101 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Efficiency of Use of Polycomponent Acidifiers in the Technology of Rye- Wheat Bread

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    The polycomponent acidifiers “Optimal 1” and “Optimal 2” were elaborated at the National University of food technologies (Kyiv city, Ukraine) for intensifying the technology of rye-wheat bread and prolongation of its freshness.The composition of acidifiers includes the enzymatic preparations (EP) Glusim 10000 Mono (glucose oxidase) that favors the improvement of structural-mechanical properties of dough, EP Pentopan 500 BG (mixture of pentosanase and hemilcellulase) that favors the modification of non-starched polysaccharides and provides elastic crumb. For providing the proper dough acidity and intensification of the process of dough fermentation, the acidifier composition is added with citeric acid and dry milk serum (DMS), and for improving organoleptic parameters – with rye fermented malt (RFM). For increasing dough water-absorbing ability and keeping products\u27 freshness in the process of storage, guar gum is added.The optimal dosage of PCA “Optimal 1” and “Optimal 2” in the recipe of rye-wheat bread is 2 % to the flour mass.There are considered technological aspects of acidifiers use. There are considered processes, connected with stalling, loss of organoleptic and physical-chemical parameters of the bread quality at storage. The positive effect of acidifiers on the parameters of crumbling and swelling of bread crumb at the accelerated technology of its preparation. It was established, that the use of acidifiers favors the deceleration of rye-wheat bread staling. There was obtained the positive influence of acidifiers on preserving smell and taste of ready products. The obtained results prove the expedience of using the elaborated polycomponent acidifiers “Optimal 1” and “Optimal 2” in the technology of rye-wheat bread at its accelerated preparation. The use of the elaborated acidifiers favors the shortening of the technological process of rye-wheat bread production in 2,5-3 times and provide freshness, taste and smell preservation in ready products

    Investigation of the Influence of “Amaranth” Cryoadditive on Organoleptic and Microbiological Parameters of Processed Cheeses

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    There was grounded the expedience of using “Amaranth” cryoadditive in the technology of processed cheeses. “Amaranth” cryoadditive contains necessary vitamins and microelements of the natural origin. The use of “Amaranth” cryopowder in the processed cheeses technology allows to enrich them with vitamins, mineral substances and food fibers. The main factors of introducing “Amaranth” cryoadditive were: the normative organoleptic estimation of a product and its daily need.Introduction of “Amaranth” cryopowder in cheese masses results in the energetic value growth along with the treating-prophylactic effect. The complicated complex of chemical and biochemical compounds, included in the composition of “Amaranth” cryopowder, allows to relate it to products with the wide spectrum of treating-prophylactic and radio-protective properties.Organoleptic characteristics of processed cheeses with cryopowder “Amaranth” testified that experimental samples of cheese keep the tender, elastic and resilient consistence. They have the specific original taste and smell (of cream butter). They had the homogenous picture on the cut, paste of the light-yellow or yellow color with separate dots of amaranth (black-red color). The surface of experimental samples was clean, shiny, correspondent to standards.Experimental samples had the pleasant commodity look. Processed cheese, produced using “Amaranth” cryopowder, combines in itself traditional consumption properties with technological possibilities of functional-technological ingredients of the vegetable origin.The offered products widen the assortment of milk products of the treating-prophylactic direction

    Investigation of the Cinnamon Influence on the Wheat Bread Quality Enriched with Flax Seeds Oil Meal

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    The materials of the article are studies that are conducted with the aim of expanding the use of non-traditional raw materials for functional purposes in the technology of bakery products. Research is conducted to determine the effect of spiciness cinnamon on the quality of semi-finished products and finished bakery products from wheat flour enriched with flax seeds oil meal.To improve the quality of wheat bread, enriched with flax seeds oil meal, and expand the assortment of bakery products with health properties, the authors propose to use spice cinnamon in the formula of wheat bread in an amount of up to 2 % of the weight of flour. The taste and aroma of these products is characteristic of wheat bread with a pleasant cinnamon flavor. Dosage of cinnamon to 4 % of the flour mass also provides good consumer characteristics of products, however, more pronounced flavor and flavor of cinnamon can limit the circle of consumers of such products. The use of 6 % of cinnamon in the recipe of products leads to a significant deterioration in the volume of products and provides them with too intense flavor. Determination of the content of bisulphite-binding substances in the crumb and crust of products is confirmed by improvements in the fragrance of products with the addition of cinnamon.It has been established that the cinnamon in dough leads to an increase in the elastic properties of gluten, and the more, the more it is added. Along with this, it is noted that cinnamon leads to a decrease in the fermentation intensity of the dough. This is probably due to the active antibacterial properties of cinnamon, which suppress the yeast fermentation activity. These factors and cause the deterioration of the volume of finished products in the case of dosing cinnamon in an amount of 4 % or more.It has been proved that on the indicators of crumbling and deformation of the crumb, products with added cinnamon retain their freshness similarly to the control one. However, it is noted that the introduction of cinnamon reduces the amount of mold of microflora in products

