92 research outputs found

    Biomass in Evolving World - Individual’s Point of View

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    Our studies included some autochthonous and regional grape varieties grown in the Republic of North Macedonia. The autochthonous varieties were examined - White winter, Konchanka, Stanushina, Ohrid black and Ohrid white, and the regional varieties - Vranec, Prokupec, Smederevka, Zilavka and Zupljanka were examined. The tests were divided into three methodological units. The first method was applied to all varieties - data collection, history and comparison with other tests. The second method was performed on all varieties - ampelographic identification because we had samples from all varieties. In some of the varieties, the third method was performed, that is, genetic (DNA) identification was made in the period from 2010 to 2020 in different examination centers and at different times. The results are compared with the results of a study by Professor M. Aradhya of the USDA Research Center, Davis CA, USA. He has performed a wide range of genetic identification on a number of autochthonous varieties in Europe and Asia, including varieties in the Balkans. With the second method of examination - ampelographic identification according to O.I.V. descriptors we got the most realistic results. An ampelographic description of certain characteristics of the individual organs of the vine was performed and it was concluded that the varieties according to their anatomical and physiological characteristics belong to 2 groups: ecological-geographical group Black Sea varieties, subgroup Balcanica and ecological-geographical group Eastern varieties, subgroup Antasiatica


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    Our studies included some autochthonous and regional grape varieties grown in the Republic of North Macedonia. The autochthonous varieties were examined - White winter, Konchanka, Stanushina, Ohrid black and Ohrid white, and the regional varieties - Vranec, Prokupec, Smederevka, Zilavka and Zupljanka were examined. The tests were divided into three methodological units. The first method was applied to all varieties - data collection, history and comparison with other tests. The second method was performed on all varieties - ampelographic identification because we had samples from all varieties. In some of the varieties, the third method was performed, that is, genetic (DNA) identification was made in the period from 2010 to 2020 in different examination centers and at different times. The results are compared with the results of a study by Professor M. Aradhya of the USDA Research Center, Davis CA, USA. He has performed a wide range of genetic identification on a number of autochthonous varieties in Europe and Asia, including varieties in the Balkans. With the second method of examination - ampelographic identification according to O.I.V. descriptors we got the most realistic results. An ampelographic description of certain characteristics of the individual organs of the vine was performed and it was concluded that the varieties according to their anatomical and physiological characteristics belong to 2 groups: ecological-geographical group Black Sea varieties, subgroup Balcanica and ecological-geographical group Eastern varieties, subgroup Antasiatica

    Change of bronchial hyperresponsiveness in asthmatic children

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    Introduction. Bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR) is a factor in predicting bronchial asthma independently of inflammation markers. Objective. The aims were to determine the frequency and important predictive facts of BHR and the effect of prophylaxis by Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) and National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP) on BHR in asthmatic children. Methods. BHR in 106 children was evaluated by the bronchoprovocation test with methacholine. Results. The prevalence rate of symptomatic BHR is 18% for crucial point of PC20=4.1±3.03 mg/ml and PD20=3.22±2.59 μmol methacholine. On average asthmatic children express moderate BHR, which persists even two years after administering prophylaxis. After two years bronchial reactivity is significantly smaller, the change of FEV1 is significantly smaller, the velocity of change of slope dose response curve (sDRC) is faster and the provocative concentration of methacholine that causes wheezing is 2-3 times lower. A mild sDRC shows milder bronchoconstriction after two years. The fast change of bronchial reactivity in 41% of asthmatic children is contributed to aero-pollution with sulfur dioxide and/ or, possible insufficient and/or inadequate treatment during two years of administering prophylaxis. A simultaneous effect of allergens from home environment and grass and tree pollens and of excessive aero-pollution on children’s airways is important in the onset of symptomatic BHR. After two years of treatment by GINA and NAEPP children do not show asthma symptoms or show mild asthma symptoms, however bronchial sensitivity remains unchanged. Conclusion. Optimal duration of anti-inflammatory treatment in asthmatic children who show moderate bronchial hyperresponsiveness should be longer than two years

    Occurrence of aflatoxins in peanuts and peanut products determined by liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection

