208 research outputs found

    Assessing the Financial Impact of Mergers on Islamic Banks: A Case Study of Sustainable Finance and Maqasid Approach

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    Bank mergers and acquisitions (M&A) have been on the rise globally, particularly in emerging economies where policies aimed at enhancing financial system stability have been driving restructuring in the banking sector. Qatar\u27s M&A market, while comparatively new, has distinct characteristics. A recent study aimed to determine the impact of M&A activity on the financial performance of Barwa Bank (later Dukhan Bank) in Qatar over six years from 2017-2022, covering three years before and three years post-merger. The study found that the bank\u27s liquidity, profitability, solvency, and investment ratios did not vary significantly, suggesting that M&A activity did not significantly affect the bank’s financial performance. Despite these findings, the study provides recommendations for future research and implications for theory and practice in this area. The results are discussed in the light of SDGs and Maqasid al Shariah, and which goals this merger support the most are analyzed. The paper’s discussion is expected to be a guideline for future mergers to be more sustainable toward 2030 goals

    Daddy, What's Next? The Effect of Paternalist Leadership on Perceived Uncertainty in Organizations which had gone through Merger or Acquisition

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    AbstractLeadership has been subject to so many studies examining the high performing organizations in literature. Besides leadership style, cultural competitiveness is emphasized as another high performing factor in literature. Within the framework of merger acquisition, our study focuses on the notion that paternalist leadership negatively effects perceived uncertainty. The survey of this study is conducted on 118 white collar employees in performing banks which had gone through merger or acquisition in Turkey. The obtained data from the questionnaires are analyzed through the SPSS statistical packaged software. Analyses result revealed that the dimensions of paternalist leadership negatively effects perceived uncertainty. There is also some significant evidence on demographic variables. It was seen that male employees perceive their leaders more paternalistic than female employees. Employees are found to perceive more uncertainty than managers. Employees who have female managers perceive more paternalistic leadership than the ones who have male managers

    Inspection and teachers’ emotions: An emotional evaluation of inspection

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    In the study, inspection is discussed in relation to the teachers’ feelings and emotions it creates before inspection, during inspection and after inspection process. Teacher’s emotions have been investigated intentionally as emotional side of education has been neglected. Education is closely related to the emotions of teachers, who are the most important producers of educational activities.Educational activities are reduced to standard activities and defined with simple explanations or single labels such as ‘good-bad’, ‘successful-unsuccessful’, ‘adequate-inadequate’. Inspection causes emotions to be neglected. Moreover, recently, it has been discussed that there are approaches and systems that suggest constant and multi-dimensional inspection instead of traditional inspection.Qualitative research model was used to understand of teacher emotions. A semi structured form was used for the 38 primary school teachers’ interviews. After teacher interviews were completed, we analyzed and compared the interviews. Participants’ expressions were checked in terms of correctness, potential validity and reliability problems such as misinterpretation.   The results of the study can be summarized as follows: There were no positive expressions related to the emotional impact of inspection on teachers. In addition, teachers felt that the inspectors were stressed, anxious, uneasy, accusatory, coercive, looking for defect and areas of unsuccessful teaching performance. Most of teachers reported that being observed and evaluated caused them to have negative emotions.Teachers’ perceptions about inspection are found to be negative. There are no statements that indicate there is a positive impression of inspection on teachers. The emotions that are experienced before inspection: pressure, hurry, stress, concern, tension, anxiety, worry, uncertainty; during inspection: stress, tension, anger, loss of strength, humiliation and lack of self-efficacy, and after inspection: relaxation, stress, sorrow, anger, fury, meaninglessness, disappointment. The single positive emotion that the teachers use to describe an inspection is “relaxation”

    A new significant area: emotion detection in e-learning using opinion mining techniques

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    E-learning has sprung up much interest in corporations, educational institutions and individuals alike. Recently, it has been discovered that emotion can affect the elearning experience. However, understanding the emotional reaction of a student in a complicated learning environment is a mind boggling task. By detecting intense emotional experiences being exhibited by students, we intend to detect fluctuations in emotion as learning progresses. To achieve this, we present a conceptual emotion detection and analysis system for e-learning using opinion mining techniques

    Kentsel lojistik ve destinasyon yeteneklerin turizme etkileri: Afyonkarahisar, Hatay ve Gaziantep gastronomi Ɵehirlerinin karĆŸÄ±laƟtırmalı analizi

