    Children with the clinical features of Chronic Tonsillitis coming under the age group 3-12 years were included in the study. The patients were randomly allocated in to the study group and control group using simple random sampling technique. In the study group the dose of Varabrihatyadi Kashaya was fixed as follows, in the age group 3-6 years: 10ml bd before food, in the age group 6-9 years: 20ml bd before food, in the age group 9-12 years: 30ml bd before food. Sarapunkha lepa was applied around the neck where enlarged lymph nodes were found. Frequency of paste was fixed as two times daily and at each time, it is kept until it becomes dry. At the same time those in the control group were subjected to external application of Sarapunkha lepa only. Both the groups were followed for a period of 1 month after the scheduled course of intervention. Routine blood investigations were also carried out before and after the study. The data were analyzed using the most appropriate statistical tests. Significant changes were obtained in the clinical parameters in the study group used for assessment such as recurrent attacks of sore throat, pain in the throat, pain on swallowing, difficulty in swallowing, halitosis, mouth breathing, hoarseness of voice, chocking spells at night, size of the tonsil, congestion of pillars, oedema of the uvula, deviation of the uvula and lymph node enlargement. There was a significant change in the routine blood investigations also. Moreover the trial drug sustained its potential action even during the follow up period. The effect of control drug was insignificant. The final evaluation proved that combination of Varabhrihathyadi Kashaya and Sarapunkha lepa was effective in reducing the signs and symptoms of Chronic Tonsillitis in children of 3-12 yrs age group


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    A clinical trial was conducted to compare the lactogenic properties of two indigenous formulations, the trial drug mentioned in Arogyakalpadrumam and control drug- some selected drugs from Chikithsamanjari, the efficacy of which was already proved. The study was carried out in the outpatient section of the Department of Prasuthi and Sthreeroga, Govt. Ayurveda college Hospital for women and children, Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram during 2013-2014. Lactating mothers, complaining of reduced breast milk even after 2 weeks from delivery were screened and grouped into two groups each containing of 15 patients. Data were collected by interviewing mothers using a pre-structured questionnaire with a scoring system. Study drug and control drug are given to each group, in a dose of 6gm powder with 24ml milk twice daily 1hr before food for three months. Evaluations of all the parameters were done at an interval of 30 days in each group. Differences in the score values were noted. Assessment of growth and development of children using Anthropometric parameters and CDC chart were recorded. The data were analyzed using the most appropriate statistical tests. Significant changes were obtained in the clinical parameters in the study group used for assessment such as number of feeds per day, interval between feeling of fullness of breasts, duration of feeds, sleep habits of the baby. There was no statistical significance in increasing number of feeds during night time in both groups. Both drugs have lactogenic properties. All children in both groups attained their natural growth and development. There was a small statistical significance in increasing birth weight in study group when compared with the control group. In the study group poor and moderate response was 0% while in control group they were 13.3%. Good response in the study group was 86.7% while it in the control group was 60.1%. There was a very good response in both groups which was 13.3%


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    Infertility is a condition in which successful pregnancy has not occurred, despite normal intercourse over 12 months. The cause of female infertility is multifactorial. Ayurveda assures normal pregnancy by proper maintenance of Garbha Samgraha samagris and normalcy of mind. All the causes of female infertility come under the imbalance of Garbha Samgraha Samagri and mind factors. In this case report patient suffered from primary infertility since six years, after allopathic consultation came for ayurvedic treatment. From detailed history involvement of vitiated Vatha, Agnimandhya and stressful mind was noticed. She was treated with Chiruvilwadi kashayam, Dhanwantharam gulika, Jeerakarishtam, Kumaryasavam and Manasamithravatakam for one month.  Took follicular study on next cycle and revealed post ovulatory status on 16th day of cycle. Advised Phalasarpis, Dhanwantharam Gulika and Manasamithravatakam for two weeks. Patient came with positive urine pregnancy test after one week of missed period. The line of treatment followed in this case was to maintain Agni, normalize Vatha and assure proper health to mind. During the second half of the cycle Garbhasthapana medicines were administered. Patient took Dhanwantharam gulika and phalasarpis throughout the first trimester along with regular ante natal check up. Continued Dhanwantharam gulika up to 36 weeks and started Sukhaprasavagritham upto delivery from 36 weeks onwards. She delivered a female baby on 06.05.2018


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    Objective: Elucidation of the protective effect of lutein against carbofuran induced toxicity in Wistar rats.Methods: Male Wistar rats were assigned into 5 groups of five animals. Group I normal received sunflower oil, Group 2 received carbofuran (5 mg/kg b. w.) alone. Group 3-5 received carbofuran plus lutein (50, 100 and 200 mg/kg body weight) respectively. Carbofuran and lutein administration were continued for 14 d. Neurobehavioural markers such as rotarod, grip strength test and pain threshold tests were carried out. After sacrifice, tissues were analysed for marker enzymes, antioxidant enzymes as well as oxidative stress markers.Results: Low dose of carbofuran was found to produce neurobehavioral problems as seen from the decreased retention time during rotarod test, endurance capacity in grip strength test and increased endurance capacity in pain threshold test. They were found to be significantly reversed by oral lutein administration. Administration of lutein restored the decreased acetylcholinesterase produced by carbofuran. Serum and tissue marker enzymes such as lactate dehydrogenase, creatine kinase and gamma-glutamyltransferase, which were increased by carbofuran were decreased by lutein administration. Lutein administration also reduced oxidative stress parameters which were increased by carbofuran.Conclusion: The results showed that carbofuran induced toxicity in male Wistar rats was reversed by carotenoid lutein


