225 research outputs found

    Antineoplastici - procena rizika

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    During the last decades, numerous studies have pointed out that nurses and other hospital workers are exposed to antineoplastic drugs during daily activities due to levels of antineoplastics found in their urine. Although antineoplastics have not been measured on the skin, high contamination levels were found (up to 9,6 mg) on gloves used during preparation and administration of these drugs, which indicates that exposure via the skin is presumably the major route of exposure. Antineoplastics have been reported to be increasingly prescribed in veterinary clinics, and consequently veterinarians and veterinary assistants might also be exposed. Workers handling potentially contaminated waste products from hospitals could also come in contact through surface contamination. Major adverse health effects have been related to reproductive effects, mutagenicity and cancer. Antineoplastics are known to cause defects in developing foetuses of cancer patients resulting in foetal death and congenital malformations. Several studies have found antineoplastics to be related to mutagenic activity in nursesā€™ urine and to chromosomal aberrations and sister chromatid exchange in lymphocytes. The expected number of cancer cases among oncology nurses occupationally exposed was estimated to be 17 - 100 per million. An effective risk management needs to consider safety measures and constant education of personnel.Tokom poslednjih decenija, pokazano je da je medicinsko osoblje tokom svakodnevnih profesionalnih aktivnosti izloženo antineoplasticima, na Å”ta su direktno ukazivala merenja njihovih koncentracija u urinu. Iako nisu rađena merenja na koži, pokazano je da postoji visok nivo kontaminacije rukavica (do 9,6 mg) koje se nose tokom pripreme i primene ovih lekova, Å”to je ukazivalo da je koža glavni put ekspozicije antineoplasticima. Antineoplastici se sve viÅ”e koriste i u veterinarskoj medicini, tako da mogu biti izloženi i veterinari i veterinarski tehničari. Takođe, radnici koji dolaze u kontakt sa medicinskim i farmaceutskim otpadom potencijalno mogu biti izloženi i viÅ”im nivoima antineoplastika. Od najvećeg značaja među Å”tetnim efektima pri ekspoziciji antineoplasticima su reproduktivna toksičnost, genotoksičnost i potencijalna karcinogenost. Poznato je da ovi lekovi mogu dovesti do poremećaja u razvoju fetusa gravidnih pacijentkinja sa pojavom kongenitalnih malformacija i uginuća fetusa. Pokazana je veza između koncentracije antineoplastika u urinu medicinskih sestara sa mutagenom aktivnoŔću, hromozomskim aberacijama i razmenom sestara hromatida u limfocitima. Računanjem karcinogenog rizika usled profesionalne ekspozicije, doÅ”lo se do rezultata da je očekivan broj karcinoma 17-100 na milion ljudi u populaciji. Efikasno upravljanje rizikom obuhvata sve aspekte bezbednosti na radu, kao i permanentnu edukaciju

    Lipidni profil i zdravstveni značaj najčeŔće konzumiranih rečnih i morskih riba u populaciji Srbije

