151 research outputs found

    Maritime Ports Logistics

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    Maritime transport occurs as a main carrier of international trade, so the development of this type of traffic is most connected with the situation on the world market. The main advantages of this form of transport are: lowest cost, the largest transport capacity, unlimited throughput waterways, mass transportation of goods over long distances, dominance in international transport and enormous concentration of capital. This form of transport is shown as more profitable and more cost-effective than all other forms of transportation. The fact is that we have the expansive development of container transport and container ports with growing turnover year in year out. Modern sea ports must be networked with business partners and all stakeholders in the port. Optimal functioning of the port system in the logistics chain means compliance of all important links (logistics operation, port agents…), on the other side it means quality for users at affordable costs, higher profitability and greater competitive advantage in the global marketplace

    Nurses\u27 Attitudes Toward Nursing Research

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    Aim: The aim of the study was to examine the attitudes of nurses towards research in nursing. Respondents and Methods: The study involved 202 respondents. The subjects were nurses employed at Osijek Clinical Hospital. The Boothe\u27s Attitudes on Nursing Research Scale was used as an instrument of research – a modified version by Bostrum, A.C. Prior to statistical data processing, respondents were divided into two groups, considering the level of education: Vocational nurses and Baccalaureates of Science in Nursing. By age, respondents were divided into three groups: aged 20 to 35, 36 to 50 and 51 to 65. The differences between the observed groups were tested by the t-test and analysis of variance. Results: There is a statistically significante difference in attitudes towards research given the level of education of the respondents (p = 0.015). Baccalaureates of Nursing have more positive attitudes towards research ( = 148.5) compared to vocational nurses ( = 141.1). A significant difference in attitudes towards nursing research was determined with respect to the age of respondents (p = 0.002). Younger nurses have a more positive attitude towards research in nursing ( = 151.5) than middle-aged ( = 140.9) and senior nurses ( = 140.1). There is also a significant difference in the level of motivation for continuing professional education given the respondents’ level of education (p = 0.019). Conclusion: Nurses show mildly positive attitudes towards nursing research

    Development and evaluation of model for performance management of medium and large enterprises

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    Merenja u poslovnoj ekonomiji su oduvek privlačila pažnju akademske zajednice i prakse iz jednostavnog razloga i dobro poznate činjenice da se "ne može upravljati nečim što ne možemo izmeriti". Pitanje upravljanja performansama je važno za sva preduzeća, bez obzira na njihovu delatnost ili geografsko područje, ali se naročito afirmiše sa rastom preduzeća i njegovim razvojem. Povećanje veličine preduzeća, sazrevanje i širenje poslovanja suočava menadžment sa izazovom pouzdanosti informacija za donošenje ispravnih upravljačkih odluka. Referentna literatura prepoznaje značajan broj modela koji u fokusu imaju upravljanje performansama preduzeća, ali su istovremeno prisutna i brojna otvorena pitanja i neistražene specifičnosti. U skladu sa tim, u ovoj disertaciji se kao osnovno istraživačko pitanje postavlja analiza zastupljenosti koncepata i ključnih elemenata teorijskih modela upravljanja performansama u praksi srednjih i velikih preduzeća, sa osnovnim ciljem da se razvije novi model za upravljanje performansama srednjih i velikih preduzeća. Istraživanje je sprovedeno kombinovanim metodama - višestruka studija slučaja i anketno istraživanje. U višestrukoj studiji slučaja analizirana su četiri preduzeća, klasifikovana prema kriterijumima veličine i dužine iskustva u implementiranju nekog sistematičnog načina upravljanja performansama. Kvantitativno istraživanje je obuhvatilo 130 respondenata, u periodu od februara do juna 2018. godine i sprovedeno je na teritoriji Republike Srpske korišćenjem deskriptivne, eksplorativne i inferencijalne statističke analize. Najzad, da bi se utvrdila verodostojnost modela, sprovedeno je istraživanje ekspertskog mišljenja na osnovu izabranih deset kriterijuma. To je omogućilo identifikovanje kritičnih faktora izvodljivosti modela. Na osnovu teorijskog i empirijskog istraživanja razvijen je model za upravljanje performansama srednjih i velikih preduzeća (SOFI model), nazvan prema četiri aspekta koje obuhvata - strategijski, organizacioni, finansijski i informaciono–tehnološki aspekt.Measurements in business economics have always attracted the attention of academia and practice for the simple reason and the well-known fact that "we cannot manage something we cannot measure." The issue of performance management is important for all businesses, regardless of their business or geographic area. It is especially affirmed with the growth of the company and its development. Increasing the size of the company, maturing and expanding business confronts management with the challenge of reliability of information to make the right management decisions. The reference literature recognizes a significant number of models that focus on enterprise performance management, but at the same time there are numerous open questions and unexplored specifics. Accordingly, this dissertation focuses on the analysis of the representation of concepts and key elements of theoretical models of performance management in the practice of medium and large enterprises, with the main goal of developing a new model for performance management of medium and large enterprises. The research was conducted by combined methods - multiple case study and survey. In a multiple case study, four companies were analyzed, classified according to size and length criteria for implementing some systematic way of managing performance. The quantitative survey included 130 respondents, from February to June 2018, and was conducted in the Republic of Srpska using descriptive, exploratory and inferential statistical analysis. Finally, to determine the credibility of the model, an expert opinion survey was conducted based on the ten criteria selected. This made it possible to identify critical model feasibility factors. Based on theoretical and empirical research, a model for performance management of medium and large enterprises (SOFI model) has been developed, named according to four aspects that it covers - strategic, organizational, financial and information-technological aspect. For each element of the model, it is possible to apply the relevant key performance indicators, which allow the Razvoj i evaluacija modela za upravljanje performansama srednjih i velikih preduzeća planned goals to be monitored and indicate the need to improve performance

