37 research outputs found

    Higher order approximation of analytic sets by topologically equivalent algebraic sets

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    International audienceIt is known that every germ of an analytic set is homeomorphic to the germ of an algebraic set. In this paper we show that the homeomorphism can be chosen in such a way that the analytic and algebraic germs are tangent with any prescribed order of tangency. Moreover, the space of arcs contained in the algebraic germ approximates the space of arcs contained in the analytic one, in the sense that they are identical up to a prescribed truncation order

    Approximation of holomorphic maps from Runge domains to affine algebraic varieties

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    We present a geometric proof of the theorem saying that holomorphic maps from Runge domains to affine algebraic varieties admit approximation by Nash maps. Next we generalize this theorem.Comment: 24 pages; Proposition 3.3 of v1 is replaced in v2 by a much simpler Proposition 4.2; Proof of Proposition 3.6 of v1 is simplified (see Proposition 4.3 in v2); Proof of the main theorem is simplified, its outline and generalization are adde

    Immunohistochemical localization of selected pro-inflammatory factors in uterine myomas and myometrium in women of various ages

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    Uterine myomas represent one of the most frequently manifested benign tumors in women. They originate from smooth muscle cells of myometrium or its blood vessels. Many studies suggest that inflammation and pro-inflammatory factors may play a role in the carcinogenesis with an involvement of the transcription factor NF-kappaB which activity can be controlled by various environmental factors, including many cytokines. The aim of the study was to investigate the expression of NF-B, interleukin-1β (IL-1β), tumor necrosis factor a (TNF-α), cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in myometrium and uterine myomas of women of various age. The expression of NF-kappaB, selected cytokines and enzymes was estimated in women of reproductive or perimenopausal age by semiquantitative immunohistochemistry. The expression of the examined proteins was higher in myomas than in control myometrium and was dependent on the size of myomas and the age of women. However, the expression of the cytoplasmic NF-kappaB observed in uterine myomas was independent on the size of myomas and no significant differences were observed in the number of stained nuclei between control and myoma groups. Thus, the expression of proinflammatory factors in myomas was not accompanied by the nuclear activation of NF-kappaB p65. The results of our study indicate that the examined factors may be involved in the pathogenesis of benign tumors and not only malignant diseases. (Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica 2013, Vol. 51, No. 1, 73–83

    Inherited thrombophilia in patients with chronic venous leg ulceration

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    Background. Chronic venous ulceration (CVU), which is the end stage of the complex of symptoms of chronic venous disease (CVD), is a significant health problem. One of the major causes of CVU is deep venous thrombosis (DVT). Thrombophilia is diagnosed in about 41% of patients with a history of DVT. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of inherited thrombophilia (IT) in patients with CVU. Material and methods. During 24 months, a group of 110 patients with CVU and a group of 110 healthy people were studied. There were no significant differences in age or sex between the two groups. All patients in the study group were assessed as C5 or C6 according to CEAP classification. The patients underwent clinical and Doppler ultrasonography examination. Blood was drawn for antithrombin (AT), protein C (PC) and S (PS), factor V Leiden (VL), prothrombin G20210A (PT), LA, and ACL. Results. From the group of 110 CVU patients, IT was diagnosed in 33 (30%), LA in 5 (4.5%), and ACL in 12 (10.9%). Conclusions. Our results suggest that IT might be one of several important thrombotic risk factors which lead to CVU.Wstęp. Owrzodzenie żylne podudzi (CVU) jest końcowym etapem objawów przewlekłej choroby żylnej (CVD). Jedną z głównych przyczyn powstawania CVU jest zakrzepica żył głębokich (DVT). Trombofilia, uznana za jeden z głównych czynników ryzyka żylnej choroby zakrzepowo-zatorowej, jest zaburzeniem mechanizmu hemostazy usposabiającym do zakrzepicy. Trombofilię wykrywa się u 41% chorych z DVT. Celem pracy było ustalenie częstości występowania wrodzonej trombofilii oraz rodzaju występujących wrodzonych czynników ryzyka zakrzepicy: antytrombiny, białka C i białka S, mutacji typu Leiden genu czynnika V i mutacji G20210A genu protrombiny u chorych z owrzodzeniami żylnymi podudzi i nawrotowymi owrzodzeniami żylnymi podudzi oraz ocena ciężkości przebiegu klinicznego owrzodzenia żylnego podudzi u chorych z obecnymi wrodzonymi czynnikami ryzyka zakrzepicy oraz bez takich czynników, wya także ocena wpływu przeciwciał antyfosfolipidowych na rozwój owrzodzeń żylnych podudzi u chorych z wrodzoną trombofilią i bez niej. Materiał i metody. W okresie 24 miesięcy przebadano 110 chorych z CVU (C5 i C6 według klasyfikacji CEAP) oraz 110 zdrowych osób. U każdego chorego wykonano dopplerowskie badanie USG układu żylnego, oceniono wartość wskaźnika kostka–ramię, wypełniano kwestionariusz włączenia do badania. Obwodową krew żylną pobierano w celu oznaczenia antytrombiny (AT), białka C (PC) i S (PS), czynnika V Leiden (VL), protrombiny G20210A (PT), antykoagulanta toczniowego (LA), przeciwciał antykardiolipinowych (ACL). Wyniki. Z grupy 110 chorych z CVU czynniki ryzyka wrodzonej trombofilii (IT) wykryto u 33 (30%), LA u 5 (4,5%), ACL u 12 (10,9%). Spośród 110 badanych 64 chorych z CVU (58,2%) przebyło DVT potwierdzoną za pomocą badania klinicznego i dopplerowskiego badania USG, w tym u 35 (31,8%) miała ona charakter nawrotowy. Wszyscy chorzy, u których wykryto czynniki ryzyka IT, LA, ACL, przebyli w przeszłości proksymalną i/lub dystalną DVT udokumentowaną dopplerowskim badaniem USG. U 88% chorych z CVU i IT wystąpiła nawrotowa DVT oraz nawrót CVU. U chorych z wrodzoną trombofilią CVU po raz pierwszy pojawiało się w młodszym wieku, utrzymywało się dłużej pomimo stosowania podobnych lub zbliżonych metod leczniczych, charakteryzowało się większą skłonnością do nawrotów w porównaniu z CVU występującym u pacjentów bez wrodzonej trombofilii. Wnioski. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań sugerują, że wrodzona trombofilia i nabyte czynniki krzepnięcia, pojedynczo lub współwystępując, mogą być ważnymi czynnikami zakrzepowymi doprowadzającymi do powstania i rozwoju CVU

