9 research outputs found


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    Urbanization decreased natural habitats and technological developments cause children to become more and more disconnected from nature (Kahyaoğlu & Yetişir, 2015). This disconnection has increased interest in ecology-based nature education in many countries. Ecology-based nature education is an out-of-school education program that enables to develop awareness of nature and environment in individuals, protect living and inanimate beings in nature, and better understand human-nature relations. It covers a wide range of people from preschool, primary, secondary, undergraduate, graduate and teachers. Accordingly, it is seen that there has been an increase in studies on ecology-based nature education in recent years (Keçeci, Kırbağ-Zengin & Alan, 2019; Özgel, Aydoğdu & Yıldırım, 2018; Kınık-Topalsan, Türk & Güler, 2019; Temiz & Karaarslan-Semiz, 2019). However, when the articles on this field are examined, it is seen that the studies on the role and effect of ecology-based nature education on the behavior of students connecting to nature are not enough. The aim of this research is to examine the impact of ecology-based nature education on the behavior of secondary school students towards nature within the framework of Bowlby’s theory of attachment and to present their views on ecology-based nature education applied. In this context, the research was carried out with a mixed method research pattern. The working group of the study consists of 40 students, who participated in the training with the principle of volunteerism, in a province located in Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. All activities of this training were carried out within the borders of the province. Quantitative data of the study were obtained by “Nature Commitment Scale” and qualitative data were obtained by semi-structured interview form. Quantitative data of the study were analyzed by independently related sample t-test and qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis. In the study, it was determined that ecology-based nature education had a statistically significant effect on the connection behavior of secondary school students to nature. In addition, it was determined that secondary school students who participated in ecology-based nature education with some expectations such as, raising awareness, doing activities, gaining experience and communicating. After the training, it was determined that the expectations of the students were met. Article visualizations

    Acquired Skin Fragility Syndrome in a Juvenile Cat Following a Routine Ovariohysterectomy

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    Background: Acquired skin fragility syndrome (ASFS) is a rare condition, which is characterized by spontaneous fragility of the skin and an absence of hyperextensibility. Even though the real pathogenesis of ASFS remains unknown that is reported generally with some iatrogenic causes and severe diseases. Thus, based on the clinical findings this is the first report of describes the case and treatment of feline acquired skin fragility syndrome following a routine ovariohysterectomy.Case: An 8-month-old domestic shorthair female cat was brought to the Siirt University Animal Health Application and Research Center for ovariohysterectomy operation. Before the operation physical examination of the animal revealed body temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, the color of mucosas, and lymph nodes were determined normally. Besides, there is no hematological and biochemical problem detected. The cat had no previous history of several infections or systemic disease. A routine ovariohysterectomy procedure was applied under general anesthesia and the cat was discharged on the same day. Three days after that a spontaneously developed cutaneous laceration below the left scapular region was determined by the cat owner. During the clinical examination, it was determined that the cat was sensitive to touch against the left scapular area. Multiple spontaneous skin tear was revealed over the left scapular region while shaving for better inspection but did not obtain any problem with incision line. To identify the underlying cause of skin tearing, hematological and biochemical tests were done but the animal’s results were found within the normal references. Also, rapid blood tests were performed for feline leukemia virus and immunodeficiency virus, and none of them were positive. Additionally, the skin was not hyperextensible. Although the clinicopathological abnormalities were observed on the skin, there were no abnormalities in the vital signs of the cat. Based on the clinical status of the cat, daily regular wound cleaning and a wet-to-dry bandage were applied for two weeks. Skin therapy based on the use of dexpanthenol, vitamin E, and vitamin C with zinc was preferred to improve skin health. All lesions on the skin of the cat completely recovered and a follow-up visit for several weeks was recommended to the cat owner.Discussion: There have been reports that acquired skin fragility syndrome may be related to hepatic diseases, some feline viral infections, hyperadrenocorticism, or use of a long time progestational drugs. Also, acquired skin fragility syndrome can be seen in a congenital disorder known as cutaneous asthenia which is described generally in young cats. Cutaneous asthenia and acquired skin fragility syndrome are difficult to distinguish from each other even though histological examination was made. Although the cat in this report is young, there was no history of skin problems and skin hyperextensible until presentation. No specific treatment protocol described for this skin problem has been reported. Moreover, vitamins and minerals may be used for wound treatment and strengthening the skin. Ovariohysterectomy is the most common surgical technique used for sterilization of cats however; it can cause some complications, such as acute stress. Unfortunately, the exact etiology is not detected in this case report but it is thought to be that stress of ovariohysterectomy might be triggered to spontaneous skin tearing

    Fertility of lactating dairy cows inseminated with sex-sorted or conventional semen after Ovsynch, Presynch–Ovsynch and Double-Ovsynch protocols

