13 research outputs found

    Plasmodium falciparum Clearance Is Rapid and Pitting Independent in Immune Malian Children Treated With Artesunate for Malaria

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    Background. In Plasmodium falciparum-infected patients treated with artemisinins, parasitemia declines through so-called pitting, an innate splenic process that transforms infected red blood cells (iRBCs) into onceinfected RBCs (O-iRBCs). Methods. We measured pitting in 83 French travelers and 42 Malian children treated for malaria with artesunate. Results. In travelers, O-iRBCs peaked at 107.7% initial parasitemia. In Malian children aged 1.5-4 years, OiRBCs peaked at higher concentrations than in children aged 9-13 years (91.60% vs 31.95%; P = .0097). The parasite clearance time in older children was shorter than in younger children (P = .0001), and the decline in parasitemia in children aged 1.5-4 years often started 6 hours after treatment initiation, a lag phase generally absent in infants and older children. A 6-hour lag phase in artificial pitting of artesunate-exposed iRBCs was also observed in vitro. The proportion of iRBCs recognized by autologous immunoglobulin G (IgG) correlated with the parasite clearance time (r = −0.501; P = .0006) and peak O-iRBC concentration (r = −0.420; P = .0033). Conclusions. Antimalarial immunity correlates with fast artemisinin-induced parasite clearance and low pitting rates. In nonimmune populations, artemisinin-induced P. falciparum clearance is related to pitting and starts after a 6-hour lag phase. In immune populations, passively and naturally acquired immune mechanisms operating faster than pitting may exist. This mechanism may mitigate the emergence of artemisinin-resistant P. falciparum in Africa

    Peritoneal Sclerosis in a Patient on Long-term Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD). : An Autopsy Case.

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    若年性ネフロン癆による慢性腎不全でCAPD (continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis)導入し, 6年6ヵ月後に死亡した20歳男性の1剖検例を報告した。CAPD導入数カ月後, 腹膜炎による除水能低下を起こしたが, 約5ヵ月後に回復した。CAPD導入1年5ヵ月以降重症な腹膜炎罹患により除水能低下状態が遷延したが, 次第に回復した。しかし, 体液貯留傾向のため, 3年2ヵ月後より高張透析液を使用し除水量の増加を得たが, 3年9ヵ月後に不可逆的な除水能低下状態となった。一方, クレアチニンの透析排液/血漿濃度比(D/P)から見た溶質除去能は, その約半年後まで保たれており, 血清クレアチニン値の上昇は軽度であった。剖検にて腹膜の線維性肥厚と高度の内腔狭窄を伴う動静脈硬化を認め, 腹膜硬化症と診断した。本例の腹膜硬化症は, 頻回の腹膜炎と高張透析液の使用が主な原因と考えられた。腹膜機能を長期に維持するためには, 腹膜炎の予防と高張透析液の使用を最小限にすることが重要と考えられた。A 20-year-old man, treated with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) for 6.5 years because of-end-stage renal disease due to juvenile nephronophthysis, died of ultrafiltration failure, and the morphological examination of peritoneum was carried out at autopsy. Nine episodes of peritonitis developed, and ultrafiltration transiently decreased after each episodes. At 2 years after the start of CAPD, severe peritonitis occurred, and then his body weight and blood pressure gradually increased. At 4 years after the beginning of CAPD, when hyperosmotic dialysate was frequently used, ultrafiltration was irreversively deteriorated. On the other hand, creatinine dialysate/plasma ratio remained within normal limits for about several months, and the increase in the level of serum creatinine was very little. The peritoneum obtained at autopsy revealed marked fibrous thickening as well as the conspicuous luminal narrowing of arteries and veins due to intimal thickening. The development of peritoneal sclerosis seemed to be related with the frequency and severity of peritonitis and the use of hyperosmotic dialysate

    New Highly Divergent rRNA Sequence among Biodiverse Genotypes of Enterocytozoon bieneusi Strains Isolated from Humans in Gabon and Cameroon▿