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    Objective: To evaluate the antitumour activity of meso-zeaxanthin and enumerate the mechanism of action.Methods: In vitro cytotoxicity was determined using transformed cells such as Dalton's lymphoma ascites tumour cells, Ehrlich ascites tumour cells, L929 cells as well as using normal cells. Tumour reduction was determined by ascites tumour formation and solid tumour reduction. Mechanism of tumour reduction was determined by inhibition of apoptosis as seen by morphology, DNA ladder fraction and induction of P53 and caspase gene and inhibition of BCl2 gene.Results: Carotenoid meso-zeaxanthin was found to be toxic to Dalton's Lymphoma ascites cells, Ehrlich ascites tumour cells and L929 cells (IC50, 46, 51 and 37 μg/ml respectively) and was not cytotoxic to normal cells. Meso-zeaxanthin increased the lifespan of animals bearing Ehrlich ascites tumour (69.9%) and decreased the solid tumour induced by Dalton's Lymphoma ascites tumour. Meso-zeaxanthin was found to induce apoptosis to DLA cells as seen from DNA Lymphoma ascites tumour. Meso-zeaxanthin was found to induce apoptosis to DLA cells as seen from DNA fragmentation, and DNA laddering and up regulation of P [53] and caspase 3 and 9 down regulation of BCl2 gene expression.Conclusion: Meso-zeaxanthin which is non-toxic was found to reduce animal tumours.Keywords: Meso-zeaxanthin, Antitumour activity, Apoptosis, P[53] gene-BCl2geneÂ

    Synthesis and Humidity Sensing Properties of Sn-Doped Nano- T

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    Nanostructured Sn-doped TiO2 have been prepared by ball milling using SnO2 and TiO2 as raw materials. The as-prepared powders are characterized by XRD, SEMs and EDAX to identify the structural phases, surface morphology, and composition of the materials. The materials are prepared with the addition of tin of different molar ratios (0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, and 1.0) to TiO2 and sintered at 800°C for 3 h. They are subjected to dc resistance measurements as a function of relative humidity (RH) in the range of 30%–97% in a self-designed humidity chamber, and the results revealed that the sensitivity factor increased with an increase in tin molar ratio. Among them, TiO2—20 wt% of SnO2 possessed the highest humidity sensitivity, while the pure TiO2 and SnO2 composite possessed a low sensitivity

    Ayurvedic management of idiopathic granulomatous mastitis (Sthanavidradhi): A case study

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    Idiopathic Granulomatous Mastitis (IGM) is described as an uncommon, benign inflammatory breast disease of unknown etiology. Although its exact prevalence is unknown, IGM is considered to be very rare. Here, we report the case of a 36-year-old female who came to our hospital with complaints of pain and lump in the right breast since 2 months. We diagnosed the case as Sthana Vidradhi and vathakaphasamana chikithsa was administered. The wound was managed with vranaropakalepa and kashaya. After treatment, the wound was healed. Pain and tenderness were reduced and the lump was disappeared after two months of medication. The medication continued and complete recovery was noted after 6 months of treatment. The patient was monitored for six months after the complete cure.&nbsp

    Role of Meda (Adipocyte) in Yakrit Vikara (liver diseases) - Ayurveda prospective

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    Meda Dhatu (Adipose tissue) was considered as inert tissue that stores fat only but now it is an endocrine gland which controls coagulation, appetite regulation, immunity, glucose and lipid metabolism, reproduction, angiogenesis, fibrinolysis, body weight homeostasis and vascular tone control. Meda is the fourth Dhatu (stable constituent of body) as per Ayurveda doctrine and resemble with the adipose tissue. Meda can create not only Sthyaulya (Obesity) in general but also organ specific disorders like - Medaja Granthi , Medaja Masurika, Medaja Galaganda, Medaja Vridhi etc. Yakritmeda is found in Sanskrit literature. But Medaja Yakritdalludara or Yakrit Vikar is not enumerated in classical Ayurveda literature. Strong evidences suggested that accumulation of lipids in non-adipose tissues can contribute to cellular dysfunction and cell death, a phenomenon that is called lipotoxicity. Various components of Meda and its function found in Ayurveda literature are discussed. Multiple factors hit hypothesis for Samprapti (pathogenesis) of Medaja Yakrut Vikara (Fatty liver disorders) and its progression with preventive and curative strategies are described with scientific evidences

    Mussel Farming: A Glimpse

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    Mariculture of bivalves is of great importance in meeting the increasing protein demands of the human population. Bivalve groups such as oyster, mussel and clam are the most important cultivable organisms all over the world. Mussels are sedentary bivalves attaching to rocky substrata by byssus threads and they are filter feeders. Among them, Perna viridis (Green Mussel) and Perna perna (Brown mussel) form the most dominant cultivable mussel species

    Pen Culture

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    Pen culture is defined as the raising of fish in a volume of water enclosed on all sides except the bottom, permitting the free circulation of water at least from one side. The bottom of the water body forms the bottom of the pen. This system can be considered a hybrid between pond culture and cage culture. They are usually constructed along the shallow regions of potential water bodies including the banks of the lakes as well as reservoirs