572 research outputs found

    Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis (Jäger, 1839) (Mammalia, Rhinocerotidae) from European Russia: A new, detailed inventory of sites and referred material

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    This paper presents a status review of the fossil remains discovered in European Russia and assigned to Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis (Jäger, 1839). Similarly to other areas, this taxon appears rare in European Russia, despite its wide distribution. Furthermore, a large part of the S. kirchbergensis material reported in literature is presently untraceable in the Russian museum collections. In fact, from a total of twenty-one sites, the material is physically available from only three of them. In addition, the remains from Podosinik, previously not mentioned in literature, are reported here. The available material has been studied using descriptive morphological characters. This study follows a previous treatment of the related sites and material from Siberian Russia by the same author. Stephanorhinus is considered here as a synonym of Dicerorhinus

    The Philosophy of Tamerlane.

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    Role of Hypothermia in Cardiogenic Shock

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    While patient management in the intensive care unit has undoubtedly improved over the last 20 years, many questions remain. Neurological prognostication has become very important and aided in improving survival outcomes over time. The limited number of randomized control trials and limitations from currently completed studies leave the field with little certainty regarding targeted temperature management. In addition, implementing hypothermia can use multiple methods and protocols that impact the interpretation and comparison of results

    The Peace Idea.

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    The Metaphysical Point of View of Italy in the Turkish War.

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    Quattro località sul territorio istriano-quarnerino-dalmata – S. Sergio (^rni Kal, Capodistria), Volosco (Volosko) ovvero Preluca/Preluk (Abbazia) e sulle isole di Lussino (Lo{inj) e di Lesina (Hvar) – hanno restituito, in epoche diverse, resti ascrivibili a una specie di rinoceronte pleistocenico, Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis (Jäger, 1839) (= Rhinoceros mercki vel R. kirchbergensis Jäger, 1839 = Dicerorhinus mercki vel D. kirchbergensis [Jäger, 1839]). Resti riferiti a questa specie sono stati rinvenuti in gran parte dell’Eurasia, escludendo le alte e le basse latitudini, salvo che per una località situata a circa 64° N in Yakutja (Repubblica Saha, Siberia orientale) che, a tutt’oggi, rappresenta la più settentrionale in assoluto. Al presente, i rinoceronti sono rappresentati solamente da sei specie, tre in Asia, tre in Africa. Il nome generico “Stephanorhinus” fu proposto da M. Kretzoï, nel 1942, in onore del sovrano magiaro Stefano I. In epoca recente, tanto il materiale russo che quello italiano riconducibile a S. kirchbergensis è stato completamente revisionato dall’autore adottando criteri odonto-morfologici e non metrici. Immediatamente dopo il paragrafo introduttivo, si è ritenuto opportuno soffermarsi sulla famiglia Rhinocerotidae – alla quale appartiene S. kirchbergensis – cui segue un breve excursus storico concernente la specie.Na ~etiri lokaliteta istarsko-dalmatinskog podru~ja – ^rni Kal (op}ina Koper), Volosko, odnosno Preluk (Opatija) i na otocima Lo{inju i Hvaru – prona|eni su, u razli~itim periodima, ostaci koji se mogu pripisati odre|enoj vrsti pleistocenskog nosoroga Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis (Jäger, 1839) (= Rhinoceros mercki vel R. kirchbergensis Jäger, 1839 = Dicerorhinus mercki vel D. kirchbergensis “Jäger, 1839”). Spominju se jo{ i neki drugi lokaliteti na obli‘njim prostorima na kojima je prona|en manji broj ostataka koji se mogu pripisati istoj ‘ivotinjskoj skupini. S. kirchbergensis (poznat jo{ i kao “nosorog Mercka” na ruskom, ili “Merck’s Rhinoceros” na engleskom) je na temelju dosada{njih znanstvenih spoznaja jo{ uvijek malo istra‘en nosorog i shodno tome slabo poznat. Oskudni i lo{e datirani ostaci koji se odnose na tu vrstu prona|eni su u velikom dijelu Euroazije, isklju~uju}i visoke i niske geografske {irine, osim za jedan lokalitet koji se nalazi na 64 N u Jakutiji (Republika Saha, isto~ni Sibir), koji je i do danas najsjevernija to~ka nalazi{ta. Ostaci te ‘ivotinjske skupine, u~estaliji u zapadnoj Europi nego u isto~noj Europi i u Aziji, tijekom protekla dva stolje}a prona|ena su u ju‘noj Engleskoj, Francuskoj, Njema~koj, Austriji, Italiji, Sloveniji, Hrvatskoj, Ma|arskoj, ^eskoj, Slova~koj, Moldaviji, Rusiji, Kazakhstanu, Koreji, Kini, a mo‘da i u Ukrajini, Armeniji, Azerbaid‘anu i Tad‘ikistanu. Po sada{njim saznanjima postoji samo {est vrsta tog nosoroga, tri u Europi i tri u Aziji. Op}i naziv Stephanorhinus predlo‘io je 1942. god. M. Kretzoï, u ~ast ma|arskog kralja Stjepana I. Autor je nedavno izvr{io potpunu reviziju ruskog i talijanskog materijala koji se odnosi na tu ‘ivotinju, primjenjuju}i odonto-morfolo{ki, a ne metri~ki kriterij. Smatrao je korisnim, nakon uvodnog poglavlja, razmotriti porodicu Rhinocerontidae – kojoj pripada i S. kirchbergensis – nakon ~ega slijedi kratak povijesni osvrt o toj vrsti