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    The objective was to compare pregnancy per artificial insemination (P/AI) with conventional (CS) or sex-sorted semen (SS) in dairy cows subjected to one of the three timed AI protocols. Cows (n = 356) were randomly assigned to synchronization with Ovsynch (OVS), Presynch–Ovsynch (PO) or Double-Ovsynch (DO) and inseminated on Day 77 ± 3 postpartum with either frozen-thawed SS (n = 182) or CS (n = 184) of the same bull. More cows were cyclic at the beginning of breeding Ovsynch increased (p < 0.01) with presynchronization and it was greater for DO than PO (OVS = 78.5%, PO = 85.1%, DO = 95.6%). Overall, P/AI for SS and CS increased with presynchronization (p < 0.05) on Days 31 (OVS = 35.5%, PO = 47.1%, DO = 48.3%) and 62 (OVS = 30.1%, PO = 43.8%, DO = 43.9%). Regardless of synchronization treatments, insemination with SS reduced P/AI (p < 0.02) on Days 31 (38.1% vs. 50.6%) and 62 (34.5% vs. 45.6%) compared with CS. No interaction was observed between synchronization treatment and type of semen for P/AI, although in cows receiving CS, P/AI was numerically greatest for PO (OVS = 42.0%, PO = 59.3%, DO = 49.0%), and in cows receiving SS, it was numerically greatest for those inseminated following DO (OVS = 27.9%, PO = 35.5%, DO = 47.6%). Thus, presynchronization improved P/AI in cows inseminated with sex-sorted or conventional semen

    The effect of supplementation of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) into the Ovsynch protocol to increase the pregnancy rate in cyclic lactating dairy cows

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effects of the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) supplemented in the Ovsynch protocol on pregnancy per timed artificial insemination (P/TAI) in cyclic dairy cows. All cows (n = 383) included in the study received the Ovsynch protocol. The cows in FSH3 (n = 92), FSH4 (n = 88), and FSH3&4 (n = 91) were administered 20 mg FSH on day 3, or day 4, or both on days 3 and 4 of the protocol, respectively, whereas the control group (n = 112) did not receive any FSH treatment. The mean follicle number at TAI and ovulation number after TAI were similar among the FSH groups. However, the mean follicular size was smaller (similar to 14.9 mm, P = 0.02) in FSH4 compared to the other groups (similar to 15.9 mm). Pregnancy/TAI of the FSH4 group on day 31 (59.1%) and day 62 (53.4%) was higher than those of other groups on day 31 (45.5% in control, 45.7% in FSH3, and 46.2% in FSH3&4) and day 62 (42.9% in control, 43.5% in FSH3, and 40.7% in FSH3&4), but the difference was non-significant. Likewise, FSH4 (62.7%) had more (P = 0.05) P/TAI than the other groups (48.6% in control, 47.7% in FSH3, and 49.4% in FSH3&4) in synchronized cows. The cows which responded to the first gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) of Ovsynch in the FSH4 group (64.8%) had higher (P < 0.02) P/AI rate than the responding control cows (44.6%). We concluded that application of FSH on day 4 in cyclic cows which were responsive to the Ovsynch protocol can yield higher pregnancy rates, but more studies are needed to better demonstrate this potential effect

    Uşak İli küçükbaş hayvancılık işletmelerinde pire zararlarını belirlemeye yönelik bir ön çalışma

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    Amaç: Uşak ili merkez, Eşme, Ulubey, Karahallı, Sivaslı ve Banaz ilçelerine bağlıköylerde bulunan küçükbaş hayvancılık işletmelerinde pirenin mevcut durumu vebununla yapılan mücadele yöntemleri hakkında bir durum tespiti yapmaktır.Materyal ve Metot: Araştırma materyalini, Uşak ili merkez ile 5 ayrı ilçede (Eşme,Ulubey, Karahallı, Sivaslı ve Banaz) İl Tarım ve Orman Müdürlüğü kayıtlarındangayeli örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilen 170 küçükbaş işletmesi oluşturmuştur.Araştırma Bulguları: Çalışmada, temel üretim dalına göre durum incelendiğindetüm ilçelerde süt verimi ön planda iken (%40-70) besi/kasaplık hayvan yapanişletmelerin oranı %20 ve bunun altında gerçekleşmiştir. İşletmelerinin %66-86’sıyemini satın alma yoluyla temin ederken, yemini kendi yetiştirenlerin oranı oldukçadüşüktür (%2-30). Çalışmada, Karahallı ilçesi dışında sürülerde pire görülme oranıdüşüktür (%10-29). Pirenin sürülerde görülmeme oranı en yüksek Sivaslı (%70) endüşük Ulubey (%41) ilçesindedir. İşletmelerde pirenin en çok görüldüğü hayvan yaşgrubu yavrular olup bu oran %10-66 arasında değişmektedir. İşletmelerinde pireninvücutta göreli olarak en az görüldüğü bölge kulak (%6.2-20) olup bunu meme veçevresi (%2-30) olmuştur. Pirenin genel olarak en yoğun görüldüğü bölge sırttır(%20-50).Sonuç: Uşak ili küçükbaş hayvancılık işletmelerinde bulunan hayvanların düzenliaralıklarla pire yönünden muayene ve tedavilerinin yapılması gerekir. Koyun ve keçiyetiştiricilerine verilecek eğitim çalışmalarıyla da konunun önemi iyi anlatılmalıdır