84 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Influence of “Amaranth” Cryoadditive on Organoleptic and Microbiological Parameters of Processed Cheeses

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    There was grounded the expedience of using “Amaranth” cryoadditive in the technology of processed cheeses. “Amaranth” cryoadditive contains necessary vitamins and microelements of the natural origin. The use of “Amaranth” cryopowder in the processed cheeses technology allows to enrich them with vitamins, mineral substances and food fibers. The main factors of introducing “Amaranth” cryoadditive were: the normative organoleptic estimation of a product and its daily need.Introduction of “Amaranth” cryopowder in cheese masses results in the energetic value growth along with the treating-prophylactic effect. The complicated complex of chemical and biochemical compounds, included in the composition of “Amaranth” cryopowder, allows to relate it to products with the wide spectrum of treating-prophylactic and radio-protective properties.Organoleptic characteristics of processed cheeses with cryopowder “Amaranth” testified that experimental samples of cheese keep the tender, elastic and resilient consistence. They have the specific original taste and smell (of cream butter). They had the homogenous picture on the cut, paste of the light-yellow or yellow color with separate dots of amaranth (black-red color). The surface of experimental samples was clean, shiny, correspondent to standards.Experimental samples had the pleasant commodity look. Processed cheese, produced using “Amaranth” cryopowder, combines in itself traditional consumption properties with technological possibilities of functional-technological ingredients of the vegetable origin.The offered products widen the assortment of milk products of the treating-prophylactic direction

    Study of the Different Ways of Proteins Extraction From Sheep and Cow Whey for “Urda” Cheese Production

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    The necessary stage of technological process of “Urda” albumin cheese production is whey proteins extraction from sheep whey (in classic technology of product) or from the whey mixtures, offered in the work. For whey proteins extraction from whey the following ways are used: thermal, acid, acid-alkaline and chlorine-calcium.There was established the equal dependence of the influence of the way of proteins extraction from both sheep and cow whey on the output of protein mass.The most output of protein mass (3,47±0,10 %) is at the chlorine-calcium way of proteins extraction, a bit less – 3,41±0,08 % – at the acid-alkaline way. But the acidity of such protein mass, received by the chlorine-calcium and acid-alkaline ways is not high – 37,2±1,8 and 45,6±1,4 % respectively that negatively influences the gustatory qualities of product. The least output is registered at the thermal way. Albumin cheese, received from such protein mass, was the best by its gustatory qualities. The output of protein mass from sheep whey is 1,60 times higher than from cow whey. The mass share of proteins in protein mass, received from sheep whey is by 6,9…8,0 % higher comparing with one, received from cow whey.Protein mass, received from sheep whey by the chlorine-calcium and acid-alkaline ways has the low titrated acidity. Cheese, received from protein mass, received of sheep whey by the acid method, has the extremely high acidity values (115,5±1,5 °Т), excessive sour-milk flavor and smell. These results don-t allow to provide the long storage term. That is why it is recommended to use the thermal way for proteins extraction from sheep whey and for proteins extraction from cow way in the technology of “Urda” albumin cheese.So the thermal way of proteins extraction from the mixture of sheep and cow whey in ratio 1:1 or 3:1 can be used for “Urda” albumin cheese production. The use of cow whey gives a possibility to cheapen the product because cow whey is cheaper than sheep one. Such cheese has the improved organoleptic parameters, namely homogenous consistence, tender sour-milk flavor and smell

    Influence of Milk Thistle Shot on Quality Parameters of the Sour-milk Beverage

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    Modern complicated ecological conditions cause a general necessity in improving the food structure of the population due to improving the quality, biological value and taste characteristics of products. Just that is why, the aim of the work was to study the influence of milk thistle shot on quality parameters of the sour-milk beverage – kefir. It was established, that it had the homogenous consistence with a broken clot and color from white to creamy with shot particles. The increase of the milk thistle shot dose to 3 % and 4 % results in the taste with the brightly expressed milk thistle smack and brown color with the expressed milk thistle content. The viscosity of kefir with fms 2,5 % changes during seven days of storage, although remains rather high at 8 day, namely 47 s. The increase of the viscosity of kefir with milk thistle shot is explained by its hygroscopic properties, in which result free moisture of the product is bound. The analysis of microbiological parameters in the process of storage of kefir with milk thistle shot allows to make a conclusion about the satisfactory sanitary condition of the new product and its harmlessness for consumer's health. In the kefir with milk thistle shot the general amount of amino acids grew by 11,6 %, including irreplaceable ones – by 10,1 %, replaceable – by 12,6 %, that indicates its biological value.Addition of milk thistle shot to kefir didn't cause changes of the biological value of the protein component of the combined product. It is testified by the mean value of amino acid scores of control (129,3 %) and experimental (127,9 %) samples of kefir. Some growth of the valine score (3,6 %) can be noted.So, the combined product is characterized by the balanced amino acid composition. Due to adding milk thistle shot, consumption of amino acids, necessary for synthesis of proteins and essential number of compounds, vitally important for the human organism, grew

