31 research outputs found

    General over-view of forest establishment in Turkey

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    Turkey has 9.64 million hectares of unproductive forests 43% of the total forest area according, to 2016’ forest inventory. Forest establishment including afforestation, reforestation, rehabilitation and private plantation is the most important method to convert unproductive forest into productive ones, and also to increase present productivity of product forest by improved seed and seedling materials. Turkish forest establishment is examined based on past, present, and future perspectives according to forest inventory from 1946 to 2015 in the present study to contribute present and future establishment

    Seed Source Effect on Quality and Morphology of Turkish Red Pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) Seedlings

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    This study was carried out to compare quality and morphology in 1+0 year containerized seedlings of Turkish red pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) originating from a seed stand and a seed orchard based on height and root-collar diameter. Averages of seedling height and root-collar diameter were 13.8 cm and 2.63 mm in orchard seedlings, while they were 14.8 cm and 4.56 mm in stand seedlings, respectively. There were significant differences (p≤0.05) between seed sources for the characters according to result of ANOVA. Stand seedlings were better quality than that of orchard seedlings according to quality classification of Turkish Standard Institute. Positive and significant (p≤0.05) relations were found between the characters in both seed sources based on results of correlation analysis. Results of the study were discussed for nursery practices, plantation forestry, and genetic-breeding of the species


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    Bu çalışmada, Isparta yöresinde tesis edilen bir Toros sediri plantasyonundaki bireyler üzerinde, 3, 6 ve 9 yaşındaki çap ve boylar ölçülerek hacimler hesaplanmış, elde edilen değerler yardımıyla bu türün, çalışmaya konu özellikler bakımından yaşlar arasındaki ilişkileri (yaş-yaş korelasyonu) belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır.Çalışma sonucunda, aynı özellik bakımından yaşlar arasında istatistik bakımdan anlamlı (p ≤ 0,05) pozitif fenotipik ilişkiler olduğu, yani ilk yıllarda çap, boy ve hacim değerleri yüksek olan bireylerin ileriki yıllarda da bunu devam ettirdiği belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen bu sonuçlar, türün bakım çalışmaları, tohum kaynaklarının belirlenmesi ve ıslah programı sırasında üstün ağaç seçiminde göz önüne alınabilir. Bununla birlikte, yaşlar arasındaki genotipik ilişkiler ile optimum seleksiyon yaşını belirlemek amacıyla aile seviyesinde çalışmalar yapılarak, bu türe özgü eşitlikler geliştirilmelidir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Toros sediri, Fenotipik korelasyon, Boy, Çap, Haci

    Evaluation on natural regenerations in Kütahya-Simav district of Anatolian Black Pine

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    Yaklaşık 4.3 milyon hektar doğal yayılışı ile Türkiye’nin önemli ekonomik değere sahip orman ağacı türlerinden olan Anadolu karaçamı (Pinus nigra Arnold. subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe) ormanlarının %35’i bozuk orman vasfında olup, doğal gençleştirmeyi de içeren silvikültürel müdahalelerle verimli hale dönüştürülmeye konudur. Bu çalışmada, türün Kütahya-Simav’dan örneklenen, 2000-2002 yıllarında tohumlama kesimi uygulanmış üç doğal gençleştirme sahası gençliklerinde boy, dip çap, yaş ve son yılın boy gelişimi ölçülerek, türde uygulamaya dönük olarak gerçekleştirilen doğal gençleştirme ve silvikültürel müdahalelerin fidan gelişimi üzerindeki etkilerinin ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler ışığında, örnek alanlarda ortalama boy, kök boğazı çapı, yaş ve son yılın boy gelişimi ile yıllık boy artımı değerleri sırasıyla 253 cm, 7.8 cm, 11 yıl ve 22.4 cm bulunmuştur. Varyans analizi sonucunda, örnek alanlar arasında boy bakımından fark bulunamazken diğer özellikler istatistiksel bakımdan anlamlı (p≤0.05) farklılıklar göstermiştir. Korelasyon analizi sonucunda çalışmaya konu özellikler arasında istatistiksel bakımdan anlamlı (p≤0.05) pozitif ilişkiler belirlenmiştir. Örnek alan içinde ve örnek alanlar arasında yaş farklılıklarının geniş bir aralıkta olması, türde birden fazla bol tohum yılından ve öncü gençliklerden de yararlanılabileceğini ortaya koymuştur.Anatolian Black pine (Pinus nigra Arnold. subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe) is an important forest tree species because of its commercial wood production of Turkey by 4.7 million natural distributions of which 35% (2.1 milion hectares) to be unproductive. Silvicultural practices included natural regeneration practices is the most important way in conversion of unproductive forest to productive forest. In this study, seedling height, root collar diameter, age and terminal shoot height values were measured in three sampling plots in Simav/Kütahya district, which were subjected to seed cutting between 2000 and 2002 to determine the effects of natural regeneration and other silvicultural practices on seedling growth. Average height, root collar diameter, age and terminal shoot height values were found as 253 cm, 7.8 cm, 11 years and 22.4 cm in the sampling plots respectively. Significant differences (p≤0.05) were found among sampled plots for seedling height, root collar diameter, seed lenth and seed width among the families according to results of ANOVA. Positive and significant (p≤0.05) relations were found among the characteristics. Large differences within and among sampled plots for seedling ageemphasized that using more than one seed year and advanced regeneration should be proper for natural regeneration success in Anatolian Black pine stands

