241 research outputs found

    İndol-3-Karboksialdehit Tiyosemikarbazon türevlerinin sentezi Antioksidan ve Antikolinesteraz özelliklerinin araştırılması

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    The synthesis of four indole-3-carboxyaldehyde thiosemicarbazone compounds (3a-d) was achieved via the Schiff base reaction of the indole-3-carboxyaldehyde and thiosemicarbazides in high yields. The structures of thiosemicarbazones 3a and 3b were supported by 1HNMR spectroscopy and confirmed with the literature data. To the best of our knowledge, our study is the first report for the synthesis of compound 3c and literature search revealed that compound 3d was also not fully characterised. The structures of compound 3c and 3d were fully characterised by the FT-IR, High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (HRMS), 1H and 13CNMR spectroscopy in this work for the first time. Moreover, antioxidant properties of synthesised compounds 3a-d were investigated with the DPPH, ABTS and CUPRAC assays as well as the anticholinesterase properties of designated compounds were determined by the Acetylcholinesterase (ACh) and Butyrylcholinesterase (BCh) enzyme inhibition assays. The compound 3a, 3b and 3d were determined very potent against the ABTS antioxidant assay and compound 3c was found to be a valuable target molecule for the kinetic measurements to identify mechanism of action in the area of anticholinesterase activity assay.Dört indol-3-karboksialdehit tiyosemikarbazon bileşiği indol-3-karboksialdehit ve tiyosemikarbazit bileşiklerinden Schiff bazı reaksiyonu kullanılarak yüksek verimlerde sentezlenmiştir. 3a ve 3b tiyosemikarbazon yapıları 1HNMR spektroskopisiyle desteklenerek literatür verileriyle uyumlu olduğu kanıtlanmıştır. Bildiğimiz kadarıyla, çalışmamız 3c bileşiğinin sentezi ve 3d bileşiğinin tüm karakterizasyonlarının yapılması açısından ilk bilimsel çalışmadır. 3c ve 3d bileşiklerinin yapıları, FT-IR, yüksek çözünürlüklü kütle spektroskopisi, 1H ve 13CNMR spektroskopileri ile ilk olarak bu çalışmada aydınlatılmıştır. Dahası, sentezlenen 3a-d bileşiklerinin antioksidan özellikleri üç farklı DPPH serbest radikal süpürme, ABTS katyonik radikal süpürme, CUPRAC kuprik iyonunu indirgeme kapasitesi yöntemlerinin uygulanmasıyla belirlenmiştir. Bununla beraber, belirtilen bileşiklerin antikolinesteraz özellikleri, Asetilkolinesteraz (ACh) ve Bütirilkolinesteraz (BCh) enzim inhibisyonu deneyleriyle araştırılmıştır. 3a, 3b ve 3d bileşiklerinin ABTS antioksidan metodu için çok etkili olduğu belirlenmiş ve 3c bileşiğinin antikolinesteraz aktivite alanında kinetik ölçümlerinin yapılarak etki mekanizmasının aydınlatılması konusunda değerli bir hedef molekül olduğu anlaşılmıştır

    Hazırlık seviyesinde dijital yaratıcı yazmanın yazma başarısı ve motivasyona etkisi