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    Intestinal microsporidiosis due to Enterocytozoon bieneusi is a leading cause of chronic diarrhea in severely immunocompromised human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive patients. It may be a public health problem in Africa due to the magnitude of the HIV pandemic and to poor sanitary conditions. We designed two prevalence studies of E. bieneusi in Central Africa, the first with HIV-positive patients from an urban setting in Gabon and the second with a nonselected rural population in Cameroon. Stool samples were analyzed by an immunofluorescence antibody test and PCR. Twenty-five out of 822 HIV-positive patients from Gabon and 22 out of 758 villagers from Cameroon were found to be positive for E. bieneusi. The prevalence rates of the two studies were surprisingly similar (3.0% and 2.9%). Genotypic analysis of the internal transcribed spacer region of the rRNA gene showed a high degree of diversity in samples from both countries. In Gabon, 15 isolates showed seven different genotypes: the previously reported genotypes A, D, and K along with four new genotypes, referred to as CAF1, CAF2, CAF3, and CAF4. In Cameroon, five genotypes were found in 20 isolates: the known genotypes A, B, D, and K and the new genotype CAF4. Genotypes A and CAF4 predominated in Cameroon, whereas K, CAF4, and CAF1 were more frequent in Gabon, suggesting that different genotypes present differing risks of infection associated with immune status and living conditions. Phylogenetic analysis of the new genotype CAF4, identified in both HIV-negative and HIV-positive subjects, indicates that it represents a highly divergent strain

    Plasmodium falciparum Clearance Is Rapid and Pitting Independent in Immune Malian Children Treated With Artesunate for Malaria

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    International audienceBackground. In Plasmodium falciparum-infected patients treated with artemisinins, parasitemia declines through so-called pitting, an innate splenic process that transforms infected red blood cells (iRBCs) into once-infected RBCs (O-iRBCs).Methods. We measured pitting in 83 French travelers and 42 Malian children treated for malaria with artesunate.Results. In travelers, O-iRBCs peaked at 107.7% initial parasitemia. In Malian children aged 1.5-4 years, O-iRBCs peaked at higher concentrations than in children aged 9-13 years (91.60% vs 31.95%; P = .0097). The parasite clearance time in older children was shorter than in younger children (P = .0001), and the decline in parasitemia in children aged 1.5-4 years often started 6 hours after treatment initiation, a lag phase generally absent in infants and older children. A 6-hour lag phase in artificial pitting of artesunate-exposed iRBCs was also observed in vitro. The proportion of iRBCs recognized by autologous immunoglobulin G (IgG) correlated with the parasite clearance time (r = −0.501; P = .0006) and peak O-iRBC concentration (r = −0.420; P = .0033).Conclusions. Antimalarial immunity correlates with fast artemisinin-induced parasite clearance and low pitting rates. In nonimmune populations, artemisinin-induced P. falciparum clearance is related to pitting and starts after a 6-hour lag phase. In immune populations, passively and naturally acquired immune mechanisms operating faster than pitting may exist. This mechanism may mitigate the emergence of artemisinin-resistant P. falciparum in Africa

    Altered Subpopulations of Red Blood Cells and Post-treatment Anemia in Malaria

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    International audienceIn acute malaria, the bulk of erythrocyte loss occurs after therapy, with a nadir of hemoglobin generally observed 3–7 days after treatment. The fine mechanisms leading to this early post-treatment anemia are still elusive. We explored pathological changes in RBC subpopulations by quantifying biochemical and mechanical alterations during severe malaria treated with artemisinin derivatives, a drug family that induce “pitting” in the spleen. In this study, the hemoglobin concentration dropped by 1.93 G/dl during therapy. During the same period, iRBC accounting for 6.12% of all RBC before therapy (BT) were replaced by pitted-RBC, accounting for 5.33% of RBC after therapy (AT). RBC loss was thus of 15.9%, of which only a minor part was due to the loss of iRBC or pitted-RBC. When comparing RBC BT and AT to normal controls, lipidomics revealed an increase in the cholesterol/phosphatidylethanolamine ratio (0.17 versus 0.24, p < 0.001) and cholesterol/phosphatidylinositol ratio (0.36 versus 0.67, p = 0.001). Using ektacytometry, we observed a reduced deformability of circulating RBC, similar BT and AT, compared to health control donors. The mean Elongation Index at 1.69Pa was 0.24 BT and 0.23 AT vs. 0.28 in controls ( p < 0.0001). At 30Pa EI was 0.56 BT and 0.56 AT vs. 0.60 in controls ( p < 0.001). The retention rate (rr) of RBC subpopulations in spleen-mimetic microsphere layers was higher for iRBC (rr = 20% p = 0.0033) and pitted-RBC (rr = 19%, p = 0.0031) than for healthy RBC (0.12%). Somewhat surprisingly, the post-treatment anemia in malaria results from the elimination of RBC that were never infected