11 research outputs found


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    The article justifies problems and perspectives of ensuring economic security of the regions. It proves that economic security of the region is implemented via its ability to counteract internal and external threats, for the purpose of ensuring implementation of economic interests of the region while effectively using competitive advantages. It also describes European experience, in particular, regarding institutional and legal groundwork, organizational, financial ensuring of economic security of the regions and interregional formations. It proves that cooperation between Ukraine and European institutions goes through the period of making important strategic decisions that should dramatically affect further strategic vector of economic and security development of Ukraine and help to find a position regarding establishment of efficient security system – economic, political and military


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    The banking sector is constantly evolving, seeking effective ways to attract and retain clients, especially those with high financial potential. One of the ways to achieve this goal is to provide car loans at low interest rates, such as 0.01%. However, the untimely outflow of clients after repayment of the car loan becomes a significant problem for banks leading to the loss of potential income from other banking services. The research aims to evaluate the impact of selling additional banking services on increasing clients' activity duration. The research used statistics on opening new bank clients, whose first product was a car loan at an interest rate of 0.01%, from 2018 to 2022. The dataset included 9,224 records. The Cox proportional hazards model is used to determine the impact of a credit card on the duration of car loan client activity. The analysis of the model coefficients showed that with a credit card, clients closed at a rate of 0.86 of the rate of closing clients without a credit card. However, during the verification of the proportional hazard assumption, it was determined that the credit card's influence level changes significantly over time, indicating the model's inadequacy. The next phase of the study was the search for an influencing parameter that meets all the quality conditions of the Cox model. Having a credit card with at least one transaction was selected. For this model variation, all indicators of model adequacy were met. The coefficient estimation results showed that clients with an active credit card closed at a rate of 0.36 of the rate of closing clients without it. The evaluation of the active credit card impact confirms that selling a credit card allows for an increase in the bank clients' activity duration. However, a critical success factor is the sale of a credit card and its activation. The obtained research results can be used to optimize the bank's marketing and sales strategies, ensure more effective customer retention and increase the bank's profits

    Internal resource capacity of local sele-government: features of use

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    У статті побудовано структурно-логічно схему видів ресурсного потенціалу місцевого самоврядування. Виокремлено та визначено сутність внутрішнього фінансового потенціалу місцевого самоврядування та встановлено, що це головна складова його ресурсних можливостей, що формує власні фінансові ресурси громади та відображає бюджетні, підприємницькі, інвестиційні та інноваційні передумови соціально-економічного і людського розвитку. Визначено структуру доходів і динамікатвласних ресурсів місцевих бюджетів в Україні та структура об’єднаних територіальних громад за власними доходами на одну особу.The paper outlines the features of using the budgetary mechanisms and forming interbudgetary relations in Ukraine. The dynamics of revenues and expenditures of budgets of various levels in Ukraine in 2000-2019 is shown. The pace of change of revenues and expenditures of budgets of various levels in Ukraine in 2000-2019 and the share of revenues and expenditures of local budgets in the consolidated budget of Ukraine with transfers and without them in 2000- 2019 are determined. The mechanisms of public support of local budgets in Ukraine are generalized. The structure of funding the infrastructural investment in the consolidated territorial communities in Ukraine in 2016-2018 is outlined.Місцеве самоврядування є правовим та інституційним функціональним утворенням, покликаним забезпечувати ефективне управління на місцях. Одним з індикаторів такої ефективності є використання внутрішнього ресурсного потенціалу. Досвід попередніх років з утвердженим розподілом повноважень за різними. управлінськими рівнями виконавчої влади продемонстрував низьку ефективність централізованого державного управління в Україні. Реформа децентралізації надає шанси переходу на нову модель територіального розвитку з вертикаллю взаємодій «знизу – догори». Місцеве самоврядування в особі сільських, селищних, міських рад та їх виконавчих органів здатне реально оцінювати внутрішні ресурсні можливості громади та визначати пріоритети її розвитку в економічному, соціальному, екологічному та іншому аспектах. Термін «потенціал» за своїм теоретичним змістом може відображати можливості, наявні сили чи ресурси, запаси, здатність управляти та досягати цілі. Цей термін набув широкого використання в різних галузях, а у нашому випадку це фінансовий потенціалThe budgetary mechanisms and interbudgetary relations have the central place in current conditions in the system of financial and investment maintenance of local governance. The budgetary mechanisms in their general meaning are of the administrative and technical nature, yet, in the practical meaning, they should be considered in the context of efficiency along with the processes of social and economic development of a territory (state, region, community). It stipulates the ability of such mechanisms to significantly impact the development of social and economic areas (in particular, through the application of special procedures of generating, approving, and implementing the budgetary solutions). The budgetary mechanism is a complicated managerial category, which by its content can be defined as a set of organizational, methodological, legislative, and regulative provisionsthatsecure the functioning of the budgetary system of a country as well as a set of methods, tools (procedures), and leverages that are the ground for implementation of managerial decisions in the process of forming and use of centralized funds of the country and its territorial and administrative units or respective regions. Therefore, the notion of the budgetary mechanism covers the levels of the use of various tools – at the level of the state, regions, or communities represented by local governments