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    Yazma becerisi, hem ana dilde hem de yabancı dilde öğretmenler ve öğrenciler için her zaman zorlu bir süreç olmuştur. Öğrenciler fikirlerine nasıl başlayacakları ve onları nasıl organize edecekleri konusunda endişelenirken, öğretmenler öğrencilerini yazma becerilerine karşı motive etmekte sorun yaşarlar. Yazılan ürünün kalitesi istenilen düzeyde olmadığında öğrenciler, yazma sürecindeki en büyük sorunlardan biri olan kaygıyı hissederler. Zorlukların üstesinden gelmek ve bu süreçte öğrenicilere daha faydalı olabilmek için, yenilikçi ve umut vaat eden yöntemler yazma müfredatına entegre edilmelidir. Teknolojinin hayatımızın her aşamasında var olduğu ve büyük bir etkiye sahip olduğu kabul edilmektedir. Teknoloji ilerledikçe, sadece iletişimde değil eğitim sisteminde de büyük bir atılım yapmıştır. Sanal bir ortamda informal dil edinimine ilişkin bireysel deneyimler kazanma ve öğrencilerin motivasyonunu artıran, onları yaşam boyu öğrenenler olmaya yönlendiren öğrenen özerkliğini geliştirme fırsatı sağlamıştır. Bu sebeple, bu deneysel çalışma, dijital bir platform üzerinde web 2.0 teknolojileri esas alınarak B2 seviyesi yaratıcı yazma yeteneğini değerlendirme konusunu araştırmaktadır. Çalışmanın amacı, dijital yaratıcı yazmanın hazırlık okulu öğrencilerinin yazma becerilerini, yazmaya karşı tutum ve beklentilerini belirlemek ve keşfetmektir. Çalışma Türkiye'de bir vakıf üniversitesinin Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu'nda uygulanmıştır. B2 seviyesinde 66 öğrenci bu çalışmaya katılmıştır. Deney ve kontrol grubu olarak birbirine denk iki grup seçilmiştir. Veriler, yazma becerileri final sınavlarından, Özbay ve Zorbaz tarafından adapte edilen Yazma Kaygısı Ölçeği Türkçe versiyonundan, öntest ve son testlerden ve yaratıcı yazma değerlendirme rubriği ile toplanmıştır. Çalışmaya katılan kişilerden veri toplandıktan sonra, bu kişilerin tutumları, beklentileri, motivasyonları ve yazma yeterlikleri analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmanın sonuçları dijital yaratıcı yazmanın hem akademik yazmayı geliştirdiğini hem de öğrencilerin yazma motivasyonunu artırmaya yardım ettiğini göstermiştir. Son olarak, bulgu ve sonuçlar elde edildikten sonra, hedef kitleye bazı pedagojik tavsiyeler verilmiştir.Writing skills have always been challenging for teachers and students both in the native and foreign languages. Students worry about starting and organizing their ideas, whereas teachers have trouble motivating their students towards writing skills. When the quality of the written product is not at the desired level, students feel anxious which is one of the biggest problems in the writing process. To overcome challenges and be more beneficial to learners in this process, innovative and promising methods should be integrated into the writing curriculum. It is globally accepted that technology has a significant influence and becomes omnipresent in every process of our lives. As technology advances, it has made an immense breakthrough in communication and the education system. It has provided an opportunity to gain individual experiences of informal language acquisition in a virtual environment and promote learner autonomy that increases learners' motivation and leads them to become lifelong learners. Thus, this experimental study investigates the evaluation of B2 level creative writing ability based upon using web 2.0 tools on a digital platform. The study aims to identify and explore the effect of digital creative writing on English Preparatory School students' writing skills, attitudes, and expectations towards writing. The study took place at a foundation university, the School of Foreign Languages in Turkey. 66 students in the B2 level participated in this research. Two groups that were equivalent to each other were chosen as experimental and control groups. Data were collected through final writing skills quizzes, the adaptation of the Daly-Miller Writing Apprehension Test to Turkish developed by Özbay and Zorbaz (2011), pre-test and post-test, creative writing rubric developed by the researcher. After obtaining data from participants who attended the study, attitudes, expectations, motivation, and writing proficiency were analyzed. The results indicated that digital creative writing not only improved academic writing achievement but also helped increase the writing motivation of the students. Finally, after attaining findings and results, some pedagogical recommendations were given for target groups

    Encounters, norms, crowding: an application of the normative theory and methods in Turkey

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    2017 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.National parks attract millions of visitors a year due to their natural and cultural importance (Manning, 2007). The number of visits to national parks has been rapidly increasing around the world (Manning & Krymkowski, 2010). The high level of visitation to these areas has generated concerns about sustaining appropriate levels of social and environmental impacts. Growing demand for access and participation in recreational activities in national parks can damage both the ecological integrity of the environment, as well as reducing the quality of visitor experiences. The quality of visitor experiences must be maintained at a high level for national parks to contribute their full potential to society (Manning, 2002). In the literature, the quality of the visitor experience has been addressed through the concept of carrying capacity (Manning, 2007). In the United States, several planning frameworks have been developed and applied for National Parks relating to carrying capacity such as Limits of Acceptable Change (LAC), Visitor Impact Management (VIM), and Visitor Experience and Resource Protection (VERP). These frameworks share a common idea of identifying and establishing quantitative impact indicators and standards. National Parks in Turkey, however, have no such framework for monitoring the quality of both the natural environment and the visitor experience. Research on these issues is also very limited. The primary purpose of this dissertation is to examine the applicability of normative theory and methods in Turkey by addressing the interrelationships of visitor encounter norms and perceptions of crowding, resulting in the identification of appropriate indicators and standards of quality for management of the country's national parks. This dissertation presents three manuscripts designed to contribute this area of inquiry. The first chapter focuses on one of the structural characteristics of norms (e.g. norm prevalence) and methodological considerations that influence norm prevalence. The following research questions examined in this manuscript: first, what percent of visitors will report a norm in a given setting (Rocky Mountain National Park-ROMO)? Does the survey response format influence norm prevalence? Among those reporting a norm, to what extent do normative evaluations differ between two different response formats (e.g. closed and semi-open format)? Results indicated that norm prevalence is higher when respondents are asked to circle a number from range of values presented on the survey (closed format) as opposed to writing in a number (semi-open format). Among those reporting a norm, the average norm tolerance levels for the closed and semi-open question formats are equivalent across all specific locations. This work demonstrate that survey response format influence norm prevalence (percentage of individuals reporting a norm) and the numerical value of the reported norm. The second chapter examines the generalizability of the research findings from the ROMO study to Dilek Peninsula National Park-DPNP, in Turkey. The same research questions are asked in this second manuscript. First, what percent of visitors will report a norm in DPNP? Second, among those reporting a norm, to what extent do normative evaluations differ between semi-open and closed response formats? Results demonstrated that encounter norm prevalence (i.e., the percent of individuals who could specify a norm) is higher for the closed format of the survey as compared to the semi-open version. In addition, among those reporting a norm, the average tolerance levels were statistically higher in the semi-open format. The third chapter focuses on relationships among encounters, norms, and crowding for both settings ROMO and DPNP examining following research questions; First, what are visitor's norms regarding encounters with others at the site? Second, what proportion of visitors encounter fewer or more than their norm? Third, if they encounter fewer or more visitors than their norm, how does this affect visitors' perception of crowding? Fourth, to what extent does perceived crowding differ between ROMO and DPNP? Lastly, to what extent does the country of origin influence perceived crowding? Findings shows, in both settings, when visitors encountered more people than their norm, perceived crowding was higher compared to when individuals encountered less than their norms. The findings also showed that Turkish respondents felt more crowded than American visitors. In total, this dissertation is intended to provide a deeper look at the applications of normative theory and methods between two countries the United States and Turkey to contribute management of parks and outdoor recreation