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    ABSTRACT The researcher conducted of the analysis of students difficulties in translating argumentative text from English to Indonesian which observed and analyzed from students at eleventh grade of SMAN 1 Abung Selatan in the academic year of 2022/2023. The research conducted by using qualitative descriptive method, which describes the natural stated in depth and detail about the difficulties in translating English into Indonesian. The objects of the research were the accuracy, acceptability and readability. The aim of the research was to know the difficulties of students in translating English into Indonesian. The researcher used reading, analyzing, writing and concluding the score as a students translation product. The instrument used observation, interview and test as a key instrument to help sheet questions and answers and the table of translation quality assessment. The result of the research showed that 68,57% or 24 of 35 students was difficulties in understanding the meaning of the source language so it makes it difficult for them to translate it into the target language as the difficulties in linguistic factor. It was caused by the lack of vocabulary, knowledge and understanding about translation was still less. And 62,85% or 22 of 35 students was difficult in translating words related to cultural values as the difficulties in non-linguistic factor. It can be concluded that students difficulties in linguistic factor more prominent than the non linguistic factor. Keyword : Argumentative Text, Translation English To Indonesian, Analysis Students’ Difficulties, Descriptive Qualitativ

    Berobat Kampung: Religion and Traditional Knowledge of Seeking Recovery in Borneo

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    This article explores the variants of tradition in seeking recovery within a group of religious community in the upstream Kapuas in Borneo island. It is presented using indigenous psychology, narrative analysis and psycho-anthropology. The data were collected using the techniques of in-depth interviews, psycho-anthropological observations, narrative interpretation and documentation. This work finds that the use of Quranic verses and dhikr as well as religious symbols are are very prominent. The people of the upstream Kapuas river interpret and leave a legacy for traditional healing, beginning with an "agreement", reciting a prayer, enhancing, testing to form and hardening. Passing occurs in a closed, difficult and secret process. The preservation of traditional healing is due to very important facts; that it is low cost, being located far from modern health facilities and short time between risk of death and health resources. In addition, the traditional healers are always ready, providing fast treatment, guaranteed recovery from certain types of diseases. This article suggests that the Sufistic-style traditional healing is profound within the tradition

    Unusual Masquerading Infraorbital Mass-A Case Report of Human Ocular Dirofilariosis Found in A Ukrainian Patient in Switzerland.

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    A 78-year-old Ukrainian woman who had immigrated to Switzerland presented with a rapid growing subcutaneous infraorbital mass. Surgical excision of the mass revealed a well-circumscribed, encapsulated tumor, adherent to the skin. The excision showed a soft tissue inflammation with parts of Dirofilaria spp. The number of cases of human dirofilariosis reported in the last 50 years has gradually increased. Dirofilaria repens is now endemic in many countries and is currently considered to be one of the fast spreading zoonoses in Central, Eastern and Northern Europe. The first empirical evidence of Swiss spreading of D. repens infections was in a dog from southern Switzerland in 1998. Ours is the first case of human orbital dirofilariosis found in a Ukranian patient reported in Switzerland. Our purpose is to inform the ophthalmologist to consider orbital dirofilariosis in the differential diagnosis of inflammatory masses of the orbit and to warn about the spread of this infection in Switzerland