    Influence of Milk Thistle Shot on Quality Parameters of the Sour-milk Beverage

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    Modern complicated ecological conditions cause a general necessity in improving the food structure of the population due to improving the quality, biological value and taste characteristics of products. Just that is why, the aim of the work was to study the influence of milk thistle shot on quality parameters of the sour-milk beverage – kefir. It was established, that it had the homogenous consistence with a broken clot and color from white to creamy with shot particles. The increase of the milk thistle shot dose to 3 % and 4 % results in the taste with the brightly expressed milk thistle smack and brown color with the expressed milk thistle content. The viscosity of kefir with fms 2,5 % changes during seven days of storage, although remains rather high at 8 day, namely 47 s. The increase of the viscosity of kefir with milk thistle shot is explained by its hygroscopic properties, in which result free moisture of the product is bound. The analysis of microbiological parameters in the process of storage of kefir with milk thistle shot allows to make a conclusion about the satisfactory sanitary condition of the new product and its harmlessness for consumer's health. In the kefir with milk thistle shot the general amount of amino acids grew by 11,6 %, including irreplaceable ones – by 10,1 %, replaceable – by 12,6 %, that indicates its biological value.Addition of milk thistle shot to kefir didn't cause changes of the biological value of the protein component of the combined product. It is testified by the mean value of amino acid scores of control (129,3 %) and experimental (127,9 %) samples of kefir. Some growth of the valine score (3,6 %) can be noted.So, the combined product is characterized by the balanced amino acid composition. Due to adding milk thistle shot, consumption of amino acids, necessary for synthesis of proteins and essential number of compounds, vitally important for the human organism, grew

    Changes in the quality of sour milk curds with candied fruit and dry licorice root during storage

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    In recent years, there has been a scientific interest in healthy nutrition, namely the development and consumption of products. which have a beneficial effect on the human body and can reduce the risk of various diseases. The work aimed to investigate the change in the quality of sour milk curds with candied fruit and dry licorice root during storage. The research was carried out at the Ivano-Frankivsk DP, as well as in the laboratory of the Department of Technology of Milk and Dairy Products of the Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies Lviv. When determining the titrated acidity in curds with candied fruit without licorice root during the storage period at a temperature of 4 ± 2 °C, it increases from 200 °T to 230 °T. In sour milk curds with candied fruit and dry licorice root, the titrated acidity on the first day of storage was 220 °C T, and on the fifth day – 230 °T. Since, according to the standard, fermented milk curds with candied fruit can be stored for no more than 3 days, based on the conducted research, we conclude that the newly made curds are entirely safe for consumption during the above period. Analyzing the microbiological indicators of newly created sour milk curds with candied fruit and dry licorice root, we can conclude that this product is harmless to health, as its sanitary condition meets the standard's requirements. Thus, using dry licorice root in producing sour milk curds with candied fruit as a non-dairy additive does not impair the microbiological indicators of this type of curd

    Relationship of the psychosomatic status of pediatric interns and the efficiency of their education

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    The results of a study of psychoemotional and psychosomatic status in a group of interns who are trained in an internship in the specialty "Pediatrics" are presented. It is established that changes in the psychosomatic status and personal characteristics of interns have a significant negative impact on the results of their training.In conducting the survey of interns-pediatricians found average levels of personal anxiety, extraversion and neuroticism. It should also be emphasized that signs of autonomic dysfunction were diagnosed in 65.0% of interns. The results of the final certification of interns were positively associated with their level of motivation (r = 0.40, p <0.05) and the severity of autonomic dysfunction (r = 0.58, p <0.05). It was established a feedback between the results of certification with complaints of pain syndrome of various localization (r = -0.37, p <0.05), complaints from the cardiovascular system (r = -0.42, p <0.05) and the level of personal anxiety (r = -0.36, p <0.05)