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    The article justifies problems and perspectives of ensuring economic security of the regions. It proves that economic security of the region is implemented via its ability to counteract internal and external threats, for the purpose of ensuring implementation of economic interests of the region while effectively using competitive advantages. It also describes European experience, in particular, regarding institutional and legal groundwork, organizational, financial ensuring of economic security of the regions and interregional formations. It proves that cooperation between Ukraine and European institutions goes through the period of making important strategic decisions that should dramatically affect further strategic vector of economic and security development of Ukraine and help to find a position regarding establishment of efficient security system – economic, political and military

    Applying Machine Learning Approach to Start-up Success Prediction

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    Predicting the success of a new venture has always been a topical issue for both investors and researchers. Nowadays, it has become even more relevant concerning start-ups-young innovative and technology enterprises aimed at scaling their businesses. The purpose of this study is to create a model for predicting start-ups’ success based on their descriptive characteristics. A model that connects such start-up features as the period from foundation to the first financing, the area of activity, type, and amount of the first financing round, business model, and applied technologies, with the start-up investment success, which refers to re-investment, has been developed using data from the Dealroom platform on statistics of start-ups activity and their description. The final sample included 123 start-ups that are founded or operate in Ukraine. Three machine learning algorithms are compared: Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, and Random Forest. Acceptable results were obtained in terms of Accuracy, Sensitivity, and F-score, despite the limited data. The best model concerning start-up success prediction is determined by a Decision Tree, with an average effectiveness of 61%, 55%, and 52%, respectively. The AUC level for the Decision Tree achieved 58%, which is lower than the Logistic Regression and Random Forest scores (65%). But the last models had done so well by better predicting start-up failures, while more practical is the ability to predict their success. All models showed an acceptable level of AUC to confirm with confidence their effectiveness. The decision support system for the investment object can be helpful for entrepreneurs, venture analysts, or politicians who can use the built models to predict the success of a start-up. This forecast, in turn, can be used to drive better investment decisions and develop relevant economic policies to improve the overall start-up ecosyste

    Територіальна основа місцевого самоврядування: основи законодавчого регулювання

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    Ukraine is increasingly trying to integrate into European structures. The civilizational, geopolitical and geo-economic choice for our country is obvious, therefore, difficult, consistent and sometimes unconventional and unpopular political decisions are required to implement it. The real implementation of the deconcentration, decentralization and subsidiarity principles in the practice of public administration is necessary, in particular, due to the introduction of new models of relations between the political center and the regions. Regional disproportions in the territory development of Ukraine, the failure to implement the reform on the ground in specific administrative and territorial units, the spread of corruption schemes – all these are the consequences of an ineffective model of local self-government and state management of regional development, that became the beginning of the administrative and territorial reform in the state. And in order to ensure a high-quality process of administrative and territorial reform, it is important, and to some extent and the most basic, is the process of adopting high-quality regulatory base for legislation. The article identifies the main directions for the formation of an effective management system at all levels, including: the formation of an optimal territorial basis, the provision of appropriate material, administrative, organizational and financial conditions for the implementation of the powers granted to them by local governments, a clear delineation of powers between management bodies of different levels based on decentralization, mechanism development of the state control and population involvement in the community development. The legislative base, which was adopted in the context of supporting the reform of local selfgovernment in Ukraine, has been analyzed. The legislative guidelines for the decentralization reform and regional policy in Ukraine have been determined and substantiated. Deficiencies and shortcomings of the normative-legal and institutional support system of the local self-government reform have been identified and ways of their elimination have been proposed . Україна все активніше намагається інтегруватися в Європейські структури. Цивілізаційний, геополітичний та геоекономічний вибір для нашої країни є очевидним, а тому для його реалізації необхідні важкі, послідовні та інколи нетрадиційні й непопулярні політичні рішення. Необхідне реальне втілення принципів деконцентрації, децентралізації та субсидіарності в практику державного управління, зокрема через запровадження нових моделей взаємовідносин між політичним центром та регіонами. Регіональні диспропорції розвитку території України, неспроможність реалізації реформи на місцях в конкретних адміністративно-територіальних одиницях, поширення корупційних схем – все це наслідки неефективної моделі місцевого самоврядування та державного управління регіональним розвитком і саме ці процеси стали початком адміністративнотериторіальної реформи в державі. А для того щоб забезпечити якісний процес адміністративнотериторіальної реформи важливим, а в деякій і мірі і найосновнішим є процес прийняття якісного нормативно-правового за законодавства. У статті визначено основні напрями становлення ефективної системи управління на усіх рівнях, серед яких: формування оптимальної територіальної основи, забезпечення відповідних матеріальних, адміністративно-організаційних та фінансових умов для реалізації органами місцевого самоврядування наданих їм повноважень, чітке розмежування повноважень між органами управління різних рівнів на основі децентралізації, розвиток механізму державного контролю та залучення населення до розвитку громади. Проаналізовано законодавчу базу, яка була прийнята в контексті супроводу реформи місцевого самоврядування в Україні. Визначено та обґрунтовано законодавчі орієнтири реформи децентралізації та регіональної політики в Україні. Визначено недоліки та не доопрацювання системи нормативно-правового та інституційного забезпечення реформи місцевого самоврядування та запропоновано шляхи їх усуненн