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    Background/Aim. Dietary intake of n-3 long-chain polyun-saturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) is important in prevention and treatment of different diseases. In general population, the average intake of n-3 LC-PUFA is often significantly lower than recom-mended levels. Fish lipids are rich sources of these fatty acids, of which the most important are eicosapentaenoic (20:5 n-3, EPA) and docosahexaenoic (22:6 n-3, DHA) fatty acids. This study was designed to determine and compare fat, fatty acids and lipid qual-ity indices in 10 commercial fish species available on the Serbian market, as well as relation between their price and nutritional val-ue. Methods. Freshwater fish originated from the Danube River in the Belgrade Region, while seawater fish were mostly from the Adriatic Sea. A gas chromatography method was used to define fatty acids in 40 fish samples after lipid extraction. Cost-minimization analysis was conducted to assess the economic util-ity. Results. Seawater fish had a significantly higher value of flash lipid quality compared to the freshwater fish (p < 0.05). Value of Background/Aim. Dietary intake of n-3 long-chain polyun-saturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) is important in prevention and treatment of different diseases. In general population, the average intake of n-3 LC-PUFA is often significantly lower than recom-mended levels. Fish lipids are rich sources of these fatty acids, of which the most important are eicosapentaenoic (20:5 n-3, EPA) and docosahexaenoic (22:6 n-3, DHA) fatty acids. This study was designed to determine and compare fat, fatty acids and lipid qual-ity indices in 10 commercial fish species available on the Serbian market, as well as relation between their price and nutritional val-ue. Methods. Freshwater fish originated from the Danube River in the Belgrade Region, while seawater fish were mostly from the Adriatic Sea. A gas chromatography method was used to define fatty acids in 40 fish samples after lipid extraction. Cost-minimization analysis was conducted to assess the economic util-ity. Results. Seawater fish had a significantly higher value of flash lipid quality compared to the freshwater fish (p < 0.05). Value of Background/Aim. Dietary intake of n-3 long-chain polyun-saturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) is important in prevention and treatment of different diseases. In general population, the average intake of n-3 LC-PUFA is often significantly lower than recom-mended levels. Fish lipids are rich sources of these fatty acids, of which the most important are eicosapentaenoic (20:5 n-3, EPA) and docosahexaenoic (22:6 n-3, DHA) fatty acids. This study was designed to determine and compare fat, fatty acids and lipid qual-ity indices in 10 commercial fish species available on the Serbian market, as well as relation between their price and nutritional val-ue. Methods. Freshwater fish originated from the Danube River in the Belgrade Region, while seawater fish were mostly from the Adriatic Sea. A gas chromatography method was used to define fatty acids in 40 fish samples after lipid extraction. Cost-minimization analysis was conducted to assess the economic util-ity. Results. Seawater fish had a significantly higher value of flash lipid quality compared to the freshwater fish (p < 0.05). Value of hypercholesterolaemic fatty acids (OFA) for the freshwater group was 18.70 (17.40ā€’21.30) while the seawater group had a similar range of values 18.90 (17.55ā€’22.75). Hypocholesterol-aemic fatty acids (DFA) also showed similar ranges for both groups: 68.80 (66ā€’70.20) for freshwater and 68.40 (64.85ā€’73.05) for seawater group. The ratio of DHA/EPA ranged from 1.8 for sardine samples and up to 10 for tuna samples, indicating that the amount of DHA in natural samples exceeds the amount of EPA in many cases. The values of ath-erogenic (AI) and thrombogenic index (TI) were lower than 1 for all analysed samples. Conclusion. Sardine and mackerel had the highest content of n-3 LC-PUFA and presented the least expensive sources of EPA and DHA. The low values of AI and TI obtained from studied fish indicate its benefits from a health point of view.Uvod/Cilj. Unos n-3 polinezasićenih masnih kiselina (PMK) je od velike važnosti u prevenciji i tretmanu različitih oboljen-ja. Generalno posmatrajući, prosečan unos n-3 PMK je obično značajno niži od utvrđenih preporuka. Lipidi riba sadrže masne kiseline n-3 serije od kojih su najvažnije ei-kozapentaenska (20:5 n-3, EPA) i dokozaheksaenska (20:6 n-3, DHA) masna kiselina. Cilj ove studije bio je odrediti i uporediti lipidni profil i lipidne indekse u 10 različitih vrsta riba dostupnih na tržiÅ”tu Srbije. Takođe, određen je odnos cene i nutritivne vrednosti odabranih vrsta. Metode. Ispiti-vane su rečne ribe Dunava iz Beogradskog regiona, dok su morske ribe uglavnom vodile poreklo iz Jadranskog mora. Gasna hromatografija sa jonskim detektorom je koriŔćena za određivanje masnih kiselina u 40 uzoraka nakon lipidne ekstrakcije. Cost-minimization analiza je koriŔćena za procenu ekonomske koristi. Rezultati. Morske ribe su imale značajno veće vrednosti za parametar flash lipid quality u odnosu na rečne ribe (p < 0,05). Vrednosti hiperholesterolemijskih mas-nih kiselina za grupu rečnih riba [18,70 (17,40ā€’21,30)] bile su slične vrednostima dobijenim za morske ribe [18,90 (17,55ā€’22,75)]. Hipoholesterolemijske masne kiseline su takođe pokazale sličan raspon vrednosti za rečne [68.80 (66ā€“70.20)] i morske ribe [68.40 (64.85ā€“73.05)]. Odnos DHA/EPA kretao se od 1,8 za uzorke sardine, do 10 za uzorke tune, Å”to potvrđuje činjenicu da DHA prevazilazi vrednosti za EPA u svim ispitivanim uzorcima. Vrednosti za aterogeni i trombogeni indeks su bile niže od 1 za sve ana-lizirane uzorke. Zaključak. Sardine i skuÅ”a su imale najveći sadržaj n-3 PMK i predstavljale su najekonomičniji izvor EPA i DHA. Niske vrednosti za aterogeni i trombogeni in-deks ukazuju na potencijalno povoljan zdravstveni efekat ispitivanih vrsta