    ISPARTA GÖLLER YÖRESİ SARIÇAM (Pinus silvestris L.) ORİJİN DENEMELERİ (İlk Aşama Sonuçları)

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    Bu araştırma, 2000 yılında Burdur-Kemer ve Isparta-Aydoğmuş yörelerinde, 27’si Türkiye ve 3’ü de yabancı ülkelerin (Fransa ve Yunanistan) tohum kaynaklarından sağlanan 30 sarıçam orijiniyle başlatılmıştır. Denemelere, karşılaştırma türleri olarak Toros Sediri (Cedrus libani A.Rich) ve Anadolu Karaçamı’nın [Pinus nigra Arn. subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe)] birer orijini dahil edilmiştir. Denemeler “Tesadüf Blokları Deneme Deseni”ne uygun 3 yinelemeli olarak kurulmuştur. Her orijin her bir yineleme içinde 30 adet 2+0 tüplü fidanla temsil edilmiştir. Çalışmanın bu ilk aşamasında orijinlerin birinci ve ikinci vejetasyon mevsimi sonunda saptanan fidan yaşama yüzdeleri, boy ve kökboğazı çapı gelişimi verileri değerlendirilmiştir. Buna göre; Vezirköprü - Gölköy, Çatacık - Değirmendere, Mesudiye - Arpaalan, Akyazı - Dokurcun Sarıçam orijinleri ile Eğirdir - Yukarıgökdere Toros Sediri orijini denemeye alınan diğer bütün orijinlere kıyasla daha üstün performans göstermişler ve gelecek için umut vaat etmişlerdir. Anahtar kelimeler: Sarıçam, tohum kaynağı, orijin denemeleri


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    Bu araştırmada, dar yapraklı dişbudak (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl.) orijinlerinde, tohum ve fidecik özelliklerinden, tohum bin tane ağırlığı, çimlenme süresi, çimlenme yüzdesi; epikotil boyu, hipokotil boyu, kotiledon boyu ve kotiledon eni çalışılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda dar yapraklı dişbudakta ortalama, bin tane ağırlığı 85,8 gr, çimlenme süresi 25 gün, çimlenme yüzdesi 48,2; kotiledon boyu 31 mm, kotiledon eni 10 mm, epikotil boyu 27 mm ve hipokotil boyu 16 mm olarak bulunmuştur. Uygulanan varyans analizi sonucunda, orijinler arasında çimlenme yüzdesi, kotiledon eni, hipokotil boyu ve epikotil boyu bakımdan anlamlı fark olduğu belirlenmiştir. Çalışma sonuçları, türün fidanlık tekniği ve ıslah çalışmaları bakımından önemlidir. Anahtar kelimeler: Dişbudak, Tohum, Epikotil, Hipokotil, Kotiledo

    The status and role of genetic diversity of trees for the conservation and management of riparian ecosystems: a European experts' perspective