    Розроблення технології кисломолочного напою з ягодами годжі

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    Fermented milk products are popular and have a positive effect on human health due to probiotics. According to statistical studies, yogurt is consumed the most. The work aims to develop the technology of yogurt drinks using goji berries and honey in their technology. The work was carried out in the laboratory of the department of technology of milk and dairy products of Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies Lviv. The peculiarities of the technology of fermented milk products with goji berries and honey and methods of introducing new recipe components were studied. The developed fermented milk drink with goji berries and honey expands the range of drinks of this group. Formulation components are natural stabilizers of natural origin. Such a product can be recommended to all age groups of the population. The choice of functional ingredients – goji berries and flower honey, in the technology of fermented milk drinks – is justified. Recipes for sour-milk yogurt drinks have been developed. It was established that the optimal dose of ground goji berries is 1.5 %, and flower honey is 7.5 %. The organoleptic indicators of the finished products were studied, and a point assessment was carried out, based on the results of which a profile frame was built. The results indicate the high taste qualities of the proposed products. The obtained organoleptic characteristics of the fermented milk drink with goji berries and honey established that the experimental samples possessed normative organoleptic characteristics. According to the results of the organoleptic evaluation and the study of physicochemical parameters, formulation No. 2 was chosen for production. Changes in fermented milk products' active and titrated acidity during the 20-day storage period were studied. Based on the research results, the storage period is determined to be no more than ten days. The developed products meet the hygienic requirements according to microbiological indicators. The total number of microorganisms in the test sample is higher than usual, which makes the product beneficial for health.Кисломолочні продукти популярні і мають позитивний вплив на здоров’я людини через присутність пробіотиків. За статистичними дослідженнями найбільше споживається йогурт. Метою роботи є розроблення технології йогуртових напоїв із використанням у їхній технології ягодів годжі та меду. Робота виконувалась у лабораторії кафедри технології молока і молочних продуктів Львівського національного університету ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій імені С. З. Ґжицького. Вивчено особливості технології  кисломолочного продукту з ягодами годжі та медом та способи внесення нових рецептурних компонентів. Розроблений кисломолочний напій з ягодами годжі і медом розширює асортимент напоїв цієї групи. Рецептурні компоненти натуральні, стабілізатори природного походження. Такий продукт можна рекомендувати всім віковим групам населення. Обґрунтовано вибір функціональних інгредієнтів – ягід годжі та меду квіткового, у технології кисломолочних напоїв. Розроблено рецептури кисломолочного йогуртового напою. Встановлено, що оптимальною дозою мелених ягід годжі є 1,5 %, а меду квіткового – 7,5 %. Досліджено органолептичні показники готових продуктів та проведено бальну оцінку, за результатами якої побудовано профілораму. Результати вказують про високі смакові якості запропонованих продуктів. Із отриманих органолептичних характеристик кисломолочного напою з ягодами годжі і медом встановлено, що дослідні зразки володіли нормативними органолептичними характеристиками. За результатами органолептичної оцінки і дослідження фізико-хімічних показників для впровадження у виробництво обрано рецептуру № 2. Досліджено зміни активної та титрованої кислотності кисломолочних продуктів впродовж 20-денного терміну зберігання. За результатами досліджень встановлено термін зберігання не більше 10 діб. Розроблені продукти за мікробіологічними показниками відповідають гігієнічним вимогам. Загальна кількість мікроорганізмів у дослідному зразку є більшою від норми, що робить продукт корисним для здоровʼя

    Дослідження якісних показників морозива парфе з овочевими наповнювачами

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    The ice cream market is one of the developed segments of the food industry of Ukraine. Ice cream is a frozen product that is consumed all over the world. The work aimed to investigate the quality of parfait ice cream with vegetable fillings. The selection and justification of the components of the system, namely quail eggs, celery root, spinach leaves, was based on literature data and regulatory documentation, as well as laboratory data. Celery and spinach puree was chosen as one of the recipe components of ice cream, and the peculiarities of its preparation were studied. Parfait ice cream recipes with different ratios of vegetable fillers and pumpkin flour have been developed. The physiological and organoleptic parameters of ice cream with additional pumpkin flour, celery, and spinach puree were studied. According to the obtained results, the optimal content of pumpkin flour in ice cream is equal to 2–4 %, and vegetable puree – 25–35 %. It has been proved that pumpkin flour significantly affects the structural characteristics of ice cream mixes. They were melting resistance increases from 100 to 145 minutes. When increasing the flour content to 4 %. The dry matter content in ice cream varies depending on the amount of vegetable puree and pumpkin flour. However, the mass fraction of fat and dry nonfat milk residue does not change because the experimental samples were developed based on the composition of the control sample. Studies show that the new frozen dessert retains microbiological stability for six months. The combination of vegetable and dairy raw materials with pumpkin flour and quail eggs in the production of parfait ice cream provides the necessary whipping. It allows obtaining a product with specified rheological and physicochemical parameters.Ринок морозива є одним з розвинених сегментів харчової промисловості України. Морозиво – це заморожений продукт, який вживають у всьому світі. Метою роботи було дослідити якісні показники морозива парфе з овочевими наповнювачами. Вибір і обґрунтування компонентів системи, а саме яєць перепелиних, кореня селери, листя шпинату базувався на літературних даних і нормативній документації, а також даних лабораторних досліджень. Одним із рецептурних компонентів морозива було обрано пюре із селери і шпинату та досліджено особливості його приготування. Розроблено рецептури морозива парфе із різним співвідношенням овочевих наповнювачів та гарбузового борошна. Досліджено фізико-хімічні й органолептичні показники морозива з різним вмістом гарбузового борошна і пюре селери та шпинату. За сукупністю одержаних результатів обрано оптимальний вміст гарбузового борошна в морозиві, що дорівнює 2–4 %, а овочевого пюре – 25–35 %. Доведено, що гарбузове борошно суттєво впливає на структурні характеристики сумішей для морозива. Опір до танення збільшується із 100 до 145 хв при збільшенні вмісту борошна до 4 %. Вміст сухих речовин у морозиві змінюється залежно від кількості овочевого пюре та гарбузового борошна. Проте масова частка жиру та сухого знежиреного молочного залишку не змінюється, оскільки дослідні зразки розроблялися, виходячи зі складу контрольного зразка. Проведені дослідження свідчать, що новий заморожений десерт зберігає мікробіологічну стабільність протягом 6 місяців. Комбінування овочевої та молочної сировини із використанням гарбузового борошна і перепелиних яєць при виробництві морозива парфе забезпечує необхідну збитість і дає змогу отримати продукт із заданими реологічними і фізико-хімічними показниками

