67 research outputs found

    Sarcoidosis Presenting as Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.

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    Sarcoidosis is a multisystem granulomatous disease of unknown origin. It typically involves the lungs and mediastinal lymph nodes in a chronic fashion. However, acute syndrome has been reported possibly in response to systemic release of proinflammatory cytokines. Acute pulmonary manifestations, especially acute respiratory failure or acute respiratory distress syndrome, remain extremely uncommon in individuals without a prior diagnosis. We present the case of a 41-year-old African American female, who presented with ARDS. An extensive workup into the cause of her illness remained negative, and she subsequently succumbed to her illness. A diagnosis of sarcoidosis was made upon autopsy, after exclusion of other granulomatous illness. The case highlights the need to consider this uncommon diagnosis in patients with unexplained ARDS to guide therapy

    Investigating The Mediating Role of Financial Literacy on The Relationship Between Women Entrepreneurs’ Behavioral Biases and Investment Decision Making

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    This study investigates the theoretical link between heuristic behavioral factors and the investment decision-making of women entrepreneurs, focusing on the impor­tance of financial literacy as a potential mediator shaping prudent decision-making. We argue that women’s financial literacy is an efficient way to apply behavioral considerations in wise decision making. Using the proportionate stratified sampling method, we collect­ed data from women entrepreneurs who were formally registered in Punjab Province, Pakistan. Owing to the complex model and small sample size, the smart PLS method was applied to analyze the structural relationship between the measured and latent con­structs. The results show that overconfidence and availability heuristics have a significant positive impact on investment decisions, while financial literacy plays an essential inter­vening role between the overconfidence heuristic, availability heuristic, and investment decision-making. Our results support the execution of financial literacy awareness among women entrepreneurs to stimulate their financial decision control and give them the in­dependence to make prudent financial decisions

    Empoderando a las mujeres fugitivas: una lucha contra la violencia

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    This paper investigates the factors behind the runaway women and the untapped phenomenon of family structures where such incidents are reported. We used broader concept of women empowerment to explore the runaway causes through the provision of living, wage jobs, education, medical and health facilities in targeted population. The respondents are selected from the shelter homes of Punjab province in Pakistan where data are collected through in-depth interviews from the Runaway women and the management of different shelter homes. The transformation of data is conducted through thematic analysis. Our result indicates that domestic violence, physical & sexual abuses, life threats, and forced marriages are the reasons behind women’s runaway. The shelter homes’ management added that illiteracy and perceived destructive role of media are the additional causes in runaway incidents. Our results provide important insights on backdrop of women runaways in developing societies. Accordingly, there is an immediate need for the government and social policy agencies to take cohesive measures to support socially affected women at their door step in order to minimize such social violence.Este artículo investiga los factores detrás de las mujeres fugitivas y el fenómeno sin explotar de las estructuras familiares donde se informan tales incidentes. Utilizamos un concepto más amplio de empoderamiento de las mujeres para explorar las causas fugitivas a través de la provisión de vida, empleos asalariados, educación, servicios médicos y de salud en la población destinataria. Los encuestados son seleccionados de los hogares de acogida de la provincia de Punjab en Pakistán, donde se recopilan datos a través de entrevistas en profundidad de las mujeres fugitivas y la gestión de diferentes hogares de refugio. La transformación de los datos se realiza mediante análisis temático. Nuestro resultado indica que la violencia doméstica, los abusos físicos y sexuales, las amenazas a la vida y los matrimonios forzados son las razones del fugitivo de las mujeres. La administración de las casas de acogida agregó que el analfabetismo y el papel destructivo percibido de los medios son las causas adicionales de los incidentes fugitivos. Nuestros resultados proporcionan información importante sobre el contexto de las mujeres fugitivas en las sociedades en desarrollo. En consecuencia, existe una necesidad inmediata de que el gobierno y las agencias de política social tomen medidas cohesivas para apoyar a las mujeres socialmente afectadas en su puerta para minimizar dicha violencia social

    Behaviors in women academicians: a perspective from higher educational sector

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    Las mujeres constituyen un segmento social altamente no representado en términos de investigación del comportamiento psicológico en la academia. Al cerrar esta brecha, el presente estudio amplía la comprensión del comportamiento psicológico de las mujeres y su relación con su estado socioeconómico que finalmente afecta a la academia. Se realizó una encuesta basada en la muestra de 300 profesores de las instituciones de educación superior de Pakistán, seleccionados mediante una técnica de muestreo aleatorio. Los datos se analizaron mediante ACP (análisis de componentes principales), regresión lineal y ANOVA unidireccional utilizando SPSS. Los resultados revelaron que el estado socioeconómico de la facultad docente femenina desempeña un papel importante en la configuración de sus comportamientos psicológicos. Teóricamente, este estudio ha agregado la clase socioeconómica como un precedente importante del comportamiento psicológico de las mujeres en la academia. Además, ha ofrecido ideas para la gestión en las instituciones de educación superior para impartir conciencia sobre la exhibición de comportamientos psicológicos positivos y reducir la influencia negativa de la conciencia del estado a través de sesiones de tutoría y capacitación