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    Riparian vegetation supports high biodiversity providing many services and is, therefore, an important landscape element. Riparian ecosystems are subject to numerous pressures leading to population decline and genetic erosion of riparian plants. This may have cascading effects at various ecosystem levels, including decreasing ecosystem services, so identifying the current status of genetic diversity of riparian tree species is vital to improve the effectiveness of restoration efforts. We aimed to elicit expert views on the status and importance of genetic diversity of tree species, and conservation needs across European riparian ecosystems. Sharing of such information among researchers, managers and policymakers has the potential to enhance ecological restoration and management of riparian ecosystems. We identified experts in riparian genetic resources conservation and management across Europe. These included stakeholders with different perspectives, ranging from researchers to practitioners. We designed a set of questionnaires where our identified experts were asked to answer questions related to the status and conservation of genetic diversity of riparian tree species in their respective countries. Specifically, we asked about societal awareness, legislative tools, good practices and conservation or restoration projects accounting for intraspecific genetic diversity and differentiation of tree species in riparian ecosystems. Questionnaire responses were analysed and discussed in light of the scientific literature to define needs and priorities related to the management and conservation of genetic diversity of riparian tree species. The experts recognized that a combination of in situ and ex situ measures and/or integrative conservation of riparian ecosystems is the most appropriate option for conserving the genetic diversity of riparian tree species. Simultaneous application of conservation measures at the level of priority species, identified by experts, and protection of riparian areas are required. Synthesis and applications. This study revealed the importance of recognizing the ecological processes that shape the genetic diversity of riparian tree species in hydrographic networks (dendritic spatial configuration, specific patterns of gene flow among riparian populations, fragmentation of river by dams) but also the need to overcome socio-economic barriers, such as lack of policy priority, deficiency in funding and weak legislation framewor

    Impact of Crown Closure on Cone Production and Effective Number of Parents in Natural Stands of Taurus Cedar (<i>Cedrus libani</i> A. Rich.)

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    This study was carried out to estimate the effect of crown closure classes (degraded forest, low crown coverage, medium crown coverage, and full crown coverage) and growth characteristics (three heights, diameter at base, diameter at breast height, and crown diameter) on cone production and to estimate fertility variation and its allied parameters in 130-year-old natural populations of Taurus cedar, also called cedar of Lebanon (Cedrus libani A. Rich.). The effect of biotic (e.g., growth characteristics, crown closure) and abiotic (e.g., light penetration, temperature, humidity, and soil characteristics) factors on cone production, fertility variation, and gene diversity was evaluated in two consecutive years of Taurus cedar. The factors, viz., altitude, temperature, aspect, and rainfall, varied, while some of them could be managed by cultural operations such as management of the crown and stand density. The impact of crown closure on cone production, fertility variation, and related parameters were observed in Taurus cedar’s natural populations sampled from southern Turkey. Maximum cone productions of 29 and 40/tree were recorded with full crown closure in two consecutive years, due to significant differences among individuals within crown closure class. For instance, cone productions were between 10 and 67 in the full crown closure of the first year. The sibling coefficient, which is a measure of the fertility variation in a stand, was the highest (1.16) for the full crown closure in the first (meaning 86% fertile trees) and the second years (1.55, 65%), while it was the lowest for the medium crown closure (1.09, 92%) in both years. Gene diversity decreased from a degraded patch (0.987) to that with full crown closure (0.984). Results of variance analysis showed a significant (p ≤ 0.05) difference between crown closure classes for cone production within the second year and between years. Significant positive (p ≤ 0.05) correlations were noted between years for cone production (r = 0.22) and between cone production and crown closure in the first and second years (r = 0.29). However, growth characteristics had no effect on cone productions in individual crown closure classes, while there were significant (p ≤ 0.05) correlations between the diameter at breast height and cone production for both years (r = 0.15 and 0.17) in pooled populations

    Aspectual Fertility Variation and Its Effect on Gene Diversity of Seeds in Natural Stands of Taurus Cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.)

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    There are many environmental and biological factors on forestry practices as known. Aspect called as slope faces is one of the most important environmental factors in these practices because of its easy application for managers. Fertility variation defined as an individual ability to give progeny and gene diversity estimated based on effective number of parents were investigated as the proportion of numbers of cones counted from individuals in natural stands sampled aspectual of Taurus cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.) for three consecutive years. The averages of cone number were 19.4, 47.2, and 75.5 for the years. It was the highest in flat (23.5) for 2013, in south (92.1) for 2014, and in flat (95.7) for 2015, while it was lowest in south (16.3), in east (18.2), and in north (39.4) for the years, respectively. Significant correlations (p≤0.01) were estimated among years for cone production in polled aspect. Estimated fertility variations changed for the years and stands. It could be generally acceptable level for typical natural stands except of west of 2014. Fertility variations were 1.55, 3.05, and 1.64 in polled stands for the years. Gene diversity was 0.99 for the years in polled stands. North aspect could be taken into consideration in establishment and selection of seed sources and gene conservation areas based on fertility variation and gene diversity