    The Factors of Turnover of Personnel at Enterprises in Conditions of Development of International Economic Relations

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    The article is aimed at researching the totality of factors influencing the turnover rates at domestic enterprises in the conditions of intensification of international economic cooperation. In particular, a study was conducted among working youth under the age of 25, among which the turnover rate is the highest and is caused by the search for work in the foreign markets. The following factors were researched: salary level, work schedule, working conditions, social climate, attitude of managers to subordinates, prospects of development and career growth. It has been found that the greatest influence on the problem of turnover of personnel is exercised by financial component and career development. The publication defines the problems that an enterprise may face as a result of an uncontrollable turnover of personnel, and presents proposals in order to solve these problems. Prospect for further scientific searches on the given subject is definition of the main factors creating competitive advantages for the domestic employers in comparison with the foreign, that would allow to restrain outflow of personnel in the national market

    Integral assessment of the level of Ukraine’s economic security: Modeling and economic analysis

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    Integral assessment of the level of Ukraine’s economic security: Modeling and economic analysis / A. Yakymchuk, I. Irtyshcheva [ets.] // Accounting. – 2021. – Vol. 7, № 2. – P. 381–390.The influence of military-political instability at the state security has special consequences and cannot be ignored. That is why the methods of economic security calculations should be adapted to modern conditions. Significant changes in economic, political, social conditions in Ukraine because of the influence of military events cause the necessity of developing approaches to calculations of economic security level. The article aims at analyzing active methods of calculations of economic security level to adapt their indicators to actual economic circumstances in Ukraine and the world. Indicators of the economic security have been composed of budget, money-credit, foreign exchange, debt, known banking financial market security, banking security. Every component of economic security has factors of war influence, which, as a result, correlates with the integral indicator of economic security. The relevance and indispensability of reinforcement of the economy’s competitiveness on security foundations are substantiated. The authors’ methods of calculation of an integral indicator of economic security have been suggested. A taxonomic indicator is used to measure the level of security. Conclusions regarding the preconditions, capacity, and availability of tendencies of economic security in regions of the country have been made. Strategic priorities of the state policy for reinforcement of economic security have been substantiated

    Information safety of Ukraine: Integral assessment and taxonomic analysis

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    Information safety of Ukraine: Integral assessment and taxonomic analysis / A. Yakymchuka, N. Popadynets, О. Yakymchuk, T. Vasyltsiv, I. Irtyshcheva, R. Bilyk, Y. Khomosh, O. Hrаfskа, V. Yakubiv, O. Irtyshchev // International Journal of Data and Network Science. – 2021. – Vol. 5, № 2. – P. 75–82.The global process of society information has covered almost all countries of the world and is currently the core of scientific, technical and socio-economic development. The effectiveness of the power exercise in any state depends on its information support. Indeed, without information, successful political structure, the development of mass political consciousness as well as the interaction of the subject and the object of government are impossible. That is why this research aims to improve the methodics of evaluation of informational security through theoretical-methodological substantiation, forming and calculation of integral indexes of its competitiveness of a country. Global economic crisis had consequences for almost every country and cannot be ignored by any conditions, that is why the methodic of informational security calculations should be adapted to modern economic conditions. Cardinal changes in political, economic and social conditions in Ukraine causes inaccessibility of approaches to information security level calculations and particularly in the national security system. In modern scientific schools the questions of effective informational security have not been sufficiently studied. The aim of this article is to analyze active methods of state informational safety level calculations in order to adapt their indexes to actual global circumstances in Ukraine and in the world. Integral informational security have been composed of such components (indicators): income of the broadband Internet access market, dynamics of broadband Internet subscribers (connections), penetration rate of fixed broadband access (number of subscribers per 100 people), dynamics of Internet penetration (percentage of Internet users to the total population of the country), Network Readiness Index of the country, ICT Development Index of the state, Global Innovation Index, capital investments in intangible assets of Ukraine (that is, in software and databases). Every component of informational safety has factors of relevance and indispensability of reinforcement of national competitiveness on security foundations are substantiated. A taxonomic indicator is used to measure the level of informational safety. The paper proves that each of the components of the state informational security has almost equal input in forming its integral index