56 research outputs found

    Perspective: Potential Impact and Therapeutic Implications of Oncogenic PI3K Activation on Chromosomal Instability

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    Genetic activation of the class I PI3K pathway is very common in cancer. This mostly results from oncogenic mutations in PIK3CA, the gene encoding the ubiquitously expressed PI3Kα catalytic subunit, or from inactivation of the PTEN tumour suppressor, a lipid phosphatase that opposes class I PI3K signalling. The clinical impact of PI3K inhibitors in solid tumours, aimed at dampening cancer-cell-intrinsic PI3K activity, has thus far been limited. Challenges include poor drug tolerance, incomplete pathway inhibition and pre-existing or inhibitor-induced resistance. The principle of pharmacologically targeting cancer-cell-intrinsic PI3K activity also assumes that all cancer-promoting effects of PI3K activation are reversible, which might not be the case. Emerging evidence suggests that genetic PI3K pathway activation can induce and/or allow cells to tolerate chromosomal instability, which-even if occurring in a low fraction of the cell population-might help to facilitate and/or drive tumour evolution. While it is clear that such genomic events cannot be reverted pharmacologically, a role for PI3K in the regulation of chromosomal instability could be exploited by using PI3K pathway inhibitors to prevent those genomic events from happening and/or reduce the pace at which they are occurring, thereby dampening cancer development or progression. Such an impact might be most effective in tumours with clonal PI3K activation and achievable at lower drug doses than the maximum-tolerated doses of PI3K inhibitors currently used in the clinic

    Vps34 PI 3-kinase controls thyroid hormone production by regulating thyroglobulin iodination, lysosomal proteolysis and tissue homeostasis

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    BACKGROUND: The production of thyroid hormones (T3, T4) depends on the organization of the thyroid in follicles, which are lined by a monolayer of thyrocytes with strict apico-basal polarity. This polarization supports vectorial transport of thyroglobulin for storage into, and recapture from, the colloid. It also allows selective addressing of channels, transporters, ion pumps and enzymes to their appropriate basolateral (NIS, SLC26A7 and Na+/K+-ATPase) or apical membrane domain (Anoctamin, SLC26A4, DUOX2, DUOXA2 and TPO). How these actors of T3/T4 synthesis reach their final destination remains poorly understood. The PI 3-kinase (PI3K) isoform Vps34/PIK3C3 is now recognized as a main component in the general control of vesicular trafficking and of cell homeostasis via the regulation of endosomal trafficking and autophagy. We recently reported that conditional Vps34 inactivation in proximal tubular cells in the kidney prevents normal addressing of apical membrane proteins and causes abortive macroautophagy. // METHODS: Vps34 was inactivated using a Pax8-driven Cre recombinase system. The impact of Vps34 inactivation in thyrocytes was analyzed by histological, immunolocalization and mRNA expression profiling. Thyroid hormone synthesis was assayed by 125I injection and serum plasma analysis. // RESULTS: Vps34cKO mice were born at the expected Mendelian ratio and showed normal growth until postnatal day 14, then stopped growing and died at around 1 month of age. We therefore analyzed thyroid Vps34cKO at postnatal day 14. We found that loss of Vps34 in thyrocytes causes: (i) disorganization of thyroid parenchyma, with abnormal thyrocyte and follicular shape and reduced PAS+ colloidal spaces; (ii) severe non-compensated hypothyroidism with extremely low T4 levels (0.75 ± 0.62 g/dL) and huge TSH plasma levels (19,300 ± 10,500 mU/L); (iii) impaired 125I organification at comparable uptake and frequent occurrence of follicles with luminal thyroglobulin but non-detectable T4-bearing thyroglobulin; (iv) intense signal in thyrocytes for the lysosomal membrane marker, LAMP-1, as well as thyroglobulin and the autophagy marker, p62, indicating defective lysosomal proteolysis, and (v) presence of macrophages in the colloidal space. // CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that Vps34 is crucial for thyroid hormonogenesis, at least by controlling epithelial organization, Tg iodination as well as proteolytic T3/T4 excision in lysosomes

    Constitutive activation of the PI3K-Akt-mTORC1 pathway sustains the m.3243 A > G mtDNA mutation

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    Mutations of the mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) cause a range of profoundly debilitating clinical conditions for which treatment options are very limited. Most mtDNA diseases show heteroplasmy – tissues express both wild-type and mutant mtDNA. While the level of heteroplasmy broadly correlates with disease severity, the relationships between specific mtDNA mutations, heteroplasmy, disease phenotype and severity are poorly understood. We have carried out extensive bioenergetic, metabolomic and RNAseq studies on heteroplasmic patient-derived cells carrying the most prevalent disease related mtDNA mutation, the m.3243 A > G. These studies reveal that the mutation promotes changes in metabolites which are associated with the upregulation of the PI3K-Akt-mTORC1 axis in patient-derived cells and tissues. Remarkably, pharmacological inhibition of PI3K, Akt, or mTORC1 reduced mtDNA mutant load and partially rescued cellular bioenergetic function. The PI3K-Akt-mTORC1 axis thus represents a potential therapeutic target that may benefit people suffering from the consequences of the m.3243 A > G mutation