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    People migrate from rural areas to urban areas to have a better standard of living and education, healthcare and job opportunities. Along with trade and tourism, the high living standards of citizens are developing due to communication and transportation. The reason why gastronomy cities want to join the UNESCO Creative Cities Network is that they want to increase the living standards of the city and country residents by taking the share they want from the tourism market in the world. Therefore, logistics and destination competences are important for gastronomy cities. In the literature review, it was seen that there was no study on the relationship and effects of urban logistics and destination capabilities with gastronomy cities. For this reason, this study was conducted as a comparative research on the logistics and destination capabilities of gastronomy cities. It is seen that Afyonkarahisar ranks first in gastronomy and destination capabilities. However, It is seen that Afyonkarahisar ranks 10th in the life index of Turkey. Hatay ranks the first in the life index. Gaziantep and Afyonkarahisar, which are gastronomy cities, have the same ranking in livability. Furthermore, considering sustainability, Afyonkarahisar ranks first with the highest score. In terms of mobility, Gaziantep is the first and Afyonkarahisar ranks the second.Ä°nsanlar daha iyi bir yaƟam standardı, eğitim, sağlık hizmetleri ve iƟ fırsatlarına sahip olmak için kırsal alanlardan kentsel alanlara göç ederler. Ticaret ve turizmin yanı sıra iletiƟim ve ulaĆŸÄ±m sayesinde vatandaƟların yĂŒksek yaƟam standartları geliƟmektedir. Gastronomi Ɵehirlerinin UNESCO Yaratıcı ƞehirler Ağına katılmak istemelerinin nedeni, dĂŒnyadaki turizm pazarından istedikleri payı alarak Ɵehir ve ĂŒlke sakinlerinin yaƟam standartlarını yĂŒkseltmek istemeleridir. Bu nedenle lojistik ve destinasyon yetkinlikleri gastronomi kentleri için önemlidir. LiteratĂŒr taramasında, kentsel lojistiğin ve destinasyon yeteneklerinin gastronomi kentleri ile iliƟkisi ve etkileri ĂŒzerine bir çalÄ±ĆŸmaya rastlanmamÄ±ĆŸtır. Bu nedenle bu çalÄ±ĆŸmada, gastronomi Ɵehirlerinin lojistik ve destinasyon yetenekleri ĂŒzerine karĆŸÄ±laƟtırmalı bir araƟtırma olarak yapılmÄ±ĆŸtır. Afyonkarahisar'ın TĂŒrkiye‟nin yaƟam endeksinde 10. sırada yer aldığı görĂŒlmektedir. YaƟam endeksinde Hatay birinci sırada yer alırken, Afyonkarahisar, gastronomi ve destinasyon yeteneklerinde birinci sırada yer almaktadır. Gaziantep ve Afyonkarahisar gastronomi Ɵehri yaƟanabilirlik açısından aynı sıralamaya sahiptir. SĂŒrdĂŒrĂŒlebilirlik açısından Afyonkarahisar gastronomi Ɵehri en yĂŒksek puana sahip olup ilk sırada yer almaktadır. Hareketlilik açısından Gaziantep birinci, Afyonkarahisar ikinci sıradadır

    The mandibular angle in osteoporotic men

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    Objectives: Osteoporosis induces the reduction of bone mass and screening for low bone mineral density (BMD) by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) has been the current gold standard test to determine osteoporosis. Panoramic radiography is widely used in dentistry for routine examination of jaws. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between the mandibular angle (MA) values and the vertebral bone mineral density (v-BMD) in 20 osteoporotic men. Study design: In panoramic radiograms of osteoporotic men, the means were calculated for the mandibular angle values measured in the right and left mandible. v-BMD values were also calculated by manual analysis of DXA scans. The correlation between these variables was assessed. Results: A negatively significant correlation was found between the MA and v-BMD. Conclusions: The size of the mandibular angle decreases when osteoporosis increases. It is suggested that the mandibular angle may be useful in clinical dental practice to identify osteoporotic men with previously undetected low bone mineral density

    Florid cemento-osseous dysplasia : a case report

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    Cemento-osseous dysplasias are a group of disorders known to originate from periodontal ligament tissues and involve, essentially, the same pathological process. They are usually classified, depending on their extent and radiographic appearances, into three main groups: periapical (surrounds the periapical region of teeth and are bilateral), florid (sclerotic symmetrical masses) and focal (single lesion) cemental dysplasias. Florid cemento-osseous dysplasia clearly appears to be a form of bone and cemental dysplasia that is limited to jaws. Patients do not have laboratory or radiologic evidence of bone disease in other parts of the skeleton. For the asymptomatic patient, the best management consists of regular recall examinations with prophylaxis and reinforcement of good home hygiene care to control periodontal disease and prevent tooth lose. Management of the symptomatic patient is more difficult. At this stage, there is an inflammatory component to the disease and the process is basically a chronic osteomyelitis involving dysplastic bone and cementum. Antibiotics may be indicated but may not be effective. A case of florid cemento-osseous dysplasia occurring in a 47-year-old Caucasian female is reported which was rare in regard to race and sex