    Organizacija kliničko-toksikoloŔke laboratorije

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    Organization of a clinical-toxicological laboratory is presented and characteristics to be met by this type of laboratory are emphasized. In order to fulfill the competent role of a clinical-toxicological laboratory related to diagnosis and treatment of the acutely intoxicated patients, it is necessary to define a program of such laboratory. The analyses included into the scope of work of the laboratory are categorized according to the type of sample needed for the analysis, time requirements as well as sensitivity level of analytical method. The laboratory must be equipped with all the necessary equipment and staffed with adequately trained professionals, in order to enable for the results of analyses to be relevant for both physicians and patients.Prikazana je organizacija kliničko-toksikoloÅ”ke laboratorije i istaknute karakteristike koje ovaj tip laboratorije treba da ispunjava. U cilju ostvarivanja kompetentne uloge kliničko-toksikoloÅ”ke laboratorije u dijagnostici i terapiji akutno otrovanih pacijenata, neophodno je definisati program rada laboratorije. Analize koje se nalaze u programu rada laboratorije su kategorizovane prema tipu uzorka koji je potreban za analizu, vremenu koje je potrebno za njihovo izvođenje kao i nivou osetljivosti metode. Laboratorija mora biti opremljena potrebnom opremom sa kvalifikovanom strukturom zaposlenih, tako da su rezultati analiza od značaja za kliničke toksikologe i za pacijente

    Unequal efficacy of pyridinium oximes in acute organophosphate poisoning

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    The use of organophosphorus pesticides results in toxicity risk to non-target organisms. Organophosphorus compounds share a common mode of action, exerting their toxic effects primarily via acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition. Consequently, acetylcholine accumulates in the synaptic clefts of muscles and nerves, leading to overstimulation of cholinergic receptors. Acute cholinergic crisis immediately follows exposure to organophosphate and includes signs and symptoms resulting from hyperstimulation of central and peripheral muscarinic and nicotinic receptors. The current view of the treatment of organophosphate poisoning includes three strategies, i.e. the use of an anticholinergic drug (e.g., atropine), cholinesterase-reactivating agents (e.g., oximes) and anticonvulsant drugs (e.g., benzodiazepines). Oximes, as a part of antidotal therapy, ensure the recovery of phosphylated enzymes via a process denoted as reactivation of inhibited AChE. However, both experimental results and clinical findings have demonstrated that different oximes are not equally effective against poisonings caused by structurally different organophosphorus compounds. Therefore, antidotal characteristics of conventionally used oximes can be evaluated regarding how close the certain substance is to the theoretical concept of the universal oxime. Pralidoxime (PAM-2), trimedoxime (TMB-4), obidoxime (LĆ¼H-6), HI-6 and HLƶ-7 have all been demonstrated to be very effective in experimental poisonings with sarin and VX.TMEM and LĆ¼H-6 may reactivate tabun-inhibited AChE, whereas HI-6 possesses the ability to reactivate the soman-inhibited enzyme. An oxime HLƶ-7 seems to be an efficient reactivator of AChE inhibited by any of the four organophosphorus warfare agents. According to the available literature, the oximes LĆ¼H-6 and TMB-4, although relatively toxic, are the most potent to induce reactivation of AChE inhibited by the majority of organophosphorus pesticides. Since there are no reports of controlled clinical trials on the use of TMB-4 in human organophosphate pesticide poisoning, LĆ¼H-6 may be a better option