    Osnivanje i razvoj laboratorija za mehaniku tla na Rudarskogeološko- naftnom fakultetu u Zagrebu

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    Laboratorij za mehaniku tla osnovan je 2008. godine na Rudarsko-geološko-naftnom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Njegova prvotna namjena bila je unaprjeđenje izvođenja praktičnog dijela nastave na studijima rudarstva, geotehnike i inženjerske geologije. Međutim, kontinuiranim opremanjem i uvođenjem novih ispitnih metoda, omogućena je realizacija brojnih znanstvenih i stručnih istraživanja za potrebe domaćih i međunarodnih projekata, istraživanja u svrhu izrade završnih radova i doktorskih disertacija, te istraživanja za potrebe realnog sektora. Iako laboratorij djeluje u okviru Zavoda za rudarstvo i geotehniku, znanstvena i stučna istraživanja provode se za i u suradnji s drugim zavodima RGN fakulteta, te znanstvenim i nastavnim institucijama u zemlji i inozemstvu. U radu će biti opisan razvitak laboratorija od osnutka do danas, prikaz njegove uloge u nastavnim, znanstvenim i stručnim aktivnostima fakulteta, kao i neki rezultati istraživanja provedenih u zadnjih petnaestak godina

    Osnivanje i razvoj laboratorija za mehaniku tla na Rudarskogeološko- naftnom fakultetu u Zagrebu

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    Laboratorij za mehaniku tla osnovan je 2008. godine na Rudarsko-geološko-naftnom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Njegova prvotna namjena bila je unaprjeđenje izvođenja praktičnog dijela nastave na studijima rudarstva, geotehnike i inženjerske geologije. Međutim, kontinuiranim opremanjem i uvođenjem novih ispitnih metoda, omogućena je realizacija brojnih znanstvenih i stručnih istraživanja za potrebe domaćih i međunarodnih projekata, istraživanja u svrhu izrade završnih radova i doktorskih disertacija, te istraživanja za potrebe realnog sektora. Iako laboratorij djeluje u okviru Zavoda za rudarstvo i geotehniku, znanstvena i stučna istraživanja provode se za i u suradnji s drugim zavodima RGN fakulteta, te znanstvenim i nastavnim institucijama u zemlji i inozemstvu. U radu će biti opisan razvitak laboratorija od osnutka do danas, prikaz njegove uloge u nastavnim, znanstvenim i stručnim aktivnostima fakulteta, kao i neki rezultati istraživanja provedenih u zadnjih petnaestak godina

    Organic agricultural production as a quality standard

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    Organic agricultural production contributes, on the one hand, to ecological preservation and, on the other, to the sustainable development of agriculture. The main goal of the chapter is the presentation of the organic production from two aspects. The first is the macro level, which will present the available models of organic production at the EU level. The second aspect, the micro level, will show how individual farmers implement an organic production system. This chapter is merely a confirmation that organic farming is a quality standard that is legally regulated in each of EU’ countries and, as such, requires certification. In addition, in organic production there is the possibility of issuing individual and group certificates, so the ways of their implementation will be discussed. The fact that organic production is regulated means that it basically has certain principles that must be adhered to by all farmers who are in the organic production system

    Factor analysis applied to distinguish influences of parent material, mining industry and agriculture on the groundwater in the Strumica valley, Macedonia

