1,207 research outputs found

    Mariner 1964 probability of success model

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    Mathematical model of Mariner mission success probabilit

    Systems comparison of direct and relay link data return modes for advanced planetary missions

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    Advanced planetary missions using direct and relay link data return mode

    Cation distribution and local crystal chemistries of calcium-containing pyroxenes

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    Irregularities have been observed in the Curie temperatures of a series of synthetic pyroxenes, CaxFel-,SiO,. For example, the x = 0.15 sample exhibited a Curie point of 40K, whereas for x = 0.02 and x = 0.10, the Curie points were 40K and 37K, respectively. These results suggest that one or more of these samples is not single phase or deviates from the reported stoichiometry. The 3OOK Mossbauer spectra of these samples have been reported to lead to erroneous cation distributions. The magnetic properties suggest that the cation distributions might be in error because of deviations o£ the sample composition from the expected ones. Since a considerable body of thermodynamic and crystal chemistry depends on a clarification of the basis for the apparently erroneous cation distributions in cakium-containing clinopyroxenes, we have reinvestigated the "Fe Mossbauer spectra of the synthetic pyroxenes at 300K and between 60K and 4.2K. Our results are in qualitative agreement with those reported earlier on these specimens, but absorption features have been observed near 0.8 mm S-' which have not been reported before. Impurity Fe-containing phases or non-equilibrium single-phase materials are implicated as the sources of the absorptions near 0.8 mm S-' by the erratic magnetic properties of some of the sarnples and by the fact that even for dinopyroxenes, these samples exhibit spectra with unusual features


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    Perusahaan Roti kering kenari cap tiga daun merupakan salah satu perusahaan kecil di desa Mamala. Perusahaan manufaktur harus teliti dalam setiap proses produksi agar dapat menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas dan memperoleh keuntungan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengoptimalkan persediaan bahan baku dan produksi roti kering kenari. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) dan Economic Production Quantity (EPQ). Pada penelitian awal , peneliti mendapati persediaan bahan baku pada tahun 2019, 2020, dan 2021 masih cukup besar. Peneliti juga mendapati pada tahun 2019 kelebihan produksi sebesar (10,55%) dari total produksi, pada tahun 2020 sebesar (11%) dari total produksi, pada tahun 2021 sebesar (10,10%) dari total produksi. Persediaan bahan baku optimal tiap kali pesan pada tahun 2019 kenari sebesar 702,61 kg, terigu sebesar 1.719,61 kg, margarin sebesar 195,92 kg, gula sebesar 333,72 kg, dan ragi sebesar 104,72. Pada tahun 2020 kenari sebesar 758,36 kg, terigu sebesar 1.777,13 kg, margarin sebesar 191,98 kg, gula sebesar 320,51 kg, dan ragi sebesar 94,98 kg. Pada tahun 2021 kenari sebesar 649,72 kg, terigu sebesar 1.742,63 kg, margarin sebesar 180,95 kg, gula sebesar 303,97 kg, dan ragi sebesar 92,12. Produksi optimal pada tahun 2019 sebesar 112,85 kg, tahun 2020 sebesar 108,77 kg, tahun 2021 sebesar 111,11 kg