    Procjena zdravstvenoga rizika nakon istovremenog izlaganja olovu, kadmiju i živi iz poljoprivrednoga tla s područja Tuzlanskoga kantona (Bosna i Hercegovina)

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    The aim of this study was to assess the risk of human exposure to lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), and mercury (Hg) through agricultural soil by considering both uncertainty and variability in key exposure parameters. For this reason we collected soil samples from 29 locations in the Tuzla Canton (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and measured their metal levels with inductively coupled plasma atomic emission or absorption spectrometry (ICP-AES and ICP-AAS, respectively). The levels of Pb ranged from 13.33 to 1692.33 mg/kg, of Cd from 0.05 to 3.67 mg/kg, and of Hg from 0.02 to 2.73 mg/kg. To estimate cancer and non-cancer risks we used deterministic and semi-probabilistic methods. Lead was found to involve higher health risk than the other two heavy metals. Its hazard index (HI) decreased between population groups (children>women>men) and exposure routes (ingestion>skin contact>inhalation). Our Monte Carlo simulations indicated that Pb HIs for both adult populations had a 0.6 % probability to exceed the threshold value of 1, while in children this probability was 14.2 %. Cd and Hg showed no probability to exceed the threshold in any scenario. Our simulation results raise concern about possible adverse health effects of heavy metals from soil, especially in children. It is very important to continue monitoring environmental pollution and assess human health risk, not only with respect to soil, but also with other important environmental compartments, such as air and water.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti izloženost ljudi olovu (Pb), kadmiju (Cd) i živi (Hg) iz poljoprivrednog tla, uzimajući u obzir pridružene nesigurnosti i varijabilnosti u ključnim parametrima izloženosti. Primjenom metoda induktivno spregnute plazme i atomske emisijske ili apsorpcijske spektrometrije (ICP-AES i AAS) određena je koncentracija metala u uzorcima poljoprivrednoga tla prikupljenog s 29 lokacija u Tuzlanskom kantonu (Bosna i Hercegovina). Koncentracije Pb kretale su se u rasponu od 13,33 do 1692,33 mg/kg, Cd od 0,05 do 3,67 mg/kg i Hg od 0,02 do 2,73 mg/kg. Za procjenu kancerogenog i nekancerogenog rizika koristili smo se determinističkim i semiprobabilističkim pristupom u procjeni rizika. Utvrđeno je da Pb doprinosi povećanom zdravstvenom riziku viÅ”e nego druga dva teÅ”ka metala. Indeks opasnosti (eng. hazard index ā€’ HI) smanjivao se među populacijskim skupinama (djeca > žene > muÅ”karci) i putevima izloženosti (ingestija > dermalni kontakt > inhalacija). NaÅ”e Monte Carlo simulacije pokazale su da HI za Pb uključujuči obje populacije odraslih imaju 0,6 % vjerojatnosti da će prijeći vrijednost praga od 1, dok je u djece ta vjerojatnost bila 14,2 %. Vjerojatnost da će premaÅ”iti prag u bilo kom scenariju nisu pokazali Cd i Hg. Rezultati naÅ”ih simulacija izazivaju zabrinutost zbog mogućih Å”tetnih učinaka teÅ”kih metala iz tla, posebice u djece. Vrlo je važno nastaviti pratiti onečiŔćenje okoliÅ”a i procijeniti rizik za zdravlje ljudi, ne samo putem tla, već i putem drugih značajnih dijelova okoliÅ”a, poput zraka i vode

    ZaŔto je potrebna toksikoloŔka procena rizika za kozmetički proizvod?

