9 research outputs found

    Rast mase i dužine tijela mlađi dužičaste pastrmke (oncorhynchus mykiss wal.) porijeklom od različitih matičnih jata

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    Eksperiment analize karakteristika rasta mase i dužine tijela mlađi dužičaste pastrmke (Oncorhynchus mykiss Wal.), porijeklom od različitih matičnih jata, realizovan je u salmonidnom mrestilištu Klašnik - Banja Luka u trajanju od 134 dana (od 05.7.2012. do 16.11.2012.) i dio je istraživanja kojim su obuhvaćeni izbor matičnog jata, mrijest, analiza embrionalnog razvoja i karakteristika rasta dužičaste pastrmke do devet mjeseci starosti. U eksperimentu je korišćena dužičasta pastrmka starosti pet mjeseci porijeklom od pet različitih matičnih jata, a karakteristike rasta su praćene do uzrasta od devet mjeseci. Temperatura vode tokom realizacije eksperimenta prosječno je iznosila 10,93oC, rastvoreni kiseonik u vodi 10,39 mg/l, zasićenje vode kiseonikom 94,8% i pH 7,57. Koeficijent kondicije (CF) analizirane mlađi dužičaste pastrmke uzrasta od devet mjeseci je u porastu, a stopa rasta (SGR) je u padu u svim eksperimentalnim grupama, dok koeficijent rasta za termičku jedinicu (TGC) ukazuje na različite tendencije. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na izraženu heterogenost karakteristika rasta mlađi dužičaste pastrmke porijeklom od pet različitih matičnih jata

    Uticaj različitih nivoa ishrane na karakteristike rasta i teksturu mesa dužičaste pastrmke (oncorhynchus mykiss wal.)

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    Eksperiment je realizovan u laboratoriji za akvakulturu Poljoprivrednog fakulteta Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci. Ukupno je naseljeno 100 jedinki u 5 eksperimentalnih grupa, prosječne individualne mase 91.091.37 g, totalne dužine tijela 20.080.10 cm i dužine tijela do račve repnog peraja 19.370.10 cm (MSEM). Cilj rada je bio praćenje efekata različitih nivoa ishrane na karakteristike rasta i teksturu (tvrdoću) mesa dužičaste pastrmke (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Dužičasta pastrmka u svim eksperimentalnim grupama hranjena je istom hranom, sa različitim nivoima ishrane: 20% (G-20) i 10% manje (G-10) u odnosu na standardni nivo ishrane, standardni nivo ishrane (G100) (preporuka proizvođača hrane), 10% (G+10) i 20% više (G+20) u odnosu na standardni nivo ishrane. Statistički značajna razlika sredina (p<0.05) mase i dužine tijela između posmatranih eksperimentalnih grupa javlja se u drugom periodu. Najmanja potrebna sila (kg) za presijecanje mesa dužičaste pastrmke konstatovana je na početku eksperimenta kod jedinki prosječne mase oko 90 g. Najtvrđe meso je kod riba iz eksperimentalnih grupa G+10 i G-10. Između posmatranih eksperimentalnih grupa konstatovana je statistički značajna razlika sredina (p<0.05) potrebne sile za presijecanje mesa

    Assessment of genetic diversity of Busa cattle from Bosnia and Herzegovina using microsatellite DNA markers

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    The variability of 21 microsatellite loci was analyzed in order to estimate the genetic diversity of the Buša cattle breed. A total of 50 animals involved in the study were divided into two groups: Buša from eastern Herzegovina and Buša from western Herzegovina. The mean number of alleles per locus was 6.6. The average expected heterozygosities were 0.6885 and 0.6212 in the eastern and western populations, respectively. The observed heterozygosity values were 0.6579 and 0.6336, in eastern and western population, respectively. The degree of population differentiation (FST) ranged from 0.008 (for ILSTS006 locus) to 0.242 (for BM1818 locus), with a mean of 0.112. Cluster analysis showed that the two populations were clearly clustered into two distinct clades. This report represents the first genetic characterization of pure Buša cattle from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The obtained results are important for the future development of conservation and management strategies for this cattle breed