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    Liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection using immunoaffinity column clean-up was a method described for determination of aflatoxins (AFB1, AFB2, AFG1 and AFG2) in peanuts and peanut based products. The validation of the procedure was performed. Good coefficient of correlation was found for all aflatoxins in the range of 0.9993-0.9999. Limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) ranged from 0.003-0.005 mg/kg and 0.009-0.023 mg/kg, respectively, which was acceptable. The mean recovery for total aflatoxins was 88.21%. The method also showed acceptable precision values in the range of 0.171-2.626% at proposed concentration levels for all four aflatoxins. RSDR values (within laboratory reproducibility) calculated from the results showed good correlation between two analysts for all aflatoxins and they ranged from 4.93-11.87%. The developed method was applied for the determination of aflatoxins in 27 samples of peanuts and peanut based products. The results showed that 21 peanut samples (77.7%) were below LOD of the method. Three samples had positive results over the MRL. There was one extreme value recorded for the total aflatoxins in peanut (289.2 mg/kg) and two peanut based products, peanut snack and peanut, with total content of aflatoxins being 16.3 mg/kg and 8.0 mg/kg, respectively. The obtained results demonstrated that the procedure was suitable for the de­termination of aflatoxins in peanuts and peanut based products and it could be implemented for the routine analysis

    PCR amplification of seven single copy nuclear genes from the Belgrade mummy

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    Here we report a DNA analysis of a human mummy dated approximately 2300 years BC. We extracted the DNA and used it for further PCR amplification of the following genes: c-fms proto-oncogene for CSF-1 receptor gene (CSF1PO); coagulation factor XIII a subunit gene (F13A01); c-fes/fps proto-oncogene (FESFPS); tyrosine hydroxylase gene (TH01); thyroid peroxidase gene (TPOX), von Willebrand factor gene (vWA) and Y chromosome specific sequence. The alleles from Belgrade mummy do not differ from the most frequent alleles of all present human populations. The exception is FESFPS gene. Belgrade mummy is homozygous for this locus which contains alleles with 7 motif repeats while such allele is found in less than 0.38% of living humans.U ovom radu dati su rezultati analiza molekula DNK izolovanih iz uzorka mumije čoveka stare 2300 godina. Genomska DNK je izolovana i korišćena za PCR amplifikaciju sledećih gena: c-fms protoonkogen za CSF-l receptor gen (CSF1PO), gen za a subjedinicu humanog faktora koagulacije XIII (F13A01), c-fes/fps protoonkogen (FESFPS), gen za tirozin hidroksilazu (TH01), gen za tiroidnu peroksidazu (TROH), gen za von Willebrand-ov faktor(vWA) i specifične sekvence za Y hromozom. Aleli beogradske mumije se ne razlikuju od najučestalijih alela sadašanje humane populacije. Izuzetak je FESFPS gen. Beogradska mumija je homozigotna za ovaj lokus i ima alele sa motivom od 7 ponovaka. Učestalost ovog alela u današnjoj humanoj populaciji je manja od 0.38%.nul

    Presentation of an infant with nutritional deficiency dermatitis as the initial manifestation of cystic fibrosis

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    Introduction. Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a multisystemic autosomal recessive disease most frequently recognized by characteristic respiratory and/or digestive manifestations. Exceptionally rare, as is the case with the infant we are presenting, the initial sign of the disease can be nutritional deficiency dermatitis (NDD). Case Outline. A three-month-old male infant of young and healthy non-consanguineous parents, born at term after the first uneventful pregnancy, was hospitalized due to atopic dermatitis (AD)-like skin changes, failure to thrive and normochromic anemia (Hb 60 g/L). As exclusively breast-fed, failure to thrive was attributed to hypogalactia and skin changes to nutritional allergy, so that, besides exclusion of cow’s milk protein and other highly allergenic foods in mother’s diet, hypoallergenic milk formula was added to the child’s diet. However, dietetic measures were without effect, and the child was re-hospitalized at age 4.5 months, this time in the condition of severe malnutrition with hypoproteinemic edemas, extensive dermatitis, moderate hepatosplenomegaly and recurrent normochromic anemia (Hb 57 g/L). After plasma-free erythrocyte transfusion, correction of hypoalbuminemia and two-week parenteral and semi-elementary nutrition resulted in gradual recovery of the child, also including the resolution of skin changes. Having in mind the clinical course of the disease, as well as the response to applied therapeutic measures, CF was suspected as the cause of the child’s problems, which was also confirmed by a high level of sweat chlorine (92 mmol/L) and DNA analysis (∆F508/∆F508). Conclusion. Our experience indicates that NDD, as the initial manifestation of CF, should be also kept in mind in differential diagnosis of the infant’s AD-like changes