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    Bearing in mind that cosmetic products are applied throughout the lifetime and that they can contain potentially harmful and toxic substances, valid EU regulation in this area has set strict requirements regarding their safety. Manufacturers are required to provide a cosmetic product safety report containing a toxicological assessment made by experts. Toxicological assessment is based on existing in vivo toxicological data, and in particular in silico and in vitro, since EU regulations in the field of cosmetic products prohibit new animal studies. Although sporadic cases of serious poisoning after the application of cosmetic products have been recorded, adverse effects after normal and reasonably foreseeable use of cosmetic products are usually mild (allergic reactions and skin irritation) and completely reversible. EU regulations require mandatory reporting of serious adverse effects (functional incapacity, hospitalization, disability, etc.) in order to detect ingredients of cosmetic products that potentially endanger human health and prevent similar effects from recurred. The paper describes the procedure of toxicological risk assessment for cosmetic ingredients because the assessment of the safety of the cosmetic product is based on the assessment of the safety of its ingredients.Imajući u vidu da se kozmetički proizvodi primenjuju tokom celog života a da mogu sadržati potencijalno Å”tetne i toksične supstance, važeća regulativa EU u ovoj oblasti (Uredba (EC) 1223/2009) postavila je stroge zahteve u pogledu njihove bezbednosti. Proizvođači su u obavezi da dostave izveÅ”taj o bezbednosti koji sadrži toksikoloÅ”ku procenu koju rade osobe kvalifikovane za ovu vrstu poslova. ToksikoloÅ”ka procena se vrÅ”i na osnovu postojećih podataka in vivo toksikoloÅ”kih ispitivanja, i posebno in silico i in vitro budući da EU regulativa u oblasti kozmetičkih proizvoda zabranjuje nova ispitivanja na životinjama. Iako se sporadično javljaju i ozbiljni slučajevi trovanja nakon primene kozmetičkih proizvoda, neželjeni efekti pri uobičajenoj i predvidivoj upotrebi kozmetičkog proizvoda su obično blagi (alergijske reakcije i iritacija kože) i potpuno reverzibilni. Regulativa EU zahteva obavezno prijavljivanje ozbiljnih neželjenih efekata (privremena sprečenost za rad, hospitalizacija, invaliditet itd.) u cilju otkrivanja sastojaka kozmetičkih proizvoda koji potencijalno ugrožavaju zdravlje ljudi i preduzimanja određenih mera kako bi se sprečilo da se slični efekti ponovo jave. U radu je opisana procedura toksikoloÅ”ke procene rizika za kozmetičke sastojke jer se procena bezbednosti kozmetičkog proizvoda zasniva na proceni bezbednosti njegovih sastojaka

    Molecular docking study on the interaction of Rhodopsin-like receptor with tetra-coordinated gold(III) complex

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    The pharmacologic properties of gold compounds have been known since the end of the 19th century. In the last decade, gold complexes have received increased attention due to the variety of their applications. Rhodopsin-like receptors are a family of proteins that belong to the largest group of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). In this paper, the molecular interactions between active binding sites of the Rhodopsin-like receptor (RLR) and synthesized gold(III) complex ([Au(DPP)Cl2]+ where DPP=4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline) were investigated by molecular docking simulations. The crystal structure of investigated receptor RLR (PDB ID: 4A4M) was extracted from RCSB Protein Data Bank in PDB format. The native bound ligand (11-cis-retinal) was extracted from receptor and binding pocket analysis was performed. Re-docking was performed with the gold(III) complex to generate the same docking pose as found in co-crystallized form of receptor. The binding energy of gold(III) complex to RLR was found to be -35.35 kJ/mol, as opposed to 11-cis-retinal which of about - 40.5 kJ/mol. The obtained results of revealed that gold(III) complex binds at the same binding pockets to RLR, as well as native bound ligand, by weak non-covalent interactions. The most prominent interactions are hydrogen bonds, alkyl-Ļ€, and Ļ€-Ļ€ interactions. The preliminary results suggest that gold(III) complex showed good binding affinity against RLR, as well as native bound ligand, 11-cisretinal, as evident from the free binding energy (Ī”Gbind in kJ/mol).The authors are grateful to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (Agreement No. 451-03-9/2021-14/200378 and Agreement No. 451-03-68/2021-14/200122) for financial supportPublishe

