28 research outputs found


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    Abstract. The main task was to investigate the pollution by heavy metals of biota of Vyrlytsa Lake. Thecontents of movable forms of heavy metals in aquatic plants, fish and snails was determined by atomicabsorbtion method and were made the conclusions about general state of the water object.Keywords: heavy metals, accumulation, biota, pollution, atomic absorption spectroscopy


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    Abstract. The main task was to investigate the pollution by heavy metals of abiotic component in theVyrlytsa Lake. Was determined the amount of movable form of heavy metals in the water and bottomsediments by the method of atomic absorption spectroscopy. Anthropogenic pollution of the lake is connectedwith discharges of waste waters from enterprises that situated in the industrial zone.Keywords: abiotic component, heavy metals, migration, mobile form


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    Abstract. The main task was to investigate the pollution by heavy metals of abiotic component in theVyrlytsa Lake. Was determined the amount of movable form of heavy metals in the water and bottomsediments by the method of atomic absorption spectroscopy. Anthropogenic pollution of the lake is connectedwith discharges of waste waters from enterprises that situated in the industrial zone.Keywords: abiotic component, heavy metals, migration, mobile form

    Functioning of Healthcare Facilities under the Martial Law

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    This topic focuses on the problems that arise in providing medical care to the population during armed conflict or martial law. Under such conditions, hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities have to work in challenging circumstances with limited resources and reduced security for medical personnel. This topic explores such issues as how martial law affects the work of medical institutions, what problems arise in providing medical care to the population in war, how war affects the health of the people, and what consequences it may have in the long term. Research in this area will help to understand how to organize better and prepare medical facilities to work in war conditions and ensure high-quality medical care to the population in emergencies. The methods used to write this article were analysis, synthesis, generalization, explanation, and data qualification. The primary and fundamental sources for writing an article may vary depending on the topic, but generally, the following sources can be recommended. Academic studies: these can be scholarly articles, monographs, dissertations, conference papers, and other materials related to the topic of your article. These sources can help you find information about the latest research in the field and allow you to see the approaches and methodologies used in the studies. Official sources: These can be legal documents, reports, regulations, guidelines, and other materials issued by government agencies, ministries, and other departments. These sources can help you understand the rules and regulations governing your article's topic. Expert reviews: these can be interviews with experts in the field, articles, and other materials written by well-known specialists. These sources can help you understand the views and opinions of well-known experts on the issues related to your paper

    Functioning of Healthcare Facilities under the Martial Law

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    This topic focuses on the problems that arise in providing medical care to the population during armed conflict or martial law. Under such conditions, hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities have to work in challenging circumstances with limited resources and reduced security for medical personnel. This topic explores such issues as how martial law affects the work of medical institutions, what problems arise in providing medical care to the population in war, how war affects the health of the people, and what consequences it may have in the long term. Research in this area will help to understand how to organize better and prepare medical facilities to work in war conditions and ensure high-quality medical care to the population in emergencies. The methods used to write this article were analysis, synthesis, generalization, explanation, and data qualification. The primary and fundamental sources for writing an article may vary depending on the topic, but generally, the following sources can be recommended. Academic studies: these can be scholarly articles, monographs, dissertations, conference papers, and other materials related to the topic of your article. These sources can help you find information about the latest research in the field and allow you to see the approaches and methodologies used in the studies. Official sources: These can be legal documents, reports, regulations, guidelines, and other materials issued by government agencies, ministries, and other departments. These sources can help you understand the rules and regulations governing your article's topic. Expert reviews: these can be interviews with experts in the field, articles, and other materials written by well-known specialists. These sources can help you understand the views and opinions of well-known experts on the issues related to your paper