    Workplace Ostracism and Employee Reactions among University Teachers in Pakistan

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    This study investigated the positive and negative behavioral outcomes resulting from the pragmatic and psychological impacts of workplace ostracism experienced by university teachers in Pakistan. Using a qualitative and phenomenological approach, the data were gathered from 20 ostracized teachers working in public and private sector higher educational institutions in Pakistan. The results revealed that participants faced both the psychological and pragmatic impacts of workplace ostracism. Most of the ostracized teachers indicated positive behavioral outcomes due to being collectivist and placing a high value on social relations. Ostracized teachers used resource investment strategies by improving in-role and extra-role performance that reflect their re-inclusion expectations and less chronic prevalence of workplace ostracism. But participants showed their intention to engage in negative behaviors such as withdrawal, decreased performance, and resignation if they constantly face ostracism in future. The results of this study can be used by the university administration to develop an inclusive and non-discriminatory culture and policies to minimize the occurrence of workplace ostracism

    Product to process lifecycle management in assembly automation systems

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    Presently, the automotive industry is facing enormous pressure due to global competition and ever changing legislative, economic and customer demands. Product and process development in the automotive manufacturing industry is a challenging task for many reasons. Current product life cycle management (PLM) systems tend to be product-focussed. Though, information about processes and resources are there but mostly linked to the product. Process is an important aspect, especially in assembly automation systems that link products to their manufacturing resources. This paper presents a process-centric approach to improve PLM systems in large-scale manufacturing companies, especially in the powertrain sector of the automotive industry. The idea is to integrate the information related to key engineering chains i.e. products, processes and resources based upon PLM philosophy and shift the trend of product-focussed lifecycle management to process-focussed lifecycle management, the outcome of which is the Product, Process and Resource Lifecycle Management not PLM only

    Child with Developmental Delay and Pathological Myopia: Poretti–Boltshauser Syndrome

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    Poretti–Boltshauser syndrome is rare genetic disorder of brain malformation with ocular findings due to mutation in LAMA1 gene. We report a case of five years old girl who presented with high myopia, delayed language and motor development with otherwise normal neurological examination. Brain imaging findings were consistent of Poretti–Boltshauser syndrome with cerebellar dysplasia and cyst (CDC). However, cerebellar ataxia and retinopathy were not found in our index case

    Quality Assessment in Higher Education

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    This study aim’s to identify the significance of quality assessment in higher education and how assessment is valuable for the betterment of educational process and student learning. As assessment is ongoing process for setting standards of higher education and measuring the progress toward learning outcomes so this study helps us to determine the new teaching methodologies and which innovations are required in this era of global education competition

    Evaluation of low power mobile devices in intelligent transportation systems

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    The paper discusses the use of mobile devices like smart phones and tablets in Demand Responsive Transit (DRT). The paper will specifically focus on a special DRT called “Flexible Bus Systems” (FBS). In FBS the routes of the buses are so flexible that even they can take a short route to pick up the passenger waiting at the bus stops by skipping the bus stops where no passenger is waiting to ride the bus and no passenger wants to drop off. The major objective of using the mobile devices in FBS is to provide passengers with real time information of buses, facility of booking bus tickets on the fly using their mobile devices. Furthermore, NFC tags are used to help tourists get the information about the city along with bus schedules on their NFC enabled smart devices

    Product to process lifecycle management in assembly automation systems

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    Presently, the automotive industry is facing enormous pressure due to global competition and ever changing legislative, economic and customer demands. Product and process development in the automotive manufacturing industry is a challenging task for many reasons. Current product life cycle management (PLM) systems tend to be product-focussed. Though, information about processes and resources are there but mostly linked to the product. Process is an important aspect, especially in assembly automation systems that link products to their manufacturing resources. This paper presents a process-centric approach to improve PLM systems in large-scale manufacturing companies, especially in the powertrain sector of the automotive industry. The idea is to integrate the information related to key engineering chains i.e. products, processes and resources based upon PLM philosophy and shift the trend of product-focussed lifecycle management to process-focussed lifecycle management, the outcome of which is the Product, Process and Resource Lifecycle Management not PLM only