    The relationship between volatile compounds, metabolites and sensory attributes: A case study using lamb and sheep meat

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    The aim of this study was to use a flavoromics approach to identify key compounds responsible for sensory flavor of lamb and sheep meat. The investigation was confined to volatile compounds from adipose tissue and metabolites in lean meat using headspace-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (HS-GC/MS) and solvent extraction-GC/MS, respectively. Partial least square regression analysis supported with variable selection were used to correlate identified compounds to sensory attributes. Several metabolites involved in energy production via Krebs cycle and Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway contributed to gamy and grass flavor. Gamy flavor was strongly and positively correlated with aspartic acid, cyclo-leucine, gluconic, citric and pyruvic acid. Gluconic and pyruvic acid together with formic acid, β-caryophyllene, 3-methylphenol, 2-ethylfuran showed strong positive correlation with grass flavor. Sugars (glucose, mannose-6-phosphate and myo-inositol) were negatively correlated with gamy and grass flavor, suggesting a role in suppression of off-flavors in lamb and sheep meat. Bitter flavor was strongly correlated with hypotaurine and (E)-2-pentenal. Metallic flavor and bitterness were influenced by almost the same compounds. Acidic flavor was not explained by any compound identified, while rancidity was not detected by panelists. Finally, the flavor components describing grass and bitter flavor could be used to discriminate animals from different production systems

    The relationship between volatile compounds, metabolites and sensory attributes: A case study using lamb and sheep meat

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    The aim of this study was to use a flavoromics approach to identify key compounds responsible for sensory flavor of lamb and sheep meat. The investigation was confined to volatile compounds from adipose tissue and metabolites in lean meat using headspace-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (HS-GC/MS) and solvent extraction-GC/MS, respectively. Partial least square regression analysis supported with variable selection were used to correlate identified compounds to sensory attributes. Several metabolites involved in energy production via Krebs cycle and Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway contributed to gamy and grass flavor. Gamy flavor was strongly and positively correlated with aspartic acid, cyclo-leucine, gluconic, citric and pyruvic acid. Gluconic and pyruvic acid together with formic acid, β-caryophyllene, 3-methylphenol, 2-ethylfuran showed strong positive correlation with grass flavor. Sugars (glucose, mannose-6-phosphate and myo-inositol) were negatively correlated with gamy and grass flavor, suggesting a role in suppression of off-flavors in lamb and sheep meat. Bitter flavor was strongly correlated with hypotaurine and (E)-2-pentenal. Metallic flavor and bitterness were influenced by almost the same compounds. Acidic flavor was not explained by any compound identified, while rancidity was not detected by panelists. Finally, the flavor components describing grass and bitter flavor could be used to discriminate animals from different production systems

    Legal Requirements on Ammonia Emissions from Animal Production Buildings in European Countries and in Countries at the Eastern Mediterranean

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    This chapter gathers information about the current legal requirements related to the emission of ammonia from animal housing in 24 out of the 27 EU countries and in 7 non-EU countries. Overall, the chapter shows that most of the included countries have established substantial procedures to limit ammonia emission and practically no procedures to limit greenhouse gas emission. The review can also be seen as an introduction to the substantial initiatives and decisions taken by the EU in relation to ammonia emission from animal housing, and as a notification on the absence of corresponding initiatives and decisions in relation to greenhouse gases. An EU directive on industrial emissions from 2010 and an implementation decision from 2017 are the main general instruments to reduce ammonia emission

    Legal Requirements on Ammonia Emissions from Animal Production Buildings in European Countries and in Countries at the Eastern Mediterranean

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    This chapter gathers information about the current legal requirements related to the emission of ammonia from animal housing in 24 out of the 27 EU countries and in 7 non-EU countries. Overall, the chapter shows that most of the included countries have established substantial procedures to limit ammonia emission and practically no procedures to limit greenhouse gas emission. The review can also be seen as an introduction to the substantial initiatives and decisions taken by the EU in relation to ammonia emission from animal housing, and as a notification on the absence of corresponding initiatives and decisions in relation to greenhouse gases. An EU directive on industrial emissions from 2010 and an implementation decision from 2017 are the main general instruments to reduce ammonia emission from animal housing in the EU