    Удосконалення технології сиркових виробів з цукатами з гарбуза

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    The purpose of the work was to improve the technology of multicomponent milk and protein products – curd products with functional and technological components – pumpkin succades, the use of which will allow to increase the biological value and stability of quality indicators of production. Succades are confectionery made from whole or sliced fruits, cooked with sugar, dried or sugar-coated or glazed. Production of succades from local cheap carotene containing raw materials, such as pumpkin, allows to expand the range of vegetable succades of domestic production. The experimental part of the work was performed at the Department of Milk and Dairy Technology of Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies Lviv. The research included the development of technology of succade of pumpkin and lemon balm, the choice of ways to make them at the optimum stages of the technological process, the improvement of curd mass technology, the development of their formulations, the study of the quality of the finished product. Raw materials used in the work comply with the State Standard of Ukraine and the requirements of other regulations in Ukraine. The study of a complex of indicators of the chemical composition of pumpkin succades indicates their high nutritional value. On the basis of literature and experimental studies, three variants of formulations of curd masses of high biological value have been developed. Pumpkin succades technology has been developed that has excellent organoleptic characteristics due to the preservation of color, taste of native raw materials and high nutritional value. Technology has been improved and technological parameters of curd production are described. In order to implement the developed technology in the shops for the production of new dairy products at the dairy enterprises it is not necessary to carry out the modernization or reconstruction of production. Experimental studies have determined the optimal dose of pumpkin succades, which is 50–100 kg. The basic physicochemical indices of curd products that meet the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation are investigated.Метою роботи було удосконалити технологію багатокомпонентних молочно-білкових продуктів – сиркових виробів з функціонально-технологічними складовими – цукатами з гарбуза, використання яких дасть змогу підвищити біологічну цінність та стабільність якісних показників продукції. Цука́ти – це кондитерські вироби із цілих або нарізаних плодів і ягід, зварених з цукром, підсушених і осипаних цукром або глазурованих.  Виробництво цукатів з місцевої дешевої каротинвміщуючої сировини, такої як гарбуз, дозволяє розширити асортимент овочевих цукатів вітчизняного виробництва. Експериментальна частина роботи виконана на кафедрі технології молока і молочних продуктів Львівського національного університету ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій імені С.З. Ґжицького. Дослідження включали розроблення технології цукатів із гарбуза з мелісою лимонною, вибір способів їх внесення на оптимальних стадіях технологічного процесу, удосконалення технології сиркових мас, розробку їх рецептур, дослідження якісних показників готового продукту. Сировина, яка використовувалась в роботі відповідала ДСТУ та вимогам іншої діючої в Україні нормативної документації. Дослідження комплексу показників хімічного складу цукатів з гарбуза вказує про їх високу харчову цінність. На основі літературних даних та експериментальних досліджень розроблено три варіанти рецептур сиркових мас підвищеної біологічної цінності. Розроблено технологію цукатів з гарбуза, які відрізняються відмінними органолептичними показниками завдяки збереженню кольору, смаку нативної сировини і мають високу харчову цінність. Удосконалено технологію та описано технологічні параметри виробництва сиркових виробів. Для впровадження розробленої технології у цехах з виробництва нових молочних продуктів на підприємствах молокопереробної галузі не потрібно здійснювати модернізацію або реконструкцію виробництва. Експериментальними дослідженнями  визначено оптимальну дозу внесеня цукатів з гарбуза, яка складає 50–100 кг. Досліджено основні фізико-хімічні показники сиркових виробів, які відповідають вимогам нормативно-технічної документації