    Host-associated divergence in the activity of digestive enzymes in two populations of the gypsy moth Lymantria dispar (Lepidoptera: Erebidae)

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    The gypsy moth is a generalist insect pest with an extremely wide host range. Adaptive responses of digestive enzymes are important for the successful utilization of plant hosts that differ in the contents and ratios of constituent nutrients and allelochemicals. In the present study, we examined the responses of α-amylase, trypsin, and leucine aminopeptidase to two tree hosts (suitable oak, Quercus cerris, and unsuitable locust tree, Robinia pseudoacacia) in the fourth, fifth, and sixth instars of gypsy moth larvae originating from oak and locust tree forest populations (hereafter assigned as Quercus and Robinia populations, respectively). Gypsy moths from the Robinia forest had been adapting to this unsuitable host for more than 40 generations. To test for population-level host plant specialization, we applied a two-population × two-host experimental design. We compared the levels, developmental patterns, and plasticities of the activities of enzymes. The locust tree diet increased enzyme activity in the fourth instar and reduced activity in advanced instars of the Quercus larvae in comparison to the oak diet. These larvae also exhibited opposite developmental trajectories on the two hosts, i.e. activity increased on the oak diet and decreased on the locust tree diet with the progress of instar. Larvae of the Robinia population were characterized by reduced plasticity of enzyme activity and its developmental trajectories. In addition, elevated trypsin activity in response to an unsuitable host was observed in all instar larvae of the Robinia population, which demonstrated that Robinia larvae had an improved digestive performance than did Quercus larvae

    Is There a FADS2-Modulated Link between Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Plasma Phospholipids and Polyphenol Intake in Adult Subjects Who Are Overweight?

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    Dietary polyphenols promote cardiometabolic health and are linked with long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in plasma phospholipids (LC-PUFA). The FADS2 polymorphisms are associated with LC-PUFA metabolism and overweight/obesity. This 4-week study examined the link between polyphenol intake, FADS2 variants (rs174593, rs174616, rs174576) and obesity in 62 overweight adults (BMI gt = 25), allocated to consume 100 mL daily of either: Aronia juice, a rich source of polyphenols, with 1177.11 mg polyphenols (expressed as gallic acid equivalents)/100 mL (AJ, n = 22), Aronia juice with 294.28 mg polyphenols/100 mL (MJ, n = 20), or nutritionally matched polyphenol-lacking placebo as a control (PLB, n = 20). We analyzed LC-PUFA (% of total pool) by gas chromatography and FADS2 variants by real-time PCR. Four-week changes in LC-PUFA, BMI, and body weight were included in statistical models, controlling for gender and PUFA intake. Only upon AJ and MJ, the presence of FADS2 variant alleles affected changes in linoleic, arachidonic, and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Upon MJ treatment, changes in EPA were inversely linked with changes in BMI (beta= -0.73, p = 0.029) and weight gain (beta= -2.17, p = 0.024). Only in subjects drinking AJ, the link between changes in EPA and anthropometric indices was modified by the rs174576 variant allele. Our results indicate the interaction between FADS2, fatty acid metabolism, and polyphenol intake in overweight subjects

    Correlation of Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO-2) with Endoscopic and Histological Features in Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease Patients

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    Background and Objectives. Determination of inflammatory bowel disease activity determines further therapeutic approach and follow-up. The aim of our study was to investigate correlation between patients' reported symptoms and endoscopic and histological disease activity. Methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted in consecutive newly diagnosed patients with inflammatory bowel disease in a tertiary care referral center. The initial evaluation included patient-reported outcome for stool frequency subscore and rectal bleeding. Endoscopic activity was determined using the Mayo scoring system for ulcerative colitis and the Simple Endoscopic Score for Crohn's disease. Histopathological activity was assessed using a validated numeric scoring system. Results. We included 159 patients (63 Crohn's disease with colonic involvement and 96 with ulcerative colitis). We found significant correlation between the Mayo endoscopic subscoring system and histology activity in ulcerative colitis, while no correlation was found in patients with Crohn's disease. Patient-reported outcome showed inverse correlation with endoscopic and histological activity in Crohn's disease (rs=-0.67; rs=-0.72), while positive correlation was found in ulcerative colitis (rs=0.84; rs=0.75). Interpretation and Conclusions. Patient-reported outcome is a practical and noninvasive tool for assessment of disease activity in ulcerative colitis patients but not in Crohn's disease