    Vps34/PI3KC3 deletion in kidney proximal tubules impairs apical trafficking and blocks autophagic flux, causing a Fanconi-like syndrome and renal insufficiency

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    Kidney proximal tubular cells (PTCs) are highly specialized for ultrafiltrate reabsorption and serve as paradigm of apical epithelial differentiation. Vps34/PI3-kinase type III (PI3KC3) regulates endosomal dynamics, macroautophagy and lysosomal function. However, its in vivo role in PTCs has not been evaluated. Conditional deletion of Vps34/PI3KC3 in PTCs by Pax8-Cre resulted in early (P7) PTC dysfunction, manifested by Fanconi-like syndrome, followed by kidney failure (P14) and death. By confocal microscopy, Vps34∆/∆ PTCs showed preserved apico-basal specification (brush border, NHERF-1 versus Na+/K+-ATPase, ankyrin-G) but basal redistribution of late-endosomes/lysosomes (LAMP-1) and mis-localization to lysosomes of apical recycling endocytic receptors (megalin, cubilin) and apical non-recycling solute carriers (NaPi-IIa, SGLT-2). Defective endocytosis was confirmed by Texas-red-ovalbumin tracing and reduced albumin content. Disruption of Rab-11 and perinuclear galectin-3 compartments suggested mechanistic clues for defective receptor recycling and apical biosynthetic trafficking. p62-dependent autophagy was triggered yet abortive (p62 co-localization with LC3 but not LAMP-1) and PTCs became vacuolated. Impaired lysosomal positioning and blocked autophagy are known causes of cell stress. Thus, early trafficking defects show that Vps34 is a key in vivo component of molecular machineries governing apical vesicular trafficking, thus absorptive function in PTCs. Functional defects underline the essential role of Vps34 for PTC homeostasis and kidney survival

    An approach to analyse the specific impact of rapamycin on mRNA-ribosome association

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Recent work, using both cell culture model systems and tumour derived cell lines, suggests that the differential recruitment into polysomes of mRNA populations may be sufficient to initiate and maintain tumour formation. Consequently, a major effort is underway to use high density microarray profiles to establish molecular fingerprints for cells exposed to defined drug regimes. The aim of these pharmacogenomic approaches is to provide new information on how drugs can impact on the translational read-out within a defined cellular background.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We describe an approach that permits the analysis of de-novo mRNA-ribosome association in-vivo during short drug exposures. It combines hypertonic shock, polysome fractionation and high-throughput analysis to provide a molecular phenotype of translationally responsive transcripts. Compared to previous translational profiling studies, the procedure offers increased specificity due to the elimination of the drugs secondary effects (e.g. on the transcriptional read-out). For this pilot "proof-of-principle" assay we selected the drug rapamycin because of its extensively studied impact on translation initiation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>High throughput analysis on both the light and heavy polysomal fractions has identified mRNAs whose re-recruitment onto free ribosomes responded to short exposure to the drug rapamycin. The results of the microarray have been confirmed using real-time RT-PCR. The selective down-regulation of TOP transcripts is also consistent with previous translational profiling studies using this drug.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The technical advance outlined in this manuscript offers the possibility of new insights into mRNA features that impact on translation initiation and provides a molecular fingerprint for transcript-ribosome association in any cell type and in the presence of a range of drugs of interest. Such molecular phenotypes defined pre-clinically may ultimately impact on the evaluation of a particular drug in a living cell.</p

    Inactivation of class II PI3K-C2 alpha induces leptin resistance, age-dependent insulin resistance and obesity in male mice