    Is callose a barrier for lead ions entering Lemna minor L. root cells?

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    Plants have developed a range of strategies for resisting environmental stresses. One of the most common is the synthesis and deposition of callose, which functions as a barrier against stress factor penetration. The aim of our study was to examine whether callose forms an efficient barrier against Pb penetration in the roots of Lemna minor L. exposed to this metal. The obtained results showed that Pb induced callose synthesis in L. minor roots, but it was not deposited regularly in all tissues and cells. Callose occurred mainly in the protoderm and in the centre of the root tip (procambial central cylinder). Moreover, continuous callose bands, which could form an efficient barrier for Pb penetration, were formed only in the newly formed and anticlinal cell walls (CWs); while in other CWs, callose formed only small clusters or incomplete bands. Such an arrangement of callose within root CWs inefficiently protected the protoplast from Pb penetration. As a result, Pb was commonly present inside the root cells. In the light of the results, the barrier role of callose against metal ion penetration appears to be less obvious than previously believed. It was indicated that induction of callose synthesis is not enough for a successful blockade of the stress factor penetration. Furthermore, it would appear that the pattern of callose distribution has an important role in this defence strategy

    Analysis of Questionnaire Results Using Metric Methods

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    The paper presents the application of the metric methods to the analysis of the questionnaires used in various fields. The generic methodology is presented, including particular modules, responsible for the subsequent operations. They include generation of category patterns based on the available data, application of envelopes, dataset complexity assessment and performing classification of questionnaire results. Metrics applied in the presented research are then introduced. The methodology is tested on three data sets from the psychological, sociological and educational domains. Results show the advantage of our approach compared to the standard classification and decision making methods. Also, it may be used for the results interpretation, finding relations in data, or evaluation the test discriminating power (regarding each question separately).Proposed methodology may be found beneficial in all areas where questionnaire data is used - from classical diagnosis to HCI and big-data applications

    Local topological algebraicity of analytic function germs

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    International audienceT. Mostowski showed that every (real or complex) germ of an analytic set is homeomorphic to the germ of an algebraic set. In this paper we show that every (real or complex) analytic function germ, defined on a possibly singular analytic space, is topologically equivalent to a polynomial function germ defined on an affine algebraic variety

    Parametrisation of deflection curve flexible pavement

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    W artykule opisano koncepcję wyrażenia dyskretnej postaci krzywej ugięć nawierzchni funkcją ciągłą, której jądro ma postać rozkładu t-Studenta. Przedstawiona postać funkcji (funkcji aproksymacyjnej) zależy od czterech parametrów, które poddano analizie pod kątem możliwości wykorzystania ich do formułowania prostych kryteriów oceny stanu technicznego nawierzchni metodami semi-inwazyjnymi. Przyjmując na podstawie literatury formułę oceny stanu technicznego podłoża nawierzchni przy wykorzystaniu parametru czaszy ugięć znanego jako BCI ustalono, że jeden z parametrów funkcji aproksymacyjnej wskazuje na identyczne zmiany stanu technicznego podłoża nawierzchni odcinka testowego. Tym samym potwierdza się przesłanie, że zarówno na podstawie parametrów sformułowanych w sposób klasyczny, jak i proponowanych przez autorów artykułu, można budować empiryczne kryteria oceny stanu technicznego nawierzchni, wspierając jednocześnie metodykę tworzenia strategii utrzymania w systemach zarządzania nawierzchnią.The paper describes the concept of expressing the discrete form of the pavement deflection curve with a continuous function, the kernel of which is in the form of a Student’s t-distribution. The presented form of the function (approximation function) depends on four parameters, which were analyzed in terms of the possibility of using them to formulate simple criteria for assessing the technical condition of the pavement using semi-invasive methods (like FWD type methods). Assuming, based on the technical description of the known formula of BCI parameter for assessing the technical condition of the pavement subbase, it was determined that one of the parameters of the approximation function lead to the same conclusions as ones based on BCI values. This confirms the message that both based on parameters formulated in a classical way and those proposed by the authors of this article, one can build empirical criteria for assessing the technical condition of the pavement, while supporting the methodology of creating a maintenance strategies in pavement management systems