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    Bilyk Tetiana, Lukianenko Nataliia, Vityk Karina, Havryliuk Olesia. Application of plant essential oils for improving air quality in the lecture-halls of universities. Proceedings of the National Aviation University. 2018. N2(75). P 60–66.Purpose: The general goal of the article is to analyze air contamination of lecturer-halls by microorganisms and to investigate antimicrobial activity of plant essential oils for improvement of ecological state of indoor microflora. Methods: For determination of the total number of microorganisms and assessment of air microflora contamination, Sedimentation method (Koch’s Pour Plate method) was used. The colonies of microorganisms were calculated according to the V. Omelianskii rule. Statistical processing of data made on the Microsoft Office Exel (with adequacy 95%). Indicators of standard deviations were calculated by conventional procedures. The morphology of microorganisms was studied on microscope "Mikmed 2" (with zoom × 1500). The impact of plant essential oils on chosen strains of microorganisms (Staphylococcus aureus UCM B-904, Pseudomonas aeruginosa UCM В-907, Escherichia coli UCM B-906) was estimated with the help of disc-diffusion method. Results: The round, white, yellow with a matte or shiny surface and with a smooth edge of the colonies of microorganisms were identified during the investigation. By the morphological features, microorganisms were gram-negative bacilli or gram-positive cocci. It has been established that the efficiency of plant essential oils appears in small concentrations and during of its increasing it changes insignificantly. In the research of antimicrobial activity of essential oils with the help of disco-diffusion method, it has been determined that the essential oils of lavender and eucalyptus have antimicrobial activity against to all the strains investigated. Conclusions: It has been investigated that investigated essential oils (lavender, eucalyptus, and juniper) inhibit the microorganisms to increase in the concentrations 5-15 mcl/m3 and can be used as the effective method of air treatment. Based on the research, the essential oils of lavender and eucalyptus can be recommended to use after classes in the concentrations of 5 mcl/m3.Мета: Аналіз забруднення повітря мікроорганізмами в навчальних та дослідження антимікробної активності рослинних ефірних олій для покращення екологічного стану аудиторій. Методи дослідження: Для встановлення загальної кількості мікроорганізмів та оцінки забруднення повітря було використано Седиментаційний метод (чашковий метод Коха). Колонії мікроорганізмів підраховувалися за правилом В.Л. Омелянського. Статистичну обробку даних проводили за допомогою програмних пакетів Microsoft Office Excel з достовірністю 95%. Показники стандартних відхилень обчислювали за загальноприйнятими формулами. Морфологію клітин вивчали на мікроскопі «Мікмед-2» (збільшення ×1500). Вплив рослинних ефірних олій на обрані штами мікроорганізмів (Staphylococcus aureus УКМ Б-904, Pseudomonas aeruginosa УКМ Б-907, Escherichia coli УКМ Б-906) оцінювали за допомогою диско-дифузійного методу. Результати: Під час досліду були виділені круглі, білі, жовті з матовою або блискучою поверхнею та рівним краєм колонії мікроорганізмів. За морфологічними ознаками мікроорганізми виявилися грамнегативними паличками або грампозитивними коками. Було встановлено, що ефективність рослинних ефірних олій проявляється у малих концентраціях і змінюється не суттєво при її збільшені. При вивченні антимікробної активності ефірних олій диско-дифузійним методом визначено, що ефірні олії лаванди та евкаліпту мали антибактеріальну активністю по відношенні до всіх досліджуваних штамів. Висновки: Досліджено, що рослинні ефірні олії (ялівцева, лавандова, евкаевкаліп та їх композиція) зменшує кількість мікроорганізмів в повітрі навчальних аудиторій в концентраціях 5-15 мкм/м3 і можуть бути ефективним засобом оздоровлення мікрофлори повітря приміщень. За результатами досліджень можна рекомендувати використовувати рослинні ефірні олії лаванди та евалкапту в концентраціях 5 мкл/м3 повітря після занять.Цель: Анализ загрязнения воздуха микроорганизмами в учебных заведениях и исследование антимикробной активности растительных эфирных масел для улучшения экологического состояния аудиторий. Методы исследования: Для установления общего количества микроорганизмов и оценки загрязнения воздуха было использовано Седиментационный метод (чашечный метод Коха). Колонии микроорганизмов подсчитывали по правилу В.Л. Омелянского. Статистическую обработку данных проводили с помощью программных пакетов Microsoft Office Excel с достоверностью 95%. Показатели стандартных отклонений рассчитывали по общепринятым формулам. Морфологию клеток изучали на микроскопе «Микмед-2» (увеличение ×1500). Влияние растительных эфирных масел на выбранные штампы микроорганизмов (Staphylococcus aureus УКМ Б-904, Pseudomonas aeruginosa УКМ Б-907, Escherichia coli УКМ Б-906) оценивали с помощью диско-диффузного метода. Результаты: Во время исследования были выделены круглые, белые, желтые с матовой или блестящей поверхностью и ровным краем колонии микроорганизмов. За морфологическими признаками микроорганизмы оказались грамнегативными палочками и грампозитивными коками. Было установлено, что эффективность растительных эфирных масел проявляется в малых концентрациях и меняется не существенно при её изменении. При изучении антимикробной активности эфирных масел диско-диффузным методом определено, что эфирные масла лаванды и эвкалипта имели антибактериальную активность по отношению ко всем исследуемым штампам. Выводы: Исследовано, что растительные эфирные масла (можжевельника, лаванды, эвкалипта и их композиции) уменьшает количество микроорганизмов в воздухе учебных аудиторий в концентрациях 5-15 мкм/м3 и могут быть эффективным средством оздоровления микрофлоры воздуха помещений. За результатами исследований можно рекомендовать использовать растительные эфирные масла лаванды и эвкалипта в концентрациях 5 мкл/м3 воздуха после занятий