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    Determination of the groundwater chemistry in Strumica valley was essential since the widespread use of it in the irrigation of agricultural production.  For this purpose were collected 224 water samples from boreholes. The groundwater chemical composition was determinated on the selected analytes: As, Sr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Mo, Ba, Pb, Na, Mg, Al, K, Ca, Ti, Li, Cr, Fe, U, CaCO3, Cl-, NO3-, NH4+, SO42- and PO43-. The source and internal correlations of the analytes were set out by performing multivariate statistical analyses (factor analyses). Factor analyses yielded 7 factors and the geochemical maps of the obtained factors were generated using kriging method. The groundwater chemistry was predominantly controlled by geologic background and some anthropogenic influence due to agriculture and mining to the concentrations and spatial distribution of arsenic, phosphates, sulphates, nitrates and some metals (copper, iron, chromium, lead, nickel, zinc). Mining of copper/gold (molybdenum) in area of Ilovica increased concentration of analytes Al, Cu, Pb, Cr, NO3-, Ni, Zn, Na, K, Li and PO43-  in groundwater but only at a local level.</p


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    The Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) is the basis for numerous methods for soil trafficability research. Since USCS data are not always available, various other data and methods are used to correlate and predict the USCS soil group. This paper describes two methods used for the purpose of mapping the Croatian part of the Pannonian Basin (PB) according to the USCS to a depth of 50 cm. In the first method, the possibility of the transfer of 308 profile samples according to the International Soil Science Society (ISSS) classification system into the USCS was examined. The results show that it is impossible to directly transform ISSS data into the USCS. In the second method 414 USCS profiles were used to analyse the weights of factors in the spatial analysis with inverse distance weighting (IDW). The analysis included layers of dominant and associated soil units of the Basic Soil Map of Croatia (BSM), Geological Map of Croatia (GM), drainage and catchment areas. The obtained weights were as follows: BSM 47.12%, catchment area 27.12%, GM 17.67% and drainage 8%. The results showed that PB in Croatia is covered with fine-grained soils, with clay covering almost the entire area and silt dominating in the western and north-western parts of the country.Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) osnova je brojnih metoda za istraživanje prohodnosti tla za vozila. Budući da podatci o USCS-u nisu uvijek dostupni, koriste se razni drugi izvori i metode za korelaciju i predviđanje USCS grupe tla. U ovome radu opisane su dvije metode korištene u svrhu kartiranja hrvatskog dijela panonskog bazena prema USCS-u do dubine tla od 50 cm. U prvoj metodi ispitana je mogućnost prijenosa 308 uzoraka tla prema sustavu klasifikacije International Soil Science Society (ISSS) u USCS. Rezultati su pokazali da nije moguće izravno transformirati podatke ISSS klasifikacije u USCS. U drugoj metodi korišteno je 414 USCS profila u analizi težišnih faktora u prostornoj analizi s ponderiranjem obrnute udaljenosti. Analizom su obuhvaćeni slojevi dominantnih i asocijativnih jedinica tala Osnovne pedološke karte Hrvatske (BSM), Osnovne geološke karte Hrvatske (GM), dreniranost tla i slivna područja. Dobivene ponderirane težine bile su: BSM 47,12 %, slivno područje 27,12 %, GM 17,67 % i dreniranost tla 8 %. Rezultati su pokazali da je panonski dio Hrvatske prekriven sitnozrnatim tlima, pri čemu je glinom prekriveno gotovo cijelo područje, dok prahovi dominiraju u zapadnim i sjeverozapadnim dijelovima panonskog bazena Hrvatske


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    The article presents the exploitation of mineral raw materials for the cement industry of Split from the beginning of this century till today. Geological and geomcchanical characteristic of the open pits »Partizan« and "Prvoborac«, located within the same deposit and the technological exploitation process with basic parameters of suecessibility in both pits arc detaily discussed. The works of open pits\u27 reclamation which has to be carried out simultanouslly with the exploitation itself arc also considered, as well as the perspectives of further exploitation development, in accord with modern tendencies to the mining technology developmentU članku je iznesen prikaz eksploatacije mineralnih sirovina za cementnu industriju Splita, od početka ovog stoljeća do danas, Dataljnije su obrađene geološke i geomehaničke karakteristike kopova »Partizan« i »Prvoborac« koji se nalaze unutar istog ležišta, te tehnološki proces eksploatacije s osnovnim pokazateljima uspješnosti na oba kopa. Također, prikazani su radovi na sanaciji kopova, koju je potrebno provoditi paralelno sa samom eksploatacijom. Konačno, prikazane su perspektive daljnjeg razvoja eksploatacije u skladu sa suvremenim tendencijama razvoja rudarske tehnologij