    Asymmetric variations in some species of the genus raphignathus dugès (acari: raphignathidae)

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    In this study, asymmetric variations in dorsal and ventral body setae in some adult females in three species of the genus Raphignathus Dugès; R. gracilis (Rack), R. hecmatanaensis Khanjani & Ueckermann and R. kuznetzovi Doğan & Ayyıldız were given and photographed. Records on asymmetric variations in Raphignathus species found in the literature were also reviewed.Bu çalışmada, Raphignathus Dugès cinsine ait R. gracilis (Rack), R. hecmatanaensis Khanjani & Ueckermann ve R. kuznetzovi Doğan & Ayyıldız türlerinin bazı dişilerinde görülen sırt ve karın kıllarındaki asimetrik varyasyonlar verilmiş ve fotoğrafları alınmıştır. Ayrıca, literatürde geçen Raphignathus türleriyle ilgili asimetrik varyasyon kayıtları gözden geçirilmişti

    The effects of monetary policy on housing prices

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    Abstract. Many factors have an impact on housing prices. Among these factors, short term interest rates have significant importance. It is because changes in short term interests are important indicators of the efficiency of the monetary policy and the functioning of the housing prices channel is an important tool for the monetary authority to have an impact on economic activities. The purpose of this paper is to study the efficiency of the housing prices channel in Turkey. In our study, we used VAR method based on data from 2007-2019. As a result of the analysis, we found out that interest rates and the housing credit index directly affect housing prices in Turkey.Keywords. Housing prices, Monetary transmission mechanism, Housing price channel, VAR analysis.JEL. E20, E40, E50

    Physical education and sports students’ attitudes towards inclusive education (The sample of Kocaeli University)

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    The aim of this study was to observe if Physical Education and Sports students’ attitudes towards Inclusive Education differ or not. The research was done according to the scanning/screening model. “Personal information form” (2004) - (reformed by Orel and his friends) and “Attitude Scale related to Inclusion” (1995)-(reformed by Antonak & Larivee and adapted into Turkish by Kırcaali & Iftar ) were used for  Kocaeli University School of Physical Education and Sports /Physical Education and Sports Department’s 1st grade and the 2nd grade students (121 students) who didn’t take the Inclusive Education class and the 3rd and 4th grade students (193 students) who took the Inclusive Education class. In the statistical analysis of the research, frequency values of the data (which were obtained from  personal information forms) were surveyed and while analysing the data (obtained from the attitude scale related to inclusion) arithmetic average, standard deviation and t test (for the difference between two groups ) were applied.In statistical analysis and in all parameters  numerical difference was seen on the side of the students who took inclusive education class but no statEistically significant difference was found . (P<0,05). As a result, it can be said that Inclusive Education class had a positive change on the attitudes of  Physical Education teacher candidates towards inclusion

    Determination of mothers’ depression levels by the type of special educational services they get for their autistic children

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the depression levels of mothers by the type of special educational services they got for their autistic children. Mothers of 20 male autistics and 5 female autistics participated in the study as volunteers. %24 of families got educational services from life coaches, %48 from O.Ç.E.M (Autistic Children Education Centers) and %28 from rehabilitation centers. Beck depression scale applied to volunteers to determine the depression levels (SCORES, Life Coach =16±7,05, O.Ç.E.M =13,83±7,05, Rehabilitation Center =25,57±9,28). Data were presented as mean, SD, frequency for description purpose. Variables were analyzed and were calculated by using Kruskal Wallis Test and Mann Whitney U tests. There is a significance difference at level of P<0.05 (p=0,035) between parents which get different types of special educational services. As a result; significant difference has found in the depression levels of parents which get special educational services from rehabilitation centers found more depressive then O.Ç.E.M and life coach services.