    ZaŔtitni efekat kombinacije HI-6 i trimedoksima u miŔeva akutno trovanih tabunom, dihlorvosom ili heptenofosom

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    The aim of this study was to compare the protective effect of two individual oximes (HI-6 and trimedoxime) with their combination in mice acutely poisoned with tabun, dichlorvos or heptenophos. Oxime HI-6 did not protect experimental animals against either dichlorvos, heptenophos or tabun. Trimedoxime was very effective against all three OPs. The ED-500 doses of trimedoxime necessary to protect 50% of animals after the simultaneous administration of OPs and oxime were 42.18, 14.97 and 32.08 Ī¼mol/kg in dichlorvos, heptenophos and tabun poisoning, respectively. Half-time of efficacy in the tabun protocol was approximately three and two times longer than in the protocol for heptenophos and dichlorvos, respectively indicating also that trimedoxime is very potent in counteracting tabun toxicity. Addition of trimedoxime significantly improved the protective effect of HI-6 in acute tabun poisoning. When dichlorvos or heptenophos were used, addition of trimedoxime generally improved the antidotal effect of HI-6, but still lower protection was obtained than in the case when trimedoxime alone was administered. The investigations of different oxime combinations have indicated that application of a mixture of two oximes represents a promising antidotal approach.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se uporedi zaÅ”titni efekat pojedinačnih oksima HI-6 i trimedoksima sa zaÅ”titnim efektom njihove kombinacije u miÅ”eva akutno trovanih tabunom, dihlorvosom ili heptenofosom. Oksim HI-6 nije Å”titio eksperimentalne životinje od trovanja, ali je trimedoksim bio veoma efikasan u antagonitovanju toksičnih efekata sva tri organofosforna jedinjenja. ED-500 doze trimedoksima potrebne da zaÅ”tite 50% životinja pri istovremenoj primeni organofosfata i oksima iznosile su 42,18, 14,97 i 32,08 Ī¼mol/kg kod trovanja dihlorvosom, heptenofosom odnosno tabunom. Poluvreme efikasnosti trimedoksima u tretmanu sa tabunom bilo je dva odnosno tri puta duže od poluvremena izračunatih kod trovanja heptenofosom odnosno dihlorvosom. Dodatak trimedoksima doveo je do značajnog poboljÅ”anja zaÅ”titnog efekta HI-6 kod trovanja tabunom. Dodatak trimedoksima takođe je poboljÅ”ao zaÅ”titni efekat HI-6 i kod ostala dva otrova, ali je zaÅ”tita i dalje bila najbolja kada je primenjen sam trimedoksim. Ispitivanja različitih kombinacija oksima ukazuju da je primena smeÅ”e dva oksima opravdani pristup u prevazilaženju problema nejednake efikasnosti oksima

    Conducting bioinformatics analysis to predict sulforaphane-triggered adverse outcome pathways in healthy human cells