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    The banking sector is constantly evolving, seeking effective ways to attract and retain clients, especially those with high financial potential. One of the ways to achieve this goal is to provide car loans at low interest rates, such as 0.01%. However, the untimely outflow of clients after repayment of the car loan becomes a significant problem for banks leading to the loss of potential income from other banking services. The research aims to evaluate the impact of selling additional banking services on increasing clients' activity duration. The research used statistics on opening new bank clients, whose first product was a car loan at an interest rate of 0.01%, from 2018 to 2022. The dataset included 9,224 records. The Cox proportional hazards model is used to determine the impact of a credit card on the duration of car loan client activity. The analysis of the model coefficients showed that with a credit card, clients closed at a rate of 0.86 of the rate of closing clients without a credit card. However, during the verification of the proportional hazard assumption, it was determined that the credit card's influence level changes significantly over time, indicating the model's inadequacy. The next phase of the study was the search for an influencing parameter that meets all the quality conditions of the Cox model. Having a credit card with at least one transaction was selected. For this model variation, all indicators of model adequacy were met. The coefficient estimation results showed that clients with an active credit card closed at a rate of 0.36 of the rate of closing clients without it. The evaluation of the active credit card impact confirms that selling a credit card allows for an increase in the bank clients' activity duration. However, a critical success factor is the sale of a credit card and its activation. The obtained research results can be used to optimize the bank's marketing and sales strategies, ensure more effective customer retention and increase the bank's profits

    Principles of Realization of Physical Therapy for Students: Modern Views of Neuropedagogy and Neuropsychology

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    The article considers the issue of the principles of realization of physical therapy of students from the point of view of neurosciences. The article notes that modern higher education is characterized by the appearance of a new medical specialty "Physical therapy, Ergotherapy". The emphasis is made on the fact that the Ukrainian society badly needed such specialists. The essence of such concepts: "higher education", "specialist", "vocational training", "physical therapy", "Ergotherapy", "rehabilitation therapist", "neuropedagogy", "neuropsychology" is considered. It is noted that physiotherapists from Japan played an important role in assisting athletes during the 2020 Olympic Games. Since 2007, the Ukrainian Association for Physical Therapy has been organized in Ukraine. It is proved that the first appearance of the profession, which is associated with physiotherapy exercises, dates back to the beginning of the XX century. It is noted that the government document gives the right to be in training persons who have special educational problems. A review of articles by domestic and foreign authors on the use of physical therapy to improve human health is made. The main aspects of training a future specialist in physical therapy are disclosed. It is noted that university teachers should think about a modern approach when teaching subjects. The professional training of future specialists in physical therapy to work on improving the health of athletes has been studied in detail. Structural components that should be taken into account by future specialists are noted. The interactive methods and forms of work that are integral to teaching students are named. It is noted that future specialists should have not only knowledge of physical culture, but also pedagogical, psychological and physiological methods of work. In addition, it was noted that for rehabilitation therapists it is important knowledge of intersubject relationships. The active-operational component of the professional activity of students has been investigated. In addition, it is noted that the physiotherapist should be professional in the selection of exercises for remedial gymnastic. Since it was found that the neuropsychological overload of students requires physical therapy.</p

    Innovative Trends in Educational Management in a Globalized World: Organizational Neuroscience

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    The article discusses the problems and prospects of personally centric and, partly, technological reforms in the management of Ukrainian educational institutions in the context of innovation and leading global trends.The main idea of the article is to deploy the concept that institutionalized education is self-regulated by local actors and relies on the human proactive motivated resource of teachers and students with minimal implementation from above.The purpose of the article was to investigate three aspects of education management: innovative global trends, problems of current education management in Ukraine and recommendations and methodological advice for such management.The authors used mainly theoretical methods of literature selection by keywords, system analysis of this literature, methods of summarizing - generalizing - classifying principles, methods and forms of education management, as well as the method of design and educational modeling to provide specific recommendations and advice.The result of the article was a synthesis of the latest global trends in educational management, which we summarized in 12 key points; argumentation of challenges and obstacles to innovative management of educational institutions in Ukraine, identification of destructive factors in the way of this management and provision of outline recommendations for reform.</p

    Selection of Econometric Instruments when Building a Scoring Model Based on Dummy Variables

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    The aim of the study is to select adequate econometric instruments for building a scoring model on a specific array of initial data, which contains the vast majority of fictitious variables. Despite a significant number of developments devoted to the construction of scoring models, a universal method allowing to obtain a highly efficient classifier for any data has not been identified. Therefore, the task of selection of the best method for building a scoring model remains relevant, depending on the characteristics of the available data. The most successful approach when selecting a model for solving the problem of binary classification is the use of several types of econometric models and the choice of the best of them according to the results of classification. In the presented study, the following types of models were applied: discriminant model, logit and probit regressions, and polynomial logistic regression. Training samples with different structure were used. Comparison of all obtained models allows us to conclude that polynomial logistic regression is preferable in this case. This model demonstrates high classification rates for all introduced object classes and has an important advantage compared to models that make a binary selection. The advantage of polynomial logistic regression is also the possibility of selecting in each case a convenient scale for dividing borrowers into more than two classes and determining the level of probability of reliability of the borrower acceptable for its own conditions, at which it should be assigned to one of the selected classes. Prospects for further research in this direction are the use of machine learning methods that will be able to use ensembles of the best of the considered models. In addition, the proposed models can be used in solving similar problems in other spheres of economic activity