    Development of a recipe for a multicomponent mixture "Solodok +" to improve the consumer properties of bakery products

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    The object of research is the technology of bakery products enriched with a mixture of germinated grains of wheat, corn, barley and oats. Investigated problem: The problem of using a mixture of germinated grains is the formation of a closure sticky crumb in baked goods with a mixture. The reason for this is the high activity in the mixture of amylolytic and proteolytic enzymes. The solution to the problem consists in the developed multicomponent mixture (MM) to improve the consumer properties of bakery products, the formulation of which includes 15 % of the flour mass of the germinated grain mixture. Main scientific results: On the basis of experimental studies, the formulation of the "Solodok+" multicomponent mixture has been developed. The mixture contains: chicory inulin, dry milk whey enriched with Mg and Mn, apple pectin, phosphatide concentrate, enzyme preparation Deltamalt FN-A 50 and ascorbic acid. The optimal dose of the "Solodok+" MM for bakery products is 2.5 % by weight of flour. The area of practical use of the research results: "Solodok+" MM is recommended to be used in the production of bakery products enriched with sprouted grains at enterprises of the bakery industry of various capacities. An innovative technological product: "Solodok+" MM helps not only to reduce the stickiness of the crumb, improve its porosity, increase the volume of products, but also lengthen the freshness of unpackaged products. Scope of application of the innovative technological product: Bakery products with a mixture of sprouted grains and "Solodok+" MM have increased nutritional value, high consumer properties and are intended for a wide range of consumers


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    The necessary stage of technological process of “Urda” albumin cheese production is whey proteins extraction from sheep whey (in classic technology of product) or from the whey mixtures, offered in the work. For whey proteins extraction from whey the following ways are used: thermal, acid, acid-alkaline and chlorine-calcium. There was established the equal dependence of the influence of the way of proteins extraction from both sheep and cow whey on the output of protein mass. The most output of protein mass (3,47±0,10 %) is at the chlorine-calcium way of proteins extraction, a bit less – 3,41±0,08 % – at the acid-alkaline way. But the acidity of such protein mass, received by the chlorine-calcium and acid-alkaline ways is not high – 37,2±1,8 and 45,6±1,4 % respectively that negatively influences the gustatory qualities of product. The least output is registered at the thermal way. Albumin cheese, received from such protein mass, was the best by its gustatory qualities. The output of protein mass from sheep whey is 1,60 times higher than from cow whey. The mass share of proteins in protein mass, received from sheep whey is by 6,9…8,0 % higher comparing with one, received from cow whey. Protein mass, received from sheep whey by the chlorine-calcium and acid-alkaline ways has the low titrated acidity. Cheese, received from protein mass, received of sheep whey by the acid method, has the extremely high acidity values (115,5±1,5 °Т), excessive sour-milk flavor and smell. These results don-t allow to provide the long storage term. That is why it is recommended to use the thermal way for proteins extraction from sheep whey and for proteins extraction from cow way in the technology of “Urda” albumin cheese. So the thermal way of proteins extraction from the mixture of sheep and cow whey in ratio 1:1 or 3:1 can be used for “Urda” albumin cheese production. The use of cow whey gives a possibility to cheapen the product because cow whey is cheaper than sheep one. Such cheese has the improved organoleptic parameters, namely homogenous consistence, tender sour-milk flavor and smell


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    There was grounded the expedience of using “Amaranth” cryoadditive in the technology of processed cheeses. “Amaranth” cryoadditive contains necessary vitamins and microelements of the natural origin. The use of “Amaranth” cryopowder in the processed cheeses technology allows to enrich them with vitamins, mineral substances and food fibers. The main factors of introducing “Amaranth”  cryoadditive were: the normative organoleptic estimation of a product and its daily need. Introduction of “Amaranth” cryopowder in cheese masses results in the energetic value growth along with the treating-prophylactic effect. The complicated complex of chemical and biochemical compounds, included in the composition of “Amaranth” cryopowder, allows to relate it to products with the wide spectrum of treating-prophylactic and radio-protective properties. Organoleptic characteristics of processed cheeses with cryopowder “Amaranth” testified that experimental samples of cheese keep the tender, elastic and resilient consistence. They have the specific original taste and smell (of cream butter). They had the homogenous picture on the cut, paste of the light-yellow or yellow color with separate dots of amaranth (black-red color). The surface of experimental samples was clean, shiny, correspondent to standards. Experimental samples had the pleasant commodity look. Processed cheese, produced using “Amaranth” cryopowder, combines in itself traditional consumption properties with technological possibilities of functional-technological ingredients of the vegetable origin. The offered products widen the assortment of milk products of the treating-prophylactic direction.&nbsp