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    AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: While the class I phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3Ks) are well-documented positive regulators of metabolism, the involvement of class II PI3K isoforms (PI3K-C2α, -C2β and -C2γ) in metabolic regulation is just emerging. Organismal inactivation of PI3K-C2β increases insulin signalling and sensitivity, whereas PI3K-C2γ inactivation has a negative metabolic impact. In contrast, the role of PI3K-C2α in organismal metabolism remains unexplored. In this study, we investigated whether kinase inactivation of PI3K-C2α affects glucose metabolism in mice. METHODS: We have generated and characterised a mouse line with a constitutive inactivating knock-in (KI) mutation in the kinase domain of the gene encoding PI3K-C2α (Pik3c2a). RESULTS: While homozygosity for kinase-dead PI3K-C2α was embryonic lethal, heterozygous PI3K-C2α KI mice were viable and fertile, with no significant histopathological findings. However, male heterozygous mice showed early onset leptin resistance, with a defect in leptin signalling in the hypothalamus, correlating with a mild, age-dependent obesity, insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. Insulin signalling was unaffected in insulin target tissues of PI3K-C2α KI mice, in contrast to previous reports in which downregulation of PI3K-C2α in cell lines was shown to dampen insulin signalling. Interestingly, no metabolic phenotypes were detected in female PI3K-C2α KI mice at any age. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: Our data uncover a sex-dependent role for PI3K-C2α in the modulation of hypothalamic leptin action and systemic glucose homeostasis. ACCESS TO RESEARCH MATERIALS: All reagents are available upon request

    Integrated mutation, copy number and expression profiling in resectable non-small cell lung cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of this study was to identify critical genes involved in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) pathogenesis that may lead to a more complete understanding of this disease and identify novel molecular targets for use in the development of more effective therapies.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Both transcriptional and genomic profiling were performed on 69 resected NSCLC specimens and results correlated with mutational analyses and clinical data to identify genetic alterations associated with groups of interest.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Combined analyses identified specific patterns of genetic alteration associated with adenocarcinoma vs. squamous differentiation; <it>KRAS </it>mutation; <it>TP53 </it>mutation, metastatic potential and disease recurrence and survival. Amplification of 3q was associated with mutations in <it>TP53 </it>in adenocarcinoma. A prognostic signature for disease recurrence, reflecting <it>KRAS </it>pathway activation, was validated in an independent test set.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results may provide the first steps in identifying new predictive biomarkers and targets for novel therapies, thus improving outcomes for patients with this deadly disease.</p

    A small-molecule PI3Kα activator for cardioprotection and neuroregeneration

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    Harnessing the potential beneficial effects of kinase signalling through the generation of direct kinase activators remains an underexplored area of drug development1,2,3,4,5. This also applies to the PI3K signalling pathway, which has been extensively targeted by inhibitors for conditions with PI3K overactivation, such as cancer and immune dysregulation. Here we report the discovery of UCL-TRO-1938 (referred to as 1938 hereon), a small-molecule activator of the PI3Kα isoform, a crucial effector of growth factor signalling. 1938 allosterically activates PI3Kα through a distinct mechanism by enhancing multiple steps of the PI3Kα catalytic cycle and causes both local and global conformational changes in the PI3Kα structure. This compound is selective for PI3Kα over other PI3K isoforms and multiple protein and lipid kinases. It transiently activates PI3K signalling in all rodent and human cells tested, resulting in cellular responses such as proliferation and neurite outgrowth. In rodent models, acute treatment with 1938 provides cardioprotection from ischaemia–reperfusion injury and, after local administration, enhances nerve regeneration following nerve crush. This study identifies a chemical tool to directly probe the PI3Kα signalling pathway and a new approach to modulate PI3K activity, widening the therapeutic potential of targeting these enzymes through short-term activation for tissue protection and regeneration. Our findings illustrate the potential of activating kinases for therapeutic benefit, a currently largely untapped area of drug development

    The Tumor Suppressive Role of eIF3f and Its Function in Translation Inhibition and rRNA Degradation

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    Deregulated translation plays an important role in human cancer. We previously reported decreased eukaryotic initiation factor 3 subunit f (eIF3f) expression in pancreatic cancer. Whether decreased eIF3f expression can transform normal epithelial cells is not known. In our current study, we found evidence that stable knockdown of eIF3f in normal human pancreatic ductal epithelial cells increased cell size, nuclear pleomorphism, cytokinesis defects, cell proliferation, clonogenicity, apoptotic resistance, migration, and formation of 3-dimensional irregular masses. Our findings support the tumor suppressive role of eIF3f in pancreatic cancer. Mechanistically, we found that eIF3f inhibited both cap-dependent and cap-independent translation. An increase in the ribosomal RNA (rRNA) level was suggested to promote the generation of cancer. The regulatory mechanism of rRNA degradation in mammals is not well understood. We demonstrated here that eIF3f promotes rRNA degradation through direct interaction with heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) K. We showed that hnRNP K is required for maintaining rRNA stability: under stress conditions, eIF3f dissociates hnRNP K from rRNA, thereby preventing it from protecting rRNA from degradation. We also demonstrated that rRNA degradation occurred in non-P body, non-stress granule cytoplasmic foci that contain eIF3f. Our findings established a new mechanism of rRNA decay regulation mediated by hnRNP K/eIF3f and suggest that the tumor suppressive function of eIF3f may link to impaired rRNA degradation and translation
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