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    Sulforaphane (SFN) is a naturally occurring molecule present in plants from Brassica family. It becomes bioactive after hydrolytic reaction mediated by myrosinase or human gastrointestinal microbiota. Sulforaphane gained scientific popularity due to its antioxidant and anti-cancer properties. However, its toxicity profile and potential to cause adverse effects remain largely unidentified. Thus, this study aimed to generate SFN-triggered adverse outcome pathway (AOP) by looking at the relationship between SFN-chemical structure and its toxicity, as well as SFN-gene interactions. Quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) analysis identified 2 toxophores (Derek Nexus software) that have the potential to cause chromosomal damage and skin sensitization in mammals or mutagenicity in bacteria. Data extracted from Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD) linked SFN with previously proposed outcomes via gene interactions. The total of 11 and 146 genes connected SFN with chromosomal damage and skin diseases, respectively. However, network analysis (NetworkAnalyst tool) revealed that these genes function in wider networks containing 490 and 1986 nodes, respectively. The over-representation analysis (ExpressAnalyst tool) pointed out crucial biological pathways regulated by SFN-interfering genes. These pathways are uploaded to AOP-helpFinder tool which found the 2321 connections between 19 enriched pathways and SFN which were further considered as key events. Two major, interconnected AOPs were generated: first starting from disruption of biological pathways involved in cell cycle and cell proliferation leading to increased apoptosis, and the second one connecting activated immune system signaling pathways to inflammation and apoptosis. In both cases, chromosomal damage and/or skin diseases such as dermatitis or psoriasis appear as adverse outcomes

    Značaj racionalne primene lekova u veterinarskoj medicini za bezbednost hrane

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    Rational use of drugs in veterinary medicine has manifold significance. By using each drug, only when it is really necessary (indicated), in right dose and route of administration, the potential damage of their use is reduced, efficiency increased, and the risk of microorganisms resistance development (in case of antimicrobials) significantly decreased. All of this becomes more important when these drugs are used in food producing animals. Simultaneously with the intensifying of cattle breeding and exceptional increase of animal productivity, the number of used drugs is unavoidably increased. There are almost no animals today in intensive as well as in extensive production/rearing system, which haven't received at least one drug during their life. In poultry, cattle and pig production, which are main sectors for production of food stuffs of animal origin, the use of drugs has increased and reached the limits which are considered alarming for health of people. On the first place are antibiotics, or antimicrobial drugs, which are used very often in therapy or prevention of bacteria diseases, and also, very often, as growth stimulator. In addition to antibiotics, many other drugs are used, with proven numerous harmful effects, even with carcinogenic and teratogenic features, whose residues in food intended for human consumption can very seriously endanger the health of people, as potential consumers of this kind of food. Therefore, the control of use of antimicrobial, and other drugs in livestock production is exceptionally significant.Racionalna primena lekova u veterinarskoj medicini ima viÅ”estruk značaj. KoriŔćenjem lekova samo kada su stvarno neophodni (indikovani), u pravoj dozi i na pravi način, smanjuje se potencijalna Å”teta od njihovog koriŔćenja, a ujedno se povećava delotvornost, i smanjuje rizik od nastanka rezistentnosti mikroorganizama (odnosi se na antimikrobne lekove). Sve navedeno postaje joÅ” važnije kada se veterinarski lekovi koriste u lečenju farmskih životinja, odnosno životinja čiji se proizvodi koriste za ishranu ljudi. Istovremeno sa intenziviranjem stočarske proizvodnje i povećanjem produktivnosti životinja, povećava se i broj lekova koji se koriste. Danas ne postoji skoro nijedna životinja, u intenzivnom, kao i ekstenzivnom uzgoju, koja nije primila barem jedan lek tokom svog života. U živinarstvu, govedarstvu i svinjarstvu, kao glavnim sektorima gde se proizvode prehrambeni proizvodi životinjskog porekla, upotreba lekova je dostigla granice koje se mogu smatrati alarmantnim za zdravlje ljudi. Na prvom mestu su antibiotici, ili antimikrobni lekovi, koji se veoma često koriste u terapiji ili prevenciji bakterijskih bolesti, a ne tako retko i kao promotori rasta. Osim antibiotika, koriste se i mnogi drugi lekovi, koji imaju dokazano Å”tetno dejstvo, pa čak i kancerogene ili teratogene osobine/svojstva. Njihove rezidue u proizvodima životinjskog porekla koji se koriste u ljudskoj ishrani, mogu veoma ozbiljno da ugroze zdravlje ljudi, koji su potencijalni konzumenti ove vrste hrane. Zbog toga je kontrola primene antimikrobnih lekova, kao i ostalih lekova u stočarstvu, od izuzetne važnosti
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