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    Dry whey enriched with magnesium and manganese (DW) that contains protein in the amount of 13 %, and a whey protein concentrate (WPC) with a protein content of 65 %, have been chosen as functional bases in the production of complex baking improvers with a targeted effect. When developing a composition of the complex improver, the rational dosage of DW is 2 % by weight of flour, and that of WPC – 3 % by weight of flour. Adding DW and WPC during the kneading of wheat flour dough predetermines a decrease in its gluten content, by 4 % and 6.1 %, respectively, after 20 minutes of the dough rest, and by 7.5 and 10.7 % after two hours of the dough fermentation. This is due to the introduction of lactic acid with milk processing products, which peptizes proteins resulting in that the gluten proteins are partially converted into water-soluble ones. If DW and WPC are included in the dough formulation, there is an increase in the total amount of proteins in it, as well as a change in their fractional composition: the mass fraction of water-soluble and intermediate fractions of proteins increases while the amount of gluten proteins decreases. That confirms a decrease in the amount of gluten washed out from the dough with the addition of DW and WPC. Increasing the mass fraction of water-soluble proteins contributes to the intensification of the fermentation process through the additional nutrition of microflora with nitrogenous substances and an increase in the content of free water in the dough, which predetermines its thinning. It was established that despite the high water absorption capacity of DW and WPC, the water-absorbing ability of the dough that contains them decreases compared to control by 8.4 and 10.7 %, respectively. Studying the dough at the farinograph has shown that in the case of using DW, its stability is somewhat prolonged while in the case of WPC introduction the dough stability is extended by almost 10 minutes, which leads to prolonging the dough kneading. Along with this, in the case of using WPC, there is a rapid descent of the farinogram curve, which could lead to a strong weakening of the dough during fermentation and rest, even though that the thinning after 12 minutes is lower than that of contro


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    The authors describe the Didactics of Physics as an effective system of standing used by a teacher of physical and technological profile. The basic provisions of using the conceptual theories of a scientific school “Theoretical and Technological Aspects of Objectification of Control over the Educational Activity” at the Kamenetz-Podolsk NationalUniversity named after Ivan Ogienko are described. “Methods of Teaching Physics” is one of the Pedagogical Sciences. Methods of Teaching Physics have appeared and have been developing due to the rapid progress of physics and its influence on the society. With the development of material and spiritual culture of the society the process of training the younger generation in school has expanded and become more complicated; the accumulation of scientific knowledge and the differentiation of science lead to the increasing number of subjects and extension of their contents. This is the main idea of this article


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    Rusk and ring-shaped bakery products relate to the group of long-stored ones. For today it is urgent to use ingredients that give products functional properties in food technologies. The important source of food fibers, full-value protein, unsaturated fatty acids, mineral substances and vitamins are grain and oil-bearing crops. Buckwheat and flax seeds are separated among them due to the valuable chemical composition and positive effect on the human organism. The aim of the work was to establish the influence of buckwheat flour and flax seeds on the technological process course and quality of long-stored bakery products. Buckwheat flour of green and dark buckwheat of TM “Organic-Eco-Product” (Ukraine) is used in the rusk technology. For producing ring-shaped products (ring-shaped crackers), gold flax seeds were used. Research results testify that good quality parameters of bread for producing rusks from it, were achieved at dosing green buckwheat seeds as 20 % and dark ones as 15 % instead of the flour mass. It has been established, that rusks with adding green buckwheat flour have quality parameters, corresponding to requirements of normative documents. It has been proven, that it is not expedient to use dark buckwheat flour in the rusk technology, because ready products have the increased water share and soaking index. It is connected with the influence of the operation of hydrothermal processing of grains that dark buckwheat flour is produced of, its high water-absorbing and water-retaining capacities. For the technology of ring-shaped crackers, enriched with flax seeds, it is recommended to dose flax seeds as 15 % of the flour mass. At such dosage bakery products got the highest number of points by the complex quality parameter and corresponded to requirements of normative documents

    Marketing management in entrepreneurial activity: strategical aspect

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    The article aimed at determination of the marketing management place and role in the business activities of modern enterprise. Different approaches of Ukrainian and foreign scientists to the «marketing management» term definition have been analyzed. It was determined that enterprises` marketing activities are aimed at establishing the current and, most importantly, strategical goals of the firm. It is noted that effective marketing management is one of the key factors of enterprise development, which allows business to obtain significant competitive advantages and promptly respond to challenges of external environment. It was determined that the effective marketing management model should be based on a systemic approach, which involves presenting marketing as an open system, which is strongly influenced by factors of the internal and external environment. It is noted that the modern enterprise marketing strategy is a component of its general strategy, which is formed on the basis of